EECS 1030 E, Fall 2015

Maze Solver (Part 2)


Your Task

Take your solution from Part 1 and change line 17 (see below) to read start = MazeRoom.buildCyclicMaze();. This generates the maze illustrated below. Run your solution and try to find a path from "I" to "L" or "N" or "B". What happens?

The cycles (i.e., loops) in the maze can cause infinite recursive calls. To solve this issue, we can use a set to keep track of the rooms we have already visited. If a room is already in the set, we have already been there, so you do not need to search it (again).

Use the following code to create a class named "MazeSolver2":

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Scanner;

 * 	Given a MazeRoom and a room name, the search facility of this class
 * 	will return a path to the desired room, if one exists.
 * 	The search will succeed, even if the maze contains cycles (i.e., loops).
public class MazeSolver2
	private MazeRoom start;
	 * 	Initializes this object.
	public MazeSolver2()
		start = MazeRoom.buildCyclicMaze();
	 * 	Provides access to the maze entrance.
	 * 	@return the entrance to the maze.
	public MazeRoom getEntrance()
		return start;
	 * 	Finds a path from the current room in the maze to the room with the name
	 * 	provided by goal, if one exists.
	 * 	@param current the current room being searched.
	 * 	@param goal the name of the destination room.
	 * 	@param visited all the rooms already searched.
	 * 	@return a path from the current room to the goal (e.g., "A->F->G"), or
	 * 		null if no path exists.
	public String findPath(MazeRoom current, String goal,
			HashSet<MazeRoom> visited)
		// Your code goes here...
		// Hint: When you enter a room (i.e., current) search each connected,
 		// non-null room (using goNorth(), goSouth(), goEast(), and goWest()),
		// except ones that are already in the set. Stop when the current room's
		// name is the goal.

	 * 	Used to test the functionality of this class.
	public static void main(String[] args)
		PrintStream out = System.out;
		Scanner in = new Scanner(;
		MazeSolver2 ms = new MazeSolver2();
		MazeRoom start = ms.getEntrance();
		out.println("The entrance to the maze is room " + start.getName());
		out.print("Enter the destination room name: ");
		String goal =;
		String path = ms.findPath(start, goal, new HashSet<MazeRoom>());
		out.print("\nThe path from " + start.getName() + " to " + goal + " is ");
		out.println(path == null ? "non existent!" : (path + "."));

Implement the findPath method and use this code to test your class. Ensure that you know what this code does and how it works.



--- End of Exercise ---