CSE1030Z Week 09 Homework Problems


Previous Problem Set

Short Problems

  1. Implement a recursive method with signature

    int sum(int n)

    that computes the sum of the integers 1, 2, ..., n.
  2. Implement a recursive method with signature

    long factorial(int n)

    that computes the factorial of n, n! = 1 * 2 * ... * n.
  3. Implement a recursive method with signature

    String reverse(String s)

    that returns the string equal to the characters in s in reverse order. For example, reverse("banana") returns "ananab".
  4. Implement a recursive method with signature

    String replace(char c, char with, String s)

    that returns the string equal to the string s with all characters equal to c replaced with the character with. For example, replace('a', 'u', "banana") returns "bununu".

Moderate Problems

  1. Implement a recursive method with signature

    int binarySearch(List<String> t, String s)

    that uses binary search to find an element s in a sorted list t of strings. Binary search recursively examines the middle element of the list to determine which half of the list the target word s must lie in (much like the bisection method for root finding). Your method should return the index of the string s if it is in the list, otherwise it should return -1.

Coming soon.

Hard/Creative Problems

Coming soon.