import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Scanner; /** This class provides the user interface to test */ public class CreditCardTester { public static void main(String[] args) { PrintStream out = System.out; Scanner in = new Scanner(; out.println("Commands:"); out.println(" C to charge"); out.println(" P to pay"); out.println(" L to set limit"); out.println(" B to get balance"); out.println(" N to get name"); out.println(" E to test expiry Date composition"); out.println(" S to get toString output"); out.println(" X to exit"); out.println("For example,\n > C 500.00\nwill charge $500 to the card"); boolean exit = false; char cmd; double value; final long FIVE_YEARS_FROM_NOW = 157680000000L; Date expiry = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + FIVE_YEARS_FROM_NOW); CreditCard cc = new CreditCard(123456, "Alexia Smith", expiry); while (!exit) { out.print("> "); cmd =; if (cmd == 'C') { value = in.nextDouble(); out.println(cc.charge(value) ? "done" : "failed"); } else if (cmd == 'P') { value = in.nextDouble(); out.println( ? "done" : "failed"); } else if (cmd == 'L') { value = in.nextDouble(); out.println(cc.setLimit(value) ? "done" : "failed"); } else if (cmd == 'B') { out.println(cc.getBalance()); } else if (cmd == 'N') { out.println(cc.getName()); } else if (cmd == 'E') { Date before = cc.getExpiry(); out.println("Changing Date object via reference."); expiry.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); Date after = cc.getExpiry(); if (before != after && before.equals(after)) { out.println("Test passed."); } else { out.println("Test failed -- not composition!"); } } else if (cmd == 'S') { out.println(cc); } else if (cmd == 'X') { exit = true; } } } }