Assignment 3

Due Mar 19, 2012

Scanned questions are here.
Undergrads Exercise 5.8.4 and 5.8.5 from the textbook (no working in pairs for 5.8.5)

For 5.8.4, you should assume that the pedals of the bicycle drive the rear wheel and that the forward velocity v is the forward velocity of the rear wheel.

For 5.8.5, you should implement your algorithm in Matlab. You should use your algorithm to draw 1,000 random samples for each of the five sets of values of the control parameters given in the table. Submit your Matlab files using the command
submit 4421 a3 your-matlab-files

Grads Exercise 5.8.4, 5.8.5, and 5.8.8 from the textbook (same instructions as for the undergrads).