cs999999, 209999999, Smith, John cs999998, 209999998, Wong, Catherine cs999997, 209999997, Sing, Nirmal --------------------- Special Requirements: (optional) --------------------- (Describe any considerations the grader should know about. E.g.: Our programme assumes an Internet connection is available.) ------- Design: ------- (Describe the motivation behind your software design. Why did you use the JFC/Swing components that you did, and why did you organise them that way? Briefly justify your design.) -------------------- Additional Features: (optional) -------------------- (Describe any additional features implemented.) --------------- Communications: --------------- September 14, 2005; 11:30 - 1:00; John, Catherine and Nirmal met: We brain-stormed ideas for the assignment and began to look over the Java Swing Tutorial. September 15, 2005; 2:00 - 3:00, 3:30 - 5:00; Catherine and Nirmal via IM, John via email: We discussed the general layout of the JFrame. (etc.) ----------------- Responsibilities: ----------------- John: GUI layout and programming (etc.) Catherine: Testing and help documentation (etc.) Nirmal: GUI functionality (etc.)