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2002 Technical Reports

Checking the Consistency of Views using PVS

Richard F. Paige, Jonathan S. Ostroff and Phillip J. Brooke

Technical Report CS-2002-01

York University

February 18, 2002


A method, based on BON for building reliable object-oriented software systems was proposed in [14]. It combined use of modelling and Extreme Programming (XP) practices, emphasizing the use of a limited set of views of a software system, with consistency rules and automatic generation tools defined between the views. This paper builds upon this framework and formally specifies the consistency constraints between the two BON views: the static view provided by class diagrams, and the dynamic view provided by collaboration diagrams. The constraints are specified as an extension of the BON metamodel from [12], and are implemented in PVS. They ensure that the sequence of messages appearing in the dynamic view are permitted, given the contracts appearing in the static view. A sketch of how the constraints might be implemented in a BON CASE tool is also provided.

(A revised version of this paper was published in Proc. Fourth Workshop on Rigorous Object-Oriented Methods (ROOM4), London, UK, Springer, March 2002.)

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