Last updated 2015 March 8

HTML Document Object Model

The following two links show an HTML page is a tree structure of elements, where each node has a parent node and an list (array) of child nodes. The top level node is the document node.

Example web pages

Built-in domain objects

The DOM has objects for all HTML elements, attributes, and styles. For events it has actions. Every object can be created, deleted and modified.

Access to all objects in the document. The complete list of methods and properties is here.
Access to all the attributes within the document. The complete list of methods and properties is here.
Access to all the HTML elements in the document. The complete list of methods and properties is here. Look at the example for insertBefore. It shows that nodes can only be at one location, as the examples moves a list item from one list to another list.
Access to all the events and ability to create new ones. The complete list of methods and properties is here.
Can be any of the above. The complete list of methods and properties is here.