EECS 2031 - Lab 10

The lab questions in the last three labs will lead towards building a system similar to the one we did for the Unix part. This first lab question though deals only with input and output. See the Requirements section below.

What to do


Your program will receive no arguments. Its task is to receive five commands from the user. For each command, your program will separate the main command from its arguments, and print them out accordingly (see sample run below). As before, your program must present the following prompt before reading each command:


There should be a space after the dash.

For this exercise, you can assume that no string entered by the user will be longer than 128 characters.

Following is a sample run that shows the expected behaviour of the program.

% gcc lab10.c
% a.out
Grock- setdb input.txt
Command entered: setdb
Arguments entered: input.txt
Grock- relnames
Command entered: relnames
Arguments entered: 
Grock- cardinality inherit implement aggregate
Command entered: cardinality
Arguments entered: inherit implement aggregate
Grock- say goodbye
Command entered: say
Arguments entered: goodbye
Command entered: 
Arguments entered: 