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My paper On the Computability of Robust PAC Learning with Pascale Gourdeau and Tosca Lechner was accepted to COLT 2024.

My paper Investigating Calibrated Classification Scores through the Lens of Interpretability with my Master's student Alireza Torabian was accepted to XAI 2024. Congratulations Alireza!

Ruth Urner

Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Lassonde School of Engineering
York University
Toronto Canada

Email: ruth "at" eecs "dot" yorku "dot" ca
Office: LAS 3016
Phone: 416-736-2100 x70128

Short bio.


My research develops mathematical tools and frameworks for analyzing the possibilities and limitations of automated learning, with a focus on semi-supervised, active and transfer learning. Currently I am particularly interested developing formal foundations for topics relating to societal impacts of machine learning, such as human interpretability and algorithmic fairness.


International teaching activities/teaching at summer schools

Teaching at York

I am making some of my teaching material and general course information available here. If you are a student currently enrolled in a specific version of one of these courses, there is an eclass site, which you have access to. Please consult the eclass site as it contains the updated course information and material that is relevant to the current offering.


Keynote talks

Other invited talks/tutorials/panel discussions

Event (co-)organization

Top level program committee member/area chair


Refereed conference and journal publications

Workshop Contributions

