
Software Tools


General Information


Course Information


Grading Policy


Lecture Schedule


Homework and Exercise


Exam information

Some parts of the slides posted here are just a skeleton that will be filled-in in the lecture. The filled slides will not be posted. If you missed a lecture, please be sure to get the slides from someone who attended it.

Week of




Introduction to C






Continue with testing



Functions and compilation

Sept. 23 lecture is in the lab here is the exercise

HW1 is available, there is a correction in the HW, a missing ":" after the name, see changes in the due date


Continue with Functions




Oct 7, lecture is in the lab here is exercise 2


Continue with arrays

Oct 14 lab test 1, here are some exercises/problems, do not submit the, just test your C skills The test cases used in the lab can be found in homework and exercise


cont. with arrays



Dynamic memory allocation and structures.

Midterm (Tuesday 28th) The midterm covers to just before 2-D arrays in the slides named Arrays. Students with last name A to L inclusive are in the lecture room, last name from M to Z in ACE 004



Nov 4 lab test 2 HW2 is available here are some exercise problems

11/10 Now 2/2

 Debugging and testing

Here are 2 tutorials on gdb cmu and UoT

Strike note: The clock stops at the beginning of the strike, HW2 due date is no longer Nov. 13. I will post the due date after we know when classes will resume. Keep in mind that it might be a short notice (2-3 days) from resuming classes to the due date for HW2, I will advice you to complete is as early as possible. Here is some e-mail questions about HW2 and my reply. HW2 is due Feb. 9, 2009  HW3 is out, check the HW page

11/17 now 2/9


 Lab test 3 is on Tuesday some practice problems I put the book "The AWK Programming Language" on reserve in the library. Here is some examples on very short awk programs Aso my solution for labtest 3 l4 and l5 (these are not optimal in any way, they just do the job).

11/24 now 2/16

 Linux and scripting 

 HW4 is out (optional)  Please see change in due date for HW3 and HW4. Here is the test cases for a2 you can check your code with them
