Question 1.  Pair Sums (35 marks)

The class SortedIntegerArray contains a sorted representation of an array of integers.  You are to implement a method kPairSum, that uses a recursive algorithm to determine whether the array contains two elements that sum to a given integer k, returning true if it does, false if it does not.  The method should run in O(n) time, where n is the number of integers in the array.


For example, given the array [3 4 4 6 8 9], kPairSum(10) should return true, and kPairSum(16) should return false.


Be careful about overflow and underflow errors. For example, what does your program do if the array contains two elements that are both equal to Integer.MAX_VALUE? Hint 1: You can deal with this by representing the sum with a variable of type long.


Hint 2: the method kPairSum does not have to be recursive itself. Instead, create a private recursive method within SortedIntegerArray private boolean kPairSumInterval(Integer k, int i, int j) that solves the problem for the subinterval of the array from index i to j. Now call this method from kPairSum.


Here is a test program testSortedIntegerArray, that provides random test cases. You should, however, test your program using a broader range of test cases.  Pay particular attention to boundary conditions.