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2010 Technical Reports

Attentive Surround Suppression in the Feature Dimension

Xin Chen and John K. Tsotsos

Technical Report CSE-2010-01

York University

April 1 2010


According to the selective-tuning model (Tsotsos, 1990), attending to an feature value results in an surround-suppression on close feature values, but not for feature values farther away from the attended one. To validate this prediction, subjects were first required to attend to an orientation (or color) value, and then their perception of other orientation (or color) values, which could be at, near, or far from the attended feature value, was probed. In line with this prediction, the results revealed that in both orientation and color domain, attending to a point in the orientation (or color) domain results in a surround-suppression for close orientations (or colors).

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