Last updated 2014 December 29

Use the HTML5 validator to validate your web pages by URL, by file upload or by direct input.

Here is the w3Schools HTML element reference attributes reference entities reference

Here is the SitePoint HTML reference

A Firefox extension for a W3C validator add-on is here. After installation you have to restart Firefox, whereupon a dropdown window will ask you to pick one of three methods; I suggest seleccting "Tidy".

HTML main structure elements

Must have these elements. Other elementss replace the ellipsis

For more information see Web platform docs on elements.

<!doctype html >          — the first tag in the file
    <head> … </head>      — NOT analogous to a header on a page
    <body> … </body>      — the contents of the page

HTML basic head elements

For more information see Web platform docs on elements.

HTML basic body elements

For more information see Web platform docs on elements.

Look at semantic elements at W3 Schools.

HTML Entities

Entities are special characters that are given names. When you want the character to be displayed you use its name. This occurs in two circumstances.

For more information see Web platform docs on entities.

  1. The character has special meaning in rendering (displaying) the HTML page; for example the < is the character that begins a tag (a command character). If you do not use a name, then the character is taken to be a command character and is not displayed.
  2. The character has no keyboard equivalent, so the name is used to find the program text that will render the character. Characters that look like a graphic, such as ellipis, …, and em-dash, —, are called glyphs.
The following is a list of commonly used entities.

HTML attributes

Before CSS attributes was the only way to modify the default behaviour of HTML elements. With HTML5 many attributes are considered to be obsolete, as they have been replaced with CSS. However, some attributes remain in use because they confer the local customization that cannot be done through style sheets.

For more information see Web platform docs on attributes.

Attributes are specified as a pair of items separated by an equal sign.
If characters such as a space or graphic character occur in the value, then the value is written within double quotes.

Attributes are written in the start tag for an entity. If more than one attribute is used, then they are listed one after another with at least one space character in between each attributeName=value pair.

When you view the page source for this page you can see attributes used in elements such as meta, link, input and anchor.