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EECS 4413: Building E-Commerce Systems

Fall 2021, Section A

A diagram, titled "The Forest and the Trees", showing the different layers of the web stack and the various technologies in each layer. The first layer is "The Server Side" layer, which includes Thrift, PHP, Tomcat, and Node JS. "The Client Side" is the next layer and includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Angular. The third and last layer is "The Network Side". It includes technologies, such as XML, JSON, Amazon AWS, and Google's Cloud Platform. Themes tying together the various layers are "Scalability" and "Security Concerns".


Practice Test & Review Session Tonight

14 December 2021

Hi class,

This is a reminder that tonight we will have an unofficial Review session at the same time and place as our normal lectures.

In advance of that, I am posting an impromptu practice test question for you to try beforehand or for those who can’t attend. The question is of similar caliber as the questions that will be on the final exam. (I hadn’t originally planned to post any practice questions, but I changed my mind late yesterday. So, I genuinely apologize that I didn’t post this days earlier.) Also, it requires your Project E, so hopefully you have completed that or are nearly done.

Please find the Practice Test linked here.

Look forward to seeing many of you this evening.

The Final Exam

12 December 2021

Hi class,

Thursday, December 16 will be our final exam.

This is a 120-minute (2-hour) exam and worth 40% of your final grade.

Please join the Zoom meeting and log into RemoteLab at least 15 minutes before the scheduled exam time. You may need to wait briefly in the waiting room but this gives you an opportunity to get your development environment setup and ready to go. We will start exactly at 9:00am and end exactly at 11:00am.

If you are late, no additional time will be added. No late submissions will be accepted.**

During the entirety of the test, you MUST remain present at your workstation. So, please plan ahead. If you are using a mobile device (laptop), please ensure you have enough battery life for the duration of the test or that you are plugged in to a power outlet. Double check that your Internet connection is stable. A webcam or mobile phone camera will be required to enforce this rule. Please also make sure to have your York ID card with you, so we can verify your identity.

This is an open book and open Internet test, i.e. you may use notes and textbooks and may search online. However, you may not communicate with anyone by any means. That applies to, but is not limited to, phone calls, text messages, IM/chat, email, social media posts, live streaming, file sharing, in-person or analog communications, steganography, etc. Anyone caught cheating (whether committing or aiding) will be charged with academic dishonesty.

For detailed test instructions, go to Final Exam.

** No late submissions will be accepted, except in the rarest of circumstances, whether technical or unforeseen. Exemptions will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Preparing for the Final Exam

11 December 2021

Hi class,

I hope everyone is nearly complete Project E (including the recommended optional parts) and is actively studying and preparing for the Final Exam.

The final exam is scheduled for Thursday (December 16) at 9 AM. It will be 120 minutes (2 hours) in duration and worth 40% of your final grade.

The final exam is based entirely around Project E but you may be asked to connect your Project A through D backends to your Project E frontend or add a new service or two to your backends (e.g.: retrieve some data from the database based on a search query given within an API request). So, make sure your Projects A through D backends work correctly and is your own code.

In the test, you will be asked to submit your entire project both the frontend files and the backends used. Thus, all of the code, including the backends, must be your own. Using someone else’s implementation, including my posted solutions for Projects A through D or Test 1 and 2, will be considered an act of plagiarism. Thus, you may look at my solutions for ideas and compare your own solutions against mine, but once you understand the approach, you must compose and submit your own answers.


I will have an unofficial Review session on Tuesday (December 14) at the same time and place as the normal lecture for you to ask any questions or request me to review any course materials with you as a group. As this is an unofficial session, there will be no recording. I will also offer extended office hours on Wednesday (December 15) from 3 to 6 PM.


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Copyright © 2021 Vincent Chu. Course materials based on and used with permission from Professor Hamzeh Roumani.
Last updated: 14 October 2021 at 01:21 AM EDT