PROJECT 3: SQL Jeopardy Mark out of ten points (GYRB) Each query is all or nothing Provide GYRB signature in grade spreadsheet HELPER FILES yrb-create : create script standard for YRB yrb-drop : drops the YRB tables -- =================================================================== -- York River Books, Inc., Book Vendor Database -- Creation script -- Parke Godfrey, Copyright 2005 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Schema definition create table yrb_customer ( cid smallint not null, name varchar(20), city varchar(15), constraint yrb_customer_pk primary key (cid) ); create table yrb_club ( club varchar(15) not null, desc varchar(50), constraint yrb_club_pk primary key (club) ); create table yrb_member ( club varchar(15) not null, cid smallint not null, constraint yrb_member_pk primary key (club, cid), constraint yrb_mem_fk_club foreign key (club) references yrb_club, constraint yrb_mem_fk_cust foreign key (cid) references yrb_customer ); create table yrb_category ( cat varchar(10) not null, constraint yrb_category_pk primary key (cat) ); create table yrb_book ( title varchar(25) not null, year smallint not null, language varchar(10), cat varchar(10) not null, weight smallint not null, constraint yrb_book_pk primary key (title, year), constraint yrb_book_fk_cat foreign key (cat) references yrb_category, constraint yrb_book_weight check (weight > 0) ); create table yrb_offer ( club varchar(15) not null, title varchar(25) not null, year smallint not null, price decimal(5,2) not null, constraint yrb_off_pk primary key (club, title, year), constraint yrb_off_fk_club foreign key (club) references yrb_club, constraint yrb_off_fk_book foreign key (title, year) references yrb_book, constraint yrb_off_price check (price > 0) ); create table yrb_purchase ( cid smallint not null, club varchar(15) not null, title varchar(25) not null, year smallint not null, when timestamp not null, qnty smallint not null, constraint yrb_pur_pk primary key (cid, club, title, year, when), constraint yrb_pur_fk_offer foreign key (club, title, year) references yrb_offer, constraint yrb_pur_fk_mem foreign key (club, cid) references yrb_member, constraint yrb_pur_qnty check (qnty > 0) ); -- A prettier way to view the PURCHASE table. create view pretty_purchase as (select cast (cid as decimal(2)) as cid, title, club, year, cast (when as date) as day, cast (when as time) as time from yrb_purchase); create table yrb_shipping ( weight smallint not null, cost decimal(5,2) not null, constraint yrb_shipping_pk primary key (weight), constraint yrb_ship_uni_cost unique (cost) ); -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Populate with some toy data. insert into yrb_customer (cid, name, city) values (1,'Tracy Turnip','Toronto'), (2,'Qfwfq','Pluto'), (3,'Fuzzy Fowles','Orilla'), (4,'Suzy Sedwick','Ottawa'), (5,'Andy Aardverk','Oshawa'), (6,'Boswell Biddles','Waterloo'), (7,'Cary Cizek','Toronto'), (8,'Jack Daniels','Windsor'), (9,'Doris Daniels','Windsor'), (10,'Egbert Engles','Pembroke'), (11,'Sally Mae','Toronto'), (12,'Fanny Mae','Mississauga'), (13,'Garp Google','Ottawa'), (14,'Kathy Lee Gifford','Cornwall'), (15,'Henrietta Hogg','Parry Sound'), (16,'Ingrid Iverson','Oshawa'), (17,'George Gush','Timmins'), (18,'Al Bore','Niagara Falls'), (19,'Ekksdwl Qjksynn','Pluto'), (20,'Finwick Cooper','Guelph'), (21,'Jackie Johassen','Bancroft'), (22,'Klive Kittlehart','Parry Sound'), (23,'Lux Luthor','Lakehead'), (24,'Clark Kent','Lakehead'), (25,'Margaret Mitchie','Toronto'), (26,'George Wolf','Mississauga'), (27,'Jorge Lobo','Mississauga'), (28,'Phil Regis','Lakehead'), (29,'Nigel Nerd','Toronto'), (30,'Pretence Parker','Orilla'), (31,'Parker Posey','Toronto'), (32,'Mark Dogfurry','Toronto'), (33,'Oswell Orson','Oshawa'), (34,'Quency Quark','Sarnia'), (35,'Renee Riztp','Bancroft'), (36,'Steve Songheim','Waterloo'), (37,'Trixie Trudeau','Waterloo'), (38,'Ulya Umbrigde','Ottawa'), (39,'Valerie Vixen','Pembroke'), (40,'Walter Wynn','Kingston'), (41,'Xia Xu','Toronto'), (42,'Yves Yonge','Ottawa'), (43,'Zachary Zoxx','London'), (44,'Zebulon Zilio','Georgetown'), (45,'Jack Daniels','London'); insert into yrb_club (club, desc) values ('CARP', 'Association of Canadian Retired Persons'), ('CAA', 'Canadian Automobile Association'), ('Guelph Club', 'University club for the University of Guelph'), ('York Club', 'University club for York University'), ('UofT Club', 'University club for the Univeristy of Toronto'), ('Waterloo Club', 'University club for the University of Waterloo'), ('Readers Digest', 'The Readers Digest club'), ('Oprah', 'The Oprah Winfrey book club'), ('Basic', 'Our basic club'), ('YRB Gold', 'Our gold club'), ('YRB Silver', 'Our silver club'), ('YRB Bronze', 'Our bronze club'); insert into yrb_member (club, cid) values ('Basic',1), ('Basic',2), ('Basic',3), ('Basic',4), ('Basic',5), ('Basic',6), ('Basic',7), ('Basic',8), ('Basic',9), ('Basic',10), ('Basic',11), ('Basic',12), ('Basic',13), ('Basic',14), ('Basic',15), ('Basic',16), ('Basic',17), ('Basic',18), ('Basic',19), ('Basic',20), ('Basic',21), ('Basic',22), ('Basic',23), ('Basic',24), ('Basic',25), ('Basic',26), ('Basic',27), ('Basic',28), ('Basic',29), ('Basic',30), ('Basic',32), ('Basic',33), ('Basic',35), ('Basic',36), ('Basic',37), ('Basic',38), ('Basic',39), ('Basic',40), ('Basic',41), ('Basic',42), ('Basic',43), ('Basic',44), ('Basic',45), ('CAA',2), ('CAA',3), ('CAA',6), ('CAA',8), ('CAA',9), ('CAA',12), ('CAA',16), ('CAA',19), ('CAA',21), ('CAA',26), ('CAA',27), ('CAA',29), ('CAA',32), ('CAA',34), ('CAA',37), ('CAA',39), ('CAA',41), ('CAA',44), ('CARP',3), ('CARP',5), ('CARP',10), ('CARP',15), ('CARP',25), ('CARP',33), ('CARP',36), ('Waterloo Club',4), ('Waterloo Club',9), ('Waterloo Club',13), ('Waterloo Club',21), ('Waterloo Club',33), ('Waterloo Club',36), ('Waterloo Club',38), ('Waterloo Club',40), ('Waterloo Club',42), ('Oprah',2), ('Oprah',4), ('Oprah',8), ('Oprah',9), ('Oprah',10), ('Oprah',12), ('Oprah',13), ('Oprah',14), ('Oprah',19), ('Oprah',20), ('Oprah',23), ('Oprah',28), ('Oprah',32), ('Oprah',33), ('Oprah',37), ('Oprah',38), ('Oprah',45), ('Readers Digest',1), ('Readers Digest',6), ('Readers Digest',13), ('Readers Digest',20), ('Readers Digest',22), ('Readers Digest',24), ('Readers Digest',30), ('Readers Digest',35), ('Readers Digest',39), ('Readers Digest',42), ('Readers Digest',44), ('YRB Bronze',3), ('YRB Bronze',5), ('YRB Bronze',8), ('YRB Bronze',22), ('YRB Bronze',25), ('YRB Bronze',29), ('YRB Bronze',34), ('YRB Bronze',35), ('YRB Bronze',39), ('YRB Gold',2), ('YRB Gold',7), ('YRB Gold',15), ('YRB Gold',19), ('YRB Gold',22), ('YRB Gold',28), ('YRB Gold',32), ('YRB Gold',43), ('YRB Gold',44), ('YRB Silver',1), ('YRB Silver',4), ('YRB Silver',9), ('YRB Silver',10), ('YRB Silver',11), ('YRB Silver',13), ('YRB Silver',16), ('YRB Silver',21), ('YRB Silver',26), ('YRB Silver',27), ('YRB Silver',30), ('YRB Silver',36), ('YRB Silver',38), ('Guelph Club',3), ('Guelph Club',10), ('Guelph Club',16), ('Guelph Club',22), ('Guelph Club',30), ('Guelph Club',36), ('Guelph Club',39), ('UofT Club',29), ('UofT Club',34), ('UofT Club',35), ('UofT Club',44), ('York Club',1), ('York Club',7), ('York Club',16), ('York Club',25), ('York Club',26), ('York Club',27), ('York Club',32), ('York Club',37), ('York Club',42), ('York Club',45); insert into yrb_category (cat) values ('children'), ('cooking'), ('drama'), ('guide'), ('history'), ('horror'), ('humor'), ('mystery'), ('phil'), ('romance'), ('science'), ('travel'); insert into yrb_book (title, year, language, cat, weight) values ('Toronto Underground',2001,'English','travel',167), ('Tensor Calculus made Easy',1996,'English','science',582), ('The Vampires Among Us',1999,'English','horror',192), ('Plato Rocks',1975,'Greek','phil',467), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'English','mystery',161), ('Les Gens Miserable',1996,'French','romance',180), ('Tampopo Oishii',1997,'Japanese','romance',238), ('Tande mou nai',2002,'Japanese','humor',1171), ('Flibber Gibber',2004,'English','drama',51), ('La Petite Chou',2001,'French','children',160), ('Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'English','history',1479), ('Pluto Collides With Mars',2004,'Plutonian','science',428), ('Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'English','science',823), ('Oberon',1963,'Greek','drama',237), ('Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'Japanese','romance',356), ('Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'English','travel',201), ('Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'English','travel',276), ('Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'Japanese','drama',459), ('Transmorgifacation',2004,'Plutonian','science',2911), ('Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'French','romance',393), ('Rats Like Us',1999,'English','humor',187), ('Rats Like Us',1997,'English','science',880), ('Alpha Centauri',2002,'Plutonian','travel',461), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'English','travel',262), ('Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'French','travel',250), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'English','guide',153), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'English','guide',251), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'English','romance',159), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'English','phil',491), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'English','science',363), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'French','travel',227), ('Tchuss',2002,'German','drama',265), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'Japanese','humor',352), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'Plutonian','cooking',705), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'English','children',231), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'English','cooking',292), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'Japanese','cooking',276), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'English','romance',112), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'English','cooking',154), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'Plutonian','drama',250), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'German','science',659), ('Play me a Song',1997,'English','romance',248), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'English','cooking',234), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'Japanese','cooking',334), ('Aubergines!',2000,'French','cooking',296), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'English','cooking',338), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'English','science',425), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'English','children',308), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'English','science',340), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'French','romance',129), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'English','romance',197), ('Math is fun!',1993,'English','science',590), ('Math is fun!',1995,'English','humor',166), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'English','phil',752), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'English','romance',248), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'English','drama',247), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'Japanese','children',244), ('Darmstadt',2004,'German','travel',295), ('Been There Done That',2002,'English','romance',91), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'English','guide',260), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'Japanese','romance',342), ('Parthenon',2004,'Greek','travel',313), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'English','humor',259), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'Plutonian','drama',393), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'English','guide',557), ('Brats like Us',1999,'English','drama',338), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'English','mystery',261), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'English','cooking',57), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'French','cooking',49), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'English','romance',289), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'Latin','mystery',244), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'German','romance',183), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'English','children',144), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'English','guide',222), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'English','romance',147), ('Live in London?!',2002,'English','travel',71), ('Not That London!',2003,'English','travel',132), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'English','children',119), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'English','cooking',186), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'English','mystery',147), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'English','guide',198), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'English','science',353), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'French','science',328), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'English','cooking',285), ('I don''t think so',2001,'English','romance',139), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'English','science',731), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'English','guide',128), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'Japanese','romance',79), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'English','travel',185), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'French','travel',344), ('Base de Donne',2003,'French','guide',251), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'English','mystery',187), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'Plutonian','drama',564), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'English','humor',144), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'English','travel',169), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'English','drama',227), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'English','guide',429), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'Greek','guide',1142), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'English','guide',2198), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'English','humor',292); insert into yrb_offer (title, year, club, price) values ('Toronto Underground',2001,'Basic',15.95), ('Toronto Underground',2001,'YRB Bronze',15.45), ('Toronto Underground',2001,'York Club',12.95), ('Toronto Underground',2001,'UofT Club',12.95), ('Toronto Underground',2001,'CAA',13.95), ('Toronto Underground',2001,'CARP',14.95), ('Toronto Underground',2001,'YRB Silver',14.95), ('Toronto Underground',2001,'YRB Gold',14.45), ('Tensor Calculus made Easy',1996,'Basic',59.95), ('Tensor Calculus made Easy',1996,'YRB Bronze',56.95), ('Tensor Calculus made Easy',1996,'York Club',49.95), ('Tensor Calculus made Easy',1996,'UofT Club',54.95), ('Tensor Calculus made Easy',1996,'Waterloo Club',54.95), ('Tensor Calculus made Easy',1996,'YRB Silver',53.95), ('Tensor Calculus made Easy',1996,'Guelph Club',51.95), ('Tensor Calculus made Easy',1996,'YRB Gold',50.95), ('The Vampires Among Us',1999,'Basic',19.95), ('The Vampires Among Us',1999,'YRB Bronze',18.95), ('The Vampires Among Us',1999,'UofT Club',18.95), ('The Vampires Among Us',1999,'Readers Digest',17.95), ('The Vampires Among Us',1999,'CARP',19.95), ('The Vampires Among Us',1999,'YRB Silver',17.95), ('The Vampires Among Us',1999,'YRB Gold',16.95), ('The Vampires Among Us',1999,'Oprah',16.95), ('The Vampires Among Us',1999,'York Club',18.95), ('The Vampires Among Us',1999,'Guelph Club',18.95), ('Plato Rocks',1975,'Basic',39.95), ('Plato Rocks',1975,'YRB Bronze',38.95), ('Plato Rocks',1975,'York Club',35.95), ('Plato Rocks',1975,'UofT Club',34.95), ('Plato Rocks',1975,'Waterloo Club',36.95), ('Plato Rocks',1975,'CARP',36.95), ('Plato Rocks',1975,'YRB Silver',37.95), ('Plato Rocks',1975,'Guelph Club',35.95), ('Plato Rocks',1975,'YRB Gold',36.95), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'Basic',15.95), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'YRB Bronze',14.95), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'UofT Club',14.45), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'CAA',14.95), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'Readers Digest',13.95), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'CARP',12.95), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'YRB Silver',13.95), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'YRB Gold',12.95), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'Oprah',14.95), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'York Club',14.45), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'Waterloo Club',14.95), ('Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'Guelph Club',13.95), ('Les Gens Miserable',1996,'Basic',17.95), ('Les Gens Miserable',1996,'YRB Bronze',16.95), ('Les Gens Miserable',1996,'Readers Digest',14.95), ('Les Gens Miserable',1996,'CARP',17.95), ('Les Gens Miserable',1996,'YRB Silver',15.95), ('Les Gens Miserable',1996,'YRB Gold',14.95), ('Les Gens Miserable',1996,'Oprah',15.45), ('Les Gens Miserable',1996,'York Club',15.95), ('Les Gens Miserable',1996,'Waterloo Club',16.45), ('Tampopo Oishii',1997,'Basic',22.95), ('Tampopo Oishii',1997,'YRB Bronze',21.95), ('Tampopo Oishii',1997,'UofT Club',20.95), ('Tampopo Oishii',1997,'Readers Digest',20.95), ('Tampopo Oishii',1997,'CARP',20.95), ('Tampopo Oishii',1997,'YRB Silver',20.95), ('Tampopo Oishii',1997,'YRB Gold',19.95), ('Tampopo Oishii',1997,'Oprah',18.95), ('Tampopo Oishii',1997,'York Club',19.95), ('Tampopo Oishii',1997,'Waterloo Club',20.45), ('Tampopo Oishii',1997,'Guelph Club',20.45), ('Tande mou nai',2002,'Basic',112.95), ('Tande mou nai',2002,'YRB Bronze',108.95), ('Tande mou nai',2002,'UofT Club',106.95), ('Tande mou nai',2002,'Readers Digest',99.95), ('Tande mou nai',2002,'CARP',108.95), ('Tande mou nai',2002,'YRB Silver',104.95), ('Tande mou nai',2002,'YRB Gold',100.95), ('Tande mou nai',2002,'Oprah',104.95), ('Tande mou nai',2002,'York Club',104.95), ('Tande mou nai',2002,'Waterloo Club',106.95), ('Tande mou nai',2002,'Guelph Club',106.95), ('Flibber Gibber',2004,'Basic',3.25), ('Flibber Gibber',2004,'YRB Bronze',3.15), ('Flibber Gibber',2004,'UofT Club',3.05), ('Flibber Gibber',2004,'Readers Digest',2.95), ('Flibber Gibber',2004,'CARP',3.25), ('Flibber Gibber',2004,'YRB Silver',3.05), ('Flibber Gibber',2004,'YRB Gold',2.95), ('Flibber Gibber',2004,'Oprah',1.20), ('Flibber Gibber',2004,'York Club',3.05), ('Flibber Gibber',2004,'Waterloo Club',3.15), ('Flibber Gibber',2004,'Guelph Club',2.95), ('La Petite Chou',2001,'Basic',14.50), ('La Petite Chou',2001,'YRB Bronze',14.00), ('La Petite Chou',2001,'Readers Digest',11.50), ('La Petite Chou',2001,'CARP',12.50), ('La Petite Chou',2001,'YRB Silver',13.50), ('La Petite Chou',2001,'YRB Gold',13.00), ('La Petite Chou',2001,'Oprah',12.50), ('La Petite Chou',2001,'York Club',13.50), ('La Petite Chou',2001,'Waterloo Club',13.50), ('La Petite Chou',2001,'Guelph Club',13.50), ('Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'Basic',149.85), ('Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'YRB Bronze',146.85), ('Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'UofT Club',142.85), ('Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'Readers Digest',135.85), ('Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'CARP',139.85), ('Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'YRB Silver',143.85), ('Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'YRB Gold',140.85), ('Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'Oprah',139.85), ('Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'York Club',139.85), ('Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'Waterloo Club',139.85), ('Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'Guelph Club',149.85), ('Pluto Collides With Mars',2004,'Basic',44.19), ('Pluto Collides With Mars',2004,'YRB Bronze',43.69), ('Pluto Collides With Mars',2004,'York Club',41.19), ('Pluto Collides With Mars',2004,'UofT Club',42.00), ('Pluto Collides With Mars',2004,'CAA',40.19), ('Pluto Collides With Mars',2004,'Waterloo Club',41.49), ('Pluto Collides With Mars',2004,'YRB Silver',43.19), ('Pluto Collides With Mars',2004,'Guelph Club',40.99), ('Pluto Collides With Mars',2004,'YRB Gold',42.69), ('Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'Basic',79.95), ('Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'YRB Bronze',76.95), ('Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'UofT Club',74.95), ('Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'Readers Digest',73.95), ('Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'CARP',75.95), ('Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'YRB Silver',73.95), ('Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'YRB Gold',70.95), ('Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'Oprah',75.95), ('Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'York Club',74.95), ('Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'Waterloo Club',75.95), ('Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'Guelph Club',76.95), ('Oberon',1963,'Basic',25.95), ('Oberon',1963,'YRB Bronze',24.95), ('Oberon',1963,'UofT Club',23.95), ('Oberon',1963,'Readers Digest',22.95), ('Oberon',1963,'CARP',25.95), ('Oberon',1963,'YRB Silver',23.95), ('Oberon',1963,'YRB Gold',22.95), ('Oberon',1963,'Oprah',23.45), ('Oberon',1963,'York Club',23.95), ('Oberon',1963,'Waterloo Club',22.95), ('Oberon',1963,'Guelph Club',24.95), ('Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'Basic',33.95), ('Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'YRB Bronze',32.95), ('Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'UofT Club',30.95), ('Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'Readers Digest',30.95), ('Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'CARP',30.95), ('Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'YRB Silver',31.95), ('Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'YRB Gold',30.95), ('Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'Oprah',31.95), ('Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'York Club',31.95), ('Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'Waterloo Club',32.45), ('Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'Guelph Club',32.45), ('Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'Basic',19.95), ('Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'YRB Bronze',18.95), ('Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'UofT Club',18.95), ('Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'CAA',15.95), ('Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'CARP',16.95), ('Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'YRB Silver',17.95), ('Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'YRB Gold',16.95), ('Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'York Club',17.95), ('Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'Waterloo Club',18.45), ('Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'Guelph Club',18.45), ('Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'Basic',24.95), ('Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'YRB Bronze',24.45), ('Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'UofT Club',23.45), ('Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'CAA',20.95), ('Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'CARP',22.95), ('Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'YRB Silver',23.95), ('Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'YRB Gold',23.45), ('Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'York Club',22.95), ('Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'Waterloo Club',22.95), ('Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'Guelph Club',23.95), ('Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'Basic',44.95), ('Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'YRB Bronze',43.95), ('Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'UofT Club',41.45), ('Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'Readers Digest',41.00), ('Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'CARP',41.95), ('Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'YRB Silver',42.95), ('Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'YRB Gold',41.95), ('Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'Oprah',41.95), ('Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'York Club',40.95), ('Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'Waterloo Club',41.95), ('Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'Guelph Club',41.45), ('Transmorgifacation',2004,'Basic',288.73), ('Transmorgifacation',2004,'YRB Bronze',285.73), ('Transmorgifacation',2004,'UofT Club',281.00), ('Transmorgifacation',2004,'CAA',278.73), ('Transmorgifacation',2004,'Readers Digest',285.00), ('Transmorgifacation',2004,'YRB Silver',282.73), ('Transmorgifacation',2004,'YRB Gold',279.73), ('Transmorgifacation',2004,'York Club',280.73), ('Transmorgifacation',2004,'Waterloo Club',282.73), ('Transmorgifacation',2004,'Guelph Club',282.00), ('Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'Basic',39.95), ('Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'YRB Bronze',38.95), ('Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'UofT Club',37.95), ('Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'Readers Digest',35.45), ('Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'CARP',36.95), ('Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'YRB Silver',37.95), ('Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'YRB Gold',36.95), ('Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'Oprah',37.95), ('Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'York Club',35.95), ('Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'Waterloo Club',36.95), ('Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'Guelph Club',36.95), ('Rats Like Us',1999,'Basic',17.50), ('Rats Like Us',1999,'YRB Bronze',17.00), ('Rats Like Us',1999,'UofT Club',16.00), ('Rats Like Us',1999,'Readers Digest',15.50), ('Rats Like Us',1999,'CARP',15.50), ('Rats Like Us',1999,'YRB Silver',16.50), ('Rats Like Us',1999,'YRB Gold',16.00), ('Rats Like Us',1999,'Oprah',16.00), ('Rats Like Us',1999,'York Club',16.50), ('Rats Like Us',1999,'Waterloo Club',16.50), ('Rats Like Us',1999,'Guelph Club',16.50), ('Rats Like Us',1997,'Basic',85.95), ('Rats Like Us',1997,'YRB Bronze',83.95), ('Rats Like Us',1997,'UofT Club',80.95), ('Rats Like Us',1997,'Readers Digest',83.95), ('Rats Like Us',1997,'CARP',80.95), ('Rats Like Us',1997,'YRB Silver',81.95), ('Rats Like Us',1997,'YRB Gold',79.95), ('Rats Like Us',1997,'Oprah',82.95), ('Rats Like Us',1997,'York Club',79.95), ('Rats Like Us',1997,'Waterloo Club',79.95), ('Rats Like Us',1997,'Guelph Club',81.95), ('Alpha Centauri',2002,'Basic',44.62), ('Alpha Centauri',2002,'YRB Bronze',44.12), ('Alpha Centauri',2002,'York Club',40.62), ('Alpha Centauri',2002,'UofT Club',41.00), ('Alpha Centauri',2002,'CAA',39.00), ('Alpha Centauri',2002,'Waterloo Club',41.00), ('Alpha Centauri',2002,'YRB Silver',43.62), ('Alpha Centauri',2002,'Guelph Club',41.62), ('Alpha Centauri',2002,'YRB Gold',43.12), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'Basic',23.95), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'YRB Bronze',23.45), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'UofT Club',22.95), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'CAA',19.95), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'Readers Digest',21.95), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'CARP',20.95), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'YRB Silver',22.95), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'YRB Gold',22.45), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'Oprah',22.95), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'York Club',22.45), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'Waterloo Club',22.95), ('Where''s Canada?',1998,'Guelph Club',22.95), ('Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'Basic',23.95), ('Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'YRB Bronze',23.45), ('Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'CAA',19.95), ('Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'Readers Digest',21.95), ('Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'CARP',20.95), ('Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'YRB Silver',22.95), ('Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'YRB Gold',22.45), ('Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'Oprah',22.95), ('Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'York Club',22.45), ('Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'Waterloo Club',22.95), ('Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'Guelph Club',22.95), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'Basic',14.95), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'YRB Bronze',14.45), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'UofT Club',12.95), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'CAA',11.95), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'Readers Digest',11.95), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'CARP',12.95), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'YRB Silver',13.95), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'YRB Gold',13.45), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'Oprah',12.45), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'York Club',12.00), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'Waterloo Club',12.45), ('Learn How To Vote',2004,'Guelph Club',12.45), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'Basic',24.95), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'YRB Bronze',23.95), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'UofT Club',22.95), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'CAA',20.95), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'Readers Digest',21.95), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'CARP',22.95), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'YRB Silver',22.95), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'YRB Gold',21.95), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'Oprah',22.95), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'York Club',22.45), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'Waterloo Club',22.45), ('Voting for Dummies',2004,'Guelph Club',22.95), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'Basic',14.95), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'YRB Bronze',14.45), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'UofT Club',13.95), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'CAA',13.95), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'Readers Digest',12.45), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'CARP',13.45), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'YRB Silver',13.95), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'YRB Gold',13.45), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'Oprah',13.45), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'York Club',13.95), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'Waterloo Club',13.95), ('Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'Guelph Club',12.95), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'Basic',45.95), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'YRB Bronze',44.95), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'UofT Club',43.95), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'CAA',43.95), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'Readers Digest',43.95), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'CARP',41.95), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'YRB Silver',43.95), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'YRB Gold',42.95), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'Oprah',42.95), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'York Club',42.95), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'Waterloo Club',43.95), ('Databases aren''t',2004,'Guelph Club',42.95), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'Basic',39.95), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'YRB Bronze',38.95), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'UofT Club',37.95), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'CAA',36.95), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'Readers Digest',35.95), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'CARP',37.95), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'YRB Silver',37.95), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'YRB Gold',36.95), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'Oprah',35.95), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'York Club',37.95), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'Waterloo Club',37.95), ('Databases made Real Hard',2002,'Guelph Club',36.95), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'Basic',24.95), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'YRB Bronze',23.95), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'UofT Club',22.95), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'CAA',20.95), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'Readers Digest',22.95), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'CARP',20.95), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'YRB Silver',22.95), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'YRB Gold',21.95), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'Oprah',21.95), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'York Club',22.95), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'Waterloo Club',21.95), ('Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'Guelph Club',21.95), ('Tchuss',2002,'Basic',24.95), ('Tchuss',2002,'YRB Bronze',23.95), ('Tchuss',2002,'UofT Club',21.45), ('Tchuss',2002,'CAA',21.95), ('Tchuss',2002,'Readers Digest',22.95), ('Tchuss',2002,'CARP',21.95), ('Tchuss',2002,'YRB Silver',22.95), ('Tchuss',2002,'YRB Gold',21.95), ('Tchuss',2002,'Oprah',21.95), ('Tchuss',2002,'York Club',21.95), ('Tchuss',2002,'Waterloo Club',21.95), ('Tchuss',2002,'Guelph Club',21.95), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'Basic',36.50), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'YRB Bronze',35.50), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'UofT Club',33.00), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'CAA',32.50), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'Readers Digest',32.50), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'CARP',33.50), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'YRB Silver',34.50), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'YRB Gold',33.50), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'Oprah',33.50), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'York Club',33.50), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'Waterloo Club',33.00), ('Nippon no Joodan',2001,'Guelph Club',33.00), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'Basic',72.43), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'YRB Bronze',69.43), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'UofT Club',68.43), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'CAA',69.43), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'Readers Digest',64.43), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'CARP',69.43), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'YRB Silver',66.43), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'YRB Gold',63.43), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'Oprah',60.43), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'York Club',68.43), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'Waterloo Club',68.43), ('Recipes for Humans',2004,'Guelph Club',65.43), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'Basic',23.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'YRB Bronze',22.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'UofT Club',21.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'CAA',19.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'Readers Digest',21.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'CARP',19.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'YRB Silver',21.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'YRB Gold',20.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'Oprah',19.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'York Club',21.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'Waterloo Club',20.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',2003,'Guelph Club',20.45), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'Basic',29.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'YRB Bronze',28.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'UofT Club',26.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'CAA',26.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'Readers Digest',27.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'CARP',26.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'YRB Silver',27.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'YRB Gold',26.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'Oprah',25.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'York Club',26.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'Waterloo Club',27.95), ('Vegetables are Good!',1992,'Guelph Club',27.95), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'Basic',24.50), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'YRB Bronze',23.50), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'UofT Club',21.50), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'CAA',21.50), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'Readers Digest',21.50), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'CARP',21.50), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'YRB Silver',22.50), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'YRB Gold',21.50), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'Oprah',21.50), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'York Club',22.50), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'Waterloo Club',21.50), ('Tampopo Oishii',1999,'Guelph Club',21.50), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'Basic',9.95), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'YRB Bronze',9.45), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'UofT Club',8.45), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'CAA',7.45), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'Readers Digest',8.45), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'CARP',7.45), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'YRB Silver',8.95), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'YRB Gold',8.45), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'Oprah',8.95), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'York Club',8.95), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'Waterloo Club',8.45), ('I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'Guelph Club',7.95), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'Basic',14.20), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'YRB Bronze',13.70), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'UofT Club',12.20), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'CAA',11.70), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'Readers Digest',12.70), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'CARP',11.70), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'YRB Silver',13.20), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'YRB Gold',12.70), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'Oprah',13.20), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'York Club',12.70), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'Waterloo Club',12.20), ('Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'Guelph Club',12.20), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'Basic',27.19), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'YRB Bronze',26.19), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'UofT Club',24.19), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'CAA',23.19), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'Readers Digest',24.19), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'CARP',24.19), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'YRB Silver',25.19), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'YRB Gold',24.19), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'Oprah',25.19), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'York Club',25.19), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'Waterloo Club',25.19), ('Please Beam Me Up',2004,'Guelph Club',23.69), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'Basic',64.95), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'YRB Bronze',61.95), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'UofT Club',54.95), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'CAA',61.95), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'Readers Digest',61.95), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'CARP',61.95), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'YRB Silver',58.95), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'YRB Gold',55.95), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'Oprah',56.95), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'York Club',57.95), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'Waterloo Club',57.95), ('Eigen Eigen',1980,'Guelph Club',57.95), ('Play me a Song',1997,'Basic',21.95), ('Play me a Song',1997,'YRB Bronze',20.95), ('Play me a Song',1997,'UofT Club',18.95), ('Play me a Song',1997,'CAA',19.95), ('Play me a Song',1997,'Readers Digest',19.95), ('Play me a Song',1997,'CARP',17.95), ('Play me a Song',1997,'YRB Silver',19.95), ('Play me a Song',1997,'YRB Gold',18.95), ('Play me a Song',1997,'Oprah',19.95), ('Play me a Song',1997,'York Club',19.95), ('Play me a Song',1997,'Waterloo Club',18.45), ('Play me a Song',1997,'Guelph Club',19.95), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'Basic',24.95), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'YRB Bronze',23.95), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'UofT Club',21.45), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'CAA',20.95), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'Readers Digest',21.95), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'CARP',20.95), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'YRB Silver',22.95), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'YRB Gold',21.95), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'Oprah',21.95), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'York Club',21.95), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'Waterloo Club',22.95), ('Food for Dummies',2004,'Guelph Club',21.45), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'Basic',32.95), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'YRB Bronze',31.95), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'UofT Club',29.95), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'CAA',30.95), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'Readers Digest',30.95), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'CARP',29.95), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'YRB Silver',30.95), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'YRB Gold',29.95), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'Oprah',30.95), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'York Club',29.95), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'Waterloo Club',30.95), ('Ringo to Nashi',1997,'Guelph Club',29.95), ('Aubergines!',2000,'Basic',29.99), ('Aubergines!',2000,'YRB Bronze',28.99), ('Aubergines!',2000,'UofT Club',26.49), ('Aubergines!',2000,'CAA',26.99), ('Aubergines!',2000,'Readers Digest',25.99), ('Aubergines!',2000,'CARP',27.99), ('Aubergines!',2000,'YRB Silver',27.99), ('Aubergines!',2000,'YRB Gold',26.99), ('Aubergines!',2000,'Oprah',25.99), ('Aubergines!',2000,'York Club',26.99), ('Aubergines!',2000,'Waterloo Club',26.49), ('Aubergines!',2000,'Guelph Club',26.99), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'Basic',30.00), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'YRB Bronze',29.00), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'UofT Club',28.00), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'CAA',27.00), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'Readers Digest',28.00), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'CARP',27.00), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'YRB Silver',28.00), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'YRB Gold',27.00), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'Oprah',28.00), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'York Club',28.00), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'Waterloo Club',28.00), ('Nothing but Steak',1995,'Guelph Club',26.50), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'Basic',42.95), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'YRB Bronze',41.95), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'UofT Club',40.95), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'CAA',38.95), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'Readers Digest',38.95), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'CARP',39.95), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'YRB Silver',40.95), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'YRB Gold',39.95), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'Oprah',39.95), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'York Club',39.95), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'Waterloo Club',40.95), ('SQL Kills!',2003,'Guelph Club',39.95), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'Basic',29.95), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'YRB Bronze',28.95), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'UofT Club',27.95), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'CAA',25.95), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'Readers Digest',27.95), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'CARP',26.95), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'YRB Silver',27.95), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'YRB Gold',26.95), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'Oprah',27.95), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'York Club',26.95), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'Waterloo Club',26.45), ('Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'Guelph Club',27.95), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'Basic',35.95), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'YRB Bronze',34.95), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'UofT Club',32.95), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'CAA',33.95), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'Readers Digest',32.95), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'CARP',31.95), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'YRB Silver',33.95), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'YRB Gold',32.95), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'Oprah',32.95), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'York Club',33.95), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'Waterloo Club',32.95), ('Dogs are not Cats',1995,'Guelph Club',32.45), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'Basic',14.95), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'YRB Bronze',14.45), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'UofT Club',12.95), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'CAA',13.45), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'Readers Digest',13.95), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'CARP',12.45), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'YRB Silver',13.95), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'YRB Gold',13.45), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'Oprah',12.45), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'York Club',13.45), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'Waterloo Club',13.45), ('Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'Guelph Club',12.95), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'Basic',19.95), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'YRB Bronze',19.45), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'UofT Club',18.95), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'CAA',17.45), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'Readers Digest',18.95), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'CARP',17.45), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'YRB Silver',18.95), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'YRB Gold',18.45), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'Oprah',17.45), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'York Club',18.45), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'Waterloo Club',18.95), ('Okay, Why Not?',2001,'Guelph Club',18.45), ('Math is fun!',1993,'Basic',59.95), ('Math is fun!',1993,'YRB Bronze',56.95), ('Math is fun!',1993,'UofT Club',49.95), ('Math is fun!',1993,'CAA',47.95), ('Math is fun!',1993,'Readers Digest',56.95), ('Math is fun!',1993,'CARP',47.95), ('Math is fun!',1993,'YRB Silver',53.95), ('Math is fun!',1993,'YRB Gold',50.95), ('Math is fun!',1993,'Oprah',56.95), ('Math is fun!',1993,'York Club',52.95), ('Math is fun!',1993,'Waterloo Club',52.95), ('Math is fun!',1993,'Guelph Club',55.95), ('Math is fun!',1995,'Basic',14.50), ('Math is fun!',1995,'YRB Bronze',14.00), ('Math is fun!',1995,'UofT Club',13.50), ('Math is fun!',1995,'CAA',12.00), ('Math is fun!',1995,'Readers Digest',12.00), ('Math is fun!',1995,'CARP',13.50), ('Math is fun!',1995,'YRB Silver',13.50), ('Math is fun!',1995,'YRB Gold',13.00), ('Math is fun!',1995,'Oprah',13.50), ('Math is fun!',1995,'York Club',13.50), ('Math is fun!',1995,'Waterloo Club',13.00), ('Math is fun!',1995,'Guelph Club',13.00), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'Basic',72.95), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'YRB Bronze',69.95), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'UofT Club',68.95), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'CAA',60.95), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'Readers Digest',60.95), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'CARP',60.95), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'YRB Silver',66.95), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'YRB Gold',63.95), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'Oprah',69.95), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'York Club',68.95), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'Waterloo Club',68.95), ('Is Math is fun?',1996,'Guelph Club',68.95), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'Basic',23.95), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'YRB Bronze',22.95), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'UofT Club',20.95), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'CAA',20.95), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'Readers Digest',21.95), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'CARP',19.95), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'YRB Silver',21.95), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'YRB Gold',20.95), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'Oprah',21.95), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'York Club',20.95), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'Waterloo Club',20.45), ('The Stars are not Enough',2002,'Guelph Club',20.95), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'Basic',25.00), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'YRB Bronze',24.00), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'UofT Club',22.00), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'CAA',23.00), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'Readers Digest',23.00), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'CARP',22.00), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'YRB Silver',23.00), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'YRB Gold',22.00), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'Oprah',21.00), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'York Club',23.00), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'Waterloo Club',21.50), ('Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'Guelph Club',22.00), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'Basic',24.95), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'YRB Bronze',23.95), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'UofT Club',21.45), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'CAA',22.95), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'Readers Digest',22.95), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'CARP',20.95), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'YRB Silver',22.95), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'YRB Gold',21.95), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'Oprah',21.95), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'York Club',21.95), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'Waterloo Club',21.95), ('Akachan Furu',2003,'Guelph Club',21.95), ('Darmstadt',2004,'Basic',29.95), ('Darmstadt',2004,'YRB Bronze',28.95), ('Darmstadt',2004,'UofT Club',26.95), ('Darmstadt',2004,'CAA',26.95), ('Darmstadt',2004,'Readers Digest',25.95), ('Darmstadt',2004,'CARP',25.95), ('Darmstadt',2004,'YRB Silver',27.95), ('Darmstadt',2004,'YRB Gold',26.95), ('Darmstadt',2004,'Oprah',25.95), ('Darmstadt',2004,'York Club',27.95), ('Darmstadt',2004,'Waterloo Club',26.45), ('Darmstadt',2004,'Guelph Club',27.95), ('Been There Done That',2002,'Basic',9.95), ('Been There Done That',2002,'YRB Bronze',9.45), ('Been There Done That',2002,'UofT Club',8.95), ('Been There Done That',2002,'CAA',8.95), ('Been There Done That',2002,'Readers Digest',8.45), ('Been There Done That',2002,'CARP',7.45), ('Been There Done That',2002,'YRB Silver',8.95), ('Been There Done That',2002,'YRB Gold',8.45), ('Been There Done That',2002,'Oprah',8.95), ('Been There Done That',2002,'York Club',8.45), ('Been There Done That',2002,'Waterloo Club',8.95), ('Been There Done That',2002,'Guelph Club',8.95), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'Basic',23.50), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'YRB Bronze',22.50), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'UofT Club',20.50), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'CAA',20.50), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'Readers Digest',21.50), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'CARP',19.50), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'YRB Silver',21.50), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'YRB Gold',20.50), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'Oprah',19.50), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'York Club',21.50), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'Waterloo Club',20.00), ('Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'Guelph Club',20.50), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'Basic',32.95), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'YRB Bronze',31.95), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'UofT Club',30.95), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'CAA',28.95), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'Readers Digest',29.95), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'CARP',28.95), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'YRB Silver',30.95), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'YRB Gold',29.95), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'Oprah',28.95), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'York Club',30.95), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'Waterloo Club',29.45), ('Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'Guelph Club',30.95), ('Parthenon',2004,'Basic',29.95), ('Parthenon',2004,'YRB Bronze',28.95), ('Parthenon',2004,'UofT Club',26.95), ('Parthenon',2004,'CAA',25.95), ('Parthenon',2004,'Readers Digest',25.95), ('Parthenon',2004,'CARP',25.95), ('Parthenon',2004,'YRB Silver',27.95), ('Parthenon',2004,'YRB Gold',26.95), ('Parthenon',2004,'Oprah',25.95), ('Parthenon',2004,'York Club',26.95), ('Parthenon',2004,'Waterloo Club',26.45), ('Parthenon',2004,'Guelph Club',26.45), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'Basic',24.95), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'YRB Bronze',23.95), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'UofT Club',21.45), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'CAA',21.95), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'Readers Digest',22.95), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'CARP',21.95), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'YRB Silver',22.95), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'YRB Gold',21.95), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'Oprah',20.95), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'York Club',21.95), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'Waterloo Club',21.95), ('Where are my Socks?',1998,'Guelph Club',21.95), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'Basic',40.37), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'YRB Bronze',39.37), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'UofT Club',38.37), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'CAA',38.37), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'Readers Digest',38.37), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'CARP',36.37), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'YRB Silver',38.37), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'YRB Gold',37.37), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'Oprah',36.37), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'York Club',37.37), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'Waterloo Club',37.37), ('The Earth is not Enough',2003,'Guelph Club',38.37), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'Basic',51.95), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'YRB Bronze',48.95), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'UofT Club',47.95), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'CAA',43.95), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'Readers Digest',39.95), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'CARP',43.95), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'YRB Silver',45.95), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'YRB Gold',42.95), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'Oprah',39.95), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'York Club',47.95), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'Waterloo Club',44.95), ('Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'Guelph Club',47.95), ('Brats like Us',1999,'Basic',34.95), ('Brats like Us',1999,'YRB Bronze',33.95), ('Brats like Us',1999,'UofT Club',31.95), ('Brats like Us',1999,'CAA',32.95), ('Brats like Us',1999,'Readers Digest',31.95), ('Brats like Us',1999,'CARP',30.95), ('Brats like Us',1999,'YRB Silver',32.95), ('Brats like Us',1999,'YRB Gold',31.95), ('Brats like Us',1999,'Oprah',32.95), ('Brats like Us',1999,'York Club',31.95), ('Brats like Us',1999,'Waterloo Club',31.45), ('Brats like Us',1999,'Guelph Club',32.95), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'Basic',28.19), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'YRB Bronze',27.19), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'UofT Club',24.69), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'CAA',26.19), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'Readers Digest',26.19), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'CARP',26.19), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'YRB Silver',26.19), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'YRB Gold',25.19), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'Oprah',26.19), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'York Club',26.19), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'Waterloo Club',24.69), ('Where are my Socks?',1994,'Guelph Club',26.19), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'Basic',5.00), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'YRB Bronze',4.50), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'UofT Club',3.50), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'CAA',3.50), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'Readers Digest',4.00), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'CARP',3.50), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'YRB Silver',4.00), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'YRB Gold',3.50), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'Oprah',2.50), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'York Club',4.00), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'Waterloo Club',3.00), ('Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'Guelph Club',3.50), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'Basic',5.00), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'YRB Bronze',4.50), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'UofT Club',3.00), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'CAA',3.50), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'Readers Digest',2.50), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'CARP',2.50), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'YRB Silver',4.00), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'YRB Gold',3.50), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'Oprah',3.50), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'York Club',4.00), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'Waterloo Club',3.50), ('Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'Guelph Club',4.00), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'Basic',30.95), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'YRB Bronze',29.95), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'UofT Club',28.95), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'CAA',26.95), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'Readers Digest',26.95), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'CARP',26.95), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'YRB Silver',28.95), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'YRB Gold',27.95), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'Oprah',28.95), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'York Club',28.95), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'Waterloo Club',27.95), ('Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'Guelph Club',27.45), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'Basic',26.95), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'YRB Bronze',25.95), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'UofT Club',23.95), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'CAA',22.95), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'Readers Digest',22.95), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'CARP',24.95), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'YRB Silver',24.95), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'YRB Gold',23.95), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'Oprah',22.95), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'York Club',24.95), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'Waterloo Club',24.95), ('Rigor Mortis',1023,'Guelph Club',23.45), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'Basic',17.50), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'YRB Bronze',17.00), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'UofT Club',16.00), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'CAA',16.50), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'Readers Digest',15.00), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'CARP',16.50), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'YRB Silver',16.50), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'YRB Gold',16.00), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'Oprah',15.00), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'York Club',16.50), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'Waterloo Club',16.50), ('Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'Guelph Club',15.50), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'Basic',12.95), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'YRB Bronze',12.45), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'UofT Club',11.95), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'CAA',11.45), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'Readers Digest',11.45), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'CARP',11.95), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'YRB Silver',11.95), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'YRB Gold',11.45), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'Oprah',10.45), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'York Club',11.45), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'Waterloo Club',10.95), ('Pigs are nice',1996,'Guelph Club',10.95), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'Basic',23.95), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'YRB Bronze',22.95), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'UofT Club',20.45), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'CAA',20.95), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'Readers Digest',19.95), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'CARP',21.95), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'YRB Silver',21.95), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'YRB Gold',20.95), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'Oprah',21.95), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'York Club',21.95), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'Waterloo Club',20.45), ('Getting into Snork U.',2004,'Guelph Club',20.95), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'Basic',13.95), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'YRB Bronze',13.45), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'UofT Club',12.45), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'CAA',11.45), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'Readers Digest',11.45), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'CARP',12.95), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'YRB Silver',12.95), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'YRB Gold',12.45), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'Oprah',11.45), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'York Club',12.45), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'Waterloo Club',11.95), ('Are my feet too big?',1993,'Guelph Club',12.45), ('Live in London?!',2002,'Basic',6.95), ('Live in London?!',2002,'YRB Bronze',6.45), ('Live in London?!',2002,'UofT Club',5.95), ('Live in London?!',2002,'CAA',5.95), ('Live in London?!',2002,'Readers Digest',5.45), ('Live in London?!',2002,'CARP',4.45), ('Live in London?!',2002,'YRB Silver',5.95), ('Live in London?!',2002,'YRB Gold',5.45), ('Live in London?!',2002,'Oprah',4.45), ('Live in London?!',2002,'York Club',5.95), ('Live in London?!',2002,'Waterloo Club',4.95), ('Live in London?!',2002,'Guelph Club',5.45), ('Not That London!',2003,'Basic',12.50), ('Not That London!',2003,'YRB Bronze',12.00), ('Not That London!',2003,'UofT Club',10.50), ('Not That London!',2003,'CAA',10.00), ('Not That London!',2003,'Readers Digest',10.00), ('Not That London!',2003,'CARP',11.50), ('Not That London!',2003,'YRB Silver',11.50), ('Not That London!',2003,'YRB Gold',11.00), ('Not That London!',2003,'Oprah',11.50), ('Not That London!',2003,'York Club',11.50), ('Not That London!',2003,'Waterloo Club',11.00), ('Not That London!',2003,'Guelph Club',10.50), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'Basic',12.95), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'YRB Bronze',12.45), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'UofT Club',11.45), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'CAA',11.95), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'Readers Digest',11.95), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'CARP',10.45), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'YRB Silver',11.95), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'YRB Gold',11.45), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'Oprah',10.45), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'York Club',11.95), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'Waterloo Club',11.45), ('Rabbits are nice',1996,'Guelph Club',11.45), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'Basic',21.95), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'YRB Bronze',20.95), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'UofT Club',18.45), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'CAA',18.95), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'Readers Digest',18.95), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'CARP',19.95), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'YRB Silver',19.95), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'YRB Gold',18.95), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'Oprah',18.95), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'York Club',19.95), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'Waterloo Club',19.95), ('Rabbits are nice',2004,'Guelph Club',19.95), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'Basic',16.35), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'YRB Bronze',15.85), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'UofT Club',15.35), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'CAA',13.85), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'Readers Digest',14.85), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'CARP',14.85), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'YRB Silver',15.35), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'YRB Gold',14.85), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'Oprah',14.85), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'York Club',15.35), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'Waterloo Club',14.35), ('Under Your Bed',2004,'Guelph Club',15.35), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'Basic',19.95), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'YRB Bronze',19.45), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'UofT Club',17.95), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'CAA',18.95), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'Readers Digest',18.45), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'CARP',17.45), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'YRB Silver',18.95), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'YRB Gold',18.45), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'Oprah',18.45), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'York Club',18.45), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'Waterloo Club',18.45), ('Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'Guelph Club',18.45), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'Basic',35.95), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'YRB Bronze',34.95), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'UofT Club',33.95), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'CAA',31.95), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'Readers Digest',31.95), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'CARP',31.95), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'YRB Silver',33.95), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'YRB Gold',32.95), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'Oprah',33.95), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'York Club',33.95), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'Waterloo Club',32.95), ('Cats are not Dogs',1996,'Guelph Club',33.95), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'Basic',35.95), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'YRB Bronze',34.95), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'UofT Club',32.95), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'CAA',33.95), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'Readers Digest',31.95), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'CARP',32.95), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'YRB Silver',33.95), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'YRB Gold',32.95), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'Oprah',31.95), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'York Club',32.95), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'Waterloo Club',32.95), ('Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'Guelph Club',32.45), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'Basic',27.95), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'YRB Bronze',26.95), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'UofT Club',24.45), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'CAA',24.95), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'Readers Digest',23.95), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'CARP',23.95), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'YRB Silver',25.95), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'YRB Gold',24.95), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'Oprah',23.95), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'York Club',25.95), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'Waterloo Club',24.95), ('The Fickle Pickle',2004,'Guelph Club',24.95), ('I don''t think so',2001,'Basic',14.00), ('I don''t think so',2001,'YRB Bronze',13.50), ('I don''t think so',2001,'UofT Club',12.50), ('I don''t think so',2001,'CAA',11.50), ('I don''t think so',2001,'Readers Digest',13.00), ('I don''t think so',2001,'CARP',12.50), ('I don''t think so',2001,'YRB Silver',13.00), ('I don''t think so',2001,'YRB Gold',12.50), ('I don''t think so',2001,'Oprah',13.00), ('I don''t think so',2001,'York Club',12.50), ('I don''t think so',2001,'Waterloo Club',13.00), ('I don''t think so',2001,'Guelph Club',12.50), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'Basic',74.95), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'YRB Bronze',71.95), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'UofT Club',67.95), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'CAA',62.95), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'Readers Digest',71.95), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'CARP',66.95), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'YRB Silver',68.95), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'YRB Gold',65.95), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'Oprah',71.95), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'York Club',70.95), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'Waterloo Club',64.95), ('Quantum Databases',2003,'Guelph Club',67.95), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'Basic',12.95), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'YRB Bronze',12.45), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'UofT Club',11.95), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'CAA',11.95), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'Readers Digest',10.45), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'CARP',11.95), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'YRB Silver',11.95), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'YRB Gold',11.45), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'Oprah',10.45), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'York Club',11.45), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'Waterloo Club',11.95), ('Are my feet too big?',1997,'Guelph Club',11.95), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'Basic',8.95), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'YRB Bronze',8.45), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'UofT Club',7.95), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'CAA',6.45), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'Readers Digest',6.45), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'CARP',7.45), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'YRB Silver',7.95), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'YRB Gold',7.45), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'Oprah',7.95), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'York Club',7.45), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'Waterloo Club',7.95), ('Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'Guelph Club',7.45), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'Basic',18.95), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'YRB Bronze',18.45), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'UofT Club',17.95), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'CAA',17.45), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'Readers Digest',17.45), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'CARP',17.45), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'YRB Silver',17.95), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'YRB Gold',17.45), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'Oprah',17.95), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'York Club',17.95), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'Waterloo Club',17.95), ('Tropical Windsor',2004,'Guelph Club',17.95), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'Basic',34.95), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'YRB Bronze',33.95), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'UofT Club',31.45), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'CAA',32.95), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'Readers Digest',31.95), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'CARP',30.95), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'YRB Silver',32.95), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'YRB Gold',31.95), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'Oprah',31.95), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'York Club',32.95), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'Waterloo Club',31.45), ('Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'Guelph Club',31.95), ('Base de Donne',2003,'Basic',24.95), ('Base de Donne',2003,'YRB Bronze',23.95), ('Base de Donne',2003,'UofT Club',21.95), ('Base de Donne',2003,'CAA',21.95), ('Base de Donne',2003,'Readers Digest',20.95), ('Base de Donne',2003,'CARP',21.95), ('Base de Donne',2003,'YRB Silver',22.95), ('Base de Donne',2003,'YRB Gold',21.95), ('Base de Donne',2003,'Oprah',20.95), ('Base de Donne',2003,'York Club',22.95), ('Base de Donne',2003,'Waterloo Club',21.95), ('Base de Donne',2003,'Guelph Club',21.95), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'Basic',17.10), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'YRB Bronze',16.60), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'UofT Club',16.10), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'CAA',15.60), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'Readers Digest',15.60), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'CARP',16.10), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'YRB Silver',16.10), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'YRB Gold',15.60), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'Oprah',14.60), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'York Club',16.10), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'Waterloo Club',15.60), ('The Wiley Snark',1980,'Guelph Club',15.60), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'Basic',53.71), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'YRB Bronze',50.71), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'UofT Club',49.71), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'CAA',45.71), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'Readers Digest',45.71), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'CARP',45.71), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'YRB Silver',47.71), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'YRB Gold',44.71), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'Oprah',50.71), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'York Club',46.71), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'Waterloo Club',43.71), ('Press the Red Button!',2003,'Guelph Club',49.71), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'Basic',12.95), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'YRB Bronze',12.45), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'UofT Club',10.95), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'CAA',11.95), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'Readers Digest',10.45), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'CARP',11.45), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'YRB Silver',11.95), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'YRB Gold',11.45), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'Oprah',11.45), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'York Club',11.95), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'Waterloo Club',11.95), ('Relational Algebra',2004,'Guelph Club',11.95), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'Basic',15.95), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'YRB Bronze',15.45), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'UofT Club',14.95), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'CAA',13.45), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'Readers Digest',13.45), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'CARP',14.95), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'YRB Silver',14.95), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'YRB Gold',14.45), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'Oprah',13.45), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'York Club',14.95), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'Waterloo Club',14.95), ('Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'Guelph Club',13.95), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'Basic',23.50), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'YRB Bronze',22.50), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'UofT Club',20.50), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'CAA',19.50), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'Readers Digest',21.50), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'CARP',21.50), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'YRB Silver',21.50), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'YRB Gold',20.50), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'Oprah',19.50), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'York Club',21.50), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'Waterloo Club',20.50), ('Gigabytes still to go',2001,'Guelph Club',20.50), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'Basic',41.95), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'YRB Bronze',40.95), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'UofT Club',39.95), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'CAA',38.95), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'Readers Digest',37.95), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'CARP',37.95), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'YRB Silver',39.95), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'YRB Gold',38.95), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'Oprah',39.95), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'York Club',38.95), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'Waterloo Club',38.95), ('DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'Guelph Club',38.45), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'Basic',108.95), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'YRB Bronze',105.95), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'UofT Club',101.95), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'CAA',96.95), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'Readers Digest',100.95), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'CARP',100.95), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'YRB Silver',102.95), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'YRB Gold',99.95), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'Oprah',105.95), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'York Club',104.95), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'Waterloo Club',98.95), ('DB2 Made Simple',2003,'Guelph Club',98.95), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'Basic',218.95), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'YRB Bronze',215.95), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'UofT Club',214.95), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'CAA',210.95), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'Readers Digest',210.95), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'CARP',215.95), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'YRB Silver',212.95), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'YRB Gold',209.95), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'Oprah',210.95), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'York Club',211.95), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'Waterloo Club',208.95), ('Avarice is Good',1998,'Guelph Club',214.95), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'Basic',29.95), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'YRB Bronze',28.95), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'UofT Club',26.45), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'CAA',27.95), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'Readers Digest',25.95), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'CARP',25.95), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'YRB Silver',27.95), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'YRB Gold',26.95), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'Oprah',26.95), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'York Club',26.95), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'Waterloo Club',26.45), ('Humor in SQL',2004,'Guelph Club',27.95); insert into yrb_purchase (cid,club,title,year,when,qnty) values (1,'Basic','Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'2005-12-1-11.59.00',1), (1,'Readers Digest','Flibber Gibber',2004,'2005-12-1-11.59.00',1), (1,'Readers Digest','Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'2003-4-20-12.12.00',1), (1,'York Club','Nothing but Steak',1995,'2005-12-1-11.59.00',1), (1,'Readers Digest','Getting into Snork U.',2004,'2005-12-1-11.59.00',1), (2,'Oprah','The Vampires Among Us',1999,'2002-8-8-17.33.00',1), (2,'YRB Gold','Rats Like Us',1997,'2005-10-21-11.05.00',1), (2,'CAA','Alpha Centauri',2002,'2003-4-16-11.46.00',1), (2,'Oprah','Vegetables are Good!',2003,'2005-4-24-17.02.00',1), (2,'YRB Gold','The Earth is not Enough',2003,'2005-2-23-12.37.00',1), (2,'YRB Gold','Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'2002-8-8-17.33.00',2), (2,'Oprah','Rabbits are nice',1996,'2003-2-13-15.13.00',1), (2,'Oprah','Under Your Bed',2004,'2005-4-24-17.02.00',1), (2,'CAA','Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'2005-12-1-15.39.00',1), (2,'CAA','Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'2005-10-21-11.05.00',1), (2,'YRB Gold','Press the Red Button!',2003,'2005-4-24-17.02.00',1), (3,'CARP','Rats Like Us',1997,'2002-1-27-09.19.00',1), (3,'Guelph Club','Tampopo Oishii',1999,'2005-10-6-11.12.00',1), (3,'CAA','Math is fun!',1995,'2002-1-27-09.19.00',1), (3,'CARP','Parthenon',2004,'2005-10-6-11.12.00',1), (3,'CAA','Rigor Mortis',1023,'2002-1-27-09.19.00',1), (3,'CARP','Live in London?!',2002,'2005-10-6-11.12.00',1), (3,'CAA','Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'2005-10-6-11.12.00',1), (3,'CARP','Relational Algebra',2004,'2005-10-6-11.12.00',1), (4,'Oprah','Eigen Eigen',1980,'2005-8-11-17.40.00',1), (4,'Oprah','Food for Dummies',2004,'2005-6-30-13.58.00',1), (4,'Oprah','Rigor Mortis',1023,'2005-6-30-13.58.00',1), (4,'YRB Silver','Are my feet too big?',1993,'2004-6-13-09.45.00',1), (4,'Oprah','Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'2005-6-30-13.58.00',1), (5,'Basic','Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'2005-7-17-16.27.00',1), (5,'CARP','Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'2005-7-17-16.27.00',1), (5,'CARP','Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'2005-7-17-16.27.00',1), (5,'CARP','Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'2005-7-17-16.27.00',1), (5,'CARP','Under Your Bed',2004,'2005-7-17-16.27.00',1), (5,'CARP','The Wiley Snark',1980,'2005-7-17-16.27.00',1), (5,'Basic','Avarice is Good',1998,'2005-7-17-16.27.00',1), (6,'CAA','Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'2005-10-2-12.37.00',1), (6,'CAA','Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'2004-5-18-11.43.00',1), (6,'Readers Digest','Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'2005-7-8-18.09.00',1), (6,'Readers Digest','Live in London?!',2002,'2005-7-8-18.09.00',1), (6,'Basic','Not That London!',2003,'2004-5-18-11.43.00',1), (6,'Readers Digest','Base de Donne',2003,'2004-5-18-11.43.00',1), (7,'YRB Gold','Toronto Underground',2001,'2003-6-15-12.13.00',1), (7,'Basic','Ringo to Nashi',1997,'2003-6-15-12.13.00',1), (7,'Basic','Ringo to Nashi',1997,'2004-5-5-14.49.00',1), (7,'YRB Gold','Cats are not Dogs',1996,'2004-9-26-16.32.00',1), (8,'CAA','Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'2004-7-3-12.39.00',1), (8,'Oprah','Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'2003-1-19-09.32.00',1), (8,'Oprah','Eigen Eigen',1980,'2005-10-18-10.18.00',1), (8,'Oprah','Okay, Why Not?',2001,'2004-7-3-12.39.00',1), (8,'Oprah','Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'2003-8-2-09.20.00',1), (8,'CAA','Not That London!',2003,'2005-10-18-10.18.00',1), (8,'CAA','I don''t think so',2001,'2005-8-13-13.11.00',1), (9,'Waterloo Club','Plato Rocks',1975,'2005-9-10-13.03.00',1), (9,'Oprah','Tampopo Oishii',1997,'2005-9-10-13.03.00',1), (9,'Oprah','Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'2005-9-10-13.03.00',1), (9,'CAA','Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'2005-9-10-13.03.00',1), (9,'CAA','Food for Dummies',2004,'2005-9-10-13.03.00',1), (9,'CAA','Math is fun!',1993,'2005-9-10-13.03.00',1), (9,'CAA','Tropical Windsor',2004,'2005-9-10-13.03.00',1), (9,'Waterloo Club','Montreal pour les Idiots',2002,'2005-9-10-13.03.00',1), (10,'Basic','Tande mou nai',2002,'2005-3-11-15.46.00',1), (10,'CARP','Yakuza Kekkon Shita',1996,'2005-4-29-18.30.00',1), (10,'CARP','Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'2004-3-11-10.05.00',1), (10,'CARP','Databases aren''t',2004,'2005-3-11-15.46.00',1), (10,'CARP','Vegetables are Good!',2003,'2005-4-29-18.30.00',1), (11,'YRB Silver','Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'2005-7-27-11.45.00',1), (11,'YRB Silver','Ringo to Nashi',1997,'2005-7-27-11.45.00',1), (11,'YRB Silver','The Stars are not Enough',2002,'2005-7-27-11.45.00',1), (11,'YRB Silver','Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'2005-7-27-11.45.00',1), (11,'YRB Silver','Pigs are nice',1996,'2005-7-27-11.45.00',1), (12,'Oprah','Databases aren''t',2004,'2005-8-24-11.12.00',1), (12,'CAA','Getting into Snork U.',2004,'2005-8-24-11.12.00',1), (12,'Oprah','Are my feet too big?',1993,'2003-2-7-10.59.00',1), (12,'CAA','Not That London!',2003,'2005-8-24-11.12.00',1), (13,'YRB Silver','Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'2005-5-18-10.11.00',1), (13,'Waterloo Club','I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'2005-9-14-12.56.00',1), (13,'Oprah','Dogs are not Cats',1995,'2005-5-18-10.11.00',1), (13,'Oprah','Are my feet too big?',1993,'2005-5-18-10.11.00',1), (13,'Oprah','Are my feet too big?',1997,'2002-3-17-14.04.00',1), (14,'Oprah','Oberon',1963,'2005-10-10-17.18.00',1), (14,'Oprah','Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'2005-10-10-17.18.00',1), (14,'Oprah','Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'2005-10-10-17.18.00',1), (14,'Oprah','Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'2005-10-10-17.18.00',1), (14,'Oprah','Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'2005-10-10-17.18.00',1), (14,'Oprah','Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'2005-10-10-17.18.00',2), (14,'Oprah','Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'2005-10-10-17.18.00',1), (14,'Oprah','Rabbits are nice',2004,'2005-10-10-17.18.00',1), (15,'YRB Gold','Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'2004-12-1-18.27.00',1), (15,'YRB Gold','Databases made Real Hard',2002,'2004-12-1-18.27.00',1), (15,'YRB Gold','SQL Kills!',2003,'2004-12-1-18.27.00',1), (15,'CARP','Rabbits are nice',1996,'2004-12-1-18.27.00',1), (15,'CARP','Cats are not Dogs',1996,'2004-12-1-18.27.00',1), (16,'York Club','Tensor Calculus made Easy',1996,'2005-2-27-15.08.00',1), (16,'York Club','Plato Rocks',1975,'2004-1-4-14.18.00',1), (16,'York Club','The Stars are not Enough',2002,'2005-2-27-15.08.00',1), (16,'CAA','Under Your Bed',2004,'2005-11-16-09.52.00',1), (16,'CAA','Tropical Windsor',2004,'2005-11-16-09.52.00',3), (16,'CAA','Base de Donne',2003,'2005-2-27-15.08.00',1), (16,'York Club','Humor in SQL',2004,'2005-11-16-09.52.00',1), (17,'Basic','Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'2005-9-13-12.08.00',1), (17,'Basic','Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'2003-6-7-10.13.00',1), (17,'Basic','Been There Done That',2002,'2005-9-13-12.08.00',1), (17,'Basic','Chats ne sont pas Chiens',1996,'2002-4-8-17.59.00',1), (17,'Basic','Humor in SQL',2004,'2005-9-13-12.08.00',1), (18,'Basic','Tande mou nai',2002,'2005-9-22-10.01.00',1), (18,'Basic','SQL Kills!',2003,'2005-9-22-10.01.00',1), (18,'Basic','The Fickle Pickle',2004,'2005-9-22-10.01.00',1), (19,'YRB Gold','Les Gens Miserable',1996,'2005-12-1-16.10.00',1), (19,'CAA','Pluto Collides With Mars',2004,'2005-12-1-16.10.00',1), (19,'CAA','Transmorgifacation',2004,'2005-7-23-09.27.00',1), (19,'Oprah','Recipes for Humans',2004,'2005-7-23-09.27.00',1), (19,'CAA','Please Beam Me Up',2004,'2005-12-1-16.10.00',1), (19,'YRB Gold','Nothing but Steak',1995,'2003-3-9-12.11.00',1), (19,'CAA','Math is fun!',1995,'2003-3-9-12.11.00',1), (19,'YRB Gold','I don''t think so',2001,'2003-3-9-12.11.00',1), (19,'CAA','Quantum Databases',2003,'2005-7-23-09.27.00',1), (19,'Oprah','Base de Donne',2003,'2005-12-1-16.10.00',1), (19,'YRB Gold','Press the Red Button!',2003,'2005-12-1-16.10.00',1), (20,'Oprah','Tchuss',2002,'2004-5-27-17.56.00',1), (20,'Readers Digest','Play me a Song',1997,'2003-11-22-14.29.00',1), (20,'Readers Digest','Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'2003-11-22-14.29.00',1), (20,'Readers Digest','Rabbits are nice',2004,'2005-6-1-09.37.00',4), (20,'Readers Digest','Tsukimono to Tsukemono',2004,'2005-6-1-09.37.00',3), (21,'Waterloo Club','Plato Rocks',1975,'2005-11-19-11.02.00',1), (21,'YRB Silver','Tande mou nai',2002,'2005-11-19-11.02.00',1), (21,'Waterloo Club','Oberon',1963,'2005-3-10-15.05.00',1), (21,'Waterloo Club','Play me a Song',1997,'2004-2-15-13.22.00',1), (21,'CAA','SQL Kills!',2003,'2005-3-10-15.05.00',1), (21,'Waterloo Club','Where are my Socks?',1998,'2002-2-17-16.08.00',1), (21,'YRB Silver','Getting into Snork U.',2004,'2005-3-10-16.22.00',1), (21,'Basic','Not That London!',2003,'2005-11-19-11.02.00',1), (21,'CAA','Rabbits are nice',2004,'2005-10-25-10.15.00',1), (21,'Waterloo Club','Avarice is Good',1998,'2005-11-19-11.02.00',1), (21,'Waterloo Club','Avarice is Good',1998,'2005-3-10-15.05.00',1), (22,'YRB Bronze','Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'2005-3-4-17.13.00',1), (22,'YRB Gold','Tampopo Oishii',1997,'2005-8-16-16.59.00',1), (22,'Guelph Club','Where are my Socks?',1998,'2005-10-23-11.24.00',1), (22,'Guelph Club','Pigs are nice',1996,'2005-3-4-17.13.00',1), (22,'Readers Digest','Are my feet too big?',1997,'2005-3-4-17.13.00',1), (22,'YRB Gold','Avarice is Good',1998,'2005-3-4-17.13.00',1), (23,'Basic','Toronto Underground',2001,'2005-6-23-16.45.00',1), (23,'Basic','Toronto Underground',2001,'2005-10-27-18.01.00',1), (23,'Oprah','Rats Like Us',1997,'2002-7-4-16.33.00',1), (23,'Oprah','Voting for Dummies',2004,'2005-10-27-18.01.00',1), (23,'Oprah','Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'2004-9-27-12.27.00',1), (23,'Basic','Is Math is fun?',1996,'2005-10-27-18.01.00',1), (23,'Oprah','Where are my Socks?',1998,'2004-9-26-13.17.00',1), (23,'Basic','Tropical Windsor',2004,'2005-10-27-18.01.00',1), (23,'Oprah','Relational Algebra',2004,'2005-6-23-16.45.00',1), (23,'Oprah','Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'2004-9-26-13.17.00',1), (23,'Oprah','Ottawa Hot Spots',2002,'2004-9-27-12.27.00',1), (24,'Readers Digest','Rats Like Us',1999,'2005-10-23-14.59.00',1), (24,'Readers Digest','Food for Dummies',2004,'2005-10-23-14.59.00',1), (24,'Readers Digest','Humor in SQL',2004,'2005-10-23-14.59.00',1), (25,'CARP','Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'2005-3-14-09.26.00',1), (25,'York Club','SQL Kills!',2003,'2005-11-30-14.23.00',10), (25,'CARP','Brats like Us',1999,'2005-3-14-09.26.00',1), (25,'CARP','Quantum Databases',2003,'2005-3-14-09.26.00',1), (26,'York Club','Plato Rocks',1975,'2005-4-27-15.07.00',1), (26,'York Club','Les Gens Miserable',1996,'2005-6-30-11.26.00',1), (26,'York Club','Tampopo Oishii',1997,'2005-12-1-18.04.00',1), (26,'YRB Silver','Flibber Gibber',2004,'2005-4-27-15.07.00',1), (26,'York Club','Eigen Eigen',1980,'2005-6-30-11.26.00',1), (26,'York Club','Ringo to Nashi',1997,'2005-12-1-18.04.00',1), (26,'YRB Silver','Math is fun!',1995,'2005-4-27-15.07.00',1), (26,'CAA','Acrimony Made Simple',1996,'2005-6-30-11.26.00',1), (26,'York Club','Brats like Us',1999,'2005-4-27-15.07.00',1), (26,'CAA','Getting into Snork U.',2004,'2005-4-27-15.07.00',1), (26,'CAA','Are my feet too big?',1993,'2005-12-1-18.04.00',1), (27,'CAA','Tchuss',2002,'2004-6-5-09.44.00',1), (27,'York Club','Je ne me souvien pas',1997,'2004-6-5-09.44.00',1), (28,'Oprah','Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'2003-7-17-10.14.00',1), (28,'Basic','Databases made Real Hard',2002,'2005-7-20-16.52.00',1), (28,'YRB Gold','SQL Kills!',2003,'2005-2-3-15.50.00',1), (28,'YRB Gold','The Stars are not Enough',2002,'2005-2-13-12.08.00',1), (28,'Oprah','Tomenatte Kudasai!',2000,'2005-2-13-12.08.00',1), (28,'Oprah','Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'2005-7-20-16.52.00',3), (28,'Oprah','Meine Kleine Katze',2002,'2005-2-3-15.50.00',1), (28,'Oprah','Relational Algebra',2004,'2005-2-3-15.50.00',1), (29,'UofT Club','Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'2005-9-20-10.19.00',1), (29,'UofT Club','Databases aren''t',2004,'2005-9-20-10.19.00',1), (29,'Basic','Dogs are not Cats',1995,'2005-6-10-17.16.00',1), (29,'UofT Club','Darmstadt',2004,'2005-6-10-17.16.00',1), (29,'Basic','Are my feet too big?',1993,'2005-9-20-10.19.00',1), (29,'UofT Club','Rabbits are nice',1996,'2005-6-10-17.16.00',1), (30,'YRB Silver','Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'2005-10-20-15.28.00',1), (30,'Readers Digest','Tande mou nai',2002,'2005-10-20-15.28.00',1), (30,'YRB Silver','Suzy does Waterloo',2001,'2005-12-1-14.50.00',1), (30,'Basic','Tchuss',2002,'2003-5-22-16.59.00',1), (30,'Readers Digest','Parthenon',2004,'2005-10-20-15.28.00',1), (30,'Readers Digest','Getting into Snork U.',2004,'2005-12-1-14.50.00',1), (30,'Guelph Club','Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'2005-10-20-15.28.00',1), (32,'CAA','Transmorgifacation',2004,'2005-5-18-10.43.00',1), (32,'CAA','Alpha Centauri',2002,'2003-5-5-14.20.00',1), (32,'Oprah','Recipes for Humans',2004,'2005-5-18-10.43.00',1), (32,'CAA','Okay, Why Not?',2001,'2003-5-5-14.20.00',1), (32,'Oprah','The Earth is not Enough',2003,'2005-5-18-10.43.00',1), (32,'CAA','Cats are not Dogs',1996,'2004-5-12-13.51.00',1), (32,'YRB Gold','Press the Red Button!',2003,'2005-5-18-10.43.00',1), (32,'YRB Gold','DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'2005-5-18-10.43.00',1), (33,'Waterloo Club','Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'2003-9-30-14.05.00',2), (33,'Waterloo Club','Oui, Oui, Non!',1992,'2003-2-7-18.58.00',1), (33,'Waterloo Club','Tchuss',2002,'2003-9-30-14.05.00',1), (33,'CARP','Play me a Song',1997,'2003-2-7-18.58.00',1), (33,'Waterloo Club','Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'2003-9-30-14.05.00',1), (33,'CARP','The Stars are not Enough',2002,'2003-2-7-18.58.00',1), (33,'Waterloo Club','Not That London!',2003,'2005-9-18-12.48.00',1), (33,'CARP','I don''t think so',2001,'2005-9-18-12.48.00',1), (34,'UofT Club','Rats Like Us',1999,'2003-5-29-15.57.00',1), (34,'UofT Club','Aubergines!',2000,'2003-5-29-15.57.00',1), (35,'Readers Digest','Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'2005-3-28-15.49.00',1), (35,'UofT Club','Databases aren''t',2004,'2005-3-19-18.38.00',1), (35,'UofT Club','Akachan Furu',2003,'2005-3-19-18.38.00',1), (35,'Readers Digest','Cats are not Dogs',1996,'2005-3-28-15.49.00',1), (36,'YRB Silver','The Vampires Among Us',1999,'2004-1-27-10.17.00',1), (36,'CARP','La Petite Chou',2001,'2003-10-30-15.25.00',1), (36,'CARP','Napolean''s Revenge',1952,'2003-10-30-15.25.00',1), (36,'Guelph Club','Databases made Real Hard',2002,'2003-10-30-15.25.00',1), (36,'CARP','Vegetables are Good!',1992,'2004-11-4-09.06.00',1), (36,'CARP','Vegetables are Good!',1992,'2003-6-22-11.42.00',1), (37,'York Club','Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'2004-11-25-17.53.00',1), (37,'Oprah','Les Gens Miserable',1996,'2003-1-11-09.51.00',1), (37,'Oprah','La Petite Chou',2001,'2004-11-25-17.53.00',1), (37,'York Club','Rats Like Us',1997,'2003-1-11-09.51.00',1), (37,'Oprah','Eigen Eigen',1980,'2004-12-1-17.21.00',1), (37,'Oprah','Okay, Why Not?',2001,'2003-1-11-09.51.00',1), (37,'CAA','Is Math is fun?',1996,'2004-12-1-17.21.00',1), (37,'CAA','Avarice is Good',1998,'2005-10-21-16.49.00',1), (38,'YRB Silver','Will Snoopy find Lucy?',1990,'2001-10-11-17.15.00',1), (38,'Oprah','Les Gens Miserable',1996,'2001-10-11-17.15.00',1), (38,'YRB Silver','Ou est Ce Canada?',1998,'2001-10-11-17.15.00',1), (38,'Waterloo Club','Curiouser and Curiouser',1953,'2001-10-11-17.15.00',1), (38,'Waterloo Club','Math is fun!',1995,'2001-10-11-17.15.00',1), (38,'Oprah','Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'2001-10-11-17.15.00',1), (39,'Readers Digest','Rats Like Us',1999,'2005-1-9-16.22.00',1), (39,'Readers Digest','Databases made Real Hard',2002,'2004-3-9-13.46.00',1), (39,'Readers Digest','Databases made Real Hard',2002,'2005-1-9-16.22.00',2), (39,'CAA','I''m Sorry, But No',2003,'2005-7-3-14.12.00',1), (39,'CAA','Rigor Mortis',1023,'2005-1-9-16.22.00',1), (39,'YRB Bronze','Base de Donne',2003,'2005-1-9-16.22.00',1), (39,'YRB Bronze','Base de Donne',2003,'2004-3-9-13.46.00',1), (40,'Waterloo Club','Pluto Collides With Mars',2004,'2005-9-30-10.26.00',1), (40,'Waterloo Club','Quarks and Other Matter',2000,'2003-1-27-09.36.00',1), (40,'Waterloo Club','Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'2004-5-17-14.17.00',1), (40,'Waterloo Club','Montreal est dans Quebec',1999,'2003-6-12-17.18.00',1), (40,'Waterloo Club','Nothing but Steak',1995,'2002-7-27-17.39.00',1), (40,'Waterloo Club','Akachan Furu',2003,'2005-4-8-15.39.00',1), (40,'Waterloo Club','Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'2005-9-30-10.26.00',1), (40,'Waterloo Club','Avarice is Good',1998,'2003-6-12-17.18.00',1), (41,'CAA','Tampopo Oishii',1999,'2002-8-23-09.39.00',1), (41,'CAA','Play me a Song',1997,'2005-3-30-15.26.00',1), (41,'CAA','Play me a Song',1997,'2002-6-5-10.06.00',1), (41,'CAA','Math is fun!',1995,'2002-6-5-10.06.00',1), (41,'CAA','Bobbie Sue Ellen',1999,'2003-12-1-18.42.00',1), (41,'CAA','Been There Done That',2002,'2003-12-1-18.42.00',1), (41,'CAA','Yum, Yum, English Cooking',1997,'2003-12-1-18.42.00',1), (41,'Basic','Where art thou Bertha?',2003,'2005-3-30-15.26.00',1), (41,'CAA','I don''t think so',2001,'2002-8-23-09.39.00',1), (41,'CAA','Quantum Databases',2003,'2005-11-15-15.33.00',1), (41,'CAA','Avarice is Good',1998,'2002-6-5-10.06.00',1), (42,'Readers Digest','Rats Like Us',1999,'2005-8-19-14.18.00',1), (42,'Readers Digest','Nippon no Joodan',2001,'2004-6-22-12.16.00',1), (42,'Basic','Radiator Barbecuing',2002,'2005-1-13-15.03.00',2), (42,'York Club','Okay, Why Not?',2001,'2004-6-22-12.16.00',1), (42,'York Club','Where are my Socks?',1998,'2005-1-13-15.03.00',1), (42,'Readers Digest','Rabbits are nice',2004,'2005-8-19-14.18.00',1), (42,'Readers Digest','Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'2005-8-19-14.18.00',1), (42,'Readers Digest','Base de Donne',2003,'2005-8-19-14.18.00',2), (43,'YRB Gold','Bancroft''s Great!',2003,'2004-8-4-12.16.00',1), (43,'YRB Gold','Yon-juu Hachi',1948,'2003-1-22-15.46.00',1), (43,'YRB Gold','Vegetables are Good!',1992,'2002-7-7-11.29.00',1), (43,'YRB Gold','Legacy Software made Fun',2004,'2005-3-17-14.18.00',1), (43,'YRB Gold','Strike Once, Strike Twice',2004,'2005-3-17-14.18.00',1), (43,'YRB Gold','DB2, DB3, and Beyond!',2004,'2005-3-17-14.18.00',1), (44,'YRB Gold','Tensor Calculus made Easy',1996,'2003-11-3-09.32.00',1), (44,'Readers Digest','Oberon',1963,'2005-7-18-12.59.00',1), (44,'Basic','Transmorgifacation',2004,'2005-10-23-10.04.00',1), (44,'CAA','Okay, Why Not?',2001,'2005-10-23-10.04.00',1), (44,'CAA','Math is fun!',1993,'2005-10-23-10.04.00',1), (44,'Readers Digest','Cuisine Anglaise!?',1997,'2005-10-23-10.04.00',1), (44,'UofT Club','Rabbits are nice',2004,'2005-11-9-16.18.00',1), (44,'CAA','Quantum Databases',2003,'2005-5-26-17.23.00',1), (45,'Oprah','Capricia''s Conundrum',1993,'2004-3-19-10.31.00',1), (45,'York Club','Okay, Why Not?',2001,'2004-3-19-10.31.00',1), (45,'York Club','The Stars are not Enough',2002,'2004-3-19-10.31.00',1), (45,'York Club','Eigen Eigen',1980,'2005-7-14-11.36.00',1); insert into yrb_shipping (weight, cost) values (6000,13.00), (5500,12.00), (5000,10.00), (4500,9.00), (4000,8.00), (3500,7.50), (3000,6.50), (2500,6.00), (2004,5.75), (1500,5.00), (1000,3.00), (500,2.00); drop view PRETTY_PURCHASE; drop table YRB_BOOK; drop table YRB_CATEGORY; drop table YRB_CLUB; drop table YRB_CUSTOMER; drop table YRB_MEMBER; drop table YRB_OFFER; drop table YRB_PURCHASE; drop table YRB_SHIPPING; -- ancient -- List the customers who made a purchase before January 1 2002 -- ('2002-1-1'). Show customer's name and city and the date (not -- timestamp!) of purchase. Eliminate duplicates. -- Order by name + city + date select distinct name, city, cast(when as date) as date from yrb_customer C, yrb_purchase P where C.cid = P.cid and cast(when as date) < cast('2002-1-1' as date); NAME CITY DATE -------------------- --------------- ---------- Ulya Umbrigde Ottawa 10/11/2001 1 record(s) selected. -- clubreport -- For each club, what are the total sales, the number of distinct book -- titles (title + year) bought via that club, and the number of customers -- who belong to that club? -- Order by total sales, from highest to lowest, -- and then by club name in cases of ties. with Sales (club, sales) as ( select, sum(P.qnty*O.price) from yrb_purchase P, yrb_offer O where P.title = O.title and P.year = O.year and = group by union select club, 0 from yrb_club where club not in (select club from yrb_purchase) ), ClubBooks (club, title, year) as ( select distinct club, title, year from yrb_purchase ), BookCount (club, titles) as ( select club, count(*) from ClubBooks group by club union select club, 0 from yrb_club where club not in (select club from yrb_purchase) ), ClubMembers (club, membership) as ( select club, count(*) from yrb_member group by club union select club, 0 from yrb_club where club not in (select club from yrb_member) ) select, S.sales, B.titles, C.membership from Sales S, BookCount B, ClubMembers C where = and = order by S.sales desc,; CLUB SALES TITLES MEMBERSHIP --------------- --------------------------------- ----------- ----------- CAA 2136.94 34 18 Oprah 1514.68 38 17 Basic 1434.98 23 43 Waterloo Club 1280.94 20 9 YRB Gold 1081.55 22 9 York Club 998.60 16 10 Readers Digest 911.45 22 11 CARP 739.30 23 7 YRB Silver 343.15 14 13 UofT Club 283.64 8 4 Guelph Club 109.80 5 7 YRB Bronze 62.85 2 9 12 record(s) selected. -- repeat -- List each customer who has bought more than one copy of the same book -- over time. Show the customer's name, the book's title and year, and -- how many copies were purchased. -- Order by name + title + year. select name, title, year, sum(qnty) as total from yrb_purchase P, yrb_customer C where C.cid = P.cid group by P.cid, name, title, year having sum(qnty) > 1 order by name, title, year; NAME TITLE YEAR TOTAL -------------------- ------------------------- ------ ----------- Cary Cizek Ringo to Nashi 1997 2 Finwick Cooper Rabbits are nice 2004 4 Finwick Cooper Tsukimono to Tsukemono 2004 3 Ingrid Iverson Tropical Windsor 2004 3 Jackie Johassen Avarice is Good 1998 2 Kathy Lee Gifford Cuisine Anglaise!? 1997 2 Lux Luthor Ottawa Hot Spots 2002 2 Lux Luthor Toronto Underground 2001 2 Margaret Mitchie SQL Kills! 2003 10 Oswell Orson Yon-juu Hachi 1948 2 Phil Regis Meine Kleine Katze 2002 4 Qfwfq Cuisine Anglaise!? 1997 2 Qfwfq Tsukimono to Tsukemono 2004 2 Steve Songheim Vegetables are Good! 1992 2 Valerie Vixen Base de Donne 2003 2 Valerie Vixen Databases made Real Hard 2002 3 Xia Xu Play me a Song 1997 2 Yves Yonge Base de Donne 2003 2 Yves Yonge Radiator Barbecuing 2002 2 19 record(s) selected. -- nofrench -- List cities such that no one in that city has purchased any -- books in French. Do not have duplicates in the answer table. -- Order by city. (select distinct city from yrb_customer C) except (select city from yrb_purchase P, yrb_customer C, yrb_book B where P.title = B.title and P.year = B.year and C.cid = P.cid and language = 'French') order by city; CITY --------------- Bancroft London Niagara Falls Orilla Parry Sound Toronto 6 record(s) selected. -- uniclub -- To how many university clubs (for example, CNU, UVA, VaTech, and W&M) -- does each customer belong? -- Order by name + city. with Uniclub (cid, name, city, #uniclubs) as ( select A.cid,,, count(*) from yrb_customer A, yrb_member M, yrb_club C where A.cid = M.cid and = and C.desc like 'University club%' group by A.cid,, ) select name, city, #uniclubs from Uniclub union select name, city, 0 as #uniclubs from yrb_customer where cid not in (select cid from Uniclub ) order by name, city; NAME CITY #UNICLUBS -------------------- --------------- ----------- Al Bore Niagara Falls 0 Andy Aardverk Oshawa 0 Boswell Biddles Waterloo 0 Cary Cizek Toronto 1 Clark Kent Lakehead 0 Doris Daniels Windsor 1 Egbert Engles Pembroke 1 Ekksdwl Qjksynn Pluto 0 Fanny Mae Mississauga 0 Finwick Cooper Guelph 0 Fuzzy Fowles Orilla 1 Garp Google Ottawa 1 George Gush Timmins 0 George Wolf Mississauga 1 Henrietta Hogg Parry Sound 0 Ingrid Iverson Oshawa 2 Jack Daniels London 1 Jack Daniels Windsor 0 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 1 Jorge Lobo Mississauga 1 Kathy Lee Gifford Cornwall 0 Klive Kittlehart Parry Sound 1 Lux Luthor Lakehead 0 Margaret Mitchie Toronto 1 Mark Dogfurry Toronto 1 Nigel Nerd Toronto 1 Oswell Orson Oshawa 1 Parker Posey Toronto 0 Phil Regis Lakehead 0 Pretence Parker Orilla 1 Qfwfq Pluto 0 Quency Quark Sarnia 1 Renee Riztp Bancroft 1 Sally Mae Toronto 0 Steve Songheim Waterloo 2 Suzy Sedwick Ottawa 1 Tracy Turnip Toronto 1 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 1 Ulya Umbrigde Ottawa 1 Valerie Vixen Pembroke 1 Walter Wynn Kingston 1 Xia Xu Toronto 0 Yves Yonge Ottawa 2 Zachary Zoxx London 0 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 1 45 record(s) selected. -- percentage -- List each language with the city that has the largest -- percentage of book sales in that language across -- cities which have had at least 20 books in total sold. -- Measure book sales in number of books. -- For example, say 44% of the books sold in Montreal are -- French, 22% in Vancouver are French, 18% in Toronto, and so -- forth, "French Montreal 44" would be in the output. -- Show language, city, percentage, and number of books -- (sold in that city in that language) for the output rows. -- Order by language + city. with Market (language, city, sales) as (select language, city, sum(qnty) from yrb_customer C, yrb_purchase P, yrb_book B where C.cid = P.cid and P.title = B.title and P.year = B.year group by language, city), Total (city, total) as (select city, sum(sales) from Market M group by city having sum(sales) >= 20), Percent (language, city, percentage) as (select language,, ((100 * sales) / total) from Market M, Total T where =, Best (language, high) as (select language, max(percentage) from Percent P group by language) select P.language,, percentage, sales from Percent P, Best B, Market M where P.language = B.language and P.percentage = B.high and P.language = M.language and = order by P.language,; LANGUAGE CITY PERCENTAGE SALES ---------- --------------- ----------- ----------- English Toronto 78 41 French Waterloo 25 5 German Lakehead 16 4 Greek Oshawa 4 1 Japanese Oshawa 12 3 Latin Ottawa 3 1 Plutonian Pluto 34 8 7 record(s) selected. -- orders -- All the books a customer orders at the same time (when) are considered -- to be part of the same "order". Those books are shipped together to -- the customer and the customer is billed for the entire order. -- Calculate the bill for each "order" Show the customer's name and city, -- the date and time of the order (not the timestamp!), and the bill. -- Order by name + city + when. select name, city, cast(when as date) as day, cast(when as time) as time, cast(sum(price * qnty) as decimal(5,2)) as bill from yrb_customer C, yrb_purchase P, yrb_offer O where C.cid = P.cid and P.title = O.title and P.year = O.year and = group by P.cid, name, city, when order by name, city, when; NAME CITY DAY TIME BILL -------------------- --------------- ---------- -------- ------- Al Bore Niagara Falls 09/22/2005 10:01:00 183.85 Andy Aardverk Oshawa 07/17/2005 16:27:00 363.70 Boswell Biddles Waterloo 05/18/2004 11:43:00 53.95 Boswell Biddles Waterloo 07/08/2005 18:09:00 45.40 Boswell Biddles Waterloo 10/02/2005 12:37:00 13.45 Cary Cizek Toronto 06/15/2003 12:13:00 47.40 Cary Cizek Toronto 05/05/2004 14:49:00 32.95 Cary Cizek Toronto 09/26/2004 16:32:00 32.95 Clark Kent Lakehead 10/23/2005 14:59:00 63.40 Doris Daniels Windsor 09/10/2005 13:03:00 334.50 Egbert Engles Pembroke 03/11/2004 10:05:00 13.45 Egbert Engles Pembroke 03/11/2005 15:46:00 154.90 Egbert Engles Pembroke 04/29/2005 18:30:00 50.90 Ekksdwl Qjksynn Pluto 03/09/2003 12:11:00 51.50 Ekksdwl Qjksynn Pluto 07/23/2005 09:27:00 402.11 Ekksdwl Qjksynn Pluto 12/01/2005 16:10:00 143.99 Fanny Mae Mississauga 02/07/2003 10:59:00 11.45 Fanny Mae Mississauga 08/24/2005 11:12:00 73.90 Finwick Cooper Guelph 11/22/2003 14:29:00 22.45 Finwick Cooper Guelph 05/27/2004 17:56:00 21.95 Finwick Cooper Guelph 06/01/2005 09:37:00 95.15 Fuzzy Fowles Orilla 01/27/2002 09:19:00 115.90 Fuzzy Fowles Orilla 10/06/2005 11:12:00 69.80 Garp Google Ottawa 03/17/2002 14:04:00 10.45 Garp Google Ottawa 05/18/2005 10:11:00 62.35 Garp Google Ottawa 09/14/2005 12:56:00 8.45 George Gush Timmins 04/08/2002 17:59:00 35.95 George Gush Timmins 06/07/2003 10:13:00 24.95 George Gush Timmins 09/13/2005 12:08:00 119.85 George Wolf Mississauga 04/27/2005 15:07:00 105.40 George Wolf Mississauga 06/30/2005 11:26:00 94.40 George Wolf Mississauga 12/01/2005 18:04:00 61.35 Henrietta Hogg Parry Sound 12/01/2004 18:27:00 190.25 Ingrid Iverson Oshawa 01/04/2004 14:18:00 35.95 Ingrid Iverson Oshawa 02/27/2005 15:08:00 92.85 Ingrid Iverson Oshawa 11/16/2005 09:52:00 93.15 Jack Daniels London 03/19/2004 10:31:00 52.85 Jack Daniels London 07/14/2005 11:36:00 57.95 Jack Daniels Windsor 01/19/2003 09:32:00 13.45 Jack Daniels Windsor 08/02/2003 09:20:00 2.50 Jack Daniels Windsor 07/03/2004 12:39:00 37.40 Jack Daniels Windsor 08/13/2005 13:11:00 11.50 Jack Daniels Windsor 10/18/2005 10:18:00 66.95 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 02/17/2002 16:08:00 21.95 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 02/15/2004 13:22:00 18.45 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 03/10/2005 15:05:00 270.85 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 03/10/2005 16:22:00 21.95 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 10/25/2005 10:15:00 18.95 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 11/19/2005 11:02:00 363.35 Jorge Lobo Mississauga 06/05/2004 09:44:00 35.40 Kathy Lee Gifford Cornwall 10/10/2005 17:18:00 180.50 Klive Kittlehart Parry Sound 03/04/2005 17:13:00 246.30 Klive Kittlehart Parry Sound 08/16/2005 16:59:00 19.95 Klive Kittlehart Parry Sound 10/23/2005 11:24:00 21.95 Lux Luthor Lakehead 07/04/2002 16:33:00 82.95 Lux Luthor Lakehead 09/26/2004 13:17:00 34.40 Lux Luthor Lakehead 09/27/2004 12:27:00 35.40 Lux Luthor Lakehead 06/23/2005 16:45:00 27.40 Lux Luthor Lakehead 10/27/2005 18:01:00 130.80 Margaret Mitchie Toronto 03/14/2005 09:26:00 111.35 Margaret Mitchie Toronto 11/30/2005 14:23:00 399.50 Mark Dogfurry Toronto 05/05/2003 14:20:00 56.45 Mark Dogfurry Toronto 05/12/2004 13:51:00 31.95 Mark Dogfurry Toronto 05/18/2005 10:43:00 459.19 Nigel Nerd Toronto 06/10/2005 17:16:00 74.35 Nigel Nerd Toronto 09/20/2005 10:19:00 132.85 Oswell Orson Oshawa 02/07/2003 18:58:00 74.85 Oswell Orson Oshawa 09/30/2003 14:05:00 132.30 Oswell Orson Oshawa 09/18/2005 12:48:00 23.50 Phil Regis Lakehead 07/17/2003 10:14:00 139.85 Phil Regis Lakehead 02/03/2005 15:50:00 66.40 Phil Regis Lakehead 02/13/2005 12:08:00 49.90 Phil Regis Lakehead 07/20/2005 16:52:00 84.95 Pretence Parker Orilla 05/22/2003 16:59:00 24.95 Pretence Parker Orilla 10/20/2005 15:28:00 158.30 Pretence Parker Orilla 12/01/2005 14:50:00 37.90 Qfwfq Pluto 08/08/2002 17:33:00 23.95 Qfwfq Pluto 02/13/2003 15:13:00 10.45 Qfwfq Pluto 04/16/2003 11:46:00 39.00 Qfwfq Pluto 02/23/2005 12:37:00 37.37 Qfwfq Pluto 04/24/2005 17:02:00 79.51 Qfwfq Pluto 10/21/2005 11:05:00 86.40 Qfwfq Pluto 12/01/2005 15:39:00 6.45 Quency Quark Sarnia 05/29/2003 15:57:00 42.49 Renee Riztp Bancroft 03/19/2005 18:38:00 65.40 Renee Riztp Bancroft 03/28/2005 15:49:00 167.80 Sally Mae Toronto 07/27/2005 11:45:00 82.05 Steve Songheim Waterloo 06/22/2003 11:42:00 26.95 Steve Songheim Waterloo 10/30/2003 15:25:00 189.30 Steve Songheim Waterloo 01/27/2004 10:17:00 17.95 Steve Songheim Waterloo 11/04/2004 09:06:00 26.95 Suzy Sedwick Ottawa 06/13/2004 09:45:00 12.95 Suzy Sedwick Ottawa 06/30/2005 13:58:00 76.85 Suzy Sedwick Ottawa 08/11/2005 17:40:00 56.95 Tracy Turnip Toronto 04/20/2003 12:12:00 41.00 Tracy Turnip Toronto 12/01/2005 11:59:00 66.85 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 01/11/2003 09:51:00 112.85 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 11/25/2004 17:53:00 26.95 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 12/01/2004 17:21:00 117.90 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 10/21/2005 16:49:00 210.95 Ulya Umbrigde Ottawa 10/11/2001 17:15:00 112.80 Valerie Vixen Pembroke 03/09/2004 13:46:00 59.90 Valerie Vixen Pembroke 01/09/2005 16:22:00 134.30 Valerie Vixen Pembroke 07/03/2005 14:12:00 7.45 Walter Wynn Kingston 07/27/2002 17:39:00 28.00 Walter Wynn Kingston 01/27/2003 09:36:00 75.95 Walter Wynn Kingston 06/12/2003 17:18:00 230.90 Walter Wynn Kingston 05/17/2004 14:17:00 22.95 Walter Wynn Kingston 04/08/2005 15:39:00 21.95 Walter Wynn Kingston 09/30/2005 10:26:00 86.44 Xia Xu Toronto 06/05/2002 10:06:00 242.90 Xia Xu Toronto 08/23/2002 09:39:00 33.00 Xia Xu Toronto 12/01/2003 18:42:00 35.45 Xia Xu Toronto 03/30/2005 15:26:00 50.90 Xia Xu Toronto 11/15/2005 15:33:00 62.95 Yves Yonge Ottawa 06/22/2004 12:16:00 50.95 Yves Yonge Ottawa 01/13/2005 15:03:00 50.35 Yves Yonge Ottawa 08/19/2005 14:18:00 94.80 Zachary Zoxx London 07/07/2002 11:29:00 26.95 Zachary Zoxx London 01/22/2003 15:46:00 41.95 Zachary Zoxx London 08/04/2004 12:16:00 23.45 Zachary Zoxx London 03/17/2005 14:18:00 100.35 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 11/03/2003 09:32:00 50.95 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 05/26/2005 17:23:00 62.95 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 07/18/2005 12:59:00 22.95 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 10/23/2005 10:04:00 356.63 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 11/09/2005 16:18:00 18.45 127 record(s) selected. -- weights -- Calculate the total weight of every customer's order. -- Order by weight, descending. select name, city, cast(when as date) as day, cast(when as time) as time, sum(weight * qnty) as grams from yrb_customer C, yrb_purchase P, yrb_book B where C.cid = P.cid and P.title = B.title and P.year = B.year group by name, city, when order by sum(weight * qnty) desc, name, city, when; NAME CITY DAY TIME GRAMS -------------------- --------------- ---------- -------- ----------- Mark Dogfurry Toronto 05/18/2005 10:43:00 5002 Ekksdwl Qjksynn Pluto 07/23/2005 09:27:00 4347 Margaret Mitchie Toronto 11/30/2005 14:23:00 4250 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 11/19/2005 11:02:00 3968 Andy Aardverk Oshawa 07/17/2005 16:27:00 3776 Doris Daniels Windsor 09/10/2005 13:03:00 3764 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 10/23/2005 10:04:00 3747 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 03/10/2005 15:05:00 2860 Klive Kittlehart Parry Sound 03/04/2005 17:13:00 2631 Xia Xu Toronto 06/05/2002 10:06:00 2612 Walter Wynn Kingston 06/12/2003 17:18:00 2425 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 10/21/2005 16:49:00 2198 Kathy Lee Gifford Cornwall 10/10/2005 17:18:00 2121 Henrietta Hogg Parry Sound 12/01/2004 18:27:00 2083 Steve Songheim Waterloo 10/30/2003 15:25:00 2002 Al Bore Niagara Falls 09/22/2005 10:01:00 1881 Pretence Parker Orilla 10/20/2005 15:28:00 1843 Renee Riztp Bancroft 03/28/2005 15:49:00 1832 Ekksdwl Qjksynn Pluto 12/01/2005 16:10:00 1673 Egbert Engles Pembroke 03/11/2005 15:46:00 1662 Oswell Orson Oshawa 09/30/2003 14:05:00 1491 Phil Regis Lakehead 07/17/2003 10:14:00 1479 Nigel Nerd Toronto 09/20/2005 10:19:00 1461 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 12/01/2004 17:21:00 1411 Valerie Vixen Pembroke 01/09/2005 16:22:00 1408 Lux Luthor Lakehead 10/27/2005 18:01:00 1355 Ulya Umbrigde Ottawa 10/11/2001 17:15:00 1312 Fuzzy Fowles Orilla 01/27/2002 09:19:00 1290 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 01/11/2003 09:51:00 1257 George Wolf Mississauga 04/27/2005 15:07:00 1244 Margaret Mitchie Toronto 03/14/2005 09:26:00 1228 George Gush Timmins 09/13/2005 12:08:00 1206 Zachary Zoxx London 03/17/2005 14:18:00 1184 George Wolf Mississauga 06/30/2005 11:26:00 1099 Ingrid Iverson Oshawa 02/27/2005 15:08:00 1081 Yves Yonge Ottawa 08/19/2005 14:18:00 1073 Ingrid Iverson Oshawa 11/16/2005 09:52:00 994 Walter Wynn Kingston 09/30/2005 10:26:00 985 Finwick Cooper Guelph 06/01/2005 09:37:00 981 Qfwfq Pluto 10/21/2005 11:05:00 959 Qfwfq Pluto 04/24/2005 17:02:00 942 Sally Mae Toronto 07/27/2005 11:45:00 937 Phil Regis Lakehead 07/20/2005 16:52:00 912 Oswell Orson Oshawa 02/07/2003 18:58:00 889 Fuzzy Fowles Orilla 10/06/2005 11:12:00 883 Lux Luthor Lakehead 07/04/2002 16:33:00 880 Fanny Mae Mississauga 08/24/2005 11:12:00 845 Walter Wynn Kingston 01/27/2003 09:36:00 823 Suzy Sedwick Ottawa 06/30/2005 13:58:00 806 Jack Daniels Windsor 10/18/2005 10:18:00 791 Tracy Turnip Toronto 12/01/2005 11:59:00 772 Nigel Nerd Toronto 06/10/2005 17:16:00 754 Phil Regis Lakehead 02/03/2005 15:50:00 752 Renee Riztp Bancroft 03/19/2005 18:38:00 735 Xia Xu Toronto 11/15/2005 15:33:00 731 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 05/26/2005 17:23:00 731 George Wolf Mississauga 12/01/2005 18:04:00 719 Clark Kent Lakehead 10/23/2005 14:59:00 713 Garp Google Ottawa 05/18/2005 10:11:00 688 Jack Daniels London 07/14/2005 11:36:00 659 Suzy Sedwick Ottawa 08/11/2005 17:40:00 659 Mark Dogfurry Toronto 05/05/2003 14:20:00 658 Boswell Biddles Waterloo 05/18/2004 11:43:00 643 Ekksdwl Qjksynn Pluto 03/09/2003 12:11:00 643 Boswell Biddles Waterloo 07/08/2005 18:09:00 628 Valerie Vixen Pembroke 03/09/2004 13:46:00 614 Jack Daniels London 03/19/2004 10:31:00 604 Phil Regis Lakehead 02/13/2005 12:08:00 590 Egbert Engles Pembroke 04/29/2005 18:30:00 587 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 11/03/2003 09:32:00 582 Yves Yonge Ottawa 01/13/2005 15:03:00 567 Yves Yonge Ottawa 06/22/2004 12:16:00 549 Xia Xu Toronto 03/30/2005 15:26:00 537 Cary Cizek Toronto 06/15/2003 12:13:00 501 Quency Quark Sarnia 05/29/2003 15:57:00 483 Ingrid Iverson Oshawa 01/04/2004 14:18:00 467 Qfwfq Pluto 04/16/2003 11:46:00 461 Tracy Turnip Toronto 04/20/2003 12:12:00 459 Zachary Zoxx London 01/22/2003 15:46:00 459 Jack Daniels Windsor 07/03/2004 12:39:00 447 Lux Luthor Lakehead 09/26/2004 13:17:00 428 Pretence Parker Orilla 12/01/2005 14:50:00 423 Xia Xu Toronto 08/23/2002 09:39:00 415 Lux Luthor Lakehead 09/27/2004 12:27:00 396 Xia Xu Toronto 12/01/2003 18:42:00 395 Jorge Lobo Mississauga 06/05/2004 09:44:00 394 Qfwfq Pluto 02/23/2005 12:37:00 393 Cary Cizek Toronto 09/26/2004 16:32:00 353 Mark Dogfurry Toronto 05/12/2004 13:51:00 353 Walter Wynn Kingston 07/27/2002 17:39:00 338 Cary Cizek Toronto 05/05/2004 14:49:00 334 George Gush Timmins 04/08/2002 17:59:00 328 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 11/25/2004 17:53:00 321 Lux Luthor Lakehead 06/23/2005 16:45:00 311 Finwick Cooper Guelph 11/22/2003 14:29:00 297 Steve Songheim Waterloo 06/22/2003 11:42:00 292 Steve Songheim Waterloo 11/04/2004 09:06:00 292 Zachary Zoxx London 07/07/2002 11:29:00 292 Qfwfq Pluto 08/08/2002 17:33:00 290 Walter Wynn Kingston 05/17/2004 14:17:00 276 Zachary Zoxx London 08/04/2004 12:16:00 276 Oswell Orson Oshawa 09/18/2005 12:48:00 271 Finwick Cooper Guelph 05/27/2004 17:56:00 265 Pretence Parker Orilla 05/22/2003 16:59:00 265 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 02/17/2002 16:08:00 259 Klive Kittlehart Parry Sound 10/23/2005 11:24:00 259 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 02/15/2004 13:22:00 248 Walter Wynn Kingston 04/08/2005 15:39:00 244 Klive Kittlehart Parry Sound 08/16/2005 16:59:00 238 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 07/18/2005 12:59:00 237 George Gush Timmins 06/07/2003 10:13:00 227 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 03/10/2005 16:22:00 222 Steve Songheim Waterloo 01/27/2004 10:17:00 192 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 10/25/2005 10:15:00 186 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 11/09/2005 16:18:00 186 Egbert Engles Pembroke 03/11/2004 10:05:00 159 Jack Daniels Windsor 01/19/2003 09:32:00 159 Fanny Mae Mississauga 02/07/2003 10:59:00 147 Suzy Sedwick Ottawa 06/13/2004 09:45:00 147 Jack Daniels Windsor 08/13/2005 13:11:00 139 Boswell Biddles Waterloo 10/02/2005 12:37:00 129 Garp Google Ottawa 03/17/2002 14:04:00 128 Qfwfq Pluto 02/13/2003 15:13:00 119 Garp Google Ottawa 09/14/2005 12:56:00 112 Valerie Vixen Pembroke 07/03/2005 14:12:00 112 Qfwfq Pluto 12/01/2005 15:39:00 79 Jack Daniels Windsor 08/02/2003 09:20:00 57 127 record(s) selected. -- billing -- All the books a customer orders at the same time (when) are considered -- to be part of the same "order". Those books are shipped together to -- the customer and the customer is billed for the entire order. -- Calculate the bill for each "order" with the shipping cost added. -- The shipping cost is as follows: The weight of the order is looked up -- in the 'yrb_shipping' table. If the weight is X grams, the entry just -- higher than X is found in the shipping table and the associated -- shipping price is added. For instance, if the order's weight is 1447 -- grams, the entry '1500 5.00' is found, and so the cost is $5.00. -- Show the customer's name and city, the date and time of the order (not -- the timestamp!), the bill without the shipping charge, and the total -- bill (with shipping). -- Order by name + city + when. with orders (cid, name, city, when, bill, grams) as (select P.cid, name, city, when, cast(sum(price * qnty) as decimal(5,2)), sum(weight * qnty) from yrb_customer C, yrb_purchase P, yrb_offer O, yrb_book B where C.cid = P.cid and P.title = O.title and P.year = O.year and = and P.title = B.title and P.year = B.year group by P.cid, name, city, when), rounded (cid, name, city, when, bill, weighin) as (select cid, name, city, when, bill, min(weight) from orders O, yrb_shipping S where weight > grams group by cid, name, city, when, bill) select name, city, cast(when as date) as day, cast(when as time) as time, bill, (bill + cost) as total from rounded R, yrb_shipping S where R.weighin = S.weight order by name, city, when; NAME CITY DAY TIME BILL TOTAL -------------------- --------------- ---------- -------- ------- -------- Al Bore Niagara Falls 09/22/2005 10:01:00 183.85 189.60 Andy Aardverk Oshawa 07/17/2005 16:27:00 363.70 371.70 Boswell Biddles Waterloo 05/18/2004 11:43:00 53.95 56.95 Boswell Biddles Waterloo 07/08/2005 18:09:00 45.40 48.40 Boswell Biddles Waterloo 10/02/2005 12:37:00 13.45 15.45 Cary Cizek Toronto 06/15/2003 12:13:00 47.40 50.40 Cary Cizek Toronto 05/05/2004 14:49:00 32.95 34.95 Cary Cizek Toronto 09/26/2004 16:32:00 32.95 34.95 Clark Kent Lakehead 10/23/2005 14:59:00 63.40 66.40 Doris Daniels Windsor 09/10/2005 13:03:00 334.50 342.50 Egbert Engles Pembroke 03/11/2004 10:05:00 13.45 15.45 Egbert Engles Pembroke 03/11/2005 15:46:00 154.90 160.65 Egbert Engles Pembroke 04/29/2005 18:30:00 50.90 53.90 Ekksdwl Qjksynn Pluto 03/09/2003 12:11:00 51.50 54.50 Ekksdwl Qjksynn Pluto 07/23/2005 09:27:00 402.11 411.11 Ekksdwl Qjksynn Pluto 12/01/2005 16:10:00 143.99 149.74 Fanny Mae Mississauga 02/07/2003 10:59:00 11.45 13.45 Fanny Mae Mississauga 08/24/2005 11:12:00 73.90 76.90 Finwick Cooper Guelph 11/22/2003 14:29:00 22.45 24.45 Finwick Cooper Guelph 05/27/2004 17:56:00 21.95 23.95 Finwick Cooper Guelph 06/01/2005 09:37:00 95.15 98.15 Fuzzy Fowles Orilla 01/27/2002 09:19:00 115.90 120.90 Fuzzy Fowles Orilla 10/06/2005 11:12:00 69.80 72.80 Garp Google Ottawa 03/17/2002 14:04:00 10.45 12.45 Garp Google Ottawa 05/18/2005 10:11:00 62.35 65.35 Garp Google Ottawa 09/14/2005 12:56:00 8.45 10.45 George Gush Timmins 04/08/2002 17:59:00 35.95 37.95 George Gush Timmins 06/07/2003 10:13:00 24.95 26.95 George Gush Timmins 09/13/2005 12:08:00 119.85 124.85 George Wolf Mississauga 04/27/2005 15:07:00 105.40 110.40 George Wolf Mississauga 06/30/2005 11:26:00 94.40 99.40 George Wolf Mississauga 12/01/2005 18:04:00 61.35 64.35 Henrietta Hogg Parry Sound 12/01/2004 18:27:00 190.25 196.25 Ingrid Iverson Oshawa 01/04/2004 14:18:00 35.95 37.95 Ingrid Iverson Oshawa 02/27/2005 15:08:00 92.85 97.85 Ingrid Iverson Oshawa 11/16/2005 09:52:00 93.15 96.15 Jack Daniels London 03/19/2004 10:31:00 52.85 55.85 Jack Daniels London 07/14/2005 11:36:00 57.95 60.95 Jack Daniels Windsor 01/19/2003 09:32:00 13.45 15.45 Jack Daniels Windsor 08/02/2003 09:20:00 2.50 4.50 Jack Daniels Windsor 07/03/2004 12:39:00 37.40 39.40 Jack Daniels Windsor 08/13/2005 13:11:00 11.50 13.50 Jack Daniels Windsor 10/18/2005 10:18:00 66.95 69.95 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 02/17/2002 16:08:00 21.95 23.95 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 02/15/2004 13:22:00 18.45 20.45 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 03/10/2005 15:05:00 270.85 277.35 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 03/10/2005 16:22:00 21.95 23.95 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 10/25/2005 10:15:00 18.95 20.95 Jackie Johassen Bancroft 11/19/2005 11:02:00 363.35 371.35 Jorge Lobo Mississauga 06/05/2004 09:44:00 35.40 37.40 Kathy Lee Gifford Cornwall 10/10/2005 17:18:00 180.50 186.50 Klive Kittlehart Parry Sound 03/04/2005 17:13:00 246.30 252.80 Klive Kittlehart Parry Sound 08/16/2005 16:59:00 19.95 21.95 Klive Kittlehart Parry Sound 10/23/2005 11:24:00 21.95 23.95 Lux Luthor Lakehead 07/04/2002 16:33:00 82.95 85.95 Lux Luthor Lakehead 09/26/2004 13:17:00 34.40 36.40 Lux Luthor Lakehead 09/27/2004 12:27:00 35.40 37.40 Lux Luthor Lakehead 06/23/2005 16:45:00 27.40 29.40 Lux Luthor Lakehead 10/27/2005 18:01:00 130.80 135.80 Margaret Mitchie Toronto 03/14/2005 09:26:00 111.35 116.35 Margaret Mitchie Toronto 11/30/2005 14:23:00 399.50 408.50 Mark Dogfurry Toronto 05/05/2003 14:20:00 56.45 59.45 Mark Dogfurry Toronto 05/12/2004 13:51:00 31.95 33.95 Mark Dogfurry Toronto 05/18/2005 10:43:00 459.19 471.19 Nigel Nerd Toronto 06/10/2005 17:16:00 74.35 77.35 Nigel Nerd Toronto 09/20/2005 10:19:00 132.85 137.85 Oswell Orson Oshawa 02/07/2003 18:58:00 74.85 77.85 Oswell Orson Oshawa 09/30/2003 14:05:00 132.30 137.30 Oswell Orson Oshawa 09/18/2005 12:48:00 23.50 25.50 Phil Regis Lakehead 07/17/2003 10:14:00 139.85 144.85 Phil Regis Lakehead 02/03/2005 15:50:00 66.40 69.40 Phil Regis Lakehead 02/13/2005 12:08:00 49.90 52.90 Phil Regis Lakehead 07/20/2005 16:52:00 84.95 87.95 Pretence Parker Orilla 05/22/2003 16:59:00 24.95 26.95 Pretence Parker Orilla 10/20/2005 15:28:00 158.30 164.05 Pretence Parker Orilla 12/01/2005 14:50:00 37.90 39.90 Qfwfq Pluto 08/08/2002 17:33:00 23.95 25.95 Qfwfq Pluto 02/13/2003 15:13:00 10.45 12.45 Qfwfq Pluto 04/16/2003 11:46:00 39.00 41.00 Qfwfq Pluto 02/23/2005 12:37:00 37.37 39.37 Qfwfq Pluto 04/24/2005 17:02:00 79.51 82.51 Qfwfq Pluto 10/21/2005 11:05:00 86.40 89.40 Qfwfq Pluto 12/01/2005 15:39:00 6.45 8.45 Quency Quark Sarnia 05/29/2003 15:57:00 42.49 44.49 Renee Riztp Bancroft 03/19/2005 18:38:00 65.40 68.40 Renee Riztp Bancroft 03/28/2005 15:49:00 167.80 173.55 Sally Mae Toronto 07/27/2005 11:45:00 82.05 85.05 Steve Songheim Waterloo 06/22/2003 11:42:00 26.95 28.95 Steve Songheim Waterloo 10/30/2003 15:25:00 189.30 195.05 Steve Songheim Waterloo 01/27/2004 10:17:00 17.95 19.95 Steve Songheim Waterloo 11/04/2004 09:06:00 26.95 28.95 Suzy Sedwick Ottawa 06/13/2004 09:45:00 12.95 14.95 Suzy Sedwick Ottawa 06/30/2005 13:58:00 76.85 79.85 Suzy Sedwick Ottawa 08/11/2005 17:40:00 56.95 59.95 Tracy Turnip Toronto 04/20/2003 12:12:00 41.00 43.00 Tracy Turnip Toronto 12/01/2005 11:59:00 66.85 69.85 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 01/11/2003 09:51:00 112.85 117.85 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 11/25/2004 17:53:00 26.95 28.95 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 12/01/2004 17:21:00 117.90 122.90 Trixie Trudeau Waterloo 10/21/2005 16:49:00 210.95 216.95 Ulya Umbrigde Ottawa 10/11/2001 17:15:00 112.80 117.80 Valerie Vixen Pembroke 03/09/2004 13:46:00 59.90 62.90 Valerie Vixen Pembroke 01/09/2005 16:22:00 134.30 139.30 Valerie Vixen Pembroke 07/03/2005 14:12:00 7.45 9.45 Walter Wynn Kingston 07/27/2002 17:39:00 28.00 30.00 Walter Wynn Kingston 01/27/2003 09:36:00 75.95 78.95 Walter Wynn Kingston 06/12/2003 17:18:00 230.90 236.90 Walter Wynn Kingston 05/17/2004 14:17:00 22.95 24.95 Walter Wynn Kingston 04/08/2005 15:39:00 21.95 23.95 Walter Wynn Kingston 09/30/2005 10:26:00 86.44 89.44 Xia Xu Toronto 06/05/2002 10:06:00 242.90 249.40 Xia Xu Toronto 08/23/2002 09:39:00 33.00 35.00 Xia Xu Toronto 12/01/2003 18:42:00 35.45 37.45 Xia Xu Toronto 03/30/2005 15:26:00 50.90 53.90 Xia Xu Toronto 11/15/2005 15:33:00 62.95 65.95 Yves Yonge Ottawa 06/22/2004 12:16:00 50.95 53.95 Yves Yonge Ottawa 01/13/2005 15:03:00 50.35 53.35 Yves Yonge Ottawa 08/19/2005 14:18:00 94.80 99.80 Zachary Zoxx London 07/07/2002 11:29:00 26.95 28.95 Zachary Zoxx London 01/22/2003 15:46:00 41.95 43.95 Zachary Zoxx London 08/04/2004 12:16:00 23.45 25.45 Zachary Zoxx London 03/17/2005 14:18:00 100.35 105.35 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 11/03/2003 09:32:00 50.95 53.95 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 05/26/2005 17:23:00 62.95 65.95 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 07/18/2005 12:59:00 22.95 24.95 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 10/23/2005 10:04:00 356.63 364.63 Zebulon Zilio Georgetown 11/09/2005 16:18:00 18.45 20.45 127 record(s) selected. -- droppable -- A club is droppable if all the same purchases in the database could still -- have been made by the customers, just using the remaining clubs instead. -- Report each droppable club along with how much more money (or less!) YRB -- would have made if that club had never existed. Assume that a club -- "reassignment" for each purchase involving the dropped club replaces it -- will a best offer (across the remaining clubs) for that customer. with redo (cid, title, year, when, diff, old, new) as ( select P.cid, P.title, P.year, P.when, (N.price - O.price) * P.qnty,, from yrb_purchase P, yrb_offer O, yrb_offer N, yrb_member M where P.title = O.title and P.year = O.year and = and P.cid = M.cid and <> and P.title = N.title and P.year = N.year and = ), min_redo (cid, title, year, when, diff, old) as ( select cid, title, year, when, min(diff), old from redo group by cid, title, year, when, old ) select R.old as club, sum(R.diff) as savings from min_redo R group by R.old having count(*) = (select count(*) from yrb_purchase P where R.old = union select club, 0 as savings from yrb_club where club not in (select club from yrb_purchase) order by club; CLUB SAVINGS --------------- --------------------------------- CAA 98.24 CARP 25.00 Guelph Club 1.50 Oprah 82.50 Readers Digest 47.55 UofT Club 6.00 Waterloo Club 45.70 YRB Bronze -8.00 YRB Gold 37.50 YRB Silver 7.50 York Club 12.00 11 record(s) selected.