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Electronics Additive Manufacturing Lab (E-AM)
Welcome to the Electronics Additive Manufacturing (E-AM) Lab at York University. Our research focusses on additive manufacturing (AM) as a means to fabricate electronics with completely new geometries and properties including flexible substrates and 3D surfaces. We define AM liberally as any manufacturing method that does not require subtractive steps such as etching, cutting or milling. This definition includes printing of thin films, 3D printing and even weaving. What these techniques have in common is that we use liquids inks to fabricate functional materials with electrical, mechanical or biomedical functionality. We use these novel materials and AM techniques to fabricate devices such as transistors, sensors, light-emitting devices or supercapacitors.

Gerd Grau
  • Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, York University
  • Academic Director, York Microfabrication Facility (YMF)
  • Associate Member of the Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering, York University
  • PhD University of California, Berkeley
  • MEng University of Cambridge
  • BA University of Cambridge



I am looking for motivated undergraduate and graduate students to join my research group. Please email me with your CV and transcripts if you are interested at grau@yorku.ca.

Summer internship opportunity

Every fall, the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship program accepts applications for 12-week research internships the following summer. International undergraduates from Australia, Brazil, China, France, India, Germany, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia are eligible to apply. Alumni of this program who are interested in returning to Canada for graduate studies will also be eligible for the Globalink Graduate Fellowship. Look for my project and apply on the Mitacs website.

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