Class 2 — Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) box model & syntax
        The presentation layer for web pages


Exam questions

Look at and become familiar with the exam instructions for class exams and the final examination.

Exam questions can be based on the following sources: (1) on-line web sites, (3) classes, (4) reports, (5) exercises, and (6) course web pages. They are based on topics from the beginning of the year up to and including the class before the exam, although more recent topics will be emphasized in later exams.

Consider all concepts and terminology used in on-line web sites, reports, and classes and ask the typical questions - how, why, when, where and what -- individually and in combination. In particular, variations are based on "describe", "explain", "define", "what is meant by", etc. you may be asked to do variations of some of the programming exercises.

CSS questions

  1. Describe the CSS box model for styling HTML elements.
  2. Given a CSS style sheet explain to which elements in an HTML file each style affects; i.e. what do the style selectors select.
  3. Given a picture of a part of a web page, give correct HTML and CSS text that would render the contents of the diagram.
  4. Given a CSS style sheet describe how given HTML elements would be rendered.
  5. Describe the general structure of a two-column page as demonstrated in the examples page header in the right column and page header across the top of both columns.