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2001 Technical Reports

ERC - an Object-oriented Refinement Calculus for Eiffel

Richard Paige and Jonathan S. Ostroff

Technical Report CS-2001-05

York University

August 1, 2001


We present a refinement calculus for transforming object-oriented specifications into immediately executable, correct programs in Eiffel. The calculus includes a collection of algorithm refinement rules, in particular rules for introducing feature calls, which can be used to refine a specification to a program in a subset of Eiffel, thus assisting in the seamless development of programs from specifications. We provide a modular process for partwise refinement of object-oriented specifications into programs, in the sense that specifications can be transformed to code class-by-class and feature-by-feature. And we discuss how automated support for such a process can be developed based on existing tools.

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