General Line Segment Intersection Algorithm

Background Information

The Bentley-Ottmann General Line Segment Intersection Algorithm takes O(nlogn + klogn) time to report all k pairwise intersections in a set of n line segments in two-dimensions. In addition, it uses O(n+k) space. This is a marked improvement over the brute force method which takes O(n^2) time.

The algorithm makes use of two main data structures. They are as follows:

The Bentley-Ottmann Line Segment Intersection Algorithm

Q := the 2n segment end-points
D := {}
while Q <> {} do begin
     p := DELETEMIN(Q);

     if p is the left end-point of si then begin
          A := ABOVE(si,D);
          B := BELOW(si,D);
          INSERT (in Q) A intersect si and B intersect si if they exist and are to the right of p

     if p is the right end-point of si then begin
          A := ABOVE(si,D);
          B := BELOW(si,D);
          INSERT (in Q) A intersect B if it exists and if it is to the right of p

     if p := si intersect sj then begin
          {suppose si := ABOVE(sj)}
          A := ABOVE(sj,D);
          B := BELOW(si,D);
          INSERT (in Q) A intersect sj and B intersect si if they exist and are to the right of p



Andranik Mirzaian - Computational Geometry (CSE 6114) Class Notes on Intersections
Mark de Berg et al. - "Computational Geometry - Algorithms and Applications", Springer-Verlag, 2000.
Bentley, Ottmann - "Algorithms for reporting and counting geometric intersections", IEEE Trans. Comput., 1979

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