Hello Folks! I hope everyone is having a great semester so far. I am thrilled to announce that I am your class representative for this section. My name is Joanne Wijetunga, and you can reach me at joanne04@my.yorku.ca. To enhance our learning experience, I'm organizing a study session on the weekend before the upcoming midterm. Your input is valuable, so please take a moment to fill out this Study Session Preferences Form to let me know: Preferred Day: * Saturday 24th Feb * Sunday 25th Feb Topics of Interest: Please share the specific topics or concepts you'd like the professor to cover during the study session. Your input will help tailor the session to address the areas you find most challenging or would like further clarification on. I appreciate your participation, and this form will assist me in ensuring the study session caters to the needs of the entire class. Looking forward to a productive study session and a successful semester together! Joanne Wijetunga