
C***PURPOSE  This code solves a system of differential/algebraic
C            equations of the form G(T,Y,YPRIME) = 0.
C***AUTHOR  Petzold, Linda R., (LLNL)
C             Computing and Mathematics Research Division
C             Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
C             L - 316, P.O. Box 808,
C             Livermore, CA.    94550
C *Usage:
C     *   RWORK(LRW), RPAR
C *Arguments:
C  (In the following, all real arrays should be type DOUBLE PRECISION.)
C  RES:EXT     This is a subroutine which you provide to define the
C              differential/algebraic system.
C  NEQ:IN      This is the number of equations to be solved.
C  T:INOUT     This is the current value of the independent variable.
C  Y(*):INOUT  This array contains the solution components at T.
C  YPRIME(*):INOUT  This array contains the derivatives of the solution
C              components at T.
C  TOUT:IN     This is a point at which a solution is desired.
C  INFO(N):IN  The basic task of the code is to solve the system from T
C              to TOUT and return an answer at TOUT.  INFO is an integer
C              array which is used to communicate exactly how you want
C              this task to be carried out.  (See below for details.)
C              N must be greater than or equal to 15.
C  RTOL,ATOL:INOUT  These quantities represent relative and absolute
C              error tolerances which you provide to indicate how
C              accurately you wish the solution to be computed.  You
C              may choose them to be both scalars or else both vectors.
C              Caution:  In Fortran 77, a scalar is not the same as an
C                        array of length 1.  Some compilers may object
C                        to using scalars for RTOL,ATOL.
C  IDID:OUT    This scalar quantity is an indicator reporting what the
C              code did.  You must monitor this integer variable to
C              decide  what action to take next.
C  RWORK:WORK  A real work array of length LRW which provides the
C              code with needed storage space.
C  LRW:IN      The length of RWORK.  (See below for required length.)
C  IWORK:WORK  An integer work array of length LIW which provides the
C              code with needed storage space.
C  LIW:IN      The length of IWORK.  (See below for required length.)
C  RPAR,IPAR:IN  These are real and integer parameter arrays which
C              you can use for communication between your calling
C              program and the RES subroutine (and the JAC subroutine)
C  JAC:EXT     This is the name of a subroutine which you may choose
C              to provide for defining a matrix of partial derivatives
C              described below.
C  Quantities which may be altered by DDASSL are:
C     T, Y(*), YPRIME(*), INFO(1), RTOL, ATOL,
C *Description
C  Subroutine DDASSL uses the backward differentiation formulas of
C  orders one through five to solve a system of the above form for Y and
C  YPRIME.  Values for Y and YPRIME at the initial time must be given as
C  input.  These values must be consistent, (that is, if T,Y,YPRIME are
C  the given initial values, they must satisfy G(T,Y,YPRIME) = 0.).  The
C  subroutine solves the system from T to TOUT.  It is easy to continue
C  the solution to get results at additional TOUT.  This is the interval
C  mode of operation.  Intermediate results can also be obtained easily
C  by using the intermediate-output capability.
C  The following detailed description is divided into subsections:
C    1. Input required for the first call to DDASSL.
C    2. Output after any return from DDASSL.
C    3. What to do to continue the integration.
C    4. Error messages.
C  -------- INPUT -- WHAT TO DO ON THE FIRST CALL TO DDASSL ------------
C  The first call of the code is defined to be the start of each new
C  problem. Read through the descriptions of all the following items,
C  provide sufficient storage space for designated arrays, set
C  appropriate variables for the initialization of the problem, and
C  give information about how you want the problem to be solved.
C  RES -- Provide a subroutine of the form
C         to define the system of differential/algebraic
C         equations which is to be solved. For the given values
C         of T,Y and YPRIME, the subroutine should
C         return the residual of the differential/algebraic
C         system
C             DELTA = G(T,Y,YPRIME)
C         (DELTA(*) is a vector of length NEQ which is
C         output for RES.)
C         Subroutine RES must not alter T,Y or YPRIME.
C         You must declare the name RES in an external
C         statement in your program that calls DDASSL.
C         You must dimension Y,YPRIME and DELTA in RES.
C         IRES is an integer flag which is always equal to
C         zero on input. Subroutine RES should alter IRES
C         only if it encounters an illegal value of Y or
C         a stop condition. Set IRES = -1 if an input value
C         is illegal, and DDASSL will try to solve the problem
C         without getting IRES = -1. If IRES = -2, DDASSL
C         will return control to the calling program
C         with IDID = -11.
C         RPAR and IPAR are real and integer parameter arrays which
C         you can use for communication between your calling program
C         and subroutine RES. They are not altered by DDASSL. If you
C         do not need RPAR or IPAR, ignore these parameters by treat-
C         ing them as dummy arguments. If you do choose to use them,
C         dimension them in your calling program and in RES as arrays
C         of appropriate length.
C  NEQ -- Set it to the number of differential equations.
C         (NEQ .GE. 1)
C  T -- Set it to the initial point of the integration.
C         T must be defined as a variable.
C  Y(*) -- Set this vector to the initial values of the NEQ solution
C         components at the initial point. You must dimension Y of
C         length at least NEQ in your calling program.
C  YPRIME(*) -- Set this vector to the initial values of the NEQ
C         first derivatives of the solution components at the initial
C         point.  You must dimension YPRIME at least NEQ in your
C         calling program. If you do not know initial values of some
C         of the solution components, see the explanation of INFO(11).
C  TOUT -- Set it to the first point at which a solution
C         is desired. You can not take TOUT = T.
C         integration either forward in T (TOUT .GT. T) or
C         backward in T (TOUT .LT. T) is permitted.
C         The code advances the solution from T to TOUT using
C         step sizes which are automatically selected so as to
C         achieve the desired accuracy. If you wish, the code will
C         return with the solution and its derivative at
C         intermediate steps (intermediate-output mode) so that
C         you can monitor them, but you still must provide TOUT in
C         accord with the basic aim of the code.
C         The first step taken by the code is a critical one
C         because it must reflect how fast the solution changes near
C         the initial point. The code automatically selects an
C         initial step size which is practically always suitable for
C         the problem. By using the fact that the code will not step
C         past TOUT in the first step, you could, if necessary,
C         restrict the length of the initial step size.
C         For some problems it may not be permissible to integrate
C         past a point TSTOP because a discontinuity occurs there
C         or the solution or its derivative is not defined beyond
C         TSTOP. When you have declared a TSTOP point (SEE INFO(4)
C         and RWORK(1)), you have told the code not to integrate
C         past TSTOP. In this case any TOUT beyond TSTOP is invalid
C         input.
C  INFO(*) -- Use the INFO array to give the code more details about
C         how you want your problem solved.  This array should be
C         dimensioned of length 15, though DDASSL uses only the first
C         eleven entries.  You must respond to all of the following
C         items, which are arranged as questions.  The simplest use
C         of the code corresponds to answering all questions as yes,
C         i.e. setting all entries of INFO to 0.
C       INFO(1) - This parameter enables the code to initialize
C              itself. You must set it to indicate the start of every
C              new problem.
C          **** Is this the first call for this problem ...
C                Yes - Set INFO(1) = 0
C                 No - Not applicable here.
C                      See below for continuation calls.  ****
C       INFO(2) - How much accuracy you want of your solution
C              is specified by the error tolerances RTOL and ATOL.
C              The simplest use is to take them both to be scalars.
C              To obtain more flexibility, they can both be vectors.
C              The code must be told your choice.
C          **** Are both error tolerances RTOL, ATOL scalars ...
C                Yes - Set INFO(2) = 0
C                      and input scalars for both RTOL and ATOL
C                 No - Set INFO(2) = 1
C                      and input arrays for both RTOL and ATOL ****
C       INFO(3) - The code integrates from T in the direction
C              of TOUT by steps. If you wish, it will return the
C              computed solution and derivative at the next
C              intermediate step (the intermediate-output mode) or
C              TOUT, whichever comes first. This is a good way to
C              proceed if you want to see the behavior of the solution.
C              If you must have solutions at a great many specific
C              TOUT points, this code will compute them efficiently.
C          **** Do you want the solution only at
C                TOUT (and not at the next intermediate step) ...
C                 Yes - Set INFO(3) = 0
C                  No - Set INFO(3) = 1 ****
C       INFO(4) - To handle solutions at a great many specific
C              values TOUT efficiently, this code may integrate past
C              TOUT and interpolate to obtain the result at TOUT.
C              Sometimes it is not possible to integrate beyond some
C              point TSTOP because the equation changes there or it is
C              not defined past TSTOP. Then you must tell the code
C              not to go past.
C           **** Can the integration be carried out without any
C                restrictions on the independent variable T ...
C                 Yes - Set INFO(4)=0
C                  No - Set INFO(4)=1
C                       and define the stopping point TSTOP by
C                       setting RWORK(1)=TSTOP ****
C       INFO(5) - To solve differential/algebraic problems it is
C              necessary to use a matrix of partial derivatives of the
C              system of differential equations. If you do not
C              provide a subroutine to evaluate it analytically (see
C              description of the item JAC in the call list), it will
C              be approximated by numerical differencing in this code.
C              although it is less trouble for you to have the code
C              compute partial derivatives by numerical differencing,
C              the solution will be more reliable if you provide the
C              derivatives via JAC. Sometimes numerical differencing
C              is cheaper than evaluating derivatives in JAC and
C              sometimes it is not - this depends on your problem.
C           **** Do you want the code to evaluate the partial
C                derivatives automatically by numerical differences ...
C                   Yes - Set INFO(5)=0
C                    No - Set INFO(5)=1
C                  and provide subroutine JAC for evaluating the
C                  matrix of partial derivatives ****
C       INFO(6) - DDASSL will perform much better if the matrix of
C              partial derivatives, DG/DY + CJ*DG/DYPRIME,
C              (here CJ is a scalar determined by DDASSL)
C              is banded and the code is told this. In this
C              case, the storage needed will be greatly reduced,
C              numerical differencing will be performed much cheaper,
C              and a number of important algorithms will execute much
C              faster. The differential equation is said to have
C              half-bandwidths ML (lower) and MU (upper) if equation i
C              involves only unknowns Y(J) with
C                             I-ML .LE. J .LE. I+MU
C              for all I=1,2,...,NEQ. Thus, ML and MU are the widths
C              of the lower and upper parts of the band, respectively,
C              with the main diagonal being excluded. If you do not
C              indicate that the equation has a banded matrix of partial
C              derivatives, the code works with a full matrix of NEQ**2
C              elements (stored in the conventional way). Computations
C              with banded matrices cost less time and storage than with
C              full matrices if 2*ML+MU .LT. NEQ. If you tell the
C              code that the matrix of partial derivatives has a banded
C              structure and you want to provide subroutine JAC to
C              compute the partial derivatives, then you must be careful
C              to store the elements of the matrix in the special form
C              indicated in the description of JAC.
C          **** Do you want to solve the problem using a full
C               (dense) matrix (and not a special banded
C               structure) ...
C                Yes - Set INFO(6)=0
C                 No - Set INFO(6)=1
C                       and provide the lower (ML) and upper (MU)
C                       bandwidths by setting
C                       IWORK(1)=ML
C                       IWORK(2)=MU ****
C        INFO(7) -- You can specify a maximum (absolute value of)
C              stepsize, so that the code
C              will avoid passing over very
C              large regions.
C          ****  Do you want the code to decide
C                on its own maximum stepsize?
C                Yes - Set INFO(7)=0
C                 No - Set INFO(7)=1
C                      and define HMAX by setting
C                      RWORK(2)=HMAX ****
C        INFO(8) -- Differential/algebraic problems
C              may occasionally suffer from
C              severe scaling difficulties on the
C              first step. If you know a great deal
C              about the scaling of your problem, you can
C              help to alleviate this problem by
C              specifying an initial stepsize HO.
C          ****  Do you want the code to define
C                its own initial stepsize?
C                Yes - Set INFO(8)=0
C                 No - Set INFO(8)=1
C                      and define HO by setting
C                      RWORK(3)=HO ****
C        INFO(9) -- If storage is a severe problem,
C              you can save some locations by
C              restricting the maximum order MAXORD.
C              the default value is 5. for each
C              order decrease below 5, the code
C              requires NEQ fewer locations, however
C              it is likely to be slower. In any
C              case, you must have 1 .LE. MAXORD .LE. 5
C          ****  Do you want the maximum order to
C                default to 5?
C                Yes - Set INFO(9)=0
C                 No - Set INFO(9)=1
C                      and define MAXORD by setting
C                      IWORK(3)=MAXORD ****
C        INFO(10) --If you know that the solutions to your equations
C               will always be nonnegative, it may help to set this
C               parameter. However, it is probably best to
C               try the code without using this option first,
C               and only to use this option if that doesn't
C               work very well.
C           ****  Do you want the code to solve the problem without
C                 invoking any special nonnegativity constraints?
C                  Yes - Set INFO(10)=0
C                   No - Set INFO(10)=1
C        INFO(11) --DDASSL normally requires the initial T,
C               Y, and YPRIME to be consistent. That is,
C               you must have G(T,Y,YPRIME) = 0 at the initial
C               time. If you do not know the initial
C               derivative precisely, you can let DDASSL try
C               to compute it.
C          ****   Are the initial T, Y, YPRIME consistent?
C                 Yes - Set INFO(11) = 0
C                  No - Set INFO(11) = 1,
C                       and set YPRIME to an initial approximation
C                       to YPRIME.  (If you have no idea what
C                       YPRIME should be, set it to zero. Note
C                       that the initial Y should be such
C                       that there must exist a YPRIME so that
C                       G(T,Y,YPRIME) = 0.)
C  RTOL, ATOL -- You must assign relative (RTOL) and absolute (ATOL
C         error tolerances to tell the code how accurately you
C         want the solution to be computed.  They must be defined
C         as variables because the code may change them.  You
C         have two choices --
C               Both RTOL and ATOL are scalars. (INFO(2)=0)
C               Both RTOL and ATOL are vectors. (INFO(2)=1)
C         in either case all components must be non-negative.
C         The tolerances are used by the code in a local error
C         test at each step which requires roughly that
C         for each vector component.
C         (More specifically, a root-mean-square norm is used to
C         measure the size of vectors, and the error test uses the
C         magnitude of the solution at the beginning of the step.)
C         The true (global) error is the difference between the
C         true solution of the initial value problem and the
C         computed approximation.  Practically all present day
C         codes, including this one, control the local error at
C         each step and do not even attempt to control the global
C         error directly.
C         Usually, but not always, the true accuracy of the
C         computed Y is comparable to the error tolerances. This
C         code will usually, but not always, deliver a more
C         accurate solution if you reduce the tolerances and
C         integrate again.  By comparing two such solutions you
C         can get a fairly reliable idea of the true error in the
C         solution at the bigger tolerances.
C         Setting ATOL=0. results in a pure relative error test on
C         that component.  Setting RTOL=0. results in a pure
C         absolute error test on that component.  A mixed test
C         with non-zero RTOL and ATOL corresponds roughly to a
C         relative error test when the solution component is much
C         bigger than ATOL and to an absolute error test when the
C         solution component is smaller than the threshhold ATOL.
C         The code will not attempt to compute a solution at an
C         accuracy unreasonable for the machine being used.  It will
C         advise you if you ask for too much accuracy and inform
C         you as to the maximum accuracy it believes possible.
C  RWORK(*) --  Dimension this real work array of length LRW in your
C         calling program.
C  LRW -- Set it to the declared length of the RWORK array.
C               You must have
C                    LRW .GE. 40+(MAXORD+4)*NEQ+NEQ**2
C               for the full (dense) JACOBIAN case (when INFO(6)=0), or
C                    LRW .GE. 40+(MAXORD+4)*NEQ+(2*ML+MU+1)*NEQ
C               for the banded user-defined JACOBIAN case
C               (when INFO(5)=1 and INFO(6)=1), or
C                     LRW .GE. 40+(MAXORD+4)*NEQ+(2*ML+MU+1)*NEQ
C                           +2*(NEQ/(ML+MU+1)+1)
C               for the banded finite-difference-generated JACOBIAN case
C               (when INFO(5)=0 and INFO(6)=1)
C  IWORK(*) --  Dimension this integer work array of length LIW in
C         your calling program.
C  LIW -- Set it to the declared length of the IWORK array.
C               You must have LIW .GE. 20+NEQ
C  RPAR, IPAR -- These are parameter arrays, of real and integer
C         type, respectively.  You can use them for communication
C         between your program that calls DDASSL and the
C         RES subroutine (and the JAC subroutine).  They are not
C         altered by DDASSL.  If you do not need RPAR or IPAR,
C         ignore these parameters by treating them as dummy
C         arguments.  If you do choose to use them, dimension
C         them in your calling program and in RES (and in JAC)
C         as arrays of appropriate length.
C  JAC -- If you have set INFO(5)=0, you can ignore this parameter
C         by treating it as a dummy argument.  Otherwise, you must
C         provide a subroutine of the form
C         to define the matrix of partial derivatives
C             PD=DG/DY+CJ*DG/DYPRIME
C         CJ is a scalar which is input to JAC.
C         For the given values of T,Y,YPRIME, the
C         subroutine must evaluate the non-zero partial
C         derivatives for each equation and each solution
C         component, and store these values in the
C         matrix PD.  The elements of PD are set to zero
C         before each call to JAC so only non-zero elements
C         need to be defined.
C         Subroutine JAC must not alter T,Y,(*),YPRIME(*), or CJ.
C         You must declare the name JAC in an EXTERNAL statement in
C         your program that calls DDASSL.  You must dimension Y,
C         YPRIME and PD in JAC.
C         The way you must store the elements into the PD matrix
C         depends on the structure of the matrix which you
C         indicated by INFO(6).
C               *** INFO(6)=0 -- Full (dense) matrix ***
C                   Give PD a first dimension of NEQ.
C                   When you evaluate the (non-zero) partial derivative
C                   of equation I with respect to variable J, you must
C                   store it in PD according to
C                   PD(I,J) = "DG(I)/DY(J)+CJ*DG(I)/DYPRIME(J)"
C               *** INFO(6)=1 -- Banded JACOBIAN with ML lower and MU
C                   upper diagonal bands (refer to INFO(6) description
C                   of ML and MU) ***
C                   Give PD a first dimension of 2*ML+MU+1.
C                   when you evaluate the (non-zero) partial derivative
C                   of equation I with respect to variable J, you must
C                   store it in PD according to
C                   IROW = I - J + ML + MU + 1
C                   PD(IROW,J) = "DG(I)/DY(J)+CJ*DG(I)/DYPRIME(J)"
C         RPAR and IPAR are real and integer parameter arrays
C         which you can use for communication between your calling
C         program and your JACOBIAN subroutine JAC. They are not
C         altered by DDASSL. If you do not need RPAR or IPAR,
C         ignore these parameters by treating them as dummy
C         arguments. If you do choose to use them, dimension
C         them in your calling program and in JAC as arrays of
C         appropriate length.
C     DDASSL uses a weighted norm DDANRM to measure the size
C     of vectors such as the estimated error in each step.
C     A FUNCTION subprogram
C     is used to define this norm. Here, V is the vector
C     whose norm is to be computed, and WT is a vector of
C     weights.  A DDANRM routine has been included with DDASSL
C     which computes the weighted root-mean-square norm
C     given by
C       DDANRM=SQRT((1/NEQ)*SUM(V(I)/WT(I))**2)
C     this norm is suitable for most problems. In some
C     special cases, it may be more convenient and/or
C     efficient to define your own norm by writing a function
C     subprogram to be called instead of DDANRM. This should,
C     however, be attempted only after careful thought and
C     consideration.
C  -------- OUTPUT -- AFTER ANY RETURN FROM DDASSL ---------------------
C  The principal aim of the code is to return a computed solution at
C  TOUT, although it is also possible to obtain intermediate results
C  along the way. To find out whether the code achieved its goal
C  or if the integration process was interrupted before the task was
C  completed, you must check the IDID parameter.
C  T -- The solution was successfully advanced to the
C               output value of T.
C  Y(*) -- Contains the computed solution approximation at T.
C  YPRIME(*) -- Contains the computed derivative
C               approximation at T.
C  IDID -- Reports what the code did.
C                     *** Task completed ***
C                Reported by positive values of IDID
C           IDID = 1 -- A step was successfully taken in the
C                   intermediate-output mode. The code has not
C                   yet reached TOUT.
C           IDID = 2 -- The integration to TSTOP was successfully
C                   completed (T=TSTOP) by stepping exactly to TSTOP.
C           IDID = 3 -- The integration to TOUT was successfully
C                   completed (T=TOUT) by stepping past TOUT.
C                   Y(*) is obtained by interpolation.
C                   YPRIME(*) is obtained by interpolation.
C                    *** Task interrupted ***
C                Reported by negative values of IDID
C           IDID = -1 -- A large amount of work has been expended.
C                   (About 500 steps)
C           IDID = -2 -- The error tolerances are too stringent.
C           IDID = -3 -- The local error test cannot be satisfied
C                   because you specified a zero component in ATOL
C                   and the corresponding computed solution
C                   component is zero. Thus, a pure relative error
C                   test is impossible for this component.
C           IDID = -6 -- DDASSL had repeated error test
C                   failures on the last attempted step.
C           IDID = -7 -- The corrector could not converge.
C           IDID = -8 -- The matrix of partial derivatives
C                   is singular.
C           IDID = -9 -- The corrector could not converge.
C                   there were repeated error test failures
C                   in this step.
C           IDID =-10 -- The corrector could not converge
C                   because IRES was equal to minus one.
C           IDID =-11 -- IRES equal to -2 was encountered
C                   and control is being returned to the
C                   calling program.
C           IDID =-12 -- DDASSL failed to compute the initial
C                   YPRIME.
C           IDID = -13,..,-32 -- Not applicable for this code
C                    *** Task terminated ***
C                Reported by the value of IDID=-33
C           IDID = -33 -- The code has encountered trouble from which
C                   it cannot recover. A message is printed
C                   explaining the trouble and control is returned
C                   to the calling program. For example, this occurs
C                   when invalid input is detected.
C  RTOL, ATOL -- These quantities remain unchanged except when
C               IDID = -2. In this case, the error tolerances have been
C               increased by the code to values which are estimated to
C               be appropriate for continuing the integration. However,
C               the reported solution at T was obtained using the input
C               values of RTOL and ATOL.
C  RWORK, IWORK -- Contain information which is usually of no
C               interest to the user but necessary for subsequent calls.
C               However, you may find use for
C               RWORK(3)--Which contains the step size H to be
C                       attempted on the next step.
C               RWORK(4)--Which contains the current value of the
C                       independent variable, i.e., the farthest point
C                       integration has reached. This will be different
C                       from T only when interpolation has been
C                       performed (IDID=3).
C               RWORK(7)--Which contains the stepsize used
C                       on the last successful step.
C               IWORK(7)--Which contains the order of the method to
C                       be attempted on the next step.
C               IWORK(8)--Which contains the order of the method used
C                       on the last step.
C               IWORK(11)--Which contains the number of steps taken so
C                        far.
C               IWORK(12)--Which contains the number of calls to RES
C                        so far.
C               IWORK(13)--Which contains the number of evaluations of
C                        the matrix of partial derivatives needed so
C                        far.
C               IWORK(14)--Which contains the total number
C                        of error test failures so far.
C               IWORK(15)--Which contains the total number
C                        of convergence test failures so far.
C                        (includes singular iteration matrix
C                        failures.)
C                    (CALLS AFTER THE FIRST)
C  This code is organized so that subsequent calls to continue the
C  integration involve little (if any) additional effort on your
C  part. You must monitor the IDID parameter in order to determine
C  what to do next.
C  Recalling that the principal task of the code is to integrate
C  from T to TOUT (the interval mode), usually all you will need
C  to do is specify a new TOUT upon reaching the current TOUT.
C  Do not alter any quantity not specifically permitted below,
C  in particular do not alter NEQ,T,Y(*),YPRIME(*),RWORK(*),IWORK(*)
C  or the differential equation in subroutine RES. Any such
C  alteration constitutes a new problem and must be treated as such,
C  i.e., you must start afresh.
C  You cannot change from vector to scalar error control or vice
C  versa (INFO(2)), but you can change the size of the entries of
C  RTOL, ATOL. Increasing a tolerance makes the equation easier
C  to integrate. Decreasing a tolerance will make the equation
C  harder to integrate and should generally be avoided.
C  You can switch from the intermediate-output mode to the
C  interval mode (INFO(3)) or vice versa at any time.
C  If it has been necessary to prevent the integration from going
C  past a point TSTOP (INFO(4), RWORK(1)), keep in mind that the
C  code will not integrate to any TOUT beyond the currently
C  specified TSTOP. Once TSTOP has been reached you must change
C  the value of TSTOP or set INFO(4)=0. You may change INFO(4)
C  or TSTOP at any time but you must supply the value of TSTOP in
C  RWORK(1) whenever you set INFO(4)=1.
C  Do not change INFO(5), INFO(6), IWORK(1), or IWORK(2)
C  unless you are going to restart the code.
C                 *** Following a completed task ***
C  If
C     IDID = 1, call the code again to continue the integration
C                  another step in the direction of TOUT.
C     IDID = 2 or 3, define a new TOUT and call the code again.
C                  TOUT must be different from T. You cannot change
C                  the direction of integration without restarting.
C                 *** Following an interrupted task ***
C               To show the code that you realize the task was
C               interrupted and that you want to continue, you
C               must take appropriate action and set INFO(1) = 1
C  If
C    IDID = -1, The code has taken about 500 steps.
C                  If you want to continue, set INFO(1) = 1 and
C                  call the code again. An additional 500 steps
C                  will be allowed.
C    IDID = -2, The error tolerances RTOL, ATOL have been
C                  increased to values the code estimates appropriate
C                  for continuing. You may want to change them
C                  yourself. If you are sure you want to continue
C                  with relaxed error tolerances, set INFO(1)=1 and
C                  call the code again.
C    IDID = -3, A solution component is zero and you set the
C                  corresponding component of ATOL to zero. If you
C                  are sure you want to continue, you must first
C                  alter the error criterion to use positive values
C                  for those components of ATOL corresponding to zero
C                  solution components, then set INFO(1)=1 and call
C                  the code again.
C    IDID = -4,-5  --- Cannot occur with this code.
C    IDID = -6, Repeated error test failures occurred on the
C                  last attempted step in DDASSL. A singularity in the
C                  solution may be present. If you are absolutely
C                  certain you want to continue, you should restart
C                  the integration. (Provide initial values of Y and
C                  YPRIME which are consistent)
C    IDID = -7, Repeated convergence test failures occurred
C                  on the last attempted step in DDASSL. An inaccurate
C                  or ill-conditioned JACOBIAN may be the problem. If
C                  you are absolutely certain you want to continue, you
C                  should restart the integration.
C    IDID = -8, The matrix of partial derivatives is singular.
C                  Some of your equations may be redundant.
C                  DDASSL cannot solve the problem as stated.
C                  It is possible that the redundant equations
C                  could be removed, and then DDASSL could
C                  solve the problem. It is also possible
C                  that a solution to your problem either
C                  does not exist or is not unique.
C    IDID = -9, DDASSL had multiple convergence test
C                  failures, preceded by multiple error
C                  test failures, on the last attempted step.
C                  It is possible that your problem
C                  is ill-posed, and cannot be solved
C                  using this code. Or, there may be a
C                  discontinuity or a singularity in the
C                  solution. If you are absolutely certain
C                  you want to continue, you should restart
C                  the integration.
C    IDID =-10, DDASSL had multiple convergence test failures
C                  because IRES was equal to minus one.
C                  If you are absolutely certain you want
C                  to continue, you should restart the
C                  integration.
C    IDID =-11, IRES=-2 was encountered, and control is being
C                  returned to the calling program.
C    IDID =-12, DDASSL failed to compute the initial YPRIME.
C                  This could happen because the initial
C                  approximation to YPRIME was not very good, or
C                  if a YPRIME consistent with the initial Y
C                  does not exist. The problem could also be caused
C                  by an inaccurate or singular iteration matrix.
C    IDID = -13,..,-32  --- Cannot occur with this code.
C                 *** Following a terminated task ***
C  If IDID= -33, you cannot continue the solution of this problem.
C                  An attempt to do so will result in your
C                  run being terminated.
C  -------- ERROR MESSAGES ---------------------------------------------
C      The SLATEC error print routine XERMSG is called in the event of
C   unsuccessful completion of a task.  Most of these are treated as
C   "recoverable errors", which means that (unless the user has directed
C   otherwise) control will be returned to the calling program for
C   possible action after the message has been printed.
C   In the event of a negative value of IDID other than -33, an appro-
C   priate message is printed and the "error number" printed by XERMSG
C   is the value of IDID.  There are quite a number of illegal input
C   errors that can lead to a returned value IDID=-33.  The conditions
C   and their printed "error numbers" are as follows:
C   Error number       Condition
C        1       Some element of INFO vector is not zero or one.
C        2       NEQ .le. 0
C        3       MAXORD not in range.
C        4       LRW is less than the required length for RWORK.
C        5       LIW is less than the required length for IWORK.
C        6       Some element of RTOL is .lt. 0
C        7       Some element of ATOL is .lt. 0
C        8       All elements of RTOL and ATOL are zero.
C        9       INFO(4)=1 and TSTOP is behind TOUT.
C       10       HMAX .lt. 0.0
C       11       TOUT is behind T.
C       12       INFO(8)=1 and H0=0.0
C       13       Some element of WT is .le. 0.0
C       14       TOUT is too close to T to start integration.
C       15       INFO(4)=1 and TSTOP is behind T.
C       16       --( Not used in this version )--
C       17       ML illegal.  Either .lt. 0 or .gt. NEQ
C       18       MU illegal.  Either .lt. 0 or .gt. NEQ
C       19       TOUT = T.
C   If DDASSL is called again without any action taken to remove the
C   cause of an unsuccessful return, XERMSG will be called with a fatal
C   error flag, which will cause unconditional termination of the
C   program.  There are two such fatal errors:
C   Error number -998:  The last step was terminated with a negative
C       value of IDID other than -33, and no appropriate action was
C       taken.
C   Error number -999:  The previous call was terminated because of
C       illegal input (IDID=-33) and there is illegal input in the
C       present call, as well.  (Suspect infinite loop.)
C  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
C                 SYSTEM SOLVER, L. R. PETZOLD, SAND82-8637,
C                    XERMSG
C   830315  DATE WRITTEN
C   880387  Code changes made.  All common statements have been
C           replaced by a DATA statement, which defines pointers into
C           RWORK, and PARAMETER statements which define pointers
C           into IWORK.  As well the documentation has gone through
C           grammatical changes.
C   881005  The prologue has been changed to mixed case.
C           The subordinate routines had revision dates changed to
C           this date, although the documentation for these routines
C           is all upper case.  No code changes.
C   890511  Code changes made.  The DATA statement in the declaration
C           section of DDASSL was replaced with a PARAMETER
C           statement.  Also the statement S = 100.D0 was removed
C           from the top of the Newton iteration in DDASTP.
C           The subordinate routines had revision dates changed to
C           this date.
C   890517  The revision date syntax was replaced with the revision
C           history syntax.  Also the "DECK" comment was added to
C           the top of all subroutines.  These changes are consistent
C           with new SLATEC guidelines.
C           The subordinate routines had revision dates changed to
C           this date.  No code changes.
C   891013  Code changes made.
C           Removed all occurrences of FLOAT or DBLE.  All operations
C           are now performed with "mixed-mode" arithmetic.
C           Also, specific function names were replaced with generic
C           function names to be consistent with new SLATEC guidelines.
C           In particular:
C              Replaced DSQRT with SQRT everywhere.
C              Replaced DABS with ABS everywhere.
C              Replaced DMIN1 with MIN everywhere.
C              Replaced MIN0 with MIN everywhere.
C              Replaced DMAX1 with MAX everywhere.
C              Replaced MAX0 with MAX everywhere.
C              Replaced DSIGN with SIGN everywhere.
C           Also replaced REVISION DATE with REVISION HISTORY in all
C           subordinate routines.
C   901004  Miscellaneous changes to prologue to complete conversion
C           to SLATEC 4.0 format.  No code changes.  (F.N.Fritsch)
C   901009  Corrected GAMS classification code and converted subsidiary
C           routines to 4.0 format.  No code changes.  (F.N.Fritsch)
C   901010  Converted XERRWV calls to XERMSG calls.  (R.Clemens, AFWL)
C   901019  Code changes made.
C           Merged SLATEC 4.0 changes with previous changes made
C           by C. Ulrich.  Below is a history of the changes made by
C           C. Ulrich. (Changes in subsidiary routines are implied
C           by this history)
C           891228  Bug was found and repaired inside the DDASSL
C                   and DDAINI routines.  DDAINI was incorrectly
C                   returning the initial T with Y and YPRIME
C                   computed at T+H.  The routine now returns T+H
C                   rather than the initial T.
C                   Cosmetic changes made to DDASTP.
C           900904  Three modifications were made to fix a bug (inside
C                   DDASSL) re interpolation for continuation calls and
C                   cases where TN is very close to TSTOP:
C                   1) In testing for whether H is too large, just
C                      compare H to (TSTOP - TN), rather than
C                      (TSTOP - TN) * (1-4*UROUND), and set H to
C                      TSTOP - TN.  This will force DDASTP to step
C                      exactly to TSTOP under certain situations
C                      (i.e. when H returned from DDASTP would otherwise
C                      take TN beyond TSTOP).
C                   2) Inside the DDASTP loop, interpolate exactly to
C                      TSTOP if TN is very close to TSTOP (rather than
C                      interpolating to within roundoff of TSTOP).
C                   3) Modified IDID description for IDID = 2 to say
C                      that the solution is returned by stepping exactly
C                      to TSTOP, rather than TOUT.  (In some cases the
C                      solution is actually obtained by extrapolating
C                      over a distance near unit roundoff to TSTOP,
C                      but this small distance is deemed acceptable in
C                      these circumstances.)
C   901026  Added explicit declarations for all variables and minor
C           cosmetic changes to prologue, removed unreferenced labels,
C           and improved XERMSG calls.  (FNF)
C   901030  Added ERROR MESSAGES section and reworked other sections to
C           be of more uniform format.  (FNF)
C   910624  Fixed minor bug related to HMAX (six lines after label
C           525).  (LRP)