All assignments are individual work. We use MOSS to detect software plagiarism.  Any evidence of copying will be considered a breach of academic honesty and will be dealt with accordingly (see for more information).

Assignment 4 is due at 11:59pm Monday Dec 7th. Late assignments will not be accepted.  There are no exceptions.

This assignment has only one question; it's source directory should beA4Q1. You should create this directories in your userspace and download the .java source files to this directory. However, note that you need only submit one source file ( see detailed submission instructions below. You do not need to submit the files you do not change.

Do not change the package name at the top of each file: we depend on these when we compile and test your programs.

A test program is provided that will allow you to test your code. This test program does not exhaustively test all functionality: you should test your program on a wider range of conditions than specified in the test program. A different test program, typically testing a broader range of conditions, will be used to grade your assignment.

Your methods should be able to handle error conditions as specified, throwing the appropriate exceptions, which will be caught by our testing programs. This will be part of the evaluation.

Please note that to get full marks, your program must:

  1. Pass all test cases (produce the correct output and/or exceptions for each input)
  2. Have the correct asymptotic run time (if specified)


Question 1. Sorting

Submitting your Programming Assignments
All assignments will be submitted electronically using web submit.

Detailed Submission Instructions: