SLATEC Common Mathematical Library
                                  Version 4.1
                               Table of Contents
This table of contents of the SLATEC Common Mathematical Library (CML) has
three sections.
Section I contains the names and purposes of all user-callable CML routines,
arranged by GAMS category.  Those unfamiliar with the GAMS scheme should
consult the document "Guide to the SLATEC Common Mathematical Library".  The
current library has routines in the following GAMS major categories:
     A.  Arithmetic, error analysis
     C.  Elementary and special functions (search also class L5)
     D.  Linear Algebra
     E.  Interpolation
     F.  Solution of nonlinear equations
     G.  Optimization (search also classes K, L8)
     H.  Differentiation, integration
     I.  Differential and integral equations
     J.  Integral transforms
     K.  Approximation (search also class L8)
     L.  Statistics, probability
     N.  Data handling (search also class L2)
     R.  Service routines
     Z.  Other
The library contains routines which operate on different types of data but
which are otherwise equivalent.  The names of equivalent routines are listed
vertically before the purpose.  Immediately after each name is a hyphen (-)
and one of the alphabetic characters S, D, C, I, H, L, or A, where
S indicates a single precision routine, D double precision, C complex,
I integer, H character, L logical, and A is a pseudo-type given to routines
that could not reasonably be converted to some other type.
Section II contains the names and purposes of all subsidiary CML routines,
arranged in alphabetical order.  Usually these routines are not referenced
directly by library users.  They are listed here so that users will be able
to avoid duplicating names that are used by the CML and for the benefit of
programmers who may be able to use them in the construction of new routines
for the library.
Section III is an alphabetical list of every routine in the CML and the
categories to which the routine is assigned.  Every user-callable routine
has at least one category.  An asterisk (*) immediately preceding a routine
name indicates a subsidiary routine.
  SECTION I. User-callable Routines
A.  Arithmetic, error analysis
A3.  Real
A3D.  Extended range
          XADD-S    To provide single-precision floating-point arithmetic
          DXADD-D   with an extended exponent range.
          XADJ-S    To provide single-precision floating-point arithmetic
          DXADJ-D   with an extended exponent range.
          XC210-S   To provide single-precision floating-point arithmetic
          DXC210-D  with an extended exponent range.
          XCON-S    To provide single-precision floating-point arithmetic
          DXCON-D   with an extended exponent range.
          XRED-S    To provide single-precision floating-point arithmetic
          DXRED-D   with an extended exponent range.
          XSET-S    To provide single-precision floating-point arithmetic
          DXSET-D   with an extended exponent range.
A4.  Complex
A4A.  Single precision
          CARG-C    Compute the argument of a complex number.
A6.  Change of representation
A6B.  Base conversion
          R9PAK-S   Pack a base 2 exponent into a floating point number.
          R9UPAK-S  Unpack a floating point number X so that X = Y*2**N.
C.  Elementary and special functions (search also class L5)
          FUNDOC-A  Documentation for FNLIB, a collection of routines for
                    evaluating elementary and special functions.
C1.  Integer-valued functions (e.g., floor, ceiling, factorial, binomial
          BINOM-S   Compute the binomial coefficients.
          FAC-S     Compute the factorial function.
          POCH-S    Evaluate a generalization of Pochhammer's symbol.
          POCH1-S   Calculate a generalization of Pochhammer's symbol starting
          DPOCH1-D  from first order.
C2.  Powers, roots, reciprocals
          CBRT-S    Compute the cube root.
C3.  Polynomials
C3A.  Orthogonal
C3A2.  Chebyshev, Legendre
          CSEVL-S   Evaluate a Chebyshev series.
          INITS-S   Determine the number of terms needed in an orthogonal
          INITDS-D  polynomial series so that it meets a specified accuracy.
          QMOMO-S   This routine computes modified Chebyshev moments.  The K-th
          DQMOMO-D  modified Chebyshev moment is defined as the integral over
                    (-1,1) of W(X)*T(K,X), where T(K,X) is the Chebyshev
                    polynomial of degree K.
          XLEGF-S   Compute normalized Legendre polynomials and associated
          DXLEGF-D  Legendre functions.
          XNRMP-S   Compute normalized Legendre polynomials.
C4.  Elementary transcendental functions
C4A.  Trigonometric, inverse trigonometric
          CACOS-C   Compute the complex arc cosine.
          CASIN-C   Compute the complex arc sine.
          CATAN-C   Compute the complex arc tangent.
          CATAN2-C  Compute the complex arc tangent in the proper quadrant.
          COSDG-S   Compute the cosine of an argument in degrees.
          COT-S     Compute the cotangent.
          CTAN-C    Compute the complex tangent.
          SINDG-S   Compute the sine of an argument in degrees.
C4B.  Exponential, logarithmic
          ALNREL-S  Evaluate ln(1+X) accurate in the sense of relative error.
          CLOG10-C  Compute the principal value of the complex base 10
          EXPREL-S  Calculate the relative error exponential (EXP(X)-1)/X.
C4C.  Hyperbolic, inverse hyperbolic
          ACOSH-S   Compute the arc hyperbolic cosine.
          ASINH-S   Compute the arc hyperbolic sine.
          ATANH-S   Compute the arc hyperbolic tangent.
          CCOSH-C   Compute the complex hyperbolic cosine.
          CSINH-C   Compute the complex hyperbolic sine.
          CTANH-C   Compute the complex hyperbolic tangent.
C5.  Exponential and logarithmic integrals
          ALI-S     Compute the logarithmic integral.
          E1-S      Compute the exponential integral E1(X).
          EI-S      Compute the exponential integral Ei(X).
          EXINT-S   Compute an M member sequence of exponential integrals
          DEXINT-D  E(N+K,X), K=0,1,...,M-1 for N .GE. 1 and X .GE. 0.
          SPENC-S   Compute a form of Spence's integral due to K. Mitchell.
C7.  Gamma
C7A.  Gamma, log gamma, reciprocal gamma
          ALGAMS-S  Compute the logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma
          DLGAMS-D  function.
          ALNGAM-S  Compute the logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma
          DLNGAM-D  function.
          C0LGMC-C  Evaluate (Z+0.5)*LOG((Z+1.)/Z) - 1.0 with relative
          GAMLIM-S  Compute the minimum and maximum bounds for the argument in
          DGAMLM-D  the Gamma function.
          GAMMA-S   Compute the complete Gamma function.
          GAMR-S    Compute the reciprocal of the Gamma function.
          POCH-S    Evaluate a generalization of Pochhammer's symbol.
          POCH1-S   Calculate a generalization of Pochhammer's symbol starting
          DPOCH1-D  from first order.
C7B.  Beta, log beta
          ALBETA-S  Compute the natural logarithm of the complete Beta
          DLBETA-D  function.
          BETA-S    Compute the complete Beta function.
C7C.  Psi function
          PSI-S     Compute the Psi (or Digamma) function.
          PSIFN-S   Compute derivatives of the Psi function.
C7E.  Incomplete gamma
          GAMI-S    Evaluate the incomplete Gamma function.
          GAMIC-S   Calculate the complementary incomplete Gamma function.
          GAMIT-S   Calculate Tricomi's form of the incomplete Gamma function.
C7F.  Incomplete beta
          BETAI-S   Calculate the incomplete Beta function.
C8.  Error functions
C8A.  Error functions, their inverses, integrals, including the normal
      distribution function
          ERF-S     Compute the error function.
          ERFC-S    Compute the complementary error function.
C8C.  Dawson's integral
          DAWS-S    Compute Dawson's function.
C9.  Legendre functions
          XLEGF-S   Compute normalized Legendre polynomials and associated
          DXLEGF-D  Legendre functions.
          XNRMP-S   Compute normalized Legendre polynomials.
C10.  Bessel functions
C10A.  J, Y, H-(1), H-(2)
C10A1.  Real argument, integer order
          BESJ0-S   Compute the Bessel function of the first kind of order
          DBESJ0-D  zero.
          BESJ1-S   Compute the Bessel function of the first kind of order one.
          BESY0-S   Compute the Bessel function of the second kind of order
          DBESY0-D  zero.
          BESY1-S   Compute the Bessel function of the second kind of order
          DBESY1-D  one.
C10A3.  Real argument, real order
          BESJ-S    Compute an N member sequence of J Bessel functions
          DBESJ-D   J/SUB(ALPHA+K-1)/(X), K=1,...,N for non-negative ALPHA
                    and X.
          BESY-S    Implement forward recursion on the three term recursion
          DBESY-D   relation for a sequence of non-negative order Bessel
                    functions Y/SUB(FNU+I-1)/(X), I=1,...,N for real, positive
                    X and non-negative orders FNU.
C10A4.  Complex argument, real order
          CBESH-C   Compute a sequence of the Hankel functions H(m,a,z)
          ZBESH-C   for superscript m=1 or 2, real nonnegative orders a=b,
                    b+1,... where b>0, and nonzero complex argument z.  A
                    scaling option is available to help avoid overflow.
          CBESJ-C   Compute a sequence of the Bessel functions J(a,z) for
          ZBESJ-C   complex argument z and real nonnegative orders a=b,b+1,
                    b+2,... where b>0.  A scaling option is available to
                    help avoid overflow.
          CBESY-C   Compute a sequence of the Bessel functions Y(a,z) for
          ZBESY-C   complex argument z and real nonnegative orders a=b,b+1,
                    b+2,... where b>0.  A scaling option is available to
                    help avoid overflow.
C10B.  I, K
C10B1.  Real argument, integer order
          BESI0-S   Compute the hyperbolic Bessel function of the first kind
          DBESI0-D  of order zero.
          BESI0E-S  Compute the exponentially scaled modified (hyperbolic)
          DBSI0E-D  Bessel function of the first kind of order zero.
          BESI1-S   Compute the modified (hyperbolic) Bessel function of the
          DBESI1-D  first kind of order one.
          BESI1E-S  Compute the exponentially scaled modified (hyperbolic)
          DBSI1E-D  Bessel function of the first kind of order one.
          BESK0-S   Compute the modified (hyperbolic) Bessel function of the
          DBESK0-D  third kind of order zero.
          BESK0E-S  Compute the exponentially scaled modified (hyperbolic)
          DBSK0E-D  Bessel function of the third kind of order zero.
          BESK1-S   Compute the modified (hyperbolic) Bessel function of the
          DBESK1-D  third kind of order one.
          BESK1E-S  Compute the exponentially scaled modified (hyperbolic)
          DBSK1E-D  Bessel function of the third kind of order one.
C10B3.  Real argument, real order
          BESI-S    Compute an N member sequence of I Bessel functions
          DBESI-D   I/SUB(ALPHA+K-1)/(X), K=1,...,N or scaled Bessel functions
                    EXP(-X)*I/SUB(ALPHA+K-1)/(X), K=1,...,N for non-negative
                    ALPHA and X.
          BESK-S    Implement forward recursion on the three term recursion
          DBESK-D   relation for a sequence of non-negative order Bessel
                    functions K/SUB(FNU+I-1)/(X), or scaled Bessel functions
                    EXP(X)*K/SUB(FNU+I-1)/(X), I=1,...,N for real, positive
                    X and non-negative orders FNU.
          BESKES-S  Compute a sequence of exponentially scaled modified Bessel
          DBSKES-D  functions of the third kind of fractional order.
          BESKS-S   Compute a sequence of modified Bessel functions of the
          DBESKS-D  third kind of fractional order.
C10B4.  Complex argument, real order
          CBESI-C   Compute a sequence of the Bessel functions I(a,z) for
          ZBESI-C   complex argument z and real nonnegative orders a=b,b+1,
                    b+2,... where b>0.  A scaling option is available to
                    help avoid overflow.
          CBESK-C   Compute a sequence of the Bessel functions K(a,z) for
          ZBESK-C   complex argument z and real nonnegative orders a=b,b+1,
                    b+2,... where b>0.  A scaling option is available to
                    help avoid overflow.
C10D.  Airy and Scorer functions
          AI-S      Evaluate the Airy function.
          AIE-S     Calculate the Airy function for a negative argument and an
          DAIE-D    exponentially scaled Airy function for a non-negative
          BI-S      Evaluate the Bairy function (the Airy function of the
          DBI-D     second kind).
          BIE-S     Calculate the Bairy function for a negative argument and an
          DBIE-D    exponentially scaled Bairy function for a non-negative
          CAIRY-C   Compute the Airy function Ai(z) or its derivative dAi/dz
          ZAIRY-C   for complex argument z.  A scaling option is available
                    to help avoid underflow and overflow.
          CBIRY-C   Compute the Airy function Bi(z) or its derivative dBi/dz
          ZBIRY-C   for complex argument z.  A scaling option is available
                    to help avoid overflow.
C10F.  Integrals of Bessel functions
          BSKIN-S   Compute repeated integrals of the K-zero Bessel function.
C11.  Confluent hypergeometric functions
          CHU-S     Compute the logarithmic confluent hypergeometric function.
C14.  Elliptic integrals
          RC-S      Calculate an approximation to
          DRC-D      RC(X,Y) = Integral from zero to infinity of
                                      -1/2     -1
                            (1/2)(t+X)    (t+Y)  dt,
                    where X is nonnegative and Y is positive.
          RD-S      Compute the incomplete or complete elliptic integral of the
          DRD-D     2nd kind.  For X and Y nonnegative, X+Y and Z positive,
                     RD(X,Y,Z) = Integral from zero to infinity of
                                        -1/2     -1/2     -3/2
                              (3/2)(t+X)    (t+Y)    (t+Z)    dt.
                    If X or Y is zero, the integral is complete.
          RF-S      Compute the incomplete or complete elliptic integral of the
          DRF-D     1st kind.  For X, Y, and Z non-negative and at most one of
                    them zero, RF(X,Y,Z) = Integral from zero to infinity of
                                        -1/2     -1/2     -1/2
                              (1/2)(t+X)    (t+Y)    (t+Z)    dt.
                    If X, Y or Z is zero, the integral is complete.
          RJ-S      Compute the incomplete or complete (X or Y or Z is zero)
          DRJ-D     elliptic integral of the 3rd kind.  For X, Y, and Z non-
                    negative, at most one of them zero, and P positive,
                     RJ(X,Y,Z,P) = Integral from zero to infinity of
                                          -1/2     -1/2     -1/2     -1
                                (3/2)(t+X)    (t+Y)    (t+Z)    (t+P)  dt.
C19.  Other special functions
          RC3JJ-S   Evaluate the 3j symbol f(L1) = (  L1   L2 L3)
          DRC3JJ-D                                 (-M2-M3 M2 M3)
                    for all allowed values of L1, the other parameters
                    being held fixed.
          RC3JM-S   Evaluate the 3j symbol g(M2) = (L1 L2   L3  )
          DRC3JM-D                                 (M1 M2 -M1-M2)
                    for all allowed values of M2, the other parameters
                    being held fixed.
          RC6J-S    Evaluate the 6j symbol h(L1) = {L1 L2 L3}
          DRC6J-D                                  {L4 L5 L6}
                    for all allowed values of L1, the other parameters
                    being held fixed.
D.  Linear Algebra
D1.  Elementary vector and matrix operations
D1A.  Elementary vector operations
D1A2.  Minimum and maximum components
          ISAMAX-S  Find the smallest index of that component of a vector
          IDAMAX-D  having the maximum magnitude.
D1A3.  Norm
D1A3A.  L-1 (sum of magnitudes)
          SASUM-S   Compute the sum of the magnitudes of the elements of a
          DASUM-D   vector.
D1A3B.  L-2 (Euclidean norm)
          SNRM2-S   Compute the Euclidean length (L2 norm) of a vector.
D1A4.  Dot product (inner product)
          CDOTC-C   Dot product of two complex vectors using the complex
                    conjugate of the first vector.
          DQDOTA-D  Compute the inner product of two vectors with extended
                    precision accumulation and result.
          DQDOTI-D  Compute the inner product of two vectors with extended
                    precision accumulation and result.
          DSDOT-D   Compute the inner product of two vectors with extended
          DCDOT-C   precision accumulation and result.
          SDOT-S    Compute the inner product of two vectors.
          SDSDOT-S  Compute the inner product of two vectors with extended
          CDCDOT-C  precision accumulation.
D1A5.  Copy or exchange (swap)
          ICOPY-S   Copy a vector.
          SCOPY-S   Copy a vector.
          SCOPYM-S  Copy the negative of a vector to a vector.
          SSWAP-S   Interchange two vectors.
D1A6.  Multiplication by scalar
          CSSCAL-C  Scale a complex vector.
          SSCAL-S   Multiply a vector by a constant.
D1A7.  Triad (a*x+y for vectors x,y and scalar a)
          SAXPY-S   Compute a constant times a vector plus a vector.
D1A8.  Elementary rotation (Givens transformation)
          SROT-S    Apply a plane Givens rotation.
          SROTM-S   Apply a modified Givens transformation.
D1B.  Elementary matrix operations
D1B4.  Multiplication by vector
          CHPR-C    Perform the hermitian rank 1 operation.
          DGER-D    Perform the rank 1 operation.
          DSPR-D    Perform the symmetric rank 1 operation.
          DSYR-D    Perform the symmetric rank 1 operation.
          SGBMV-S   Multiply a real vector by a real general band matrix.
          SGEMV-S   Multiply a real vector by a real general matrix.
          SGER-S    Perform rank 1 update of a real general matrix.
          CGERC-C   Perform conjugated rank 1 update of a complex general
          SGERC-S   matrix.
          CGERU-C   Perform unconjugated rank 1 update of a complex general
          SGERU-S   matrix.
          CHBMV-C   Multiply a complex vector by a complex Hermitian band
          SHBMV-S   matrix.
          CHEMV-C   Multiply a complex vector by a complex Hermitian matrix.
          CHER-C    Perform Hermitian rank 1 update of a complex Hermitian
          SHER-S    matrix.
          CHER2-C   Perform Hermitian rank 2 update of a complex Hermitian
          SHER2-S   matrix.
          CHPMV-C   Perform the matrix-vector operation.
          CHPR2-C   Perform the hermitian rank 2 operation.
          SSBMV-S   Multiply a real vector by a real symmetric band matrix.
          SSDI-S    Diagonal Matrix Vector Multiply.
          DSDI-D    Routine to calculate the product  X = DIAG*B, where DIAG
                    is a diagonal matrix.
          SSMTV-S   SLAP Column Format Sparse Matrix Transpose Vector Product.
          DSMTV-D   Routine to calculate the sparse matrix vector product:
                    Y = A'*X, where ' denotes transpose.
          SSMV-S    SLAP Column Format Sparse Matrix Vector Product.
          DSMV-D    Routine to calculate the sparse matrix vector product:
                    Y = A*X.
          SSPMV-S   Perform the matrix-vector operation.
          SSPR-S    Performs the symmetric rank 1 operation.
          SSPR2-S   Perform the symmetric rank 2 operation.
          SSYMV-S   Multiply a real vector by a real symmetric matrix.
          SSYR-S    Perform symmetric rank 1 update of a real symmetric matrix.
          SSYR2-S   Perform symmetric rank 2 update of a real symmetric matrix.
          STBMV-S   Multiply a real vector by a real triangular band matrix.
          STBSV-S   Solve a real triangular banded system of linear equations.
          STPMV-S   Perform one of the matrix-vector operations.
          STPSV-S   Solve one of the systems of equations.
          STRMV-S   Multiply a real vector by a real triangular matrix.
          STRSV-S   Solve a real triangular system of linear equations.
D1B6.  Multiplication
          SGEMM-S   Multiply a real general matrix by a real general matrix.
          CHEMM-C   Multiply a complex general matrix by a complex Hermitian
          SHEMM-S   matrix.
          CHER2K-C  Perform Hermitian rank 2k update of a complex.
          CHERK-C   Perform Hermitian rank k update of a complex Hermitian
          SHERK-S   matrix.
          SSYMM-S   Multiply a real general matrix by a real symmetric matrix.
          DSYR2K-D  Perform one of the symmetric rank 2k operations.
          SSYRK-S   Perform symmetric rank k update of a real symmetric matrix.
          STRMM-S   Multiply a real general matrix by a real triangular matrix.
          STRSM-S   Solve a real triangular system of equations with multiple
          DTRSM-D   right-hand sides.
D1B9.  Storage mode conversion
          SS2Y-S    SLAP Triad to SLAP Column Format Converter.
          DS2Y-D    Routine to convert from the SLAP Triad to SLAP Column
D1B10.  Elementary rotation (Givens transformation)
          CSROT-C   Apply a plane Givens rotation.
          SROTG-S   Construct a plane Givens rotation.
          SROTMG-S  Construct a modified Givens transformation.
D2.  Solution of systems of linear equations (including inversion, LU and
     related decompositions)
D2A.  Real nonsymmetric matrices
D2A1.  General
          SGECO-S   Factor a matrix using Gaussian elimination and estimate
          DGECO-D   the condition number of the matrix.
          SGEDI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a matrix using the
          DGEDI-D   factors computed by SGECO or SGEFA.
          SGEFA-S   Factor a matrix using Gaussian elimination.
          SGEFS-S   Solve a general system of linear equations.
          SGEIR-S   Solve a general system of linear equations.  Iterative
          CGEIR-C   refinement is used to obtain an error estimate.
          SGESL-S   Solve the real system A*X=B or TRANS(A)*X=B using the
          DGESL-D   factors of SGECO or SGEFA.
          SQRSL-S   Apply the output of SQRDC to compute coordinate transfor-
          DQRSL-D   mations, projections, and least squares solutions.
D2A2.  Banded
          SGBCO-S   Factor a band matrix by Gaussian elimination and
          DGBCO-D   estimate the condition number of the matrix.
          SGBFA-S   Factor a band matrix using Gaussian elimination.
          SGBSL-S   Solve the real band system A*X=B or TRANS(A)*X=B using
          DGBSL-D   the factors computed by SGBCO or SGBFA.
          SNBCO-S   Factor a band matrix using Gaussian elimination and
          DNBCO-D   estimate the condition number.
          SNBFA-S   Factor a real band matrix by elimination.
          SNBFS-S   Solve a general nonsymmetric banded system of linear
          DNBFS-D   equations.
          SNBIR-S   Solve a general nonsymmetric banded system of linear
          CNBIR-C   equations.  Iterative refinement is used to obtain an error
          SNBSL-S   Solve a real band system using the factors computed by
          DNBSL-D   SNBCO or SNBFA.
D2A2A.  Tridiagonal
          SGTSL-S   Solve a tridiagonal linear system.
D2A3.  Triangular
          SSLI-S    SLAP MSOLVE for Lower Triangle Matrix.
          DSLI-D    This routine acts as an interface between the SLAP generic
                    MSOLVE calling convention and the routine that actually
                    computes L  B = X.
          SSLI2-S   SLAP Lower Triangle Matrix Backsolve.
          DSLI2-D   Routine to solve a system of the form  Lx = b , where L
                    is a lower triangular matrix.
          STRCO-S   Estimate the condition number of a triangular matrix.
          STRDI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a triangular matrix.
          STRSL-S   Solve a system of the form  T*X=B or TRANS(T)*X=B, where
          DTRSL-D   T is a triangular matrix.
D2A4.  Sparse
          SBCG-S    Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DBCG-D    Routine to solve a Non-Symmetric linear system  Ax = b
                    using the Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient method.
          SCGN-S    Preconditioned CG Sparse Ax=b Solver for Normal Equations.
          DCGN-D    Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method applied to the
                    normal equations  AA'y = b, x=A'y.
          SCGS-S    Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Squared Ax=b Solver.
          DCGS-D    Routine to solve a Non-Symmetric linear system  Ax = b
                    using the Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Squared
          SGMRES-S  Preconditioned GMRES Iterative Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DGMRES-D  This routine uses the generalized minimum residual
                    (GMRES) method with preconditioning to solve
                    non-symmetric linear systems of the form: Ax = b.
          SIR-S     Preconditioned Iterative Refinement Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DIR-D     Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    iterative refinement with a matrix splitting.
          SLPDOC-S  Sparse Linear Algebra Package Version 2.0.2 Documentation.
          DLPDOC-D  Routines to solve large sparse symmetric and nonsymmetric
                    positive definite linear systems, Ax = b, using precondi-
                    tioned iterative methods.
          SOMN-S    Preconditioned Orthomin Sparse Iterative Ax=b Solver.
          DOMN-D    Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the Preconditioned Orthomin method.
          SSDBCG-S  Diagonally Scaled BiConjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDBCG-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient method with diagonal scaling.
          SSDCGN-S  Diagonally Scaled CG Sparse Ax=b Solver for Normal Eqn's.
          DSDCGN-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    diagonal scaling with the Conjugate Gradient method
                    applied to the the normal equations, viz.,  AA'y = b,
                    where  x = A'y.
          SSDCGS-S  Diagonally Scaled CGS Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDCGS-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient Squared method with diagonal scaling.
          SSDGMR-S  Diagonally Scaled GMRES Iterative Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDGMR-D  This routine uses the generalized minimum residual
                    (GMRES) method with diagonal scaling to solve possibly
                    non-symmetric linear systems of the form: Ax = b.
          SSDOMN-S  Diagonally Scaled Orthomin Sparse Iterative Ax=b Solver.
          DSDOMN-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the Orthomin method with diagonal scaling.
          SSGS-S    Gauss-Seidel Method Iterative Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DSGS-D    Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    Gauss-Seidel iteration.
          SSILUR-S  Incomplete LU Iterative Refinement Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DSILUR-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the incomplete LU decomposition with iterative refinement.
          SSJAC-S   Jacobi's Method Iterative Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DSJAC-D   Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    Jacobi iteration.
          SSLUBC-S  Incomplete LU BiConjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUBC-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient method with Incomplete LU
                    decomposition preconditioning.
          SSLUCN-S  Incomplete LU CG Sparse Ax=b Solver for Normal Equations.
          DSLUCN-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    incomplete LU decomposition with the Conjugate Gradient
                    method applied to the normal equations, viz.,  AA'y = b,
                    x = A'y.
          SSLUCS-S  Incomplete LU BiConjugate Gradient Squared Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUCS-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient Squared method with Incomplete LU
                    decomposition preconditioning.
          SSLUGM-S  Incomplete LU GMRES Iterative Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUGM-D  This routine uses the generalized minimum residual
                    (GMRES) method with incomplete LU factorization for
                    preconditioning to solve possibly non-symmetric linear
                    systems of the form: Ax = b.
          SSLUOM-S  Incomplete LU Orthomin Sparse Iterative Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUOM-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the Orthomin method with Incomplete LU decomposition.
D2B.  Real symmetric matrices
D2B1.  General
D2B1A.  Indefinite
          SSICO-S   Factor a symmetric matrix by elimination with symmetric
          DSICO-D   pivoting and estimate the condition number of the matrix.
          SSIDI-S   Compute the determinant, inertia and inverse of a real
          DSIDI-D   symmetric matrix using the factors from SSIFA.
          SSIFA-S   Factor a real symmetric matrix by elimination with
          DSIFA-D   symmetric pivoting.
          SSISL-S   Solve a real symmetric system using the factors obtained
          DSISL-D   from SSIFA.
          SSPCO-S   Factor a real symmetric matrix stored in packed form
          DSPCO-D   by elimination with symmetric pivoting and estimate the
          CHPCO-C   condition number of the matrix.
          SSPDI-S   Compute the determinant, inertia, inverse of a real
          DSPDI-D   symmetric matrix stored in packed form using the factors
          CHPDI-C   from SSPFA.
          SSPFA-S   Factor a real symmetric matrix stored in packed form by
          DSPFA-D   elimination with symmetric pivoting.
          SSPSL-S   Solve a real symmetric system using the factors obtained
          DSPSL-D   from SSPFA.
D2B1B.  Positive definite
          SCHDC-S   Compute the Cholesky decomposition of a positive definite
          DCHDC-D   matrix.  A pivoting option allows the user to estimate the
          CCHDC-C   condition number of a positive definite matrix or determine
                    the rank of a positive semidefinite matrix.
          SPOCO-S   Factor a real symmetric positive definite matrix
          DPOCO-D   and estimate the condition number of the matrix.
          SPODI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a certain real
          DPODI-D   symmetric positive definite matrix using the factors
          CPODI-C   computed by SPOCO, SPOFA or SQRDC.
          SPOFA-S   Factor a real symmetric positive definite matrix.
          SPOFS-S   Solve a positive definite symmetric system of linear
          DPOFS-D   equations.
          SPOIR-S   Solve a positive definite symmetric system of linear
          CPOIR-C   equations.  Iterative refinement is used to obtain an error
          SPOSL-S   Solve the real symmetric positive definite linear system
          DPOSL-D   using the factors computed by SPOCO or SPOFA.
          SPPCO-S   Factor a symmetric positive definite matrix stored in
          DPPCO-D   packed form and estimate the condition number of the
          CPPCO-C   matrix.
          SPPDI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a real symmetric
          DPPDI-D   positive definite matrix using factors from SPPCO or SPPFA.
          SPPFA-S   Factor a real symmetric positive definite matrix stored in
          DPPFA-D   packed form.
          SPPSL-S   Solve the real symmetric positive definite system using
          DPPSL-D   the factors computed by SPPCO or SPPFA.
D2B2.  Positive definite banded
          SPBCO-S   Factor a real symmetric positive definite matrix stored in
          DPBCO-D   band form and estimate the condition number of the matrix.
          SPBFA-S   Factor a real symmetric positive definite matrix stored in
          DPBFA-D   band form.
          SPBSL-S   Solve a real symmetric positive definite band system
          DPBSL-D   using the factors computed by SPBCO or SPBFA.
D2B2A.  Tridiagonal
          SPTSL-S   Solve a positive definite tridiagonal linear system.
D2B4.  Sparse
          SBCG-S    Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DBCG-D    Routine to solve a Non-Symmetric linear system  Ax = b
                    using the Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient method.
          SCG-S     Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DCG-D     Routine to solve a symmetric positive definite linear
                    system  Ax = b  using the Preconditioned Conjugate
                    Gradient method.
          SCGN-S    Preconditioned CG Sparse Ax=b Solver for Normal Equations.
          DCGN-D    Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method applied to the
                    normal equations  AA'y = b, x=A'y.
          SCGS-S    Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Squared Ax=b Solver.
          DCGS-D    Routine to solve a Non-Symmetric linear system  Ax = b
                    using the Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Squared
          SGMRES-S  Preconditioned GMRES Iterative Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DGMRES-D  This routine uses the generalized minimum residual
                    (GMRES) method with preconditioning to solve
                    non-symmetric linear systems of the form: Ax = b.
          SIR-S     Preconditioned Iterative Refinement Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DIR-D     Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    iterative refinement with a matrix splitting.
          SLPDOC-S  Sparse Linear Algebra Package Version 2.0.2 Documentation.
          DLPDOC-D  Routines to solve large sparse symmetric and nonsymmetric
                    positive definite linear systems, Ax = b, using precondi-
                    tioned iterative methods.
          SOMN-S    Preconditioned Orthomin Sparse Iterative Ax=b Solver.
          DOMN-D    Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the Preconditioned Orthomin method.
          SSDBCG-S  Diagonally Scaled BiConjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDBCG-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient method with diagonal scaling.
          SSDCG-S   Diagonally Scaled Conjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDCG-D   Routine to solve a symmetric positive definite linear
                    system  Ax = b  using the Preconditioned Conjugate
                    Gradient method.  The preconditioner is diagonal scaling.
          SSDCGN-S  Diagonally Scaled CG Sparse Ax=b Solver for Normal Eqn's.
          DSDCGN-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    diagonal scaling with the Conjugate Gradient method
                    applied to the the normal equations, viz.,  AA'y = b,
                    where  x = A'y.
          SSDCGS-S  Diagonally Scaled CGS Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDCGS-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient Squared method with diagonal scaling.
          SSDGMR-S  Diagonally Scaled GMRES Iterative Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSDGMR-D  This routine uses the generalized minimum residual
                    (GMRES) method with diagonal scaling to solve possibly
                    non-symmetric linear systems of the form: Ax = b.
          SSDOMN-S  Diagonally Scaled Orthomin Sparse Iterative Ax=b Solver.
          DSDOMN-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the Orthomin method with diagonal scaling.
          SSGS-S    Gauss-Seidel Method Iterative Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DSGS-D    Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    Gauss-Seidel iteration.
          SSICCG-S  Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSICCG-D  Routine to solve a symmetric positive definite linear
                    system  Ax = b  using the incomplete Cholesky
                    Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method.
          SSILUR-S  Incomplete LU Iterative Refinement Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DSILUR-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the incomplete LU decomposition with iterative refinement.
          SSJAC-S   Jacobi's Method Iterative Sparse Ax = b Solver.
          DSJAC-D   Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    Jacobi iteration.
          SSLUBC-S  Incomplete LU BiConjugate Gradient Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUBC-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient method with Incomplete LU
                    decomposition preconditioning.
          SSLUCN-S  Incomplete LU CG Sparse Ax=b Solver for Normal Equations.
          DSLUCN-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    incomplete LU decomposition with the Conjugate Gradient
                    method applied to the normal equations, viz.,  AA'y = b,
                    x = A'y.
          SSLUCS-S  Incomplete LU BiConjugate Gradient Squared Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUCS-D  Routine to solve a linear system  Ax = b  using the
                    BiConjugate Gradient Squared method with Incomplete LU
                    decomposition preconditioning.
          SSLUGM-S  Incomplete LU GMRES Iterative Sparse Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUGM-D  This routine uses the generalized minimum residual
                    (GMRES) method with incomplete LU factorization for
                    preconditioning to solve possibly non-symmetric linear
                    systems of the form: Ax = b.
          SSLUOM-S  Incomplete LU Orthomin Sparse Iterative Ax=b Solver.
          DSLUOM-D  Routine to solve a general linear system  Ax = b  using
                    the Orthomin method with Incomplete LU decomposition.
D2C.  Complex non-Hermitian matrices
D2C1.  General
          CGECO-C   Factor a matrix using Gaussian elimination and estimate
          SGECO-S   the condition number of the matrix.
          CGEDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a matrix using the
          SGEDI-S   factors computed by CGECO or CGEFA.
          CGEFA-C   Factor a matrix using Gaussian elimination.
          CGEFS-C   Solve a general system of linear equations.
          CGEIR-C   Solve a general system of linear equations.  Iterative
          SGEIR-S   refinement is used to obtain an error estimate.
          CGESL-C   Solve the complex system A*X=B or CTRANS(A)*X=B using the
          SGESL-S   factors computed by CGECO or CGEFA.
          CQRSL-C   Apply the output of CQRDC to compute coordinate transfor-
          SQRSL-S   mations, projections, and least squares solutions.
          CSICO-C   Factor a complex symmetric matrix by elimination with
          SSICO-S   symmetric pivoting and estimate the condition number of the
          DSICO-D   matrix.
          CSIDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a complex symmetric
          SSIDI-S   matrix using the factors from CSIFA.
          CSIFA-C   Factor a complex symmetric matrix by elimination with
          SSIFA-S   symmetric pivoting.
          CSISL-C   Solve a complex symmetric system using the factors obtained
          SSISL-S   from CSIFA.
          CSPCO-C   Factor a complex symmetric matrix stored in packed form
          SSPCO-S   by elimination with symmetric pivoting and estimate the
          DSPCO-D   condition number of the matrix.
          CSPDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a complex symmetric
          SSPDI-S   matrix stored in packed form using the factors from CSPFA.
          CSPFA-C   Factor a complex symmetric matrix stored in packed form by
          SSPFA-S   elimination with symmetric pivoting.
          CSPSL-C   Solve a complex symmetric system using the factors obtained
          SSPSL-S   from CSPFA.
D2C2.  Banded
          CGBCO-C   Factor a band matrix by Gaussian elimination and
          SGBCO-S   estimate the condition number of the matrix.
          CGBFA-C   Factor a band matrix using Gaussian elimination.
          CGBSL-C   Solve the complex band system A*X=B or CTRANS(A)*X=B using
          SGBSL-S   the factors computed by CGBCO or CGBFA.
          CNBCO-C   Factor a band matrix using Gaussian elimination and
          SNBCO-S   estimate the condition number.
          CNBFA-C   Factor a band matrix by elimination.
          CNBFS-C   Solve a general nonsymmetric banded system of linear
          SNBFS-S   equations.
          CNBIR-C   Solve a general nonsymmetric banded system of linear
          SNBIR-S   equations.  Iterative refinement is used to obtain an error
          CNBSL-C   Solve a complex band system using the factors computed by
          SNBSL-S   CNBCO or CNBFA.
D2C2A.  Tridiagonal
          CGTSL-C   Solve a tridiagonal linear system.
D2C3.  Triangular
          CTRCO-C   Estimate the condition number of a triangular matrix.
          CTRDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a triangular matrix.
          CTRSL-C   Solve a system of the form  T*X=B or CTRANS(T)*X=B, where
          STRSL-S   T is a triangular matrix.  Here CTRANS(T) is the conjugate
          DTRSL-D   transpose.
D2D.  Complex Hermitian matrices
D2D1.  General
D2D1A.  Indefinite
          CHICO-C   Factor a complex Hermitian matrix by elimination with sym-
          SSICO-S   metric pivoting and estimate the condition of the matrix.
          CHIDI-C   Compute the determinant, inertia and inverse of a complex
          SSIDI-S   Hermitian matrix using the factors obtained from CHIFA.
          CHIFA-C   Factor a complex Hermitian matrix by elimination
          SSIFA-S   (symmetric pivoting).
          CHISL-C   Solve the complex Hermitian system using factors obtained
          SSISL-S   from CHIFA.
          CHPCO-C   Factor a complex Hermitian matrix stored in packed form by
          SSPCO-S   elimination with symmetric pivoting and estimate the
          DSPCO-D   condition number of the matrix.
          CHPDI-C   Compute the determinant, inertia and inverse of a complex
          SSPDI-S   Hermitian matrix stored in packed form using the factors
          DSPDI-D   obtained from CHPFA.
          CHPFA-C   Factor a complex Hermitian matrix stored in packed form by
          SSPFA-S   elimination with symmetric pivoting.
          CHPSL-C   Solve a complex Hermitian system using factors obtained
          SSPSL-S   from CHPFA.
D2D1B.  Positive definite
          CCHDC-C   Compute the Cholesky decomposition of a positive definite
          SCHDC-S   matrix.  A pivoting option allows the user to estimate the
          DCHDC-D   condition number of a positive definite matrix or determine
                    the rank of a positive semidefinite matrix.
          CPOCO-C   Factor a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix
          SPOCO-S   and estimate the condition number of the matrix.
          CPODI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a certain complex
          SPODI-S   Hermitian positive definite matrix using the factors
          DPODI-D   computed by CPOCO, CPOFA, or CQRDC.
          CPOFA-C   Factor a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix.
          CPOFS-C   Solve a positive definite symmetric complex system of
          SPOFS-S   linear equations.
          CPOIR-C   Solve a positive definite Hermitian system of linear
          SPOIR-S   equations.  Iterative refinement is used to obtain an
                    error estimate.
          CPOSL-C   Solve the complex Hermitian positive definite linear system
          SPOSL-S   using the factors computed by CPOCO or CPOFA.
          CPPCO-C   Factor a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix stored
          SPPCO-S   in packed form and estimate the condition number of the
          DPPCO-D   matrix.
          CPPDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a complex Hermitian
          SPPDI-S   positive definite matrix using factors from CPPCO or CPPFA.
          CPPFA-C   Factor a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix stored
          SPPFA-S   in packed form.
          CPPSL-C   Solve the complex Hermitian positive definite system using
          SPPSL-S   the factors computed by CPPCO or CPPFA.
D2D2.  Positive definite banded
          CPBCO-C   Factor a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix stored
          SPBCO-S   in band form and estimate the condition number of the
          DPBCO-D   matrix.
          CPBFA-C   Factor a complex Hermitian positive definite matrix stored
          SPBFA-S   in band form.
          CPBSL-C   Solve the complex Hermitian positive definite band system
          SPBSL-S   using the factors computed by CPBCO or CPBFA.
D2D2A.  Tridiagonal
          CPTSL-C   Solve a positive definite tridiagonal linear system.
D2E.  Associated operations (e.g., matrix reorderings)
          SLLTI2-S  SLAP Backsolve routine for LDL' Factorization.
          DLLTI2-D  Routine to solve a system of the form  L*D*L' X = B,
                    where L is a unit lower triangular matrix and D is a
                    diagonal matrix and ' means transpose.
          SS2LT-S   Lower Triangle Preconditioner SLAP Set Up.
          DS2LT-D   Routine to store the lower triangle of a matrix stored
                    in the SLAP Column format.
          SSD2S-S   Diagonal Scaling Preconditioner SLAP Normal Eqns Set Up.
          DSD2S-D   Routine to compute the inverse of the diagonal of the
                    matrix A*A', where A is stored in SLAP-Column format.
          SSDS-S    Diagonal Scaling Preconditioner SLAP Set Up.
          DSDS-D    Routine to compute the inverse of the diagonal of a matrix
                    stored in the SLAP Column format.
          SSDSCL-S  Diagonal Scaling of system Ax = b.
          DSDSCL-D  This routine scales (and unscales) the system  Ax = b
                    by symmetric diagonal scaling.
          SSICS-S   Incompl. Cholesky Decomposition Preconditioner SLAP Set Up.
          DSICS-D   Routine to generate the Incomplete Cholesky decomposition,
                    L*D*L-trans, of a symmetric positive definite matrix, A,
                    which is stored in SLAP Column format.  The unit lower
                    triangular matrix L is stored by rows, and the inverse of
                    the diagonal matrix D is stored.
          SSILUS-S  Incomplete LU Decomposition Preconditioner SLAP Set Up.
          DSILUS-D  Routine to generate the incomplete LDU decomposition of a
                    matrix.  The unit lower triangular factor L is stored by
                    rows and the unit upper triangular factor U is stored by
                    columns.  The inverse of the diagonal matrix D is stored.
                    No fill in is allowed.
          SSLLTI-S  SLAP MSOLVE for LDL' (IC) Factorization.
          DSLLTI-D  This routine acts as an interface between the SLAP generic
                    MSOLVE calling convention and the routine that actually
                    computes (LDL')  B = X.
          SSLUI-S   SLAP MSOLVE for LDU Factorization.
          DSLUI-D   This routine acts as an interface between the SLAP generic
                    MSOLVE calling convention and the routine that actually
                    computes  (LDU)  B = X.
          SSLUI2-S  SLAP Backsolve for LDU Factorization.
          DSLUI2-D  Routine to solve a system of the form  L*D*U X = B,
                    where L is a unit lower triangular matrix, D is a diagonal
                    matrix, and U is a unit upper triangular matrix.
          SSLUI4-S  SLAP Backsolve for LDU Factorization.
          DSLUI4-D  Routine to solve a system of the form  (L*D*U)' X = B,
                    where L is a unit lower triangular matrix, D is a diagonal
                    matrix, and U is a unit upper triangular matrix and '
                    denotes transpose.
          SSLUTI-S  SLAP MTSOLV for LDU Factorization.
          DSLUTI-D  This routine acts as an interface between the SLAP generic
                    MTSOLV calling convention and the routine that actually
                    computes  (LDU)  B = X.
          SSMMI2-S  SLAP Backsolve for LDU Factorization of Normal Equations.
          DSMMI2-D  To solve a system of the form  (L*D*U)*(L*D*U)' X = B,
                    where L is a unit lower triangular matrix, D is a diagonal
                    matrix, and U is a unit upper triangular matrix and '
                    denotes transpose.
          SSMMTI-S  SLAP MSOLVE for LDU Factorization of Normal Equations.
          DSMMTI-D  This routine acts as an interface between the SLAP generic
                    MMTSLV calling convention and the routine that actually
                    computes  [(LDU)*(LDU)']  B = X.
D3.  Determinants
D3A.  Real nonsymmetric matrices
D3A1.  General
          SGEDI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a matrix using the
          DGEDI-D   factors computed by SGECO or SGEFA.
D3A2.  Banded
          SGBDI-S   Compute the determinant of a band matrix using the factors
          DGBDI-D   computed by SGBCO or SGBFA.
          SNBDI-S   Compute the determinant of a band matrix using the factors
          DNBDI-D   computed by SNBCO or SNBFA.
D3A3.  Triangular
          STRDI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a triangular matrix.
D3B.  Real symmetric matrices
D3B1.  General
D3B1A.  Indefinite
          SSIDI-S   Compute the determinant, inertia and inverse of a real
          DSIDI-D   symmetric matrix using the factors from SSIFA.
          SSPDI-S   Compute the determinant, inertia, inverse of a real
          DSPDI-D   symmetric matrix stored in packed form using the factors
          CHPDI-C   from SSPFA.
D3B1B.  Positive definite
          SPODI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a certain real
          DPODI-D   symmetric positive definite matrix using the factors
          CPODI-C   computed by SPOCO, SPOFA or SQRDC.
          SPPDI-S   Compute the determinant and inverse of a real symmetric
          DPPDI-D   positive definite matrix using factors from SPPCO or SPPFA.
D3B2.  Positive definite banded
          SPBDI-S   Compute the determinant of a symmetric positive definite
          DPBDI-D   band matrix using the factors computed by SPBCO or SPBFA.
D3C.  Complex non-Hermitian matrices
D3C1.  General
          CGEDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a matrix using the
          SGEDI-S   factors computed by CGECO or CGEFA.
          CSIDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a complex symmetric
          SSIDI-S   matrix using the factors from CSIFA.
          CSPDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a complex symmetric
          SSPDI-S   matrix stored in packed form using the factors from CSPFA.
D3C2.  Banded
          CGBDI-C   Compute the determinant of a complex band matrix using the
          SGBDI-S   factors from CGBCO or CGBFA.
          CNBDI-C   Compute the determinant of a band matrix using the factors
          SNBDI-S   computed by CNBCO or CNBFA.
D3C3.  Triangular
          CTRDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a triangular matrix.
D3D.  Complex Hermitian matrices
D3D1.  General
D3D1A.  Indefinite
          CHIDI-C   Compute the determinant, inertia and inverse of a complex
          SSIDI-S   Hermitian matrix using the factors obtained from CHIFA.
          CHPDI-C   Compute the determinant, inertia and inverse of a complex
          SSPDI-S   Hermitian matrix stored in packed form using the factors
          DSPDI-D   obtained from CHPFA.
D3D1B.  Positive definite
          CPODI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a certain complex
          SPODI-S   Hermitian positive definite matrix using the factors
          DPODI-D   computed by CPOCO, CPOFA, or CQRDC.
          CPPDI-C   Compute the determinant and inverse of a complex Hermitian
          SPPDI-S   positive definite matrix using factors from CPPCO or CPPFA.
D3D2.  Positive definite banded
          CPBDI-C   Compute the determinant of a complex Hermitian positive
          SPBDI-S   definite band matrix using the factors computed by CPBCO or
          DPBDI-D   CPBFA.
D4.  Eigenvalues, eigenvectors
          EISDOC-A  Documentation for EISPACK, a collection of subprograms for
                    solving matrix eigen-problems.
D4A.  Ordinary eigenvalue problems (Ax = (lambda) * x)
D4A1.  Real symmetric
          RS-S      Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          CH-C      of a real symmetric matrix.
          RSP-S     Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a real symmetric matrix packed into a one dimensional
          SSIEV-S   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          CHIEV-C   of a real symmetric matrix.
          SSPEV-S   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a real symmetric matrix stored in packed form.
D4A2.  Real nonsymmetric
          RG-S      Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          CG-C      of a real general matrix.
          SGEEV-S   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          CGEEV-C   of a real general matrix.
D4A3.  Complex Hermitian
          CH-C      Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          RS-S      of a complex Hermitian matrix.
          CHIEV-C   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          SSIEV-S   of a complex Hermitian matrix.
D4A4.  Complex non-Hermitian
          CG-C      Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          RG-S      of a complex general matrix.
          CGEEV-C   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
          SGEEV-S   of a complex general matrix.
D4A5.  Tridiagonal
          BISECT-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    in a given interval using Sturm sequencing.
          IMTQL1-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    using the implicit QL method.
          IMTQL2-S  Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix using the implicit QL method.
          IMTQLV-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    using the implicit QL method.  Eigenvectors may be computed
          RATQR-S   Compute the largest or smallest eigenvalues of a symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix using the rational QR method with Newton
          RST-S     Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix.
          RT-S      Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a special real
                    tridiagonal matrix.
          TQL1-S    Compute the eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrix by
                    the QL method.
          TQL2-S    Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix.
          TQLRAT-S  Compute the eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    using a rational variant of the QL method.
          TRIDIB-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    in a given interval using Sturm sequencing.
          TSTURM-S  Find those eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    in a given interval and their associated eigenvectors by
                    Sturm sequencing.
D4A6.  Banded
          BQR-S     Compute some of the eigenvalues of a real symmetric
                    matrix using the QR method with shifts of origin.
          RSB-S     Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a symmetric band matrix.
D4B.  Generalized eigenvalue problems (e.g., Ax = (lambda)*Bx)
D4B1.  Real symmetric
          RSG-S     Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a symmetric generalized eigenproblem.
          RSGAB-S   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a symmetric generalized eigenproblem.
          RSGBA-S   Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors
                    of a symmetric generalized eigenproblem.
D4B2.  Real general
          RGG-S     Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a real
                    generalized eigenproblem.
D4C.  Associated operations
D4C1.  Transform problem
D4C1A.  Balance matrix
          BALANC-S  Balance a real general matrix and isolate eigenvalues
          CBAL-C    whenever possible.
D4C1B.  Reduce to compact form
D4C1B1.  Tridiagonal
          BANDR-S   Reduce a real symmetric band matrix to symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix and, optionally, accumulate
                    orthogonal similarity transformations.
          HTRID3-S  Reduce a complex Hermitian (packed) matrix to a real
                    symmetric tridiagonal matrix by unitary similarity
          HTRIDI-S  Reduce a complex Hermitian matrix to a real symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix using unitary similarity
          TRED1-S   Reduce a real symmetric matrix to symmetric tridiagonal
                    matrix using orthogonal similarity transformations.
          TRED2-S   Reduce a real symmetric matrix to a symmetric tridiagonal
                    matrix using and accumulating orthogonal transformations.
          TRED3-S   Reduce a real symmetric matrix stored in packed form to
                    symmetric tridiagonal matrix using orthogonal
D4C1B2.  Hessenberg
          ELMHES-S  Reduce a real general matrix to upper Hessenberg form
          COMHES-C  using stabilized elementary similarity transformations.
          ORTHES-S  Reduce a real general matrix to upper Hessenberg form
          CORTH-C   using orthogonal similarity transformations.
D4C1B3.  Other
          QZHES-S   The first step of the QZ algorithm for solving generalized
                    matrix eigenproblems.  Accepts a pair of real general
                    matrices and reduces one of them to upper Hessenberg
                    and the other to upper triangular form using orthogonal
                    transformations. Usually followed by QZIT, QZVAL, QZVEC.
          QZIT-S    The second step of the QZ algorithm for generalized
                    eigenproblems.  Accepts an upper Hessenberg and an upper
                    triangular matrix and reduces the former to
                    quasi-triangular form while preserving the form of the
                    latter.  Usually preceded by QZHES and followed by QZVAL
                    and QZVEC.
D4C1C.  Standardize problem
          FIGI-S    Transforms certain real non-symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    to symmetric tridiagonal matrix.
          FIGI2-S   Transforms certain real non-symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    to symmetric tridiagonal matrix.
          REDUC-S   Reduce a generalized symmetric eigenproblem to a standard
                    symmetric eigenproblem using Cholesky factorization.
          REDUC2-S  Reduce a certain generalized symmetric eigenproblem to a
                    standard symmetric eigenproblem using Cholesky
D4C2.  Compute eigenvalues of matrix in compact form
D4C2A.  Tridiagonal
          BISECT-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    in a given interval using Sturm sequencing.
          IMTQL1-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    using the implicit QL method.
          IMTQL2-S  Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix using the implicit QL method.
          IMTQLV-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    using the implicit QL method.  Eigenvectors may be computed
          RATQR-S   Compute the largest or smallest eigenvalues of a symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix using the rational QR method with Newton
          TQL1-S    Compute the eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrix by
                    the QL method.
          TQL2-S    Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix.
          TQLRAT-S  Compute the eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    using a rational variant of the QL method.
          TRIDIB-S  Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    in a given interval using Sturm sequencing.
          TSTURM-S  Find those eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    in a given interval and their associated eigenvectors by
                    Sturm sequencing.
D4C2B.  Hessenberg
          COMLR-C   Compute the eigenvalues of a complex upper Hessenberg
                    matrix using the modified LR method.
          COMLR2-C  Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex upper
                    Hessenberg matrix using the modified LR method.
          HQR-S     Compute the eigenvalues of a real upper Hessenberg matrix
          COMQR-C   using the QR method.
          HQR2-S    Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real upper
          COMQR2-C  Hessenberg matrix using QR method.
          INVIT-S   Compute the eigenvectors of a real upper Hessenberg
          CINVIT-C  matrix associated with specified eigenvalues by inverse
D4C2C.  Other
          QZVAL-S   The third step of the QZ algorithm for generalized
                    eigenproblems.  Accepts a pair of real matrices, one in
                    quasi-triangular form and the other in upper triangular
                    form and computes the eigenvalues of the associated
                    eigenproblem.  Usually preceded by QZHES, QZIT, and
                    followed by QZVEC.
D4C3.  Form eigenvectors from eigenvalues
          BANDV-S   Form the eigenvectors of a real symmetric band matrix
                    associated with a set of ordered approximate eigenvalues
                    by inverse iteration.
          QZVEC-S   The optional fourth step of the QZ algorithm for
                    generalized eigenproblems.  Accepts a matrix in
                    quasi-triangular form and another in upper triangular
                    and computes the eigenvectors of the triangular problem
                    and transforms them back to the original coordinates
                    Usually preceded by QZHES, QZIT, and QZVAL.
          TINVIT-S  Compute the eigenvectors of symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    corresponding to specified eigenvalues, using inverse
D4C4.  Back transform eigenvectors
          BAKVEC-S  Form the eigenvectors of a certain real non-symmetric
                    tridiagonal matrix from a symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    output from FIGI.
          BALBAK-S  Form the eigenvectors of a real general matrix from the
          CBABK2-C  eigenvectors of matrix output from BALANC.
          ELMBAK-S  Form the eigenvectors of a real general matrix from the
          COMBAK-C  eigenvectors of the upper Hessenberg matrix output from
          ELTRAN-S  Accumulates the stabilized elementary similarity
                    transformations used in the reduction of a real general
                    matrix to upper Hessenberg form by ELMHES.
          HTRIB3-S  Compute the eigenvectors of a complex Hermitian matrix from
                    the eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    output from HTRID3.
          HTRIBK-S  Form the eigenvectors of a complex Hermitian matrix from
                    the eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix
                    output from HTRIDI.
          ORTBAK-S  Form the eigenvectors of a general real matrix from the
          CORTB-C   eigenvectors of the upper Hessenberg matrix output from
          ORTRAN-S  Accumulate orthogonal similarity transformations in the
                    reduction of real general matrix by ORTHES.
          REBAK-S   Form the eigenvectors of a generalized symmetric
                    eigensystem from the eigenvectors of derived matrix output
                    from REDUC or REDUC2.
          REBAKB-S  Form the eigenvectors of a generalized symmetric
                    eigensystem from the eigenvectors of derived matrix output
                    from REDUC2.
          TRBAK1-S  Form the eigenvectors of real symmetric matrix from
                    the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix formed
                    by TRED1.
          TRBAK3-S  Form the eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix from the
                    eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix formed
                    by TRED3.
D5.  QR decomposition, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
          LLSIA-S   Solve a linear least squares problems by performing a QR
          DLLSIA-D  factorization of the matrix using Householder
                    transformations.  Emphasis is put on detecting possible
                    rank deficiency.
          SGLSS-S   Solve a linear least squares problems by performing a QR
          DGLSS-D   factorization of the matrix using Householder
                    transformations.  Emphasis is put on detecting possible
                    rank deficiency.
          SQRDC-S   Use Householder transformations to compute the QR
          DQRDC-D   factorization of an N by P matrix.  Column pivoting is a
          CQRDC-C   users option.
D6.  Singular value decomposition
          SSVDC-S   Perform the singular value decomposition of a rectangular
          DSVDC-D   matrix.
D7.  Update matrix decompositions
D7B.  Cholesky
          SCHDD-S   Downdate an augmented Cholesky decomposition or the
          DCHDD-D   triangular factor of an augmented QR decomposition.
          SCHEX-S   Update the Cholesky factorization  A=TRANS(R)*R  of A
          DCHEX-D   positive definite matrix A of order P under diagonal
          CCHEX-C   permutations of the form TRANS(E)*A*E, where E is a
                    permutation matrix.
          SCHUD-S   Update an augmented Cholesky decomposition of the
          DCHUD-D   triangular part of an augmented QR decomposition.
D9.  Overdetermined or underdetermined systems of equations, singular systems,
     pseudo-inverses (search also classes D5, D6, K1a, L8a)
          BNDACC-S  Compute the LU factorization of a banded matrices using
          DBNDAC-D  sequential accumulation of rows of the data matrix.
                    Exactly one right-hand side vector is permitted.
          BNDSOL-S  Solve the least squares problem for a banded matrix using
          DBNDSL-D  sequential accumulation of rows of the data matrix.
                    Exactly one right-hand side vector is permitted.
          HFTI-S    Solve a linear least squares problems by performing a QR
          DHFTI-D   factorization of the matrix using Householder
          LLSIA-S   Solve a linear least squares problems by performing a QR
          DLLSIA-D  factorization of the matrix using Householder
                    transformations.  Emphasis is put on detecting possible
                    rank deficiency.
          LSEI-S    Solve a linearly constrained least squares problem with
          DLSEI-D   equality and inequality constraints, and optionally compute
                    a covariance matrix.
          MINFIT-S  Compute the singular value decomposition of a rectangular
                    matrix and solve the related linear least squares problem.
          SGLSS-S   Solve a linear least squares problems by performing a QR
          DGLSS-D   factorization of the matrix using Householder
                    transformations.  Emphasis is put on detecting possible
                    rank deficiency.
          SQRSL-S   Apply the output of SQRDC to compute coordinate transfor-
          DQRSL-D   mations, projections, and least squares solutions.
          ULSIA-S   Solve an underdetermined linear system of equations by
          DULSIA-D  performing an LQ factorization of the matrix using
                    Householder transformations.  Emphasis is put on detecting
                    possible rank deficiency.
E.  Interpolation
          BSPDOC-A  Documentation for BSPLINE, a package of subprograms for
                    working with piecewise polynomial functions
                    in B-representation.
E1.  Univariate data (curve fitting)
E1A.  Polynomial splines (piecewise polynomials)
          BINT4-S   Compute the B-representation of a cubic spline
          DBINT4-D  which interpolates given data.
          BINTK-S   Compute the B-representation of a spline which interpolates
          DBINTK-D  given data.
          BSPDOC-A  Documentation for BSPLINE, a package of subprograms for
                    working with piecewise polynomial functions
                    in B-representation.
          PCHDOC-A  Documentation for PCHIP, a Fortran package for piecewise
                    cubic Hermite interpolation of data.
          PCHIC-S   Set derivatives needed to determine a piecewise monotone
          DPCHIC-D  piecewise cubic Hermite interpolant to given data.
                    User control is available over boundary conditions and/or
                    treatment of points where monotonicity switches direction.
          PCHIM-S   Set derivatives needed to determine a monotone piecewise
          DPCHIM-D  cubic Hermite interpolant to given data.  Boundary values
                    are provided which are compatible with monotonicity.  The
                    interpolant will have an extremum at each point where mono-
                    tonicity switches direction.  (See PCHIC if user control is
                    desired over boundary or switch conditions.)
          PCHSP-S   Set derivatives needed to determine the Hermite represen-
          DPCHSP-D  tation of the cubic spline interpolant to given data, with
                    specified boundary conditions.
E1B.  Polynomials
          POLCOF-S  Compute the coefficients of the polynomial fit (including
          DPOLCF-D  Hermite polynomial fits) produced by a previous call to
          POLINT-S  Produce the polynomial which interpolates a set of discrete
          DPLINT-D  data points.
E3.  Service routines (e.g., grid generation, evaluation of fitted functions)
     (search also class N5)
          BFQAD-S   Compute the integral of a product of a function and a
          DBFQAD-D  derivative of a B-spline.
          BSPDR-S   Use the B-representation to construct a divided difference
          DBSPDR-D  table preparatory to a (right) derivative calculation.
          BSPEV-S   Calculate the value of the spline and its derivatives from
          DBSPEV-D  the B-representation.
          BSPPP-S   Convert the B-representation of a B-spline to the piecewise
          DBSPPP-D  polynomial (PP) form.
          BSPVD-S   Calculate the value and all derivatives of order less than
          DBSPVD-D  NDERIV of all basis functions which do not vanish at X.
          BSPVN-S   Calculate the value of all (possibly) nonzero basis
          DBSPVN-D  functions at X.
          BSQAD-S   Compute the integral of a K-th order B-spline using the
          DBSQAD-D  B-representation.
          BVALU-S   Evaluate the B-representation of a B-spline at X for the
          DBVALU-D  function value or any of its derivatives.
          CHFDV-S   Evaluate a cubic polynomial given in Hermite form and its
          DCHFDV-D  first derivative at an array of points.  While designed for
                    use by PCHFD, it may be useful directly as an evaluator
                    for a piecewise cubic Hermite function in applications,
                    such as graphing, where the interval is known in advance.
                    If only function values are required, use CHFEV instead.
          CHFEV-S   Evaluate a cubic polynomial given in Hermite form at an
          DCHFEV-D  array of points.  While designed for use by PCHFE, it may
                    be useful directly as an evaluator for a piecewise cubic
                    Hermite function in applications, such as graphing, where
                    the interval is known in advance.
          INTRV-S   Compute the largest integer ILEFT in 1 .LE. ILEFT .LE. LXT
          DINTRV-D  such that XT(ILEFT) .LE. X where XT(*) is a subdivision
                    of the X interval.
          PCHBS-S   Piecewise Cubic Hermite to B-Spline converter.
          PCHCM-S   Check a cubic Hermite function for monotonicity.
          PCHFD-S   Evaluate a piecewise cubic Hermite function and its first
          DPCHFD-D  derivative at an array of points.  May be used by itself
                    for Hermite interpolation, or as an evaluator for PCHIM
                    or PCHIC.  If only function values are required, use
                    PCHFE instead.
          PCHFE-S   Evaluate a piecewise cubic Hermite function at an array of
          DPCHFE-D  points.  May be used by itself for Hermite interpolation,
                    or as an evaluator for PCHIM or PCHIC.
          PCHIA-S   Evaluate the definite integral of a piecewise cubic
          DPCHIA-D  Hermite function over an arbitrary interval.
          PCHID-S   Evaluate the definite integral of a piecewise cubic
          DPCHID-D  Hermite function over an interval whose endpoints are data
          PFQAD-S   Compute the integral on (X1,X2) of a product of a function
          DPFQAD-D  F and the ID-th derivative of a B-spline,
          POLYVL-S  Calculate the value of a polynomial and its first NDER
          DPOLVL-D  derivatives where the polynomial was produced by a previous
                    call to POLINT.
          PPQAD-S   Compute the integral on (X1,X2) of a K-th order B-spline
          DPPQAD-D  using the piecewise polynomial (PP) representation.
          PPVAL-S   Calculate the value of the IDERIV-th derivative of the
          DPPVAL-D  B-spline from the PP-representation.
F.  Solution of nonlinear equations
F1.  Single equation
F1A.  Smooth
F1A1.  Polynomial
F1A1A.  Real coefficients
          RPQR79-S  Find the zeros of a polynomial with real coefficients.
          RPZERO-S  Find the zeros of a polynomial with real coefficients.
F1A1B.  Complex coefficients
          CPQR79-C  Find the zeros of a polynomial with complex coefficients.
          CPZERO-C  Find the zeros of a polynomial with complex coefficients.
F1B.  General (no smoothness assumed)
          FZERO-S   Search for a zero of a function F(X) in a given interval
          DFZERO-D  (B,C).  It is designed primarily for problems where F(B)
                    and F(C) have opposite signs.
F2.  System of equations
F2A.  Smooth
          SNSQ-S    Find a zero of a system of a N nonlinear functions in N
          DNSQ-D    variables by a modification of the Powell hybrid method.
          SNSQE-S   An easy-to-use code to find a zero of a system of N
          DNSQE-D   nonlinear functions in N variables by a modification of
                    the Powell hybrid method.
          SOS-S     Solve a square system of nonlinear equations.
F3.  Service routines (e.g., check user-supplied derivatives)
          CHKDER-S  Check the gradients of M nonlinear functions in N
          DCKDER-D  variables, evaluated at a point X, for consistency
                    with the functions themselves.
G.  Optimization (search also classes K, L8)
G2.  Constrained
G2A.  Linear programming
G2A2.  Sparse matrix of constraints
          SPLP-S    Solve linear programming problems involving at
          DSPLP-D   most a few thousand constraints and variables.
                    Takes advantage of sparsity in the constraint matrix.
G2E.  Quadratic programming
          SBOCLS-S  Solve the bounded and constrained least squares
          DBOCLS-D  problem consisting of solving the equation
                              E*X = F  (in the least squares sense)
                     subject to the linear constraints
                                    C*X = Y.
          SBOLS-S   Solve the problem
          DBOLS-D        E*X = F (in the least  squares  sense)
                    with bounds on selected X values.
G2H.  General nonlinear programming
G2H1.  Simple bounds
          SBOCLS-S  Solve the bounded and constrained least squares
          DBOCLS-D  problem consisting of solving the equation
                              E*X = F  (in the least squares sense)
                     subject to the linear constraints
                                    C*X = Y.
          SBOLS-S   Solve the problem
          DBOLS-D        E*X = F (in the least  squares  sense)
                    with bounds on selected X values.
G2H2.  Linear equality or inequality constraints
          SBOCLS-S  Solve the bounded and constrained least squares
          DBOCLS-D  problem consisting of solving the equation
                              E*X = F  (in the least squares sense)
                     subject to the linear constraints
                                    C*X = Y.
          SBOLS-S   Solve the problem
          DBOLS-D        E*X = F (in the least  squares  sense)
                    with bounds on selected X values.
G4.  Service routines
G4C.  Check user-supplied derivatives
          CHKDER-S  Check the gradients of M nonlinear functions in N
          DCKDER-D  variables, evaluated at a point X, for consistency
                    with the functions themselves.
H.  Differentiation, integration
H1.  Numerical differentiation
          CHFDV-S   Evaluate a cubic polynomial given in Hermite form and its
          DCHFDV-D  first derivative at an array of points.  While designed for
                    use by PCHFD, it may be useful directly as an evaluator
                    for a piecewise cubic Hermite function in applications,
                    such as graphing, where the interval is known in advance.
                    If only function values are required, use CHFEV instead.
          PCHFD-S   Evaluate a piecewise cubic Hermite function and its first
          DPCHFD-D  derivative at an array of points.  May be used by itself
                    for Hermite interpolation, or as an evaluator for PCHIM
                    or PCHIC.  If only function values are required, use
                    PCHFE instead.
H2.  Quadrature (numerical evaluation of definite integrals)
          QPDOC-A   Documentation for QUADPACK, a package of subprograms for
                    automatic evaluation of one-dimensional definite integrals.
H2A.  One-dimensional integrals
H2A1.  Finite interval (general integrand)
H2A1A.  Integrand available via user-defined procedure
H2A1A1.  Automatic (user need only specify required accuracy)
          GAUS8-S   Integrate a real function of one variable over a finite
          DGAUS8-D  interval using an adaptive 8-point Legendre-Gauss
                    algorithm.  Intended primarily for high accuracy
                    integration or integration of smooth functions.
          QAG-S     The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAG-D    definite integral I = integral of F over (A,B),
                    hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAGE-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGE-D   definite integral   I = Integral of F over (A,B),
                    hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAGS-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGS-D   Definite integral  I = Integral of F over (A,B),
                    Hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAGSE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGSE-D  definite integral I = Integral of F over (A,B),
                    hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QNC79-S   Integrate a function using a 7-point adaptive Newton-Cotes
          DQNC79-D  quadrature rule.
          QNG-S     The routine calculates an approximation result to a
          DQNG-D    given definite integral I = integral of F over (A,B),
                    hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
H2A1A2.  Nonautomatic
          QK15-S    To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B), with error
          DQK15-D                  estimate
                               J = integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
          QK21-S    To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B), with error
          DQK21-D                  estimate
                               J = Integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
          QK31-S    To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B) with error
          DQK31-D                  estimate
                               J = Integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
          QK41-S    To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B), with error
          DQK41-D                  estimate
                               J = Integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
          QK51-S    To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B) with error
          DQK51-D                  estimate
                               J = Integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
          QK61-S    To compute I = Integral of F over (A,B) with error
          DQK61-D                  estimate
                               J = Integral of ABS(F) over (A,B)
H2A1B.  Integrand available only on grid
H2A1B2.  Nonautomatic
          AVINT-S   Integrate a function tabulated at arbitrarily spaced
          DAVINT-D  abscissas using overlapping parabolas.
          PCHIA-S   Evaluate the definite integral of a piecewise cubic
          DPCHIA-D  Hermite function over an arbitrary interval.
          PCHID-S   Evaluate the definite integral of a piecewise cubic
          DPCHID-D  Hermite function over an interval whose endpoints are data
H2A2.  Finite interval (specific or special type integrand including weight
       functions, oscillating and singular integrands, principal value
       integrals, splines, etc.)
H2A2A.  Integrand available via user-defined procedure
H2A2A1.  Automatic (user need only specify required accuracy)
          BFQAD-S   Compute the integral of a product of a function and a
          DBFQAD-D  derivative of a B-spline.
          BSQAD-S   Compute the integral of a K-th order B-spline using the
          DBSQAD-D  B-representation.
          PFQAD-S   Compute the integral on (X1,X2) of a product of a function
          DPFQAD-D  F and the ID-th derivative of a B-spline,
          PPQAD-S   Compute the integral on (X1,X2) of a K-th order B-spline
          DPPQAD-D  using the piecewise polynomial (PP) representation.
          QAGP-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGP-D   definite integral I = Integral of F over (A,B),
                    hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
                    break points of the integration interval, where local
                    difficulties of the integrand may occur(e.g. SINGULARITIES,
                    DISCONTINUITIES), are provided by the user.
          QAGPE-S   Approximate a given definite integral I = Integral of F
          DQAGPE-D  over (A,B), hopefully satisfying the accuracy claim:
                    Break points of the integration interval, where local
                    difficulties of the integrand may occur (e.g. singularities
                    or discontinuities) are provided by the user.
          QAWC-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a
          DQAWC-D   Cauchy principal value I = INTEGRAL of F*W over (A,B)
                    (W(X) = 1/((X-C), C.NE.A, C.NE.B), hopefully satisfying
                    following claim for accuracy
          QAWCE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a
          DQAWCE-D  CAUCHY PRINCIPAL VALUE I = Integral of F*W over (A,B)
                    (W(X) = 1/(X-C), (C.NE.A, C.NE.B), hopefully satisfying
                    following claim for accuracy
          QAWO-S    Calculate an approximation to a given definite integral
          DQAWO-D    I = Integral of F(X)*W(X) over (A,B), where
                           W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X)
                        or W(X) = SIN(OMEGA*X),
                    hopefully satisfying the following claim for accuracy
          QAWOE-S   Calculate an approximation to a given definite integral
          DQAWOE-D     I = Integral of F(X)*W(X) over (A,B), where
                          W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X)
                       or W(X) = SIN(OMEGA*X),
                    hopefully satisfying the following claim for accuracy
          QAWS-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAWS-D   definite integral I = Integral of F*W over (A,B),
                    (where W shows a singular behaviour at the end points
                    see parameter INTEGR).
                    Hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAWSE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAWSE-D  definite integral I = Integral of F*W over (A,B),
                    (where W shows a singular behaviour at the end points,
                    see parameter INTEGR).
                    Hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QMOMO-S   This routine computes modified Chebyshev moments.  The K-th
          DQMOMO-D  modified Chebyshev moment is defined as the integral over
                    (-1,1) of W(X)*T(K,X), where T(K,X) is the Chebyshev
                    polynomial of degree K.
H2A2A2.  Nonautomatic
          QC25C-S   To compute I = Integral of F*W over (A,B) with
          DQC25C-D  error estimate, where W(X) = 1/(X-C)
          QC25F-S   To compute the integral I=Integral of F(X) over (A,B)
          DQC25F-D  Where W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X) Or (WX)=SIN(OMEGA*X)
                    and to compute J=Integral of ABS(F) over (A,B). For small
                    value of OMEGA or small intervals (A,B) 15-point GAUSS-
                    KRONROD Rule used. Otherwise generalized CLENSHAW-CURTIS us
          QC25S-S   To compute I = Integral of F*W over (BL,BR), with error
          DQC25S-D  estimate, where the weight function W has a singular
                    behaviour of ALGEBRAICO-LOGARITHMIC type at the points
                    A and/or B. (BL,BR) is a part of (A,B).
          QK15W-S   To compute I = Integral of F*W over (A,B), with error
          DQK15W-D                 estimate
                               J = Integral of ABS(F*W) over (A,B)
H2A3.  Semi-infinite interval (including e**(-x) weight function)
H2A3A.  Integrand available via user-defined procedure
H2A3A1.  Automatic (user need only specify required accuracy)
          QAGI-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGI-D   INTEGRAL   I = Integral of F over (BOUND,+INFINITY)
                            OR I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,BOUND)
                            OR I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,+INFINITY)
                    Hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAGIE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGIE-D  integral   I = Integral of F over (BOUND,+INFINITY)
                            or I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,BOUND)
                            or I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,+INFINITY),
                            hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAWF-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAWF-D   Fourier integral
                    I = Integral of F(X)*W(X) over (A,INFINITY)
                    where W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X) or W(X) = SIN(OMEGA*X).
                    Hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAWFE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a
          DQAWFE-D  given Fourier integral
                    I = Integral of F(X)*W(X) over (A,INFINITY)
                     where W(X) = COS(OMEGA*X) or W(X) = SIN(OMEGA*X),
                    hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
H2A3A2.  Nonautomatic
          QK15I-S   The original (infinite integration range is mapped
          DQK15I-D  onto the interval (0,1) and (A,B) is a part of (0,1).
                    it is the purpose to compute
                    I = Integral of transformed integrand over (A,B),
                    J = Integral of ABS(Transformed Integrand) over (A,B).
H2A4.  Infinite interval (including e**(-x**2)) weight function)
H2A4A.  Integrand available via user-defined procedure
H2A4A1.  Automatic (user need only specify required accuracy)
          QAGI-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGI-D   INTEGRAL   I = Integral of F over (BOUND,+INFINITY)
                            OR I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,BOUND)
                            OR I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,+INFINITY)
                    Hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
          QAGIE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a given
          DQAGIE-D  integral   I = Integral of F over (BOUND,+INFINITY)
                            or I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,BOUND)
                            or I = Integral of F over (-INFINITY,+INFINITY),
                            hopefully satisfying following claim for accuracy
H2A4A2.  Nonautomatic
          QK15I-S   The original (infinite integration range is mapped
          DQK15I-D  onto the interval (0,1) and (A,B) is a part of (0,1).
                    it is the purpose to compute
                    I = Integral of transformed integrand over (A,B),
                    J = Integral of ABS(Transformed Integrand) over (A,B).
I.  Differential and integral equations
I1.  Ordinary differential equations
I1A.  Initial value problems
I1A1.  General, nonstiff or mildly stiff
I1A1A.  One-step methods (e.g., Runge-Kutta)
          DERKF-S   Solve an initial value problem in ordinary differential
          DDERKF-D  equations using a Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg scheme.
I1A1B.  Multistep methods (e.g., Adams' predictor-corrector)
          DEABM-S   Solve an initial value problem in ordinary differential
          DDEABM-D  equations using an Adams-Bashforth method.
          SDRIV1-S  The function of SDRIV1 is to solve N (200 or fewer)
          DDRIV1-D  ordinary differential equations of the form
          CDRIV1-C  dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T), given the initial conditions
                    Y(I) = YI.  SDRIV1 uses single precision arithmetic.
          SDRIV2-S  The function of SDRIV2 is to solve N ordinary differential
          DDRIV2-D  equations of the form dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T), given the
          CDRIV2-C  initial conditions Y(I) = YI.  The program has options to
                    allow the solution of both stiff and non-stiff differential
                    equations.  SDRIV2 uses single precision arithmetic.
          SDRIV3-S  The function of SDRIV3 is to solve N ordinary differential
          DDRIV3-D  equations of the form dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T), given the
          CDRIV3-C  initial conditions Y(I) = YI.  The program has options to
                    allow the solution of both stiff and non-stiff differential
                    equations.  Other important options are available.  SDRIV3
                    uses single precision arithmetic.
          SINTRP-S  Approximate the solution at XOUT by evaluating the
          DINTP-D   polynomial computed in STEPS at XOUT.  Must be used in
                    conjunction with STEPS.
          STEPS-S   Integrate a system of first order ordinary differential
          DSTEPS-D  equations one step.
I1A2.  Stiff and mixed algebraic-differential equations
          DEBDF-S   Solve an initial value problem in ordinary differential
          DDEBDF-D  equations using backward differentiation formulas.  It is
                    intended primarily for stiff problems.
          SDASSL-S  This code solves a system of differential/algebraic
          DDASSL-D  equations of the form G(T,Y,YPRIME) = 0.
          SDRIV1-S  The function of SDRIV1 is to solve N (200 or fewer)
          DDRIV1-D  ordinary differential equations of the form
          CDRIV1-C  dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T), given the initial conditions
                    Y(I) = YI.  SDRIV1 uses single precision arithmetic.
          SDRIV2-S  The function of SDRIV2 is to solve N ordinary differential
          DDRIV2-D  equations of the form dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T), given the
          CDRIV2-C  initial conditions Y(I) = YI.  The program has options to
                    allow the solution of both stiff and non-stiff differential
                    equations.  SDRIV2 uses single precision arithmetic.
          SDRIV3-S  The function of SDRIV3 is to solve N ordinary differential
          DDRIV3-D  equations of the form dY(I)/dT = F(Y(I),T), given the
          CDRIV3-C  initial conditions Y(I) = YI.  The program has options to
                    allow the solution of both stiff and non-stiff differential
                    equations.  Other important options are available.  SDRIV3
                    uses single precision arithmetic.
I1B.  Multipoint boundary value problems
I1B1.  Linear
          BVSUP-S   Solve a linear two-point boundary value problem using
          DBVSUP-D  superposition coupled with an orthonormalization procedure
                    and a variable-step integration scheme.
I2.  Partial differential equations
I2B.  Elliptic boundary value problems
I2B1.  Linear
I2B1A.  Second order
I2B1A1.  Poisson (Laplace) or Helmholz equation
I2B1A1A.  Rectangular domain (or topologically rectangular in the coordinate
          HSTCRT-S  Solve the standard five-point finite difference
                    approximation on a staggered grid to the Helmholtz equation
                    in Cartesian coordinates.
          HSTCSP-S  Solve the standard five-point finite difference
                    approximation on a staggered grid to the modified Helmholtz
                    equation in spherical coordinates assuming axisymmetry
                    (no dependence on longitude).
          HSTCYL-S  Solve the standard five-point finite difference
                    approximation on a staggered grid to the modified
                    Helmholtz equation in cylindrical coordinates.
          HSTPLR-S  Solve the standard five-point finite difference
                    approximation on a staggered grid to the Helmholtz equation
                    in polar coordinates.
          HSTSSP-S  Solve the standard five-point finite difference
                    approximation on a staggered grid to the Helmholtz
                    equation in spherical coordinates and on the surface of
                    the unit sphere (radius of 1).
          HW3CRT-S  Solve the standard seven-point finite difference
                    approximation to the Helmholtz equation in Cartesian
          HWSCRT-S  Solves the standard five-point finite difference
                    approximation to the Helmholtz equation in Cartesian
          HWSCSP-S  Solve a finite difference approximation to the modified
                    Helmholtz equation in spherical coordinates assuming
                    axisymmetry  (no dependence on longitude).
          HWSCYL-S  Solve a standard finite difference approximation
                    to the Helmholtz equation in cylindrical coordinates.
          HWSPLR-S  Solve a finite difference approximation to the Helmholtz
                    equation in polar coordinates.
          HWSSSP-S  Solve a finite difference approximation to the Helmholtz
                    equation in spherical coordinates and on the surface of the
                    unit sphere (radius of 1).
I2B1A2.  Other separable problems
          SEPELI-S  Discretize and solve a second and, optionally, a fourth
                    order finite difference approximation on a uniform grid to
                    the general separable elliptic partial differential
                    equation on a rectangle with any combination of periodic or
                    mixed boundary conditions.
          SEPX4-S   Solve for either the second or fourth order finite
                    difference approximation to the solution of a separable
                    elliptic partial differential equation on a rectangle.
                    Any combination of periodic or mixed boundary conditions is
I2B4.  Service routines
I2B4B.  Solution of discretized elliptic equations
          BLKTRI-S  Solve a block tridiagonal system of linear equations
          CBLKTR-C  (usually resulting from the discretization of separable
                    two-dimensional elliptic equations).
          GENBUN-S  Solve by a cyclic reduction algorithm the linear system
          CMGNBN-C  of equations that results from a finite difference
                    approximation to certain 2-d elliptic PDE's on a centered
                    grid .
          POIS3D-S  Solve a three-dimensional block tridiagonal linear system
                    which arises from a finite difference approximation to a
                    three-dimensional Poisson equation using the Fourier
                    transform package FFTPAK written by Paul Swarztrauber.
          POISTG-S  Solve a block tridiagonal system of linear equations
                    that results from a staggered grid finite difference
                    approximation to 2-D elliptic PDE's.
J.  Integral transforms
J1.  Fast Fourier transforms (search class L10 for time series analysis)
          FFTDOC-A  Documentation for FFTPACK, a collection of Fast Fourier
                    Transform routines.
J1A.  One-dimensional
J1A1.  Real
          EZFFTB-S  A simplified real, periodic, backward fast Fourier
          EZFFTF-S  Compute a simplified real, periodic, fast Fourier forward
          EZFFTI-S  Initialize a work array for EZFFTF and EZFFTB.
          RFFTB1-S  Compute the backward fast Fourier transform of a real
          CFFTB1-C  coefficient array.
          RFFTF1-S  Compute the forward transform of a real, periodic sequence.
          RFFTI1-S  Initialize a real and an integer work array for RFFTF1 and
          CFFTI1-C  RFFTB1.
J1A2.  Complex
          CFFTB1-C  Compute the unnormalized inverse of CFFTF1.
          CFFTF1-C  Compute the forward transform of a complex, periodic
          RFFTF1-S  sequence.
          CFFTI1-C  Initialize a real and an integer work array for CFFTF1 and
          RFFTI1-S  CFFTB1.
J1A3.  Trigonometric (sine, cosine)
          COSQB-S   Compute the unnormalized inverse cosine transform.
          COSQF-S   Compute the forward cosine transform with odd wave numbers.
          COSQI-S   Initialize a work array for COSQF and COSQB.
          COST-S    Compute the cosine transform of a real, even sequence.
          COSTI-S   Initialize a work array for COST.
          SINQB-S   Compute the unnormalized inverse of SINQF.
          SINQF-S   Compute the forward sine transform with odd wave numbers.
          SINQI-S   Initialize a work array for SINQF and SINQB.
          SINT-S    Compute the sine transform of a real, odd sequence.
          SINTI-S   Initialize a work array for SINT.
J4.  Hilbert transforms
          QAWC-S    The routine calculates an approximation result to a
          DQAWC-D   Cauchy principal value I = INTEGRAL of F*W over (A,B)
                    (W(X) = 1/((X-C), C.NE.A, C.NE.B), hopefully satisfying
                    following claim for accuracy
          QAWCE-S   The routine calculates an approximation result to a
          DQAWCE-D  CAUCHY PRINCIPAL VALUE I = Integral of F*W over (A,B)
                    (W(X) = 1/(X-C), (C.NE.A, C.NE.B), hopefully satisfying
                    following claim for accuracy
          QC25C-S   To compute I = Integral of F*W over (A,B) with
          DQC25C-D  error estimate, where W(X) = 1/(X-C)
K.  Approximation (search also class L8)
          BSPDOC-A  Documentation for BSPLINE, a package of subprograms for
                    working with piecewise polynomial functions
                    in B-representation.
K1.  Least squares (L-2) approximation
K1A.  Linear least squares (search also classes D5, D6, D9)
K1A1.  Unconstrained
K1A1A.  Univariate data (curve fitting)
K1A1A1.  Polynomial splines (piecewise polynomials)
          EFC-S     Fit a piecewise polynomial curve to discrete data.
          DEFC-D    The piecewise polynomials are represented as B-splines.
                    The fitting is done in a weighted least squares sense.
          FC-S      Fit a piecewise polynomial curve to discrete data.
          DFC-D     The piecewise polynomials are represented as B-splines.
                    The fitting is done in a weighted least squares sense.
                    Equality and inequality constraints can be imposed on the
                    fitted curve.
K1A1A2.  Polynomials
          PCOEF-S   Convert the POLFIT coefficients to Taylor series form.
          POLFIT-S  Fit discrete data in a least squares sense by polynomials
          DPOLFT-D  in one variable.
K1A2.  Constrained
K1A2A.  Linear constraints
          EFC-S     Fit a piecewise polynomial curve to discrete data.
          DEFC-D    The piecewise polynomials are represented as B-splines.
                    The fitting is done in a weighted least squares sense.
          FC-S      Fit a piecewise polynomial curve to discrete data.
          DFC-D     The piecewise polynomials are represented as B-splines.
                    The fitting is done in a weighted least squares sense.
                    Equality and inequality constraints can be imposed on the
                    fitted curve.
          LSEI-S    Solve a linearly constrained least squares problem with
          DLSEI-D   equality and inequality constraints, and optionally compute
                    a covariance matrix.
          SBOCLS-S  Solve the bounded and constrained least squares
          DBOCLS-D  problem consisting of solving the equation
                              E*X = F  (in the least squares sense)
                     subject to the linear constraints
                                    C*X = Y.
          SBOLS-S   Solve the problem
          DBOLS-D        E*X = F (in the least  squares  sense)
                    with bounds on selected X values.
          WNNLS-S   Solve a linearly constrained least squares problem with
          DWNNLS-D  equality constraints and nonnegativity constraints on
                    selected variables.
K1B.  Nonlinear least squares
K1B1.  Unconstrained
          SCOV-S    Calculate the covariance matrix for a nonlinear data
          DCOV-D    fitting problem.  It is intended to be used after a
                    successful return from either SNLS1 or SNLS1E.
K1B1A.  Smooth functions
K1B1A1.  User provides no derivatives
          SNLS1-S   Minimize the sum of the squares of M nonlinear functions
          DNLS1-D   in N variables by a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt
          SNLS1E-S  An easy-to-use code which minimizes the sum of the squares
          DNLS1E-D  of M nonlinear functions in N variables by a modification
                    of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
K1B1A2.  User provides first derivatives
          SNLS1-S   Minimize the sum of the squares of M nonlinear functions
          DNLS1-D   in N variables by a modification of the Levenberg-Marquardt
          SNLS1E-S  An easy-to-use code which minimizes the sum of the squares
          DNLS1E-D  of M nonlinear functions in N variables by a modification
                    of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
K6.  Service routines (e.g., mesh generation, evaluation of fitted functions)
     (search also class N5)
          BFQAD-S   Compute the integral of a product of a function and a
          DBFQAD-D  derivative of a B-spline.
          DBSPDR-D  Use the B-representation to construct a divided difference
          BSPDR-S   table preparatory to a (right) derivative calculation.
          BSPEV-S   Calculate the value of the spline and its derivatives from
          DBSPEV-D  the B-representation.
          BSPPP-S   Convert the B-representation of a B-spline to the piecewise
          DBSPPP-D  polynomial (PP) form.
          BSPVD-S   Calculate the value and all derivatives of order less than
          DBSPVD-D  NDERIV of all basis functions which do not vanish at X.
          BSPVN-S   Calculate the value of all (possibly) nonzero basis
          DBSPVN-D  functions at X.
          BSQAD-S   Compute the integral of a K-th order B-spline using the
          DBSQAD-D  B-representation.
          BVALU-S   Evaluate the B-representation of a B-spline at X for the
          DBVALU-D  function value or any of its derivatives.
          INTRV-S   Compute the largest integer ILEFT in 1 .LE. ILEFT .LE. LXT
          DINTRV-D  such that XT(ILEFT) .LE. X where XT(*) is a subdivision
                    of the X interval.
          PFQAD-S   Compute the integral on (X1,X2) of a product of a function
          DPFQAD-D  F and the ID-th derivative of a B-spline,
          PPQAD-S   Compute the integral on (X1,X2) of a K-th order B-spline
          DPPQAD-D  using the piecewise polynomial (PP) representation.
          PPVAL-S   Calculate the value of the IDERIV-th derivative of the
          DPPVAL-D  B-spline from the PP-representation.
          PVALUE-S  Use the coefficients generated by POLFIT to evaluate the
          DP1VLU-D  polynomial fit of degree L, along with the first NDER of
                    its derivatives, at a specified point.
L.  Statistics, probability
L5.  Function evaluation (search also class C)
L5A.  Univariate
L5A1.  Cumulative distribution functions, probability density functions
L5A1E.  Error function, exponential, extreme value
          ERF-S     Compute the error function.
          ERFC-S    Compute the complementary error function.
L6.  Pseudo-random number generation
L6A.  Univariate
L6A14.  Negative binomial, normal
          RGAUSS-S  Generate a normally distributed (Gaussian) random number.
L6A21.  Uniform
          RAND-S    Generate a uniformly distributed random number.
          RUNIF-S   Generate a uniformly distributed random number.
L7.  Experimental design, including analysis of variance
L7A.  Univariate
L7A3.  Analysis of covariance
          CV-S      Evaluate the variance function of the curve obtained
          DCV-D     by the constrained B-spline fitting subprogram FC.
L8.  Regression (search also classes G, K)
L8A.  Linear least squares (L-2) (search also classes D5, D6, D9)
L8A3.  Piecewise polynomial (i.e. multiphase or spline)
          EFC-S     Fit a piecewise polynomial curve to discrete data.
          DEFC-D    The piecewise polynomials are represented as B-splines.
                    The fitting is done in a weighted least squares sense.
          FC-S      Fit a piecewise polynomial curve to discrete data.
          DFC-D     The piecewise polynomials are represented as B-splines.
                    The fitting is done in a weighted least squares sense.
                    Equality and inequality constraints can be imposed on the
                    fitted curve.
N.  Data handling (search also class L2)
N1.  Input, output
          SBHIN-S   Read a Sparse Linear System in the Boeing/Harwell Format.
          DBHIN-D   The matrix is read in and if the right hand side is also
                    present in the input file then it too is read in.  The
                    matrix is then modified to be in the SLAP Column format.
          SCPPLT-S  Printer Plot of SLAP Column Format Matrix.
          DCPPLT-D  Routine to print out a SLAP Column format matrix in a
                    "printer plot" graphical representation.
          STIN-S    Read in SLAP Triad Format Linear System.
          DTIN-D    Routine to read in a SLAP Triad format matrix and right
                    hand side and solution to the system, if known.
          STOUT-S   Write out SLAP Triad Format Linear System.
          DTOUT-D   Routine to write out a SLAP Triad format matrix and right
                    hand side and solution to the system, if known.
N6.  Sorting
N6A.  Internal
N6A1.  Passive (i.e. construct pointer array, rank)
N6A1A.  Integer
          IPSORT-I  Return the permutation vector generated by sorting a given
          SPSORT-S  array and, optionally, rearrange the elements of the array.
          DPSORT-D  The array may be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.
          HPSORT-H  A slightly modified quicksort algorithm is used.
N6A1B.  Real
          SPSORT-S  Return the permutation vector generated by sorting a given
          DPSORT-D  array and, optionally, rearrange the elements of the array.
          IPSORT-I  The array may be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.
          HPSORT-H  A slightly modified quicksort algorithm is used.
N6A1C.  Character
          HPSORT-H  Return the permutation vector generated by sorting a
          SPSORT-S  substring within a character array and, optionally,
          DPSORT-D  rearrange the elements of the array.  The array may be
          IPSORT-I  sorted in forward or reverse lexicographical order.  A
                    slightly modified quicksort algorithm is used.
N6A2.  Active
N6A2A.  Integer
          IPSORT-I  Return the permutation vector generated by sorting a given
          SPSORT-S  array and, optionally, rearrange the elements of the array.
          DPSORT-D  The array may be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.
          HPSORT-H  A slightly modified quicksort algorithm is used.
          ISORT-I   Sort an array and optionally make the same interchanges in
          SSORT-S   an auxiliary array.  The array may be sorted in increasing
          DSORT-D   or decreasing order.  A slightly modified QUICKSORT
                    algorithm is used.
N6A2B.  Real
          SPSORT-S  Return the permutation vector generated by sorting a given
          DPSORT-D  array and, optionally, rearrange the elements of the array.
          IPSORT-I  The array may be sorted in increasing or decreasing order.
          HPSORT-H  A slightly modified quicksort algorithm is used.
          SSORT-S   Sort an array and optionally make the same interchanges in
          DSORT-D   an auxiliary array.  The array may be sorted in increasing
          ISORT-I   or decreasing order.  A slightly modified QUICKSORT
                    algorithm is used.
N6A2C.  Character
          HPSORT-H  Return the permutation vector generated by sorting a
          SPSORT-S  substring within a character array and, optionally,
          DPSORT-D  rearrange the elements of the array.  The array may be
          IPSORT-I  sorted in forward or reverse lexicographical order.  A
                    slightly modified quicksort algorithm is used.
N8.  Permuting
          SPPERM-S  Rearrange a given array according to a prescribed
          DPPERM-D  permutation vector.
R.  Service routines
R1.  Machine-dependent constants
          I1MACH-I  Return integer machine dependent constants.
          R1MACH-S  Return floating point machine dependent constants.
R2.  Error checking (e.g., check monotonicity)
          GAMLIM-S  Compute the minimum and maximum bounds for the argument in
          DGAMLM-D  the Gamma function.
R3.  Error handling
          FDUMP-A   Symbolic dump (should be locally written).
R3A.  Set criteria for fatal errors
          XSETF-A   Set the error control flag.
R3B.  Set unit number for error messages
          XSETUA-A  Set logical unit numbers (up to 5) to which error
                    messages are to be sent.
          XSETUN-A  Set output file to which error messages are to be sent.
R3C.  Other utility programs
          NUMXER-I  Return the most recent error number.
          XERCLR-A  Reset current error number to zero.
          XERDMP-A  Print the error tables and then clear them.
          XERMAX-A  Set maximum number of times any error message is to be
          XERMSG-A  Process error messages for SLATEC and other libraries.
          XGETF-A   Return the current value of the error control flag.
          XGETUA-A  Return unit number(s) to which error messages are being
          XGETUN-A  Return the (first) output file to which error messages
                    are being sent.
Z.  Other
          AAAAAA-A  SLATEC Common Mathematical Library disclaimer and version.
          BSPDOC-A  Documentation for BSPLINE, a package of subprograms for
                    working with piecewise polynomial functions
                    in B-representation.
          EISDOC-A  Documentation for EISPACK, a collection of subprograms for
                    solving matrix eigen-problems.
          FFTDOC-A  Documentation for FFTPACK, a collection of Fast Fourier
                    Transform routines.
          FUNDOC-A  Documentation for FNLIB, a collection of routines for
                    evaluating elementary and special functions.
          PCHDOC-A  Documentation for PCHIP, a Fortran package for piecewise
                    cubic Hermite interpolation of data.
          QPDOC-A   Documentation for QUADPACK, a package of subprograms for
                    automatic evaluation of one-dimensional definite integrals.
          SLPDOC-S  Sparse Linear Algebra Package Version 2.0.2 Documentation.
          DLPDOC-D  Routines to solve large sparse symmetric and nonsymmetric
                    positive definite linear systems, Ax = b, using precondi-
                    tioned iterative methods.
 SECTION II. Subsidiary Routines
          ASYIK     Subsidiary to BESI and BESK
          ASYJY     Subsidiary to BESJ and BESY
          BCRH      Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          BDIFF     Subsidiary to BSKIN
          BESKNU    Subsidiary to BESK
          BESYNU    Subsidiary to BESY
          BKIAS     Subsidiary to BSKIN
          BKISR     Subsidiary to BSKIN
          BKSOL     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          BLKTR1    Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          BNFAC     Subsidiary to BINT4 and BINTK
          BNSLV     Subsidiary to BINT4 and BINTK
          BSGQ8     Subsidiary to BFQAD
          BSPLVD    Subsidiary to FC
          BSPLVN    Subsidiary to FC
          BSRH      Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          BVDER     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          BVPOR     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          C1MERG    Merge two strings of complex numbers.  Each string is
                    ascending by the real part.
          C9LGMC    Compute the log gamma correction factor so that
                    LOG(CGAMMA(Z)) = 0.5*LOG(2.*PI) + (Z-0.5)*LOG(Z) - Z
                    + C9LGMC(Z).
          C9LN2R    Evaluate LOG(1+Z) from second order relative accuracy so
                    that  LOG(1+Z) = Z - Z**2/2 + Z**3*C9LN2R(Z).
          CACAI     Subsidiary to CAIRY
          CACON     Subsidiary to CBESH and CBESK
          CASYI     Subsidiary to CBESI and CBESK
          CBINU     Subsidiary to CAIRY, CBESH, CBESI, CBESJ, CBESK and CBIRY
          CBKNU     Subsidiary to CAIRY, CBESH, CBESI and CBESK
          CBLKT1    Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          CBUNI     Subsidiary to CBESI and CBESK
          CBUNK     Subsidiary to CBESH and CBESK
          CCMPB     Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          CDCOR     Subroutine CDCOR computes corrections to the Y array.
          CDCST     CDCST sets coefficients used by the core integrator CDSTP.
          CDIV      Compute the complex quotient of two complex numbers.
          CDNTL     Subroutine CDNTL is called to set parameters on the first
                    call to CDSTP, on an internal restart, or when the user has
                    altered MINT, MITER, and/or H.
          CDNTP     Subroutine CDNTP interpolates the K-th derivative of Y at
                    TOUT, using the data in the YH array.  If K has a value
                    greater than NQ, the NQ-th derivative is calculated.
          CDPSC     Subroutine CDPSC computes the predicted YH values by
                    effectively multiplying the YH array by the Pascal triangle
                    matrix when KSGN is +1, and performs the inverse function
                    when KSGN is -1.
          CDPST     Subroutine CDPST evaluates the Jacobian matrix of the right
                    hand side of the differential equations.
          CDSCL     Subroutine CDSCL rescales the YH array whenever the step
                    size is changed.
          CDSTP     CDSTP performs one step of the integration of an initial
                    value problem for a system of ordinary differential
          CDZRO     CDZRO searches for a zero of a function F(N, T, Y, IROOT)
                    between the given values B and C until the width of the
                    interval (B, C) has collapsed to within a tolerance
                    specified by the stopping criterion,
                      ABS(B - C) .LE. 2.*(RW*ABS(B) + AE).
          CFFTB     Compute the unnormalized inverse of CFFTF.
          CFFTF     Compute the forward transform of a complex, periodic
          CFFTI     Initialize a work array for CFFTF and CFFTB.
          CFOD      Subsidiary to DEBDF
          CHFCM     Check a single cubic for monotonicity.
          CHFIE     Evaluates integral of a single cubic for PCHIA
          CHKPR4    Subsidiary to SEPX4
          CHKPRM    Subsidiary to SEPELI
          CHKSN4    Subsidiary to SEPX4
          CHKSNG    Subsidiary to SEPELI
          CKSCL     Subsidiary to CBKNU, CUNK1 and CUNK2
          CMLRI     Subsidiary to CBESI and CBESK
          CMPCSG    Subsidiary to CMGNBN
          CMPOSD    Subsidiary to CMGNBN
          CMPOSN    Subsidiary to CMGNBN
          CMPOSP    Subsidiary to CMGNBN
          CMPTR3    Subsidiary to CMGNBN
          CMPTRX    Subsidiary to CMGNBN
          COMPB     Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          COSGEN    Subsidiary to GENBUN
          COSQB1    Compute the unnormalized inverse of COSQF1.
          COSQF1    Compute the forward cosine transform with odd wave numbers.
          CPADD     Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          CPEVL     Subsidiary to CPZERO
          CPEVLR    Subsidiary to CPZERO
          CPROC     Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          CPROCP    Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          CPROD     Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          CPRODP    Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          CRATI     Subsidiary to CBESH, CBESI and CBESK
          CS1S2     Subsidiary to CAIRY and CBESK
          CSCALE    Subsidiary to BVSUP
          CSERI     Subsidiary to CBESI and CBESK
          CSHCH     Subsidiary to CBESH and CBESK
          CSROOT    Compute the complex square root of a complex number.
          CUCHK     Subsidiary to SERI, CUOIK, CUNK1, CUNK2, CUNI1, CUNI2 and
          CUNHJ     Subsidiary to CBESI and CBESK
          CUNI1     Subsidiary to CBESI and CBESK
          CUNI2     Subsidiary to CBESI and CBESK
          CUNIK     Subsidiary to CBESI and CBESK
          CUNK1     Subsidiary to CBESK
          CUNK2     Subsidiary to CBESK
          CUOIK     Subsidiary to CBESH, CBESI and CBESK
          CWRSK     Subsidiary to CBESI and CBESK
          D1MERG    Merge two strings of ascending double precision numbers.
          D1MPYQ    Subsidiary to DNSQ and DNSQE
          D1UPDT    Subsidiary to DNSQ and DNSQE
          D9AIMP    Evaluate the Airy modulus and phase.
          D9ATN1    Evaluate DATAN(X) from first order relative accuracy so
                    that DATAN(X) = X + X**3*D9ATN1(X).
          D9B0MP    Evaluate the modulus and phase for the J0 and Y0 Bessel
          D9B1MP    Evaluate the modulus and phase for the J1 and Y1 Bessel
          D9CHU     Evaluate for large Z  Z**A * U(A,B,Z) where U is the
                    logarithmic confluent hypergeometric function.
          D9GMIC    Compute the complementary incomplete Gamma function for A
                    near a negative integer and X small.
          D9GMIT    Compute Tricomi's incomplete Gamma function for small
          D9KNUS    Compute Bessel functions EXP(X)*K-SUB-XNU(X) and EXP(X)*
                    K-SUB-XNU+1(X) for 0.0 .LE. XNU .LT. 1.0.
          D9LGIC    Compute the log complementary incomplete Gamma function
                    for large X and for A .LE. X.
          D9LGIT    Compute the logarithm of Tricomi's incomplete Gamma
                    function with Perron's continued fraction for large X and
                    A .GE. X.
          D9LGMC    Compute the log Gamma correction factor so that
                    LOG(DGAMMA(X)) = LOG(SQRT(2*PI)) + (X-5.)*LOG(X) - X
                    + D9LGMC(X).
          D9LN2R    Evaluate LOG(1+X) from second order relative accuracy so
                    that LOG(1+X) = X - X**2/2 + X**3*D9LN2R(X)
          DASYIK    Subsidiary to DBESI and DBESK
          DASYJY    Subsidiary to DBESJ and DBESY
          DBDIFF    Subsidiary to DBSKIN
          DBKIAS    Subsidiary to DBSKIN
          DBKISR    Subsidiary to DBSKIN
          DBKSOL    Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DBNFAC    Subsidiary to DBINT4 and DBINTK
          DBNSLV    Subsidiary to DBINT4 and DBINTK
          DBOLSM    Subsidiary to DBOCLS and DBOLS
          DBSGQ8    Subsidiary to DBFQAD
          DBSKNU    Subsidiary to DBESK
          DBSYNU    Subsidiary to DBESY
          DBVDER    Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DBVPOR    Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DCFOD     Subsidiary to DDEBDF
          DCHFCM    Check a single cubic for monotonicity.
          DCHFIE    Evaluates integral of a single cubic for DPCHIA
          DCHKW     SLAP WORK/IWORK Array Bounds Checker.
                    This routine checks the work array lengths and interfaces
                    to the SLATEC error handler if a problem is found.
          DCOEF     Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DCSCAL    Subsidiary to DBVSUP and DSUDS
          DDAINI    Initialization routine for DDASSL.
          DDAJAC    Compute the iteration matrix for DDASSL and form the
          DDANRM    Compute vector norm for DDASSL.
          DDASLV    Linear system solver for DDASSL.
          DDASTP    Perform one step of the DDASSL integration.
          DDATRP    Interpolation routine for DDASSL.
          DDAWTS    Set error weight vector for DDASSL.
          DDCOR     Subroutine DDCOR computes corrections to the Y array.
          DDCST     DDCST sets coefficients used by the core integrator DDSTP.
          DDES      Subsidiary to DDEABM
          DDNTL     Subroutine DDNTL is called to set parameters on the first
                    call to DDSTP, on an internal restart, or when the user has
                    altered MINT, MITER, and/or H.
          DDNTP     Subroutine DDNTP interpolates the K-th derivative of Y at
                    TOUT, using the data in the YH array.  If K has a value
                    greater than NQ, the NQ-th derivative is calculated.
          DDOGLG    Subsidiary to DNSQ and DNSQE
          DDPSC     Subroutine DDPSC computes the predicted YH values by
                    effectively multiplying the YH array by the Pascal triangle
                    matrix when KSGN is +1, and performs the inverse function
                    when KSGN is -1.
          DDPST     Subroutine DDPST evaluates the Jacobian matrix of the right
                    hand side of the differential equations.
          DDSCL     Subroutine DDSCL rescales the YH array whenever the step
                    size is changed.
          DDSTP     DDSTP performs one step of the integration of an initial
                    value problem for a system of ordinary differential
          DDZRO     DDZRO searches for a zero of a function F(N, T, Y, IROOT)
                    between the given values B and C until the width of the
                    interval (B, C) has collapsed to within a tolerance
                    specified by the stopping criterion,
                      ABS(B - C) .LE. 2.*(RW*ABS(B) + AE).
          DEFCMN    Subsidiary to DEFC
          DEFE4     Subsidiary to SEPX4
          DEFEHL    Subsidiary to DERKF
          DEFER     Subsidiary to SEPELI
          DENORM    Subsidiary to DNSQ and DNSQE
          DERKFS    Subsidiary to DERKF
          DES       Subsidiary to DEABM
          DEXBVP    Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DFCMN     Subsidiary to FC
          DFDJC1    Subsidiary to DNSQ and DNSQE
          DFDJC3    Subsidiary to DNLS1 and DNLS1E
          DFEHL     Subsidiary to DDERKF
          DFSPVD    Subsidiary to DFC
          DFSPVN    Subsidiary to DFC
          DFULMT    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DGAMLN    Compute the logarithm of the Gamma function
          DGAMRN    Subsidiary to DBSKIN
          DH12      Subsidiary to DHFTI, DLSEI and DWNNLS
          DHELS     Internal routine for DGMRES.
          DHEQR     Internal routine for DGMRES.
          DHKSEQ    Subsidiary to DBSKIN
          DHSTRT    Subsidiary to DDEABM, DDEBDF and DDERKF
          DHVNRM    Subsidiary to DDEABM, DDEBDF and DDERKF
          DINTYD    Subsidiary to DDEBDF
          DJAIRY    Subsidiary to DBESJ and DBESY
          DLPDP     Subsidiary to DLSEI
          DLSI      Subsidiary to DLSEI
          DLSOD     Subsidiary to DDEBDF
          DLSSUD    Subsidiary to DBVSUP and DSUDS
          DMACON    Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DMGSBV    Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DMOUT     Subsidiary to DBOCLS and DFC
          DMPAR     Subsidiary to DNLS1 and DNLS1E
          DOGLEG    Subsidiary to SNSQ and SNSQE
          DOHTRL    Subsidiary to DBVSUP and DSUDS
          DORTH     Internal routine for DGMRES.
          DORTHR    Subsidiary to DBVSUP and DSUDS
          DPCHCE    Set boundary conditions for DPCHIC
          DPCHCI    Set interior derivatives for DPCHIC
          DPCHCS    Adjusts derivative values for DPCHIC
          DPCHDF    Computes divided differences for DPCHCE and DPCHSP
          DPCHKT    Compute B-spline knot sequence for DPCHBS.
          DPCHNG    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPCHST    DPCHIP Sign-Testing Routine
          DPCHSW    Limits excursion from data for DPCHCS
          DPIGMR    Internal routine for DGMRES.
          DPINCW    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPINIT    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPINTM    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPJAC     Subsidiary to DDEBDF
          DPLPCE    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPLPDM    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPLPFE    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPLPFL    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPLPMN    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPLPMU    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPLPUP    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPNNZR    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPOPT     Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPPGQ8    Subsidiary to DPFQAD
          DPRVEC    Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DPRWPG    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPRWVR    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DPSIXN    Subsidiary to DEXINT
          DQCHEB    This routine computes the CHEBYSHEV series expansion
                    of degrees 12 and 24 of a function using A
                    F(X) = SUM(K=1,..,13) (CHEB12(K)*T(K-1,X)),
                    F(X) = SUM(K=1,..,25) (CHEB24(K)*T(K-1,X)),
                    Where T(K,X) is the CHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIAL OF DEGREE K.
          DQELG     The routine determines the limit of a given sequence of
                    approximations, by means of the Epsilon algorithm of
                    P.Wynn. An estimate of the absolute error is also given.
                    The condensed Epsilon table is computed. Only those
                    elements needed for the computation of the next diagonal
                    are preserved.
          DQFORM    Subsidiary to DNSQ and DNSQE
          DQPSRT    This routine maintains the descending ordering in the
                    list of the local error estimated resulting from the
                    interval subdivision process. At each call two error
                    estimates are inserted using the sequential search
                    method, top-down for the largest error estimate and
                    bottom-up for the smallest error estimate.
          DQRFAC    Subsidiary to DNLS1, DNLS1E, DNSQ and DNSQE
          DQRSLV    Subsidiary to DNLS1 and DNLS1E
          DQWGTC    This function subprogram is used together with the
                    routine DQAWC and defines the WEIGHT function.
          DQWGTF    This function subprogram is used together with the
                    routine DQAWF and defines the WEIGHT function.
          DQWGTS    This function subprogram is used together with the
                    routine DQAWS and defines the WEIGHT function.
          DREADP    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DREORT    Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DRKFAB    Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DRKFS     Subsidiary to DDERKF
          DRLCAL    Internal routine for DGMRES.
          DRSCO     Subsidiary to DDEBDF
          DSLVS     Subsidiary to DDEBDF
          DSOSEQ    Subsidiary to DSOS
          DSOSSL    Subsidiary to DSOS
          DSTOD     Subsidiary to DDEBDF
          DSTOR1    Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DSTWAY    Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DSUDS     Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DSVCO     Subsidiary to DDEBDF
          DU11LS    Subsidiary to DLLSIA
          DU11US    Subsidiary to DULSIA
          DU12LS    Subsidiary to DLLSIA
          DU12US    Subsidiary to DULSIA
          DUSRMT    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DVECS     Subsidiary to DBVSUP
          DVNRMS    Subsidiary to DDEBDF
          DVOUT     Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DWNLIT    Subsidiary to DWNNLS
          DWNLSM    Subsidiary to DWNNLS
          DWNLT1    Subsidiary to WNLIT
          DWNLT2    Subsidiary to WNLIT
          DWNLT3    Subsidiary to WNLIT
          DWRITP    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          DWUPDT    Subsidiary to DNLS1 and DNLS1E
          DX        Subsidiary to SEPELI
          DX4       Subsidiary to SEPX4
          DXLCAL    Internal routine for DGMRES.
          DXPMU     To compute the values of Legendre functions for DXLEGF.
                    Method: backward mu-wise recurrence for P(-MU,NU,X) for
                    fixed nu to obtain P(-MU2,NU1,X), P(-(MU2-1),NU1,X), ...,
                    P(-MU1,NU1,X) and store in ascending mu order.
          DXPMUP    To compute the values of Legendre functions for DXLEGF.
                    This subroutine transforms an array of Legendre functions
                    of the first kind of negative order stored in array PQA
                    into Legendre functions of the first kind of positive
                    order stored in array PQA. The original array is destroyed.
          DXPNRM    To compute the values of Legendre functions for DXLEGF.
                    This subroutine transforms an array of Legendre functions
                    of the first kind of negative order stored in array PQA
                    into normalized Legendre polynomials stored in array PQA.
                    The original array is destroyed.
          DXPQNU    To compute the values of Legendre functions for DXLEGF.
                    This subroutine calculates initial values of P or Q using
                    power series, then performs forward nu-wise recurrence to
                    obtain P(-MU,NU,X), Q(0,NU,X), or Q(1,NU,X). The nu-wise
                    recurrence is stable for P for all mu and for Q for mu=0,1.
          DXPSI     To compute values of the Psi function for DXLEGF.
          DXQMU     To compute the values of Legendre functions for DXLEGF.
                    Method: forward mu-wise recurrence for Q(MU,NU,X) for fixed
                    nu to obtain Q(MU1,NU,X), Q(MU1+1,NU,X), ..., Q(MU2,NU,X).
          DXQNU     To compute the values of Legendre functions for DXLEGF.
                    Method: backward nu-wise recurrence for Q(MU,NU,X) for
                    fixed mu to obtain Q(MU1,NU1,X), Q(MU1,NU1+1,X), ...,
          DY        Subsidiary to SEPELI
          DY4       Subsidiary to SEPX4
          DYAIRY    Subsidiary to DBESJ and DBESY
          EFCMN     Subsidiary to EFC
          ENORM     Subsidiary to SNLS1, SNLS1E, SNSQ and SNSQE
          EXBVP     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          EZFFT1    EZFFTI calls EZFFT1 with appropriate work array
          FCMN      Subsidiary to FC
          FDJAC1    Subsidiary to SNSQ and SNSQE
          FDJAC3    Subsidiary to SNLS1 and SNLS1E
          FULMAT    Subsidiary to SPLP
          GAMLN     Compute the logarithm of the Gamma function
          GAMRN     Subsidiary to BSKIN
          H12       Subsidiary to HFTI, LSEI and WNNLS
          HKSEQ     Subsidiary to BSKIN
          HSTART    Subsidiary to DEABM, DEBDF and DERKF
          HSTCS1    Subsidiary to HSTCSP
          HVNRM     Subsidiary to DEABM, DEBDF and DERKF
          HWSCS1    Subsidiary to HWSCSP
          HWSSS1    Subsidiary to HWSSSP
          I1MERG    Merge two strings of ascending integers.
          IDLOC     Subsidiary to DSPLP
          INDXA     Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          INDXB     Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          INDXC     Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          INTYD     Subsidiary to DEBDF
          INXCA     Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          INXCB     Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          INXCC     Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          IPLOC     Subsidiary to SPLP
          ISDBCG    Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the BiConjugate
                    Gradient iteration scheme.  It returns a non-zero if the
                    error estimate (the type of which is determined by ITOL)
                    is less than the user specified tolerance TOL.
          ISDCG     Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the Conjugate
                    Gradient iteration scheme.  It returns a non-zero if the
                    error estimate (the type of which is determined by ITOL)
                    is less than the user specified tolerance TOL.
          ISDCGN    Preconditioned CG on Normal Equations Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the Conjugate
                    Gradient iteration scheme applied to the normal equations.
                    It returns a non-zero if the error estimate (the type of
                    which is determined by ITOL) is less than the user
                    specified tolerance TOL.
          ISDCGS    Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Squared Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the BiConjugate
                    Gradient Squared iteration scheme.  It returns a non-zero
                    if the error estimate (the type of which is determined by
                    ITOL) is less than the user specified tolerance TOL.
          ISDGMR    Generalized Minimum Residual Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the Generalized
                    Minimum RESidual (GMRES) iteration scheme.  It returns a
                    non-zero if the error estimate (the type of which is
                    determined by ITOL) is less than the user specified
                    tolerance TOL.
          ISDIR     Preconditioned Iterative Refinement Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the iterative
                    refinement iteration scheme.  It returns a non-zero if the
                    error estimate (the type of which is determined by ITOL)
                    is less than the user specified tolerance TOL.
          ISDOMN    Preconditioned Orthomin Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the Orthomin
                    iteration scheme.  It returns a non-zero if the error
                    estimate (the type of which is determined by ITOL) is
                    less than the user specified tolerance TOL.
          ISSBCG    Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the BiConjugate
                    Gradient iteration scheme.  It returns a non-zero if the
                    error estimate (the type of which is determined by ITOL)
                    is less than the user specified tolerance TOL.
          ISSCG     Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the Conjugate
                    Gradient iteration scheme.  It returns a non-zero if the
                    error estimate (the type of which is determined by ITOL)
                    is less than the user specified tolerance TOL.
          ISSCGN    Preconditioned CG on Normal Equations Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the Conjugate
                    Gradient iteration scheme applied to the normal equations.
                    It returns a non-zero if the error estimate (the type of
                    which is determined by ITOL) is less than the user
                    specified tolerance TOL.
          ISSCGS    Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Squared Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the BiConjugate
                    Gradient Squared iteration scheme.  It returns a non-zero
                    if the error estimate (the type of which is determined by
                    ITOL) is less than the user specified tolerance TOL.
          ISSGMR    Generalized Minimum Residual Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the Generalized
                    Minimum RESidual (GMRES) iteration scheme.  It returns a
                    non-zero if the error estimate (the type of which is
                    determined by ITOL) is less than the user specified
                    tolerance TOL.
          ISSIR     Preconditioned Iterative Refinement Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the iterative
                    refinement iteration scheme.  It returns a non-zero if the
                    error estimate (the type of which is determined by ITOL)
                    is less than the user specified tolerance TOL.
          ISSOMN    Preconditioned Orthomin Stop Test.
                    This routine calculates the stop test for the Orthomin
                    iteration scheme.  It returns a non-zero if the error
                    estimate (the type of which is determined by ITOL) is
                    less than the user specified tolerance TOL.
          IVOUT     Subsidiary to SPLP
          J4SAVE    Save or recall global variables needed by error
                    handling routines.
          JAIRY     Subsidiary to BESJ and BESY
          LA05AD    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          LA05AS    Subsidiary to SPLP
          LA05BD    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          LA05BS    Subsidiary to SPLP
          LA05CD    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          LA05CS    Subsidiary to SPLP
          LA05ED    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          LA05ES    Subsidiary to SPLP
          LMPAR     Subsidiary to SNLS1 and SNLS1E
          LPDP      Subsidiary to LSEI
          LSAME     Test two characters to determine if they are the same
                    letter, except for case.
          LSI       Subsidiary to LSEI
          LSOD      Subsidiary to DEBDF
          LSSODS    Subsidiary to BVSUP
          LSSUDS    Subsidiary to BVSUP
          MACON     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          MC20AD    Subsidiary to DSPLP
          MC20AS    Subsidiary to SPLP
          MGSBV     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          MINSO4    Subsidiary to SEPX4
          MINSOL    Subsidiary to SEPELI
          MPADD     Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPADD2    Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPADD3    Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPBLAS    Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPCDM     Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPCHK     Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPCMD     Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPDIVI    Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPERR     Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPMAXR    Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPMLP     Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPMUL     Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPMUL2    Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPMULI    Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPNZR     Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPOVFL    Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPSTR     Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          MPUNFL    Subsidiary to DQDOTA and DQDOTI
          OHTROL    Subsidiary to BVSUP
          OHTROR    Subsidiary to BVSUP
          ORTHO4    Subsidiary to SEPX4
          ORTHOG    Subsidiary to SEPELI
          ORTHOL    Subsidiary to BVSUP
          ORTHOR    Subsidiary to BVSUP
          PASSB     Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    arbitrary length.
          PASSB2    Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length two.
          PASSB3    Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length three.
          PASSB4    Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length four.
          PASSB5    Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length five.
          PASSF     Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    arbitrary length.
          PASSF2    Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length two.
          PASSF3    Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length three.
          PASSF4    Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length four.
          PASSF5    Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length five.
          PCHCE     Set boundary conditions for PCHIC
          PCHCI     Set interior derivatives for PCHIC
          PCHCS     Adjusts derivative values for PCHIC
          PCHDF     Computes divided differences for PCHCE and PCHSP
          PCHKT     Compute B-spline knot sequence for PCHBS.
          PCHNGS    Subsidiary to SPLP
          PCHST     PCHIP Sign-Testing Routine
          PCHSW     Limits excursion from data for PCHCS
          PGSF      Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          PIMACH    Subsidiary to HSTCSP, HSTSSP and HWSCSP
          PINITM    Subsidiary to SPLP
          PJAC      Subsidiary to DEBDF
          PNNZRS    Subsidiary to SPLP
          POISD2    Subsidiary to GENBUN
          POISN2    Subsidiary to GENBUN
          POISP2    Subsidiary to GENBUN
          POS3D1    Subsidiary to POIS3D
          POSTG2    Subsidiary to POISTG
          PPADD     Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          PPGQ8     Subsidiary to PFQAD
          PPGSF     Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          PPPSF     Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          PPSGF     Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          PPSPF     Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          PROC      Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          PROCP     Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          PROD      Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          PRODP     Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          PRVEC     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          PRWPGE    Subsidiary to SPLP
          PRWVIR    Subsidiary to SPLP
          PSGF      Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          PSIXN     Subsidiary to EXINT
          PYTHAG    Compute the complex square root of a complex number without
                    destructive overflow or underflow.
          QCHEB     This routine computes the CHEBYSHEV series expansion
                    of degrees 12 and 24 of a function using A
                    F(X) = SUM(K=1,..,13) (CHEB12(K)*T(K-1,X)),
                    F(X) = SUM(K=1,..,25) (CHEB24(K)*T(K-1,X)),
                    Where T(K,X) is the CHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIAL OF DEGREE K.
          QELG      The routine determines the limit of a given sequence of
                    approximations, by means of the Epsilon algorithm of
                    P. Wynn. An estimate of the absolute error is also given.
                    The condensed Epsilon table is computed. Only those
                    elements needed for the computation of the next diagonal
                    are preserved.
          QFORM     Subsidiary to SNSQ and SNSQE
          QPSRT     Subsidiary to QAGE, QAGIE, QAGPE, QAGSE, QAWCE, QAWOE and
          QRFAC     Subsidiary to SNLS1, SNLS1E, SNSQ and SNSQE
          QRSOLV    Subsidiary to SNLS1 and SNLS1E
          QS2I1D    Sort an integer array, moving an integer and DP array.
                    This routine sorts the integer array IA and makes the same
                    interchanges in the integer array JA and the double pre-
                    cision array A.  The array IA may be sorted in increasing
                    order or decreasing order.  A slightly modified QUICKSORT
                    algorithm is used.
          QS2I1R    Sort an integer array, moving an integer and real array.
                    This routine sorts the integer array IA and makes the same
                    interchanges in the integer array JA and the real array A.
                    The array IA may be sorted in increasing order or decreas-
                    ing order.  A slightly modified QUICKSORT algorithm is
          QWGTC     This function subprogram is used together with the
                    routine QAWC and defines the WEIGHT function.
          QWGTF     This function subprogram is used together with the
                    routine QAWF and defines the WEIGHT function.
          QWGTS     This function subprogram is used together with the
                    routine QAWS and defines the WEIGHT function.
          R1MPYQ    Subsidiary to SNSQ and SNSQE
          R1UPDT    Subsidiary to SNSQ and SNSQE
          R9AIMP    Evaluate the Airy modulus and phase.
          R9ATN1    Evaluate ATAN(X) from first order relative accuracy so that
                    ATAN(X) = X + X**3*R9ATN1(X).
          R9CHU     Evaluate for large Z  Z**A * U(A,B,Z) where U is the
                    logarithmic confluent hypergeometric function.
          R9GMIC    Compute the complementary incomplete Gamma function for A
                    near a negative integer and for small X.
          R9GMIT    Compute Tricomi's incomplete Gamma function for small
          R9KNUS    Compute Bessel functions EXP(X)*K-SUB-XNU(X) and EXP(X)*
                    K-SUB-XNU+1(X) for 0.0 .LE. XNU .LT. 1.0.
          R9LGIC    Compute the log complementary incomplete Gamma function
                    for large X and for A .LE. X.
          R9LGIT    Compute the logarithm of Tricomi's incomplete Gamma
                    function with Perron's continued fraction for large X and
                    A .GE. X.
          R9LGMC    Compute the log Gamma correction factor so that
                    LOG(GAMMA(X)) = LOG(SQRT(2*PI)) + (X-.5)*LOG(X) - X
                    + R9LGMC(X).
          R9LN2R    Evaluate LOG(1+X) from second order relative accuracy so
                    that LOG(1+X) = X - X**2/2 + X**3*R9LN2R(X).
          RADB2     Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length two.
          RADB3     Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length three.
          RADB4     Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length four.
          RADB5     Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length five.
          RADBG     Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    arbitrary length.
          RADF2     Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length two.
          RADF3     Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length three.
          RADF4     Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length four.
          RADF5     Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    length five.
          RADFG     Calculate the fast Fourier transform of subvectors of
                    arbitrary length.
          REORT     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          RFFTB     Compute the backward fast Fourier transform of a real
                    coefficient array.
          RFFTF     Compute the forward transform of a real, periodic sequence.
          RFFTI     Initialize a work array for RFFTF and RFFTB.
          RKFAB     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          RSCO      Subsidiary to DEBDF
          RWUPDT    Subsidiary to SNLS1 and SNLS1E
          S1MERG    Merge two strings of ascending real numbers.
          SBOLSM    Subsidiary to SBOCLS and SBOLS
          SCHKW     SLAP WORK/IWORK Array Bounds Checker.
                    This routine checks the work array lengths and interfaces
                    to the SLATEC error handler if a problem is found.
          SCLOSM    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SCOEF     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          SDAINI    Initialization routine for SDASSL.
          SDAJAC    Compute the iteration matrix for SDASSL and form the
          SDANRM    Compute vector norm for SDASSL.
          SDASLV    Linear system solver for SDASSL.
          SDASTP    Perform one step of the SDASSL integration.
          SDATRP    Interpolation routine for SDASSL.
          SDAWTS    Set error weight vector for SDASSL.
          SDCOR     Subroutine SDCOR computes corrections to the Y array.
          SDCST     SDCST sets coefficients used by the core integrator SDSTP.
          SDNTL     Subroutine SDNTL is called to set parameters on the first
                    call to SDSTP, on an internal restart, or when the user has
                    altered MINT, MITER, and/or H.
          SDNTP     Subroutine SDNTP interpolates the K-th derivative of Y at
                    TOUT, using the data in the YH array.  If K has a value
                    greater than NQ, the NQ-th derivative is calculated.
          SDPSC     Subroutine SDPSC computes the predicted YH values by
                    effectively multiplying the YH array by the Pascal triangle
                    matrix when KSGN is +1, and performs the inverse function
                    when KSGN is -1.
          SDPST     Subroutine SDPST evaluates the Jacobian matrix of the right
                    hand side of the differential equations.
          SDSCL     Subroutine SDSCL rescales the YH array whenever the step
                    size is changed.
          SDSTP     SDSTP performs one step of the integration of an initial
                    value problem for a system of ordinary differential
          SDZRO     SDZRO searches for a zero of a function F(N, T, Y, IROOT)
                    between the given values B and C until the width of the
                    interval (B, C) has collapsed to within a tolerance
                    specified by the stopping criterion,
                      ABS(B - C) .LE. 2.*(RW*ABS(B) + AE).
          SHELS     Internal routine for SGMRES.
          SHEQR     Internal routine for SGMRES.
          SLVS      Subsidiary to DEBDF
          SMOUT     Subsidiary to FC and SBOCLS
          SODS      Subsidiary to BVSUP
          SOPENM    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SORTH     Internal routine for SGMRES.
          SOSEQS    Subsidiary to SOS
          SOSSOL    Subsidiary to SOS
          SPELI4    Subsidiary to SEPX4
          SPELIP    Subsidiary to SEPELI
          SPIGMR    Internal routine for SGMRES.
          SPINCW    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SPINIT    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SPLPCE    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SPLPDM    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SPLPFE    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SPLPFL    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SPLPMN    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SPLPMU    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SPLPUP    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SPOPT     Subsidiary to SPLP
          SREADP    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SRLCAL    Internal routine for SGMRES.
          STOD      Subsidiary to DEBDF
          STOR1     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          STWAY     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          SUDS      Subsidiary to BVSUP
          SVCO      Subsidiary to DEBDF
          SVD       Perform the singular value decomposition of a rectangular
          SVECS     Subsidiary to BVSUP
          SVOUT     Subsidiary to SPLP
          SWRITP    Subsidiary to SPLP
          SXLCAL    Internal routine for SGMRES.
          TEVLC     Subsidiary to CBLKTR
          TEVLS     Subsidiary to BLKTRI
          TRI3      Subsidiary to GENBUN
          TRIDQ     Subsidiary to POIS3D
          TRIS4     Subsidiary to SEPX4
          TRISP     Subsidiary to SEPELI
          TRIX      Subsidiary to GENBUN
          U11LS     Subsidiary to LLSIA
          U11US     Subsidiary to ULSIA
          U12LS     Subsidiary to LLSIA
          U12US     Subsidiary to ULSIA
          USRMAT    Subsidiary to SPLP
          VNWRMS    Subsidiary to DEBDF
          WNLIT     Subsidiary to WNNLS
          WNLSM     Subsidiary to WNNLS
          WNLT1     Subsidiary to WNLIT
          WNLT2     Subsidiary to WNLIT
          WNLT3     Subsidiary to WNLIT
          XERBLA    Error handler for the Level 2 and Level 3 BLAS Routines.
          XERCNT    Allow user control over handling of errors.
          XERHLT    Abort program execution and print error message.
          XERPRN    Print error messages processed by XERMSG.
          XERSVE    Record that an error has occurred.
          XPMU      To compute the values of Legendre functions for XLEGF.
                    Method: backward mu-wise recurrence for P(-MU,NU,X) for
                    fixed nu to obtain P(-MU2,NU1,X), P(-(MU2-1),NU1,X), ...,
                    P(-MU1,NU1,X) and store in ascending mu order.
          XPMUP     To compute the values of Legendre functions for XLEGF.
                    This subroutine transforms an array of Legendre functions
                    of the first kind of negative order stored in array PQA
                    into Legendre functions of the first kind of positive
                    order stored in array PQA. The original array is destroyed.
          XPNRM     To compute the values of Legendre functions for XLEGF.
                    This subroutine transforms an array of Legendre functions
                    of the first kind of negative order stored in array PQA
                    into normalized Legendre polynomials stored in array PQA.
                    The original array is destroyed.
          XPQNU     To compute the values of Legendre functions for XLEGF.
                    This subroutine calculates initial values of P or Q using
                    power series, then performs forward nu-wise recurrence to
                    obtain P(-MU,NU,X), Q(0,NU,X), or Q(1,NU,X). The nu-wise
                    recurrence is stable for P for all mu and for Q for mu=0,1.
          XPSI      To compute values of the Psi function for XLEGF.
          XQMU      To compute the values of Legendre functions for XLEGF.
                    Method: forward mu-wise recurrence for Q(MU,NU,X) for fixed
                    nu to obtain Q(MU1,NU,X), Q(MU1+1,NU,X), ..., Q(MU2,NU,X).
          XQNU      To compute the values of Legendre functions for XLEGF.
                    Method: backward nu-wise recurrence for Q(MU,NU,X) for
                    fixed mu to obtain Q(MU1,NU1,X), Q(MU1,NU1+1,X), ...,
          YAIRY     Subsidiary to BESJ and BESY
          ZABS      Subsidiary to ZBESH, ZBESI, ZBESJ, ZBESK, ZBESY, ZAIRY and
          ZACAI     Subsidiary to ZAIRY
          ZACON     Subsidiary to ZBESH and ZBESK
          ZASYI     Subsidiary to ZBESI and ZBESK
          ZBINU     Subsidiary to ZAIRY, ZBESH, ZBESI, ZBESJ, ZBESK and ZBIRY
          ZBKNU     Subsidiary to ZAIRY, ZBESH, ZBESI and ZBESK
          ZBUNI     Subsidiary to ZBESI and ZBESK
          ZBUNK     Subsidiary to ZBESH and ZBESK
          ZDIV      Subsidiary to ZBESH, ZBESI, ZBESJ, ZBESK, ZBESY, ZAIRY and
          ZEXP      Subsidiary to ZBESH, ZBESI, ZBESJ, ZBESK, ZBESY, ZAIRY and
          ZKSCL     Subsidiary to ZBESK
          ZLOG      Subsidiary to ZBESH, ZBESI, ZBESJ, ZBESK, ZBESY, ZAIRY and
          ZMLRI     Subsidiary to ZBESI and ZBESK
          ZMLT      Subsidiary to ZBESH, ZBESI, ZBESJ, ZBESK, ZBESY, ZAIRY and
          ZRATI     Subsidiary to ZBESH, ZBESI and ZBESK
          ZS1S2     Subsidiary to ZAIRY and ZBESK
          ZSERI     Subsidiary to ZBESI and ZBESK
          ZSHCH     Subsidiary to ZBESH and ZBESK
          ZSQRT     Subsidiary to ZBESH, ZBESI, ZBESJ, ZBESK, ZBESY, ZAIRY and
          ZUCHK     Subsidiary to SERI, ZUOIK, ZUNK1, ZUNK2, ZUNI1, ZUNI2 and
          ZUNHJ     Subsidiary to ZBESI and ZBESK
          ZUNI1     Subsidiary to ZBESI and ZBESK
          ZUNI2     Subsidiary to ZBESI and ZBESK
          ZUNIK     Subsidiary to ZBESI and ZBESK
          ZUNK1     Subsidiary to ZBESK
          ZUNK2     Subsidiary to ZBESK
          ZUOIK     Subsidiary to ZBESH, ZBESI and ZBESK
          ZWRSK     Subsidiary to ZBESI and ZBESK
SECTION III. Alphabetic List of Routines and Categories 
             As stated in the introduction, an asterisk (*) immediately
             preceeding a routine name indicates a subsidiary routine.
 AAAAAA      Z                          ACOSH       C4C                
 AI          C10D                       AIE         C10D               
 ALBETA      C7B                        ALGAMS      C7A                
 ALI         C5                         ALNGAM      C7A                
 ALNREL      C4B                        ASINH       C4C                
*ASYIK                                 *ASYJY                          
 ATANH       C4C                        AVINT       H2A1B2             
 BAKVEC      D4C4                       BALANC      D4C1A              
 BALBAK      D4C4                       BANDR       D4C1B1             
 BANDV       D4C3                      *BCRH                           
*BDIFF                                  BESI        C10B3              
 BESI0       C10B1                      BESI0E      C10B1              
 BESI1       C10B1                      BESI1E      C10B1              
 BESJ        C10A3                      BESJ0       C10A1              
 BESJ1       C10A1                      BESK        C10B3              
 BESK0       C10B1                      BESK0E      C10B1              
 BESK1       C10B1                      BESK1E      C10B1              
 BESKES      C10B3                     *BESKNU                         
 BESKS       C10B3                      BESY        C10A3              
 BESY0       C10A1                      BESY1       C10A1              
*BESYNU                                 BETA        C7B                
 BETAI       C7F                        BFQAD       H2A2A1, E3, K6     
 BI          C10D                       BIE         C10D               
 BINOM       C1                         BINT4       E1A                
 BINTK       E1A                        BISECT      D4A5, D4C2A        
*BKIAS                                 *BKISR                          
*BKSOL                                 *BLKTR1                         
 BLKTRI      I2B4B                      BNDACC      D9                 
 BNDSOL      D9                        *BNFAC                          
*BNSLV                                  BQR         D4A6               
*BSGQ8                                  BSKIN       C10F               
 BSPDOC      E, E1A, K, Z               BSPDR       E3                 
 BSPEV       E3, K6                    *BSPLVD                         
*BSPLVN                                 BSPPP       E3, K6             
 BSPVD       E3, K6                     BSPVN       E3, K6             
 BSQAD       H2A2A1, E3, K6            *BSRH                           
 BVALU       E3, K6                    *BVDER                          
*BVPOR                                  BVSUP       I1B1               
 C0LGMC      C7A                       *C1MERG                         
*C9LGMC      C7A                       *C9LN2R      C4B                
*CACAI                                 *CACON                          
 CACOS       C4A                        CACOSH      C4C                
 CAIRY       C10D                       CARG        A4A                
 CASIN       C4A                        CASINH      C4C                
*CASYI                                  CATAN       C4A                
 CATAN2      C4A                        CATANH      C4C                
 CAXPY       D1A7                       CBABK2      D4C4               
 CBAL        D4C1A                      CBESH       C10A4              
 CBESI       C10B4                      CBESJ       C10A4              
 CBESK       C10B4                      CBESY       C10A4              
 CBETA       C7B                       *CBINU                          
 CBIRY       C10D                      *CBKNU                          
*CBLKT1                                 CBLKTR      I2B4B              
 CBRT        C2                        *CBUNI                          
*CBUNK                                  CCBRT       C2                 
 CCHDC       D2D1B                      CCHDD       D7B                
 CCHEX       D7B                        CCHUD       D7B                
*CCMPB                                  CCOPY       D1A5               
 CCOSH       C4C                        CCOT        C4A                
 CDCDOT      D1A4                      *CDCOR                          
*CDCST                                 *CDIV                           
*CDNTL                                 *CDNTP                          
 CDOTC       D1A4                       CDOTU       D1A4               
*CDPSC                                 *CDPST                          
 CDRIV1      I1A2, I1A1B                CDRIV2      I1A2, I1A1B        
 CDRIV3      I1A2, I1A1B               *CDSCL                          
*CDSTP                                 *CDZRO                          
 CEXPRL      C4B                       *CFFTB       J1A2               
 CFFTB1      J1A2                      *CFFTF       J1A2               
 CFFTF1      J1A2                      *CFFTI       J1A2               
 CFFTI1      J1A2                      *CFOD                           
 CG          D4A4                       CGAMMA      C7A                
 CGAMR       C7A                        CGBCO       D2C2               
 CGBDI       D3C2                       CGBFA       D2C2               
 CGBMV       D1B4                       CGBSL       D2C2               
 CGECO       D2C1                       CGEDI       D2C1, D3C1         
 CGEEV       D4A4                       CGEFA       D2C1               
 CGEFS       D2C1                       CGEIR       D2C1               
 CGEMM       D1B6                       CGEMV       D1B4               
 CGERC       D1B4                       CGERU       D1B4               
 CGESL       D2C1                       CGTSL       D2C2A              
 CH          D4A3                       CHBMV       D1B4               
 CHEMM       D1B6                       CHEMV       D1B4               
 CHER        D1B4                       CHER2       D1B4               
 CHER2K      D1B6                       CHERK       D1B6               
*CHFCM                                  CHFDV       E3, H1             
 CHFEV       E3                        *CHFIE                          
 CHICO       D2D1A                      CHIDI       D2D1A, D3D1A       
 CHIEV       D4A3                       CHIFA       D2D1A              
 CHISL       D2D1A                      CHKDER      F3, G4C            
*CHKPR4                                *CHKPRM                         
*CHKSN4                                *CHKSNG                         
 CHPCO       D2D1A                      CHPDI       D2D1A, D3D1A       
 CHPFA       D2D1A                      CHPMV       D1B4               
 CHPR        D1B4                       CHPR2       D1B4               
 CHPSL       D2D1A                      CHU         C11                
 CINVIT      D4C2B                     *CKSCL                          
 CLBETA      C7B                        CLNGAM      C7A                
 CLNREL      C4B                        CLOG10      C4B                
 CMGNBN      I2B4B                     *CMLRI                          
*CMPCSG                                *CMPOSD                         
*CMPOSN                                *CMPOSP                         
*CMPTR3                                *CMPTRX                         
 CNBCO       D2C2                       CNBDI       D3C2               
 CNBFA       D2C2                       CNBFS       D2C2               
 CNBIR       D2C2                       CNBSL       D2C2               
 COMBAK      D4C4                       COMHES      D4C1B2             
 COMLR       D4C2B                      COMLR2      D4C2B              
*COMPB                                  COMQR       D4C2B              
 COMQR2      D4C2B                      CORTB       D4C4               
 CORTH       D4C1B2                     COSDG       C4A                
*COSGEN                                 COSQB       J1A3               
*COSQB1      J1A3                       COSQF       J1A3               
*COSQF1      J1A3                       COSQI       J1A3               
 COST        J1A3                       COSTI       J1A3               
 COT         C4A                       *CPADD                          
 CPBCO       D2D2                       CPBDI       D3D2               
 CPBFA       D2D2                       CPBSL       D2D2               
*CPEVL                                 *CPEVLR                         
 CPOCO       D2D1B                      CPODI       D2D1B, D3D1B       
 CPOFA       D2D1B                      CPOFS       D2D1B              
 CPOIR       D2D1B                      CPOSL       D2D1B              
 CPPCO       D2D1B                      CPPDI       D2D1B, D3D1B       
 CPPFA       D2D1B                      CPPSL       D2D1B              
 CPQR79      F1A1B                     *CPROC                          
*CPROCP                                *CPROD                          
*CPRODP                                 CPSI        C7C                
 CPTSL       D2D2A                      CPZERO      F1A1B              
 CQRDC       D5                         CQRSL       D9, D2C1           
*CRATI                                  CROTG       D1B10              
*CS1S2                                  CSCAL       D1A6               
*CSCALE                                *CSERI                          
 CSEVL       C3A2                      *CSHCH                          
 CSICO       D2C1                       CSIDI       D2C1, D3C1         
 CSIFA       D2C1                       CSINH       C4C                
 CSISL       D2C1                       CSPCO       D2C1               
 CSPDI       D2C1, D3C1                 CSPFA       D2C1               
 CSPSL       D2C1                      *CSROOT                         
 CSROT       D1B10                      CSSCAL      D1A6               
 CSVDC       D6                         CSWAP       D1A5               
 CSYMM       D1B6                       CSYR2K      D1B6               
 CSYRK       D1B6                       CTAN        C4A                
 CTANH       C4C                        CTBMV       D1B4               
 CTBSV       D1B4                       CTPMV       D1B4               
 CTPSV       D1B4                       CTRCO       D2C3               
 CTRDI       D2C3, D3C3                 CTRMM       D1B6               
 CTRMV       D1B4                       CTRSL       D2C3               
 CTRSM       D1B6                       CTRSV       D1B4               
*CUCHK                                 *CUNHJ                          
*CUNI1                                 *CUNI2                          
*CUNIK                                 *CUNK1                          
*CUNK2                                 *CUOIK                          
 CV          L7A3                      *CWRSK                          
 D1MACH      R1                        *D1MERG                         
*D1MPYQ                                *D1UPDT                         
*D9AIMP      C10D                      *D9ATN1      C4A                
*D9B0MP      C10A1                     *D9B1MP      C10A1              
*D9CHU       C11                       *D9GMIC      C7E                
*D9GMIT      C7E                       *D9KNUS      C10B3              
*D9LGIC      C7E                       *D9LGIT      C7E                
*D9LGMC      C7E                       *D9LN2R      C4B                
 D9PAK       A6B                        D9UPAK      A6B                
 DACOSH      C4C                        DAI         C10D               
 DAIE        C10D                       DASINH      C4C                
 DASUM       D1A3A                     *DASYIK                         
*DASYJY                                 DATANH      C4C                
 DAVINT      H2A1B2                     DAWS        C8C                
 DAXPY       D1A7                       DBCG        D2A4, D2B4         
*DBDIFF                                 DBESI       C10B3              
 DBESI0      C10B1                      DBESI1      C10B1              
 DBESJ       C10A3                      DBESJ0      C10A1              
 DBESJ1      C10A1                      DBESK       C10B3              
 DBESK0      C10B1                      DBESK1      C10B1              
 DBESKS      C10B3                      DBESY       C10A3              
 DBESY0      C10A1                      DBESY1      C10A1              
 DBETA       C7B                        DBETAI      C7F                
 DBFQAD      H2A2A1, E3, K6             DBHIN       N1                 
 DBI         C10D                       DBIE        C10D               
 DBINOM      C1                         DBINT4      E1A                
 DBINTK      E1A                       *DBKIAS                         
*DBKISR                                *DBKSOL                         
 DBNDAC      D9                         DBNDSL      D9                 
*DBNFAC                                *DBNSLV                         
 DBOCLS      K1A2A, G2E, G2H1, G2H2     DBOLS       K1A2A, G2E, G2H1, G2H2
*DBOLSM                                *DBSGQ8                         
 DBSI0E      C10B1                      DBSI1E      C10B1              
 DBSK0E      C10B1                      DBSK1E      C10B1              
 DBSKES      C10B3                      DBSKIN      C10F               
*DBSKNU                                 DBSPDR      E3, K6             
 DBSPEV      E3, K6                     DBSPPP      E3, K6             
 DBSPVD      E3, K6                     DBSPVN      E3, K6             
 DBSQAD      H2A2A1, E3, K6            *DBSYNU                         
 DBVALU      E3, K6                    *DBVDER                         
*DBVPOR                                 DBVSUP      I1B1               
 DCBRT       C2                         DCDOT       D1A4               
*DCFOD                                  DCG         D2B4               
 DCGN        D2A4, D2B4                 DCGS        D2A4, D2B4         
 DCHDC       D2B1B                      DCHDD       D7B                
 DCHEX       D7B                       *DCHFCM                         
 DCHFDV      E3, H1                     DCHFEV      E3                 
*DCHFIE                                *DCHKW       R2                 
 DCHU        C11                        DCHUD       D7B                
 DCKDER      F3, G4C                   *DCOEF                          
 DCOPY       D1A5                       DCOPYM      D1A5               
 DCOSDG      C4A                        DCOT        C4A                
 DCOV        K1B1                       DCPPLT      N1                 
*DCSCAL                                 DCSEVL      C3A2               
 DCV         L7A3                      *DDAINI                         
*DDAJAC                                *DDANRM                         
*DDASLV                                 DDASSL      I1A2               
*DDASTP                                *DDATRP                         
 DDAWS       C8C                       *DDAWTS                         
*DDCOR                                 *DDCST                          
 DDEABM      I1A1B                      DDEBDF      I1A2               
 DDERKF      I1A1A                     *DDES                           
*DDNTL                                 *DDNTP                          
*DDOGLG                                 DDOT        D1A4               
*DDPSC                                 *DDPST                          
 DDRIV1      I1A2, I1A1B                DDRIV2      I1A2, I1A1B        
 DDRIV3      I1A2, I1A1B               *DDSCL                          
*DDSTP                                 *DDZRO                          
 DE1         C5                         DEABM       I1A1B              
 DEBDF       I1A2                       DEFC        K1A1A1, K1A2A, L8A3
*DEFCMN                                *DEFE4                          
*DEFEHL                                *DEFER                          
 DEI         C5                        *DENORM                         
 DERF        C8A, L5A1E                 DERFC       C8A, L5A1E         
 DERKF       I1A1A                     *DERKFS                         
*DES                                   *DEXBVP                         
 DEXINT      C5                         DEXPRL      C4B                
 DFAC        C1                         DFC         K1A1A1, K1A2A, L8A3
*DFCMN                                 *DFDJC1                         
*DFDJC3                                *DFEHL                          
*DFSPVD                                *DFSPVN                         
*DFULMT                                 DFZERO      F1B                
 DGAMI       C7E                        DGAMIC      C7E                
 DGAMIT      C7E                        DGAMLM      C7A, R2            
*DGAMLN      C7A                        DGAMMA      C7A                
 DGAMR       C7A                       *DGAMRN                         
 DGAUS8      H2A1A1                     DGBCO       D2A2               
 DGBDI       D3A2                       DGBFA       D2A2               
 DGBMV       D1B4                       DGBSL       D2A2               
 DGECO       D2A1                       DGEDI       D3A1, D2A1         
 DGEFA       D2A1                       DGEFS       D2A1               
 DGEMM       D1B6                       DGEMV       D1B4               
 DGER        D1B4                       DGESL       D2A1               
 DGLSS       D9, D5                     DGMRES      D2A4, D2B4         
 DGTSL       D2A2A                     *DH12                           
*DHELS       D2A4, D2B4                *DHEQR       D2A4, D2B4         
 DHFTI       D9                        *DHKSEQ                         
*DHSTRT                                *DHVNRM                         
 DINTP       I1A1B                      DINTRV      E3, K6             
*DINTYD                                 DIR         D2A4, D2B4         
*DJAIRY                                 DLBETA      C7B                
 DLGAMS      C7A                        DLI         C5                 
 DLLSIA      D9, D5                     DLLTI2      D2E                
 DLNGAM      C7A                        DLNREL      C4B                
 DLPDOC      D2A4, D2B4, Z             *DLPDP                          
 DLSEI       K1A2A, D9                 *DLSI                           
*DLSOD                                 *DLSSUD                         
*DMACON                                *DMGSBV                         
*DMOUT                                 *DMPAR                          
 DNBCO       D2A2                       DNBDI       D3A2               
 DNBFA       D2A2                       DNBFS       D2A2               
 DNBSL       D2A2                       DNLS1       K1B1A1, K1B1A2     
 DNLS1E      K1B1A1, K1B1A2             DNRM2       D1A3B              
 DNSQ        F2A                        DNSQE       F2A                
*DOGLEG                                *DOHTRL                         
 DOMN        D2A4, D2B4                *DORTH       D2A4, D2B4         
*DORTHR                                 DP1VLU      K6                 
 DPBCO       D2B2                       DPBDI       D3B2               
 DPBFA       D2B2                       DPBSL       D2B2               
 DPCHBS      E3                        *DPCHCE                         
*DPCHCI                                 DPCHCM      E3                 
*DPCHCS                                *DPCHDF                         
 DPCHFD      E3, H1                     DPCHFE      E3                 
 DPCHIA      E3, H2A1B2                 DPCHIC      E1A                
 DPCHID      E3, H2A1B2                 DPCHIM      E1A                
*DPCHKT      E3                        *DPCHNG                         
 DPCHSP      E1A                       *DPCHST                         
*DPCHSW                                 DPCOEF      K1A1A2             
 DPFQAD      H2A2A1, E3, K6            *DPIGMR      D2A4, D2B4         
*DPINCW                                *DPINIT                         
*DPINTM                                *DPJAC                          
 DPLINT      E1B                       *DPLPCE                         
*DPLPDM                                *DPLPFE                         
*DPLPFL                                *DPLPMN                         
*DPLPMU                                *DPLPUP                         
*DPNNZR                                 DPOCH       C1, C7A            
 DPOCH1      C1, C7A                    DPOCO       D2B1B              
 DPODI       D2B1B, D3B1B               DPOFA       D2B1B              
 DPOFS       D2B1B                      DPOLCF      E1B                
 DPOLFT      K1A1A2                     DPOLVL      E3                 
*DPOPT                                  DPOSL       D2B1B              
 DPPCO       D2B1B                      DPPDI       D2B1B, D3B1B       
 DPPERM      N8                         DPPFA       D2B1B              
*DPPGQ8                                 DPPQAD      H2A2A1, E3, K6     
 DPPSL       D2B1B                      DPPVAL      E3, K6             
*DPRVEC                                *DPRWPG                         
*DPRWVR                                 DPSI        C7C                
 DPSIFN      C7C                       *DPSIXN                         
 DPSORT      N6A1B, N6A2B               DPTSL       D2B2A              
 DQAG        H2A1A1                     DQAGE       H2A1A1             
 DQAGI       H2A3A1, H2A4A1             DQAGIE      H2A3A1, H2A4A1     
 DQAGP       H2A2A1                     DQAGPE      H2A2A1             
 DQAGS       H2A1A1                     DQAGSE      H2A1A1             
 DQAWC       H2A2A1, J4                 DQAWCE      H2A2A1, J4         
 DQAWF       H2A3A1                     DQAWFE      H2A3A1             
 DQAWO       H2A2A1                     DQAWOE      H2A2A1             
 DQAWS       H2A2A1                     DQAWSE      H2A2A1             
 DQC25C      H2A2A2, J4                 DQC25F      H2A2A2             
 DQC25S      H2A2A2                    *DQCHEB                         
 DQDOTA      D1A4                       DQDOTI      D1A4               
*DQELG                                 *DQFORM                         
 DQK15       H2A1A2                     DQK15I      H2A3A2, H2A4A2     
 DQK15W      H2A2A2                     DQK21       H2A1A2             
 DQK31       H2A1A2                     DQK41       H2A1A2             
 DQK51       H2A1A2                     DQK61       H2A1A2             
 DQMOMO      H2A2A1, C3A2               DQNC79      H2A1A1             
 DQNG        H2A1A1                    *DQPSRT                         
 DQRDC       D5                        *DQRFAC                         
 DQRSL       D9, D2A1                  *DQRSLV                         
*DQWGTC                                *DQWGTF                         
*DQWGTS                                 DRC         C14                
 DRC3JJ      C19                        DRC3JM      C19                
 DRC6J       C19                        DRD         C14                
*DREADP                                *DREORT                         
 DRF         C14                        DRJ         C14                
*DRKFAB                                *DRKFS                          
*DRLCAL      D2A4, D2B4                 DROT        D1A8               
 DROTG       D1B10                      DROTM       D1A8               
 DROTMG      D1B10                     *DRSCO                          
 DS2LT       D2E                        DS2Y        D1B9               
 DSBMV       D1B4                       DSCAL       D1A6               
 DSD2S       D2E                        DSDBCG      D2A4, D2B4         
 DSDCG       D2B4                       DSDCGN      D2A4, D2B4         
 DSDCGS      D2A4, D2B4                 DSDGMR      D2A4, D2B4         
 DSDI        D1B4                       DSDOMN      D2A4, D2B4         
 DSDOT       D1A4                       DSDS        D2E                
 DSDSCL      D2E                        DSGS        D2A4, D2B4         
 DSICCG      D2B4                       DSICO       D2B1A              
 DSICS       D2E                        DSIDI       D2B1A, D3B1A       
 DSIFA       D2B1A                      DSILUR      D2A4, D2B4         
 DSILUS      D2E                        DSINDG      C4A                
 DSISL       D2B1A                      DSJAC       D2A4, D2B4         
 DSLI        D2A3                       DSLI2       D2A3               
 DSLLTI      D2E                        DSLUBC      D2A4, D2B4         
 DSLUCN      D2A4, D2B4                 DSLUCS      D2A4, D2B4         
 DSLUGM      D2A4, D2B4                 DSLUI       D2E                
 DSLUI2      D2E                        DSLUI4      D2E                
 DSLUOM      D2A4, D2B4                 DSLUTI      D2E                
*DSLVS                                  DSMMI2      D2E                
 DSMMTI      D2E                        DSMTV       D1B4               
 DSMV        D1B4                       DSORT       N6A2B              
 DSOS        F2A                       *DSOSEQ                         
*DSOSSL                                 DSPCO       D2B1A              
 DSPDI       D2B1A, D3B1A               DSPENC      C5                 
 DSPFA       D2B1A                      DSPLP       G2A2               
 DSPMV       D1B4                       DSPR        D1B4               
 DSPR2       D1B4                       DSPSL       D2B1A              
 DSTEPS      I1A1B                     *DSTOD                          
*DSTOR1                                *DSTWAY                         
*DSUDS                                 *DSVCO                          
 DSVDC       D6                         DSWAP       D1A5               
 DSYMM       D1B6                       DSYMV       D1B4               
 DSYR        D1B4                       DSYR2       D1B4               
 DSYR2K      D1B6                       DSYRK       D1B6               
 DTBMV       D1B4                       DTBSV       D1B4               
 DTIN        N1                         DTOUT       N1                 
 DTPMV       D1B4                       DTPSV       D1B4               
 DTRCO       D2A3                       DTRDI       D2A3, D3A3         
 DTRMM       D1B6                       DTRMV       D1B4               
 DTRSL       D2A3                       DTRSM       D1B6               
 DTRSV       D1B4                      *DU11LS                         
*DU11US                                *DU12LS                         
*DU12US                                 DULSIA      D9                 
*DUSRMT                                *DVECS                          
*DVNRMS                                *DVOUT                          
*DWNLIT                                *DWNLSM                         
*DWNLT1                                *DWNLT2                         
*DWNLT3                                 DWNNLS      K1A2A              
*DWRITP                                *DWUPDT                         
*DX                                    *DX4                            
 DXADD       A3D                        DXADJ       A3D                
 DXC210      A3D                        DXCON       A3D                
*DXLCAL      D2A4, D2B4                 DXLEGF      C3A2, C9           
 DXNRMP      C3A2, C9                  *DXPMU       C3A2, C9           
*DXPMUP      C3A2, C9                  *DXPNRM      C3A2, C9           
*DXPQNU      C3A2, C9                  *DXPSI       C7C                
*DXQMU       C3A2, C9                  *DXQNU       C3A2, C9           
 DXRED       A3D                        DXSET       A3D                
*DY                                    *DY4                            
*DYAIRY                                 E1          C5                 
 EFC         K1A1A1, K1A2A, L8A3       *EFCMN                          
 EI          C5                         EISDOC      D4, Z              
 ELMBAK      D4C4                       ELMHES      D4C1B2             
 ELTRAN      D4C4                      *ENORM                          
 ERF         C8A, L5A1E                 ERFC        C8A, L5A1E         
*EXBVP                                  EXINT       C5                 
 EXPREL      C4B                       *EZFFT1                         
 EZFFTB      J1A1                       EZFFTF      J1A1               
 EZFFTI      J1A1                       FAC         C1                 
 FC          K1A1A1, K1A2A, L8A3       *FCMN                           
*FDJAC1                                *FDJAC3                         
 FDUMP       R3                         FFTDOC      J1, Z              
 FIGI        D4C1C                      FIGI2       D4C1C              
*FULMAT                                 FUNDOC      C, Z               
 FZERO       F1B                        GAMI        C7E                
 GAMIC       C7E                        GAMIT       C7E                
 GAMLIM      C7A, R2                   *GAMLN       C7A                
 GAMMA       C7A                        GAMR        C7A                
*GAMRN                                  GAUS8       H2A1A1             
 GENBUN      I2B4B                     *H12                            
 HFTI        D9                        *HKSEQ                          
 HPPERM      N8                         HPSORT      N6A1C, N6A2C       
 HQR         D4C2B                      HQR2        D4C2B              
*HSTART                                 HSTCRT      I2B1A1A            
*HSTCS1                                 HSTCSP      I2B1A1A            
 HSTCYL      I2B1A1A                    HSTPLR      I2B1A1A            
 HSTSSP      I2B1A1A                    HTRIB3      D4C4               
 HTRIBK      D4C4                       HTRID3      D4C1B1             
 HTRIDI      D4C1B1                    *HVNRM                          
 HW3CRT      I2B1A1A                    HWSCRT      I2B1A1A            
*HWSCS1                                 HWSCSP      I2B1A1A            
 HWSCYL      I2B1A1A                    HWSPLR      I2B1A1A            
*HWSSS1                                 HWSSSP      I2B1A1A            
 I1MACH      R1                        *I1MERG                         
 ICAMAX      D1A2                       ICOPY       D1A5               
 IDAMAX      D1A2                      *IDLOC                          
 IMTQL1      D4A5, D4C2A                IMTQL2      D4A5, D4C2A        
 IMTQLV      D4A5, D4C2A               *INDXA                          
*INDXB                                 *INDXC                          
 INITDS      C3A2                       INITS       C3A2               
 INTRV       E3, K6                    *INTYD                          
 INVIT       D4C2B                     *INXCA                          
*INXCB                                 *INXCC                          
*IPLOC                                  IPPERM      N8                 
 IPSORT      N6A1A, N6A2A               ISAMAX      D1A2               
*ISDBCG      D2A4, D2B4                *ISDCG       D2B4               
*ISDCGN      D2A4, D2B4                *ISDCGS      D2A4, D2B4         
*ISDGMR      D2A4, D2B4                *ISDIR       D2A4, D2B4         
*ISDOMN      D2A4, D2B4                 ISORT       N6A2A              
*ISSBCG      D2A4, D2B4                *ISSCG       D2B4               
*ISSCGN      D2A4, D2B4                *ISSCGS      D2A4, D2B4         
*ISSGMR      D2A4, D2B4                *ISSIR       D2A4, D2B4         
*ISSOMN      D2A4, D2B4                 ISWAP       D1A5               
*IVOUT                                 *J4SAVE                         
*JAIRY                                 *LA05AD                         
*LA05AS                                *LA05BD                         
*LA05BS                                *LA05CD                         
*LA05CS                                *LA05ED                         
*LA05ES                                 LLSIA       D9, D5             
*LMPAR                                 *LPDP                           
*LSAME       R, N3                      LSEI        K1A2A, D9          
*LSI                                   *LSOD                           
*LSSODS                                *LSSUDS                         
*MACON                                 *MC20AD                         
*MC20AS                                *MGSBV                          
 MINFIT      D9                        *MINSO4                         
*MINSOL                                *MPADD                          
*MPADD2                                *MPADD3                         
*MPBLAS                                *MPCDM                          
*MPCHK                                 *MPCMD                          
*MPDIVI                                *MPERR                          
*MPMAXR                                *MPMLP                          
*MPMUL                                 *MPMUL2                         
*MPMULI                                *MPNZR                          
*MPOVFL                                *MPSTR                          
*MPUNFL                                 NUMXER      R3C                
*OHTROL                                *OHTROR                         
 ORTBAK      D4C4                       ORTHES      D4C1B2             
*ORTHO4                                *ORTHOG                         
*ORTHOL                                *ORTHOR                         
 ORTRAN      D4C4                      *PASSB                          
*PASSB2                                *PASSB3                         
*PASSB4                                *PASSB5                         
*PASSF                                 *PASSF2                         
*PASSF3                                *PASSF4                         
*PASSF5                                 PCHBS       E3                 
*PCHCE                                 *PCHCI                          
 PCHCM       E3                        *PCHCS                          
*PCHDF                                  PCHDOC      E1A, Z             
 PCHFD       E3, H1                     PCHFE       E3                 
 PCHIA       E3, H2A1B2                 PCHIC       E1A                
 PCHID       E3, H2A1B2                 PCHIM       E1A                
*PCHKT       E3                        *PCHNGS                         
 PCHSP       E1A                       *PCHST                          
*PCHSW                                  PCOEF       K1A1A2             
 PFQAD       H2A2A1, E3, K6            *PGSF                           
*PIMACH                                *PINITM                         
*PJAC                                  *PNNZRS                         
 POCH        C1, C7A                    POCH1       C1, C7A            
 POIS3D      I2B4B                     *POISD2                         
*POISN2                                *POISP2                         
 POISTG      I2B4B                      POLCOF      E1B                
 POLFIT      K1A1A2                     POLINT      E1B                
 POLYVL      E3                        *POS3D1                         
*POSTG2                                *PPADD                          
*PPGQ8                                 *PPGSF                          
*PPPSF                                  PPQAD       H2A2A1, E3, K6     
*PPSGF                                 *PPSPF                          
 PPVAL       E3, K6                    *PROC                           
*PROCP                                 *PROD                           
*PRODP                                 *PRVEC                          
*PRWPGE                                *PRWVIR                         
*PSGF                                   PSI         C7C                
 PSIFN       C7C                       *PSIXN                          
 PVALUE      K6                        *PYTHAG                         
 QAG         H2A1A1                     QAGE        H2A1A1             
 QAGI        H2A3A1, H2A4A1             QAGIE       H2A3A1, H2A4A1     
 QAGP        H2A2A1                     QAGPE       H2A2A1             
 QAGS        H2A1A1                     QAGSE       H2A1A1             
 QAWC        H2A2A1, J4                 QAWCE       H2A2A1, J4         
 QAWF        H2A3A1                     QAWFE       H2A3A1             
 QAWO        H2A2A1                     QAWOE       H2A2A1             
 QAWS        H2A2A1                     QAWSE       H2A2A1             
 QC25C       H2A2A2, J4                 QC25F       H2A2A2             
 QC25S       H2A2A2                    *QCHEB                          
*QELG                                  *QFORM                          
 QK15        H2A1A2                     QK15I       H2A3A2, H2A4A2     
 QK15W       H2A2A2                     QK21        H2A1A2             
 QK31        H2A1A2                     QK41        H2A1A2             
 QK51        H2A1A2                     QK61        H2A1A2             
 QMOMO       H2A2A1, C3A2               QNC79       H2A1A1             
 QNG         H2A1A1                     QPDOC       H2, Z              
*QPSRT                                 *QRFAC                          
*QRSOLV                                *QS2I1D      N6A2A              
*QS2I1R      N6A2A                     *QWGTC                          
*QWGTF                                 *QWGTS                          
 QZHES       D4C1B3                     QZIT        D4C1B3             
 QZVAL       D4C2C                      QZVEC       D4C3               
 R1MACH      R1                        *R1MPYQ                         
*R1UPDT                                *R9AIMP      C10D               
*R9ATN1      C4A                       *R9CHU       C11                
*R9GMIC      C7E                       *R9GMIT      C7E                
*R9KNUS      C10B3                     *R9LGIC      C7E                
*R9LGIT      C7E                       *R9LGMC      C7E                
*R9LN2R      C4B                        R9PAK       A6B                
 R9UPAK      A6B                       *RADB2                          
*RADB3                                 *RADB4                          
*RADB5                                 *RADBG                          
*RADF2                                 *RADF3                          
*RADF4                                 *RADF5                          
*RADFG                                  RAND        L6A21              
 RATQR       D4A5, D4C2A                RC          C14                
 RC3JJ       C19                        RC3JM       C19                
 RC6J        C19                        RD          C14                
 REBAK       D4C4                       REBAKB      D4C4               
 REDUC       D4C1C                      REDUC2      D4C1C              
*REORT                                  RF          C14                
*RFFTB       J1A1                       RFFTB1      J1A1               
*RFFTF       J1A1                       RFFTF1      J1A1               
*RFFTI       J1A1                       RFFTI1      J1A1               
 RG          D4A2                       RGAUSS      L6A14              
 RGG         D4B2                       RJ          C14                
*RKFAB                                  RPQR79      F1A1A              
 RPZERO      F1A1A                      RS          D4A1               
 RSB         D4A6                      *RSCO                           
 RSG         D4B1                       RSGAB       D4B1               
 RSGBA       D4B1                       RSP         D4A1               
 RST         D4A5                       RT          D4A5               
 RUNIF       L6A21                     *RWUPDT                         
*S1MERG                                 SASUM       D1A3A              
 SAXPY       D1A7                       SBCG        D2A4, D2B4         
 SBHIN       N1                         SBOCLS      K1A2A, G2E, G2H1, G2H2
 SBOLS       K1A2A, G2E, G2H1, G2H2    *SBOLSM                         
 SCASUM      D1A3A                      SCG         D2B4               
 SCGN        D2A4, D2B4                 SCGS        D2A4, D2B4         
 SCHDC       D2B1B                      SCHDD       D7B                
 SCHEX       D7B                       *SCHKW       R2                 
 SCHUD       D7B                       *SCLOSM                         
 SCNRM2      D1A3B                     *SCOEF                          
 SCOPY       D1A5                       SCOPYM      D1A5               
 SCOV        K1B1                       SCPPLT      N1                 
*SDAINI                                *SDAJAC                         
*SDANRM                                *SDASLV                         
 SDASSL      I1A2                      *SDASTP                         
*SDATRP                                *SDAWTS                         
*SDCOR                                 *SDCST                          
*SDNTL                                 *SDNTP                          
 SDOT        D1A4                      *SDPSC                          
*SDPST                                  SDRIV1      I1A2, I1A1B        
 SDRIV2      I1A2, I1A1B                SDRIV3      I1A2, I1A1B        
*SDSCL                                  SDSDOT      D1A4               
*SDSTP                                 *SDZRO                          
 SEPELI      I2B1A2                     SEPX4       I2B1A2             
 SGBCO       D2A2                       SGBDI       D3A2               
 SGBFA       D2A2                       SGBMV       D1B4               
 SGBSL       D2A2                       SGECO       D2A1               
 SGEDI       D2A1, D3A1                 SGEEV       D4A2               
 SGEFA       D2A1                       SGEFS       D2A1               
 SGEIR       D2A1                       SGEMM       D1B6               
 SGEMV       D1B4                       SGER        D1B4               
 SGESL       D2A1                       SGLSS       D9, D5             
 SGMRES      D2A4, D2B4                 SGTSL       D2A2A              
*SHELS       D2A4, D2B4                *SHEQR       D2A4, D2B4         
 SINDG       C4A                        SINQB       J1A3               
 SINQF       J1A3                       SINQI       J1A3               
 SINT        J1A3                       SINTI       J1A3               
 SINTRP      I1A1B                      SIR         D2A4, D2B4         
 SLLTI2      D2E                        SLPDOC      D2A4, D2B4, Z      
*SLVS                                  *SMOUT                          
 SNBCO       D2A2                       SNBDI       D3A2               
 SNBFA       D2A2                       SNBFS       D2A2               
 SNBIR       D2A2                       SNBSL       D2A2               
 SNLS1       K1B1A1, K1B1A2             SNLS1E      K1B1A1, K1B1A2     
 SNRM2       D1A3B                      SNSQ        F2A                
 SNSQE       F2A                       *SODS                           
 SOMN        D2A4, D2B4                *SOPENM                         
*SORTH       D2A4, D2B4                 SOS         F2A                
*SOSEQS                                *SOSSOL                         
 SPBCO       D2B2                       SPBDI       D3B2               
 SPBFA       D2B2                       SPBSL       D2B2               
*SPELI4                                *SPELIP                         
 SPENC       C5                        *SPIGMR      D2A4, D2B4         
*SPINCW                                *SPINIT                         
 SPLP        G2A2                      *SPLPCE                         
*SPLPDM                                *SPLPFE                         
*SPLPFL                                *SPLPMN                         
*SPLPMU                                *SPLPUP                         
 SPOCO       D2B1B                      SPODI       D2B1B, D3B1B       
 SPOFA       D2B1B                      SPOFS       D2B1B              
 SPOIR       D2B1B                     *SPOPT                          
 SPOSL       D2B1B                      SPPCO       D2B1B              
 SPPDI       D2B1B, D3B1B               SPPERM      N8                 
 SPPFA       D2B1B                      SPPSL       D2B1B              
 SPSORT      N6A1B, N6A2B               SPTSL       D2B2A              
 SQRDC       D5                         SQRSL       D9, D2A1           
*SREADP                                *SRLCAL      D2A4, D2B4         
 SROT        D1A8                       SROTG       D1B10              
 SROTM       D1A8                       SROTMG      D1B10              
 SS2LT       D2E                        SS2Y        D1B9               
 SSBMV       D1B4                       SSCAL       D1A6               
 SSD2S       D2E                        SSDBCG      D2A4, D2B4         
 SSDCG       D2B4                       SSDCGN      D2A4, D2B4         
 SSDCGS      D2A4, D2B4                 SSDGMR      D2A4, D2B4         
 SSDI        D1B4                       SSDOMN      D2A4, D2B4         
 SSDS        D2E                        SSDSCL      D2E                
 SSGS        D2A4, D2B4                 SSICCG      D2B4               
 SSICO       D2B1A                      SSICS       D2E                
 SSIDI       D2B1A, D3B1A               SSIEV       D4A1               
 SSIFA       D2B1A                      SSILUR      D2A4, D2B4         
 SSILUS      D2E                        SSISL       D2B1A              
 SSJAC       D2A4, D2B4                 SSLI        D2A3               
 SSLI2       D2A3                       SSLLTI      D2E                
 SSLUBC      D2A4, D2B4                 SSLUCN      D2A4, D2B4         
 SSLUCS      D2A4, D2B4                 SSLUGM      D2A4, D2B4         
 SSLUI       D2E                        SSLUI2      D2E                
 SSLUI4      D2E                        SSLUOM      D2A4, D2B4         
 SSLUTI      D2E                        SSMMI2      D2E                
 SSMMTI      D2E                        SSMTV       D1B4               
 SSMV        D1B4                       SSORT       N6A2B              
 SSPCO       D2B1A                      SSPDI       D2B1A, D3B1A       
 SSPEV       D4A1                       SSPFA       D2B1A              
 SSPMV       D1B4                       SSPR        D1B4               
 SSPR2       D1B4                       SSPSL       D2B1A              
 SSVDC       D6                         SSWAP       D1A5               
 SSYMM       D1B6                       SSYMV       D1B4               
 SSYR        D1B4                       SSYR2       D1B4               
 SSYR2K      D1B6                       SSYRK       D1B6               
 STBMV       D1B4                       STBSV       D1B4               
 STEPS       I1A1B                      STIN        N1                 
*STOD                                  *STOR1                          
 STOUT       N1                         STPMV       D1B4               
 STPSV       D1B4                       STRCO       D2A3               
 STRDI       D2A3, D3A3                 STRMM       D1B6               
 STRMV       D1B4                       STRSL       D2A3               
 STRSM       D1B6                       STRSV       D1B4               
*STWAY                                 *SUDS                           
*SVCO                                  *SVD                            
*SVECS                                 *SVOUT                          
*SWRITP                                *SXLCAL      D2A4, D2B4         
*TEVLC                                 *TEVLS                          
 TINVIT      D4C3                       TQL1        D4A5, D4C2A        
 TQL2        D4A5, D4C2A                TQLRAT      D4A5, D4C2A        
 TRBAK1      D4C4                       TRBAK3      D4C4               
 TRED1       D4C1B1                     TRED2       D4C1B1             
 TRED3       D4C1B1                    *TRI3                           
 TRIDIB      D4A5, D4C2A               *TRIDQ                          
*TRIS4                                 *TRISP                          
*TRIX                                   TSTURM      D4A5, D4C2A        
*U11LS                                 *U11US                          
*U12LS                                 *U12US                          
 ULSIA       D9                        *USRMAT                         
*VNWRMS                                *WNLIT                          
*WNLSM                                 *WNLT1                          
*WNLT2                                 *WNLT3                          
 WNNLS       K1A2A                      XADD        A3D                
 XADJ        A3D                        XC210       A3D                
 XCON        A3D                       *XERBLA      R3                 
 XERCLR      R3C                       *XERCNT      R3C                
 XERDMP      R3C                       *XERHLT      R3C                
 XERMAX      R3C                        XERMSG      R3C                
*XERPRN      R3C                       *XERSVE      R3                 
 XGETF       R3C                        XGETUA      R3C                
 XGETUN      R3C                        XLEGF       C3A2, C9           
 XNRMP       C3A2, C9                  *XPMU        C3A2, C9           
*XPMUP       C3A2, C9                  *XPNRM       C3A2, C9           
*XPQNU       C3A2, C9                  *XPSI        C7C                
*XQMU        C3A2, C9                  *XQNU        C3A2, C9           
 XRED        A3D                        XSET        A3D                
 XSETF       R3A                        XSETUA      R3B                
 XSETUN      R3B                       *YAIRY                          
*ZABS                                  *ZACAI                          
*ZACON                                  ZAIRY       C10D               
*ZASYI                                  ZBESH       C10A4              
 ZBESI       C10B4                      ZBESJ       C10A4              
 ZBESK       C10B4                      ZBESY       C10A4              
*ZBINU                                  ZBIRY       C10D               
*ZBKNU                                 *ZBUNI                          
*ZBUNK                                 *ZDIV                           
*ZEXP                                  *ZKSCL                          
*ZLOG                                  *ZMLRI                          
*ZMLT                                  *ZRATI                          
*ZS1S2                                 *ZSERI                          
*ZSHCH                                 *ZSQRT                          
*ZUCHK                                 *ZUNHJ                          
*ZUNI1                                 *ZUNI2                          
*ZUNIK                                 *ZUNK1                          
*ZUNK2                                 *ZUOIK