Here are some questions I received from some of you, my answer is in bold

About the wrong date as the input data, do we have to consider the leap years??


I had a question about the hw2. It is regarding student id. Do we have to check whether they are string of 8 digits or we just have to check whether (d6+d2)mod 10 =7?


I'm working on assignment 2 and i noticed that for D -f you need 2 tabs after ID and name. But in your sample input and output it shows you only used one tab. So i'm not sure should i have 1 or 2 tabs?

2 tabs, I will correct it

I have another question regarding the assignment#2 for CSE2031.
Are we supposed to do anything if an unknown command is entered?
For example, if the input is "I abc", "D -z" or "asdf", should we ignore the input completely or should we print out some error message?

No, that will not be tested

In the assignment #2 for CSE2031, it says, "name is on the form last name, comma, and first name."
However, your example at the end looks like the name is last name, comma, one space, first name. (for both input and output)
Is this the case?


Yes, I will correct it.
If you look at the examples, this is the case

hank you for your previous response.
I have another question.  I was wondering for commands such as D -s, D -f and Del 12345578, is it just a space between them?  Or could it be tabs, or contain more than one space?

Just one space

Hello professor,

I just wanted to ask about the valid date of birth.
Can 28 01 4000 be a valid date?  Or does the date have to be less  than or equal to the current date?

That is valid

is it gonna be any test case like:

1)when the command is 'I', but the following line miss a date of birth, status or GPA

2)when the command is 'S' or 'Del', but missing the ID follows it

3)when the command is 'D' but missing the '-s' or '-f'

will these kinds of problem be tested?

No for all

To display the GPA, how many digits after the decimal point should be display?

Because in the example there are 3.42 and 4.0

as read, 2

In the case of Del, if the following ID is invalid, should I output "Illegal Record" or "No such record"?

Read the specs, No such record

For assignment 2, are we supposed to assume that there will ALWAYS be JUST a tab between each part of the input and no spaces? I've coded it so that my program assumes there will be no spaces and the only thing separating each input parameter is simply a tab.


That is correct

Name specification:
1) Is "Name" any possible character combination of user inputs?
Specifically is the "Name" only alphabet characters? How about numerals or other
characters (eg. hyphens, periods)?

Also can there be a case where there is more than one comma?

ans: No, the name is as given to you in the input

date specifications:
1) do we have to check for valid leap years?

ans: yes

2) do we have to check whether the date is in the future and cannot be allowed as a
birth date?

ans: NO

3) can there be dates with only one numeral inputs for days or months?
eg. "1 1 1978" OR "1 12 1978" OR "02 2 1978"

ans: No

GPA specification:
1) what terminates it; is it new line?

ans: Yes

2) do we have to round up for GPAs that have more than two decimal precisions (eg.
2.985) ?

ans: NO need too, it will be given as 2 decimal precision

general specification:

1) after the record is inputted, can there be anything after GPA?
eg. ("12345578   mcormick, john   02 02 1998   2   3.6   junk strings")

ans: No