Introduction (ppt):
  Overwhelming summery You can skip it.
34     - Math Has a Fatal Flaw Excellent Youtube video.
18     - Abstract Thinking Layers of understanding
9 11     - History of Proofs Euclid, Hilbert, Gödel, Turing
21     - Propositional Logic And, Or, and Implication between true/false statements
    - Predicate Logic: Informal ∀ boys ∃ girl Loves(boy,girl)
8     - Proof is a Game The prover provides for ∃x & the adversary provides for ∀y
15     - Order of Operations ∀x∃yP(x,y)   vs   ∃y∀xP(x,y)
12     - Understanding from the Inside ∀ boys ∃ girl Loves(boy,girl) says something about the set of boys.
3     - Formula Validity ∀ is a big And and ∃ is a big Or.
4 7     - Syntax & Semantics Which strings of characters are well formed formulas and what do they mean?
    - Formal Proofs Mechanical steps to prove that a given formula is valid
35     - Models/Universes The set of objects and how functions and relations are interpreted.
40     - Formal Proof Systems A set of axioms and a set of rules
    - Sound & Complete Proofs should only prove valid formulas and each valid formula should have a proof
    - Applications We will cover much of Computer Science Theory
Syntax (ppt): Which strings are grammatically correct formulas?
20 4   Context Free Grammar of Syntax S ⇒ ∀xS | ∃xS | ¬S | S∧S | S∨S | R(T,T)
  Meta Syntax α(x) is not itself a first order logic sentence, but denotes one
  Closure of Syntax If α(x) is a sentence then so is ∀xα(x)
  Parsing of Syntax Matching {[]()} using a stack
Semantics (ppt):
6   Meaning?: What does formula α mean?
    - Human ∀x∃y x+y=0 ≡ "Integers are closed under negation"
    -The Model/Universe M Defines the universe of objects, the functions and relations (but not free variables)
    - Sentences Truth Infinite recursive algorithm looping over all models and objects
    - Informal Proof Strategy for the ∀ ∃ game
    - Formal Proof Each sentence in the Hilbert sequence follows from the previous
  Free and Bound Variables α(x)∧∀xβ(x)
  Deduction Variables x' Assume α(x'), prove β(x'), conclude α(x)→β(x)
  Quantifier Closure: For a Hilbert style proof, we need each line standing alone to state something valid.
If φ is a line in our proof, then its meaning is QC(φ) ≡ ∀M∃y∀x∀x' [α(x')→φ]
    - Skolem/Auxiliary Functions QC(α(x,y(x))) ≡ ∀α∃y∀x α(x,y(x))
    - Deduction QC(    β(x')) ≡ ∀β∃y∀x∀x' [α(x')→β(x')]
Sound & Complete (ppt):
19   Quantifier Closure Φ ≡ QC(φ) ≡ ∀M∃y∀x∀x' [α(x')→φ]
    - M[a]⊧Φ Formula Φ is true under variable assignment a in universe/model M.
    - ⊧Φ Φ is Valid, ie Φ is true under every model/ass M[a].
    - Γ⊧Φ Φ is a Logical Consequence of Γ, ie Γ→Φ is valid,
ie Φ is true under every model/ass M[a] under which Γ is true.
        - Γ⊢Φ Φ is a Theorem or Syntactic Consequence of Γ, ie from formulas in Axiomsfixed∪Γ, one can prove Φ.
        - (Φi-2∧Φi-1) ⇒Φi If φi-2 and φi-1 are lines in your proof, then you can add φi, ie (Φi-2∧Φi-1) →Φi can be proved.
  Interchangeable? ⊧, ⊢,  ⇒, and  → are interchangeable when interpreted with QC.
Be Careful. α(x)⇒∀x α(x) even though α(x)→∀x α(x) is not true.
  Sound: A Proof System is Sound if a proof of φ from Γ ensures that Φ is valid when Γ is valid.
    - Traditionally Γ⊧φ ensures Γ⊢φ
    - Our proof system Γ⊧φ ensures Γ⊢QC(φ)
    - Rule Requires Rule "If φi-2 and φi-1 are line in your proof, then you can add φi"
requires "If QC(φ)i-2 and QC(φ)i-1 are valid, then so is QC(φ)i",
ie "Φi-2∧Φi-1⇒Φi", requires "Φi-2∧Φi-1→Φi".
  Complete A Proof system is Complete if Φ being valid ensures that it has a proof. i.e. Γ⊢Φ ensures Γ⊧Φ































