EECS 1022 3.0
Programming for Mobile Computing
Summer 2019

Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science,
York University

For course announcements, see the course page on Moodle!

The first lecture will be on May 2. There is no lab on April 30, but you are expected to obtain the textbook (see below) and do the D0 app described in Chapter 0 "Doing" of the textbook on your own by May 5. Chapter 0 of the textbook is available for download on the book web site.

Course Description

This course provides a first exposure to object-oriented programming and enhances student understanding of key computing skills such as reasoning about algorithms, designing user interfaces, and working with software tools. It uses problem-based approach to expose the underlying concepts and an experiential laboratory to implement them. A mature mobile software infrastructure (such as Java and the Android programming environment) is used to expose and provide context to the underlying ideas. Laboratory exercises expose students to a range of real-world problems with a view of motivating computational thinking and grounding the material covered in lectures.

Object-Oriented Programming

Mobile Computing

Prerequisites: EECS 1012 3.0
Course Credit Exclusions: EECS 1021 3.0, EECS 1020 3.0, CSE 1020 3.0, ITEC 1620 3.0

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the students will be able to:


Prof. Yves Lespérance
Office: LAS 3052A
Tel: 736-2100 ext. 70146
Email: lesperan "at"


Thursday from 16:30 to 18:30 in LAS C.


Instructor Office Hours

Tuesday 13:00 to 14:00 and Thursday from 15:00 to 16:00, in LAS 3052A.


Roumani, H., Introduction to Computer Science with Android, CompuScope Consulting, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-7751254-0-2.
book web site.

The textbook is required. It is available on Amazon (order it early to avoid delays) and at the York bookstore (while quantities last) and is on reserve in Steacie Library.

This textbook contains the requirement of the lab apps (D1 through D5) and guides you through their development in its "Doing" chapters.

You are expected to do the Zero App (Chapter 0-Doing) and to read Chapter 0-Learning on your own by May 5 at the latest.

There is a series of video clips on the textbook website (the "Walkthrough") that walks you through the entire app development process and applies this process to develop the D1 app. It is highly recommended that you watch these clips during the first week of the term.

Evaluation Scheme

Labs Apps D1-D5 (5 @ 4% each)      20%
Test 1      30%
Test 2      30%
Test 3      20%
Total 100%

Tentative Schedule

April 29 Chapter 0 No lab (but do the App D0 on your own)
May 6 Chapter 1 The D1 App
May 13 Chapter 2 The D2 App
May 20 Chapter 2 The D2 App
May 27 Chapter 3 Test 1
June 3 Chapter 3 The D3 App
June 10 No Lecture No Lab
June 17 Chapter 4 The D4 App
June 24 Chapter 4 The D4 App
July 1 Chapter 5 Test 2
July 8 Chapter 5 The D5 App
July 15 Chapter 5 The D5 App
July 22 No Lecture Test 3


Lecture Slides


Academic Honesty

During tests and exams, students are expected to do their own work. Looking at someone else's work during the test, talking during the test, using aids not permitted (such as a phone) during the test, and impersonation are all examples of academically dishonest behaviour.

Student are expected to read the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty. See also the EECS Department Academic Honesty Guidelines.

Programming Environment
