C E L M N S T 


concat(List<Character>) - Static method in class test5.Test5B
Returns the string consisting of the characters of the given list.
concat(List<Character>, int) - Static method in class test5.Test5B
Returns the string consisting of the characters of the sub list of the given list, beginning at the given index.
convert(String) - Static method in class test5.Test5B
Returns the conversion of the given string by replacing each 0 (zero) with O (capital o) and each 1 with I.


even(String, char) - Static method in class test5.Test5A
Tests whether the given character occurs an even number of times in the given string.


length(List<String>) - Static method in class test5.Test5E
Returns the length of the concatenation of the strings of the given list.
length(List<String>, int) - Static method in class test5.Test5E
Returns the length of the concatenation of the strings of the sub list of the given list starting at the given begin index.


max(String) - Static method in class test5.Test5E
Returns the maximum of the digits of the given string.


numberOfAs(String) - Static method in class test5.Test5F
Returns the number of a's in the given string.


sameLength(List<String>) - Static method in class test5.Test5F
Tests whether all strings of the given list have the same length.
sum(String) - Static method in class test5.Test5A
Returns the sum of the digits of the given string.


test5 - package test5
Test5A - Class in test5
Test5A() - Constructor for class test5.Test5A
Test5B - Class in test5
Test5B() - Constructor for class test5.Test5B
Test5E - Class in test5
Test5E() - Constructor for class test5.Test5E
Test5F - Class in test5
Test5F() - Constructor for class test5.Test5F