A B C D E F G H I K L M N P Q R S T U 


add(Fraction) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Adds the passed fraction to this fraction.


Bishop - Class in franck.cse5910
A bishop.
Bishop(Color) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Bishop
Initializes the color of this bishop to the given color.


CAD - Static variable in class franck.cse5910.Currency
Canadian dollar.
Circle - Class in franck.cse5910
This class represents circles.
Circle(double) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Circle
Initializes the radius of this circle to the given radius.
compareTo(Rectangle) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Rectangle
Compares this rectangle with the given rectangle.
convert(double, String, String) - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Currency
Converts the given amount from the first currency to the second currency.
createFraction() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Returns a random fraction.
Cube - Class in franck.cse5910
This class represents a cube.
Cube(int) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Cube
Initializes this cube with the given height.
Cube() - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Cube
Initializes the height of this cube to zero.
Currency - Class in franck.cse5910
This class provides conversion between the following currencies: Canadian dollar, US dollar and Euro.


DEFAULT_SIZE - Static variable in class franck.cse5910.Grid
Default size of each cell of the grid.
divide(Fraction) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Divides the passed fraction to this fraction.


Ellipse - Class in franck.cse5910
This class represents ellipses.
Ellipse(double, double) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Ellipse
Initializes the radii of this ellipse to to given radii.
equals(Object) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Cube
Tests if this cube is the same as the given object, that is, the object is an instance of this class and has the same side as this cube.
equals(Object) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Tests if this fraction is the same as the passed one.
equals(Object) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Rectangle
Tests if this rectangle is the same as the given object, that is, the object is an instance of this class and has the same width and height as this rectangle.
equals(Object) - Method in class franck.cse5910.ShapeCollection
Tests whether this collection is equal to the given object.
EUR - Static variable in class franck.cse5910.Currency


Fraction - Class in franck.cse5910
This class encapsulates a fraction.
Fraction() - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Initializes the numerator of this fraction to 0 and the denominator of this faction to 1.
Fraction(long, long) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Initializes this fraction with the passed numerator and denominator.
franck.cse5910 - package franck.cse5910


get(int) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Library
Returns the playlist of this library with the given index.
get(int) - Method in class franck.cse5910.ShapeCollection
Returns the shape of this collection with the given index.
getAlbum() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getAlbumArtist() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getApplicationVersion() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Library
Returns the application version of this library.
getArea() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Cube
Returns the area of this cube.
getArea() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Ellipse
Returns the area of this ellipse.
getArea() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Rectangle
Returns the area of this rectangle.
getArea() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Shape
Returns the area of this shape.
getArea() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Sphere
Returns the area of this sphere.
getArtist() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
Returns the name of the artist of this track.
getBitRate() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getColor() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Piece
Returns the color of this piece.
getComposer() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getDate() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Library
getDateAdded() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
Return the date this track was added.
getDateModified() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
Return the date this track was last modified.
getDay() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Today
Returns the day of the year of today.
getDenominator() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Returns the denominator of this fraction.
getDiscCount() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getDiscNumber() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getFeatures() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Library
Returns the number of features of this library.
getFileFolderCount() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getGenre() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getHeight() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Cube
Returns the height of this square.
getHeight() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Rectangle
Returns the height of this rectangle.
getID() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Playlist
Returns the ID of this playlist.
getID(int) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Playlist
Returns the ID of the track of this playlist with the given index.
getKind() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getLibraryFolderCount() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getLibraryPersistentID() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Library
Return the persistent ID of this library.
getLocation() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getMajorVersion() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Library
Returns the major version of this library.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Library
Returns the minor version of this library.
getMonth() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Today
Returns the month of today.
getMusicFolder() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Library
Returns the music folder of this library.
getName() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Playlist
Returns the name of this playlist.
getName() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
Returns the name of this track.
getNumerator() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Returns the numerator of this fraction.
getPersistentID() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Playlist
Returns the persistent ID of this playlist.
getPersistentID() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getPlayCount() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
Returns the number of times this track has been played.
getRandom() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Cube
Returns a random cube.
getRandom() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Rectangle
Returns a random rectangle.
getRandom() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Shape
Returns a random shape.
getRandom() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.ShapeCollection
Returns a random collection of shapes.
getRandom() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Square
Returns a random square.
getSampleRate() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getSize() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getSkipCount() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
Returns the number of times this track was skipped.
getSkipDate() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
Return the date this track was last skipped.
getTotalTime() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
Returns the length of this track in milliseconds.
getTrack(int) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Library
Returns the track of this library with the given ID.
getTrackCount() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getTrackID() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getTrackNumber() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getTrackType() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
getVolume() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Cube
Returns the volume of this cube.
getVolume() - Method in interface franck.cse5910.HasVolume
Returns the volume of this shape.
getVolume() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Sphere
Returns the volume of this sphere.
getWidth() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Rectangle
Returns the width of this rectangle.
getX() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Mouse
Returns the x-coordinate in number of pixels of the mouse cursor on the screen.
getY() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Mouse
Returns the y-coordinate in number of pixels of the mouse cursor on the screen.
getYear() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Today
Returns the year of today.
getYear() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
Gold - Class in franck.cse5910
This class provides the current gold price in US dollars.
GRAMS_PER_TROY_OUNCE - Static variable in class franck.cse5910.Gold
Number of grams per Troy ounce.
Grid - Class in franck.cse5910
A grid consisting of a number of rows and columns.
Grid(int) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Grid
Initializes this grid with the given number of columns and a single row where the cells have the default size.
Grid(int, int) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Grid
Initializes this grid with the given number of rows and columns where the cells have the default size.


hashCode() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Returns a hash code for this fraction.
HasVolume - Interface in franck.cse5910
This interface represents shapes that have a volume.


isAllItems() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Playlist
isCompilation() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Track
isMaster() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Playlist
Returns whether this playlist is the master playlist.
isShowContentRatings() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Library
Returns whether the content rating of this library is shown.
isVisible() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Playlist
Returns whether this playlist is visible.
iterator() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Library
Returns the tracks of this library.
iterator() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Playlist
Returns the IDs of the tracks of this playlist.
iterator() - Method in class franck.cse5910.ShapeCollection
Returns an iterator of this collection.


King - Class in franck.cse5910
A king.
King(Color) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.King
Initializes the color of this king to the given color.
Knight - Class in franck.cse5910
A knight.
Knight(Color) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Knight
Initializes the color of this knight to the given color.


Library - Class in franck.cse5910
An iTunes library.
Library(String) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Library
Initializes this library from the file with the given name.


maxX() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Mouse
Returns the maximal x-coordinate in number of pixels the mouse cursor may take.
maxY() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Mouse
Returns the maximal y-coordinate in number of pixels the mouse cursor may take.
Mouse - Class in franck.cse5910
This class contains information about the mouse cursor.
multiply(Fraction) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Multiplies the passed fraction to this fraction.


numberOfPlayLists() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Library
Returns the number of playlists of this library.
numberOfTracks() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Playlist
Returns the number of tracks of this playlist.


pause(long) - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Timing
Pause for the given number of milliseconds.
pause(int) - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Timing
Pause for the given number of seconds.
Pawn - Class in franck.cse5910
A pawn.
Pawn(Color) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Pawn
Initializes the color of this pawn to the given color.
Piece - Class in franck.cse5910
A chess piece.
Piece(Color) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Piece
Initiallizes the color of this piece to the given color.
Playlist - Class in franck.cse5910
A playlist of an iTunes library.
price() - Static method in class franck.cse5910.Gold
Returns the current price of one Troy ounce of gold in US dollars.


Queen - Class in franck.cse5910
A queen.
Queen(Color) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Queen
Initializes the color of this queen to the given color.


Rectangle - Class in franck.cse5910
A class for representing a rectangle.
Rectangle(int, int) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Rectangle
Initializes this rectangle with the given width and height.
Rectangle() - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Rectangle
Initializes the width and height of this rectangle to zero.
Rook - Class in franck.cse5910
A rook.
Rook(Color) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Rook
Initializes the color of this rook to the given color.


set(int, int, Color) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Grid
Set the cell with the given column and row number to the given color.
set(int, Color) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Grid
Set the cell with the given column of the first row to the given color.
setDenominator(long) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Sets the denominator of this fraction to the passed denominator.
setNumerator(long) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Sets the numerator of this fraction to the passed numerator.
setSize(int) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Grid
Sets the size of the cells to the given size.
Shape - Class in franck.cse5910
This class represents a shape.
ShapeCollection - Class in franck.cse5910
This class represents a collection of shapes.
size() - Method in class franck.cse5910.ShapeCollection
Returns the size of this collection of shapes.
Sphere - Class in franck.cse5910
This class represents spheres.
Sphere(double) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Sphere
Initializes the radius of this sphere to the given radius.
Square - Class in franck.cse5910
A class for representing a square.
Square(int) - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Square
Initializes this square with the given height.
Square() - Constructor for class franck.cse5910.Square
Initializes the height of this square to zero.
subtract(Fraction) - Method in class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Subtracts the passed fraction to this fraction.


Timing - Class in franck.cse5910
This class contains methods related to timing.
Today - Class in franck.cse5910
This class provides some information about today.
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Bishop
Returns a string representation of this bishop.
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Circle
Returns a string representation of this circle simply consisting of the word "Circle".
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Cube
Returns a string representation of this cube.
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Ellipse
Returns a string representation of this ellipse simply consisting of the word "Ellipse".
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Fraction
Returns a string representation of this fraction.
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.King
Returns a string representation of this king.
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Knight
Returns a string representation of this knight.
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Pawn
Returns a string representation of this pawn.
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Piece
Returns a string representation of this piece.
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Queen
Returns a string representation of this queen.
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Rectangle
Returns a string representation of this rectangle.
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Rook
Returns a string representation of this rook.
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.ShapeCollection
Returns a string representation of this collection.
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Sphere
Returns a string representation of this sphere simply consisting of the word "Sphere".
toString() - Method in class franck.cse5910.Square
Returns a string representation of this square.
Track - Class in franck.cse5910
A track of an iTunes library.


USD - Static variable in class franck.cse5910.Currency
US dollar.