EECS 2021

Computer Organization

Contact Info
Last Modified:
Sep 6 2023

Contact information for Minas Spetsakis

Office: Lassonde Bldg 3049

Email: minas at eecs dot etc

Telphone ext 77886 (nowadays mostly useless)

Office hours: My office hours are Mon. and Wed. 1:00-1:30pm. I'll be available during most of the labs, so you can talk to me then.

During my office hours I will be connected to Zoom. You can visit either in person or remotely. The office hours start about ten minutes after my EECS2021 lecture ends (the time to pack up my laptop and walk to my office). I will keep the zoom session live until 1:30 or until there are no more students in the waiting room.

All office hours are for all type of questions and will be held one-to-one. If the question might be of interest to other students I may invite students in the zoom waitiing room to join. The office hours before the midterm, the labtests and the final may be turned into zoom review sessions, depending on demand and be recorded for students to watch off-line.

Last Modified: Sep 20 2023