EECS2011 EECS 2011: Franck van Breugel's Code

Reading material

Pages 136-140 (Section 4.1.1), pages 140-145 (Section 4.1.2), pages 149-152 (Section 4.2.1), pages 152-155 (Section 4.2.2) and pages 100-103 (Section 3.2)

Review pages 76-84 (Section 2.3 and 2.4)

Additional material

Implementation of a stack and queue with an array in pseudocode: PostScript and PDF


Reading material

Pages 163-165 (Section 4.3.2 and 4.3.3)

Review pages 159-163 (Section 4.3.1)

Additional material

Implementation of a stack and queue with a singly linked list in pseudocode: PostScript and PDF


Reading material

Pages 166-173 (Section 4.4), pages 184-186 (Section 5.1.1)

Additional material

Implementation of a deque with a doubly linked list in pseudocode: PostScript and PDF



Write a method that reverses a linked list.
   Reverses a linked list.

   @param node First node of the linked list to be reversed.
   @return First node of the reversed list.
public static Node reverse(Node node)

Reading material

Pages 187-193 (Section 5.1)

Review pages 111-118 (Section 3.5 and 3.6.1)

Additional material

Implementation of a vector with an array in pseudcode: PostScript and PDF



The question in PostScript and PDF.

Reading material

Pages 108-109 (part of Section 3.4.3), pages 194-205 (Section 5.2)

Additional material

Implementation of a list by means of a double linked list in pseudocode: PostScript and PDF



Given a List whose elements are one of the following objects
  public static final Object RED = new Object();
  public static final Object WHITE = new Object();
  public static final Object BLUE = new Object();
The list may contain each object more than once. Write a method
  public static void sort(List list)
that sorts the elements: first all the red, then the white and finally the blue objects.

Reading material

Pages 206-211 (Section 5.3), pages 211-214 (Section 5.4), pages 109-110 (part of Section 3.4.3), pages 214-218 (Section 5.5 and 5.6)

Additional material

Implementation of a list with a circular array in pseudocode: PostScript and PDF


Loop invariants

Pre- and postconditions are predicates. Both tell us something about the values of the variables of our programs. For example, `n = 1' and `list is nonempty' are such predicates. We use
     { P } S { Q }
to specify that
     if the variables have values such that the predicate P is satisfied at the start of the execution of statement S
     and the execution of the statement S terminates
     then at termination the variables have values such that the predicate Q is satisfied.
For example,
     { n = 0 } n = n + 1; { n = 1 }
     { true } list.insertLast("x"); { list is nonempty }

A loop invariant is also a predicate. It tells us something about the values of the variables while executing a loop. This predicate should be satisfied at the beginning of every iteration of the loop. Consider the loop
     while B do S
with loop invariant LI. If
     { LI B } S { LI },
that is, statement S preserves the loop invariant LI within the loop, then we can conclude that
     { LI } while B do S { LI B },
that is, if the loop invariant LI is satisfied at the start of the execution of the loop and the loop terminates then the loop invariant LI (and of course also B) is satisfied at termination.

Consider the following Java snippet.

int i = 1;
int x = 1;
while (i < N)
    x *= i + 1;
For the above loop, the assertion x = i! i <= N is a loop invariant.

Algorithm bubbleSort(sequence):
   Input: sequence of integers sequence
   Postcondition: sequence is sorted and contains the same integers as the original sequence
length length of sequence
i 0
while i < length do
     j 0
     while j < length - 1 do
         if jth element of sequence > (j+1)th element of sequence then
             swap jth and (j+1)th element of sequence

The outer loop has loop invariant
(A k : length - i <= k < length : (A l : k < l < length : kth element of sequence <= lth element of sequence))
and the inner loop has loop invariant
(A k : length - i <= k < length : (A l : k < l < length : kth element of sequence <= lth element of sequence))
(A k : 0 <= k < j : kth element of sequence <= jth element of sequence)


Consider the array based implementation of a list. In this implementation, each position contains an element and an index. For which operations would the worst case running time change if we would not store the index in a position?

Reading material

Pages 228-236 (Section 6.1), pages 236-246 (Section 6.2)

Additional material



Consider a binary trees whose nodes contain integers. We will call such a binary tree t a binary search tree if for each internal node n of t Write an algorithm that tests if a binary tree is a binary search tree.

Algorithm isBST(t):
   Input: binary tree whose nodes contains integers
   Output: Is t a binary search tree?

Reading material

Pages 246-257 (Section 6.3, excluding Section 6.3.5)

Additional material

Proof of Proposition 6.10 and 6.11 in PostScript and PDF.


Algorithm isBST(t):
   Input: binary tree whose nodes contains integers
   Output: Is t a binary search tree?
if t consists of a single node then
     result true
     result isBST(left subtree of t) isBST(right subtree of t) smallerOrEqual(left subtree of t, integer of root of t) greaterOrEqual(right subtree of t, integer of root of t)
return result

Algorithm smallerOrEqual(t, i):
   Input: binary tree whose nodes contains integers; an integer
   Output: (A n : n is a node of t : element of n <= i)
result element of root of t <= i
if t consists of more than one node then
     result result smallerOrEqual(left subtree of t, i) smallerOrEqual(right subtree of t, i)
return result

Algorithm greaterOrEqual(t, i):
   Input: binary tree whose nodes contains integers; an integer
   Output: (A n : n is a node of t : element of n >= i)
result element of root of t >= i
if t consists of more than one node then
     result result greaterOrEqual(left subtree of t, i) greaterOrEqual(right subtree of t, i)
return result


What is the running time of smallerOrEqual, greaterOrEqual and isBST?

Reading material

Pages 263-271 (Section 6.4.1 and 6.4.2)

Additional material

Implementation of a binary tree by means of an array in PostScript and PDF



Give the pseudocode for removeAboveExternal in the implementation of a binary tree with an array.

Reading material

Pages 271-273 (Section 6.4.3 and 6.4.4)

Additional material

Implementation of a general tree by means of a binary tree in PostScript and PDF


Give the algorithm for the operation children (as part of the implementation of a general tree by means of a binary tree).

Reading material

Section 8.1 (pages 334-338), Section 9.1 (pages 380-385)

Additional material

Implementation of a dictionary by means of a binary search tree in PostScript and PDF.



Consider the following Java snippet.
  Dictionary d = new ...();
  d.insertItem(new Integer(2), new Object());
  if (d.findElement(new Integer(3)) == Dictionary.NO_SUCH_KEY))
      System.out.println("Not found!");
Explain why we cannot use Dictionary.NO_SUCH_KEY.equals(d.findElement(new Integer(3))) instead of d.findElement(new Integer(3)) == Dictionary.NO_SUCH_KEY).

Reading material

Section 9.1 (pages 386-392)

Additional material


"More output"

Algorithm isBST(tree):
   Input: a binary tree whose nodes contains keys
   Output: (Is tree a binary search tree?, minimal key stored in tree, maximal key stored in tree)
if tree has one node then
     result (true, key of root of tree, key of root of tree)
     (isBSTleft, minleft, maxleft) isBST(left subtree of tree)
     (isBSTright, minright, maxright) isBST(right subtree of tree)
     isBST isBSTleft isBSTright maxleft <= key of root of tree <= minright
     min min(key of root of tree, minleft, minright)
     max min(key of root of tree, maxleft, maxright)
     result (isBST, min, max)
return result

"More input"

Algorithm isBST(tree, min, max):
   Input: a binary tree whose nodes contains keys; key; key
   Output: Is tree a binary search tree? (A node : node is a node of tree : min <= key of node <= max)
if tree has one node then
     result min <= key of root of tree <= max
     result min <= key of root of tree <= max isBST(left subtree of tree, min, min(key of root of tree, max)) isBST(right subtree of tree, max(min, key of root of tree), max)
return result

Implementation of a binary tree by means of an array

Algorithm removeAboveExternal(node):
   Precondition: node is external and different from the root
   Input: a node of the binary tree
   Postcondition: node and its parent have been removed from the tree and the sibling of node takes the place of its parent
   Output: the element of the parent of node
index index of node
parent index div 2
element element of tree[parent]
sibling index + 1 - 2 * (index mod 2)
move(sibling, parent)
size size - 2
return element

Algorithm move(old, new):
   Precondition: old is the index of a child of the node with index new
   Input: two indices of nodes
   Postcondition: the subtree rooted at node with index old replaces the subtree rooted at node with index new
tree[new] tree[old]
if tree[old] is an internal node then
     move(2 * old, 2 * new)
     move(2 * old + 1, 2 * new + 1)
     tree[2 * new] empty
     tree[2 * new + 1] empty


Implement removeAllElements(k).


The midterm will be held in CSE A on Wednesday June 25 from 18:00 until 20:00. More information about the midterm can be found here.

Reading material

Section 9.2 (pages 393-396)

Additional material

Proof of Proposition 9.2 in PostScript and PDF

Algorithm removeAll(key):
   Input: key
   Output: collection of elements of items in tree whose key is key
   Postcondition: items whose key is key have been removed from tree
collection empty collection
removeAll(key, root of tree, collection)
return collection

Algorithm removeAll(key, node, collection):
   Input: key; node of tree; collection of elements
   Postcondition: elements of items in subtree rooted at node whose key is key have been added to collection and those items have been removed from subtree rooted at node
if node is not a leaf then
     if key of node > key then
         removeAll(key, left child of node, collection)
     else if key of node < key then
         removeAll(key, right child of node, collection)
         removeAll(key, right child of node, collection)
         element remove(key, node)
         add element to collection


Draw a smallest (in the number of nodes) AVL tree of height 5.

Reading material

Section 9.2 (pages 396-399)


Consider an AVL tree. An item is inserted. Let n1 be the first node on the path from the inserted node to the root of the tree that has become unbalanced because of the insertion. Below you find a picture of the subtree rooted at the node n1.

Assume that the item has been inserted in the subtree T2.

Reading material

Section 9.2 (pages 400-403) and Section 7.1-7.2 (pages 286-301).

Additional material


Implementation of a priority queue by means of an (un)sorted sequence in PostScript and PDF.


If you need an implementation of a priority queue, would you use the implementation by means of an unsorted sequence or the one by means of a sorted sequence?

Reading material

Section 7.2.2 (pages 296-297) and Section 7.3-7.3.2 (pages 301-310)

Additional material


Proof of Proposition 7.5 in PostScript and PDF

Assume we have the following heap.

Removing the minimal element takes the following steps.

Inserting an element with key 8 takes the following steps.

Implementation of a priority queue with a heap in pseudocode: PostScript and PDF


Consider the following Java method that returns the minimal element of a two-dimensional array of integers using priority queues.
   Returns the minimum of the specified matrix.
   The specified matrix is assumed to have the same number of rows as columns.
   @param matrix a two-dimensional array of integers.
   @return the minimum of the specified matrix.
public static Integer minimum(Integer[][] matrix)
    final int DIMENSION = matrix.length;
    PriorityQueue minQueue = new ?PriorityQueue(new IntegerComparator());
    for (int r = 0; r < DIMENSION; r++)
        PriorityQueue rowQueue = new ?PriorityQueue(new IntegerComparator());
        for (int c = 0; c < DIMENSION; c++)
            rowQueue.insertItem(new Item(matrix[r][c], matrix[r][c]));
        Object element = rowQueue.removeMin();
        minQueue.insertItem(new Item(element, element));
    return minQueue.removeMin();
The priority queues minQueue and rowQueue can be implemented either by a sorted sequence, an unsorted sequence or a heap. Which choice for these priority queues gives rise to the most efficient algorithm (the algorithm with the best worst case running time)? What is the worst case running time for those choices?

Reading material

Section 7.3.3-7.3.4 (pages 311-315), Section 8.3.1-8.3.2 (pages 342-343)

Additional material



Write a recursive algorithm to check if a binary tree (whose nodes contain items) is a heap.

Reading material

Pages 343-350 (Section 8.3-8.3.5)

Additional material

Implementation of a dictionary by means of a hash table: PostScript and PDF



Assume we use the cyclic shift hash code and division map and that there are 101 buckets. In which bucket would the item ("key", "element") end up?

Reading material

Pages 352-357 (Section 8.3-8.3.7) and pages 358-361 (Section 8.5)

Additional material

Pseudocode for linear probing: PostScript and PDF



Give an example of the quadratic probing strategy not finding an empty bucket even though there is one. You do not need more than five buckets.

Reading material

Pages 360-361 (Section 8.5), pages 538-543 (Section 12.1)

Additional material

A simple cycle is a path A cycle is a path Proof of Proposition 12.11 in PostScript and PDF



Consider the following simple undirected graph.

Reading material

Pages 543-546 (Section 12.1)

Additional material

Proof of Proposition 12.11 in PostScript and PDF


Reading material

Pages 547-553 (Section 12.2)

Additional material

Implementation of a simple graph by means of an edge list: PostScript and PDF

Implementation of a simple graph by means of an adjacency list: PostScript and PDF


Implement removeEdge using the edge list in O(1).

Reading material

Pages 554-556 (Section 12.2)

Additional material

Implementation of a simple undirected graph by means of an adjacency matrix: PostScript and PDF

In the implementation of a graph by means of an adjacency matrix, we restrict our attention to undirected graphs. There are simple mixed graphs whose representation by means of an adjacency matrix give rise to a matrix in which cells contain more than one edge (Can you think of an example?).


Write an algorithm that tests if a simple undirected graph is connected.

Tentative reading material

Pages 557-561 (Section 12.3.1)


Give an algorithm that returns the vertices that are part of the connected component of the vertex v.

Tentative reading material

Pages 567-570 (Section 12.3.2)