Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) SLATEC Home Page

This is the product SLATEC taken from and adapted for use by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Here is the provided netlib readme file:

SLATEC Common Mathematical Library, Version 4.1, July 1993
a comprehensive software library containing over 1400
general purpose mathematical and statistical routines
written in Fortran 77.

Indices to SLATEC routines




Documentation for some SLATEC packages

BSPLINE: A package of subprograms for working with piecewise polynomial functions.

EISPACK: A collection of subprograms for solving matrix eigen-problems.

FFTPACK: A collection of Fast Fourier Transform routines.

FNLIB: A a collection of routines for evaluating elementary and special functions.

PCHIP: A package for piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation of data.

QUADPAC: A package of subprograms for automatic evaluation of one-dimensional definite integrals.

SLAP: A package of subprograms for solve large sparse symmetric and nonsymmetric positive definite linear systems, Ax = b, using preconditioned iterative methods. (single precision)

SLAP: A package of subprograms for solve large sparse symmetric and nonsymmetric positive definite linear systems, Ax = b, using preconditioned iterative methods. (double precision)

Additional documents provided by netlib

readme The README file quoted above

toc Table of Contents. This is also very useful for locating a SLATEC routine suitable for one's problem.

guide Guide for programmers submitting new SLATEC routines. Useful for users, too.

install How was SLATEC built. (630)840-2440

MS 127
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
P.O. Box 500
Batavia, IL 60510

Please send any comments to
Chris Stoughton