import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Scanner; public class SavingsTester { public static void main(String[] args) { PrintStream out = System.out; Scanner in = new Scanner(; out.println("Commands: test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, exit"); boolean exit = false; String cmd; while (!exit) { out.print("\n> "); cmd =; if (cmd.equals("exit")) { exit = true; } else if (cmd.equals("test1")) { test1(); } else if (cmd.equals("test2")) { test2(); } else if (cmd.equals("test3")) { test3(); } else if (cmd.equals("test4")) { test4(); } else if (cmd.equals("test5")) { test5(); } } } private static void test1() { System.out.println("Tests Transaction constructors and accessors."); Date d = new Date(); final double AMT = 88.5; Transaction t1 = new Transaction(d, "A deposit", AMT); Transaction t2 = new Transaction(d, "A deposit", AMT); boolean result = t1 != t2; result &= t2.getDate().equals(d); result &= t2.getDetails().equals("A deposit"); result &=, AMT) == 0; System.out.println(result ? "passed" : "failed"); System.out.println(t1); System.out.println(t2); } private static void test2() { System.out.println("Tests Transaction equals() method."); Date d = new Date(); final double AMT = 520.5; Transaction t1 = new Transaction(d, "A deposit", AMT); Transaction t2 = new Transaction(d, "A deposit", AMT); Transaction t3 = new Transaction(new Date(), "A fake deposit", AMT+1); boolean result = !t1.equals(null); result &= !t1.equals(d); result &= t1.equals(t1); result &= t1.equals(t2); result &= !t1.equals(t3); System.out.println(result ? "passed" : "failed"); } private static void test3() { System.out.println("Tests SavingsAccount constructor and methods."); SavingsAccount sa = new SavingsAccount(); boolean result = (, 0.0) == 0) && sa.getTransactions().isEmpty(); try {; result = false; } catch (NullPointerException npe) {} Transaction(new Date(), "A deposit", 600.0)); Transaction(new Date(), "A withdrawl", -380.5)); result &=, 219.5) == 0; result &= sa.getTransactions().size() == 2; System.out.println(result ? "passed" : "failed"); } private static void test4() { System.out.println("Tests sortation of SavingsAccount transactions."); SavingsAccount sa = new SavingsAccount(); Date d1 = new Date(); d1.setTime(1435865370574L); Date d2 = new Date(); d2.setTime(1435868370575L); Date d3 = new Date(); d3.setTime(1435865330579L); Transaction(d2, "A deposit", 350.0)); Transaction(d1, "A withdrawl", -100.0)); Transaction(d2, "A deposit", 350.0)); Transaction(d3, "A deposit", 100.0)); Transaction(d1, "A withdrawl", -200.0)); Transaction(d1, "A deposit", 100.0)); boolean result =, 250.0) == 0; result &= sa.getTransactions().size() == 5; System.out.println(result ? "passed so far..." : "failed"); System.out.println("But I can't test for sorted order without " + "giving you the code. :-) So I will print the set for " + "you to review youself."); for (Transaction t : sa.getTransactions()) { System.out.println(t); } } private static void test5() { System.out.println("Tests that Transaction's has-a relationship " + "with Date is via composition, not simple aggregation."); Date d1 = new Date(); d1.setTime(1435865370574L); Transaction t = new Transaction(d1, "A withdrawl", -100.0); Date before = t.getDate(); d1.setTime(1385865370574L); Date after = t.getDate(); boolean result = before != after && before.equals(after); System.out.println(result ? "passed" : "failed - not composition!"); } }