Question 2. Double Hashing


The ProbeHashMap class outlined in Chapter 10.2 of your textbook uses linear probing. Here we will extend this class to use double hashing as outlined in Slides 34-36 of the Maps and Hash Tables lecture. You are provided with a functional implementation of ProbeHashMap, enhanced to ensure that the capacity of the map is always a prime number. You are also given a partial implementation of DoubleProbeHashMap, which will extend ProbeHashMap to use double hashing. You must implement three methods: resize(newCap), which resizes and rehashes the map, findSlot(h1, k), which finds the location of the entry with key k or, if such an entry does not exist, returns the location where a new entry with key k should be stored, and secondaryHashValue(k), which computes the secondary hash value for key k.


To test your code, you can use the testDoubleProbeHashMap program, which reads a comma-separated data file marathon2017.csv containing records for all competitors in the 2017 Toronto Marathon and stores them in a map where the key is a concatenation of the runner's name and Age/Gender Category (Surname + Given Name + Category). marathon2017.csv should be stored in the top-level directory of your Assignment 3 project.


testDoubleProbeHashMap is currently configured to use ProbeHashMap - you can modify it to use DoubleHashMap once you have it implemented.


Note that testDoubleProbeHashMap reports the total number of probes before exiting. Which hashing method seems more efficient? (You do not have to submit your answer to this question - this is for your own interest.)


Here is the code package and data file. Have fun!