George Tourlakis

Dipl. E. Eng. (NTU, Athens1969), M.Sc. in Computer Science (Toronto, 1970), Ph.D. in Computer Science (Toronto, 1973)

George Tourlakis

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Room 2051, Computer Science and Engineering Building (CSEB)

Phone: (416) 736-2100 (66674)

Fax:   (416) 736-5872


Office hours: These are term dependent (posted on my courses-pages ).

What's On

Some of my work on Calculational (or Equational) Logic can be found on the department's Technical Reports pages (1998).
Published versions appear in JLC, vol. 11 (No. 4), 2001, and (in two parts) in BSL, vol. 29 (No.1/2) and vol. 29 (No.3), 2000.

Two papers (with Francisco Kibedi) on modal extensions of predicate logic have appeared in BSL (Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 165-178, 2003 and Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 1-10, 2004).

Here is a preprint (pdf).

Another joint paper with Francisco, on modal predicate logic, has appeared in the Logic Journal of the IGPL (A Modal Extension of Weak Generalisation Predicate Logic
Francisco Kibedi; George Tourlakis, Logic Journal of IGPL 2006; doi: 10.1093/jigpal/jzl025).

My graduate level book on Mathematical Logic was published in January 2003 in the Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics series. Among its 340 pages it contains a complete proof of Goedel's 2nd Incompleteness theorem.

I have also written extensive notes, in book form, on introductory logic from a user's perspective. These notes, in book form, will be published in the nearest future by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

I am interested in recursion with "nontotal (function) oracles". The paper posted here (pdf and postscript ) is a continuation
of the work reported in MLQ, and it appears in Fundamenta Mathematicae, vol. 48, No. 1, 2001:83-91.
My book on axiomatic Set Theory  was class-tested a number of times at York, most recently in Winter 1999 (MATH 3190).
A pre-print of this volume was duplicated and distributed by the York Bookstore in 1999. Its current version (592 pages), augmented
to include a chapter on Cohen forcing, appeared in February 2003 in the Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics series. Fall 2007: MATH1090

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