York University

CSE 1020: Introduction to COSC I

Fall 2011

Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Online Forum

Weekly Calendar

Course Syllabus

Course Policies


Important Links


Test and Lab Solutions

Practice Questions

TA Hours

York University

Weekly Calendar

Week 01 (Sep 07 to Sep 13)

Administrative News:   1) Lectures and labs start this week.
2) See the Registrar's website for a list of important dates throughout the term.
3) If you have yet to officially enrol, you should still attend all lectures and labs so you do not miss anything.

Assigned Reading:   1) Chapter 1 and part of Chapter 2 (up to Section 2.2.3).
2) Appendix B (similar content is available here).
3) Appendix C
3) Common Problems (and Their Solutions).

Lab Activity:   1) Get a CSE account from the lab monitor in room CSEB 1006.
2) Read and complete the Guided Tour

Week 2 (Sep 14 to Sep 20)

Administrative News:   September 20 is the last date to add a course without the instructor's permission.

Assigned Reading:   1) part of Chapter 2 (from Section 2.2.3) and Chapter 3.
2) Appendix C (also available here).
3) The printf and format Methods.

Lab Activity:   1) Simple input and arithmetic
2) Practice Lab Test

Week 3 (Sep 21 to Sep 27)

Assigned Reading:   Chapter 4.

Lab Activity:   1) Using java.lang.Math
2) Labtest 1

eCheck:   1) Check03C

Week 4 (Sep 28 to Oct 04)

Assigned Reading:   Chapter 5.

Lab Activity:   1) APIs and Objects

eCheck:   1) Check04C

See course home page