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Day 19 — Testing

Program testing can be a very effective way to show the presence of bugs, but it is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence.
Edsger W. Dijkstra
We must be very careful when we give advice to younger people: sometimes they follow it!
Edsger W. Dijkstra

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 of the textbook is an introduction to software development (from a software engineering perspective).

Chapter 7.1 briefly describes two different software development approaches (the waterfall model and the iterative method). You should read Chapter 7.1 on your own; I will not cover this chapter in the lectures.


In CSE1020, we ask you to create an application that solves a problem. You can view the problem statement as a contract: given certain valid inputs your program should produce the corresponding outputs.

If your program is supplied valid inputs, then the program's precondition is satisfied. Testing determines if your program satisfies its postconditions.

Formal Verification

CSE 3341 Introduction to Program Verification

Every program implicitly asserts a theorem to the effect that if certain input conditions are met then the program will do what its specifications or documentation says it will. Making that theorem true is not merely a matter of luck or patient debugging; making a correct program can be greatly aided by a logical analysis of what it is supposed to do, and for small pieces of code a proof that the code works can be produced hand-in-hand with the construction of the code itself. Good programming style works in part because it makes the verification process easier and this in turn makes it easier to develop more complex algorithms from simple ones.

Empirical Testing

The basic idea is simple:

  1. Create some inputs for your program.
  2. Run your program using the inputs.
  3. Analyze the outputs.

If you could test every possible input then you could prove that your program was correct, but this is usually infeasible. Instead, we test a finite number of inputs.

Test Harness

Typically, you use another program to test your program; such a program is called a test harness. The test harness:

Test Cases

The test harness needs to retrieve the test cases from somewhere. Some possibilities include:

Implement Math.sqrt

Heron's method (name after Hero of Alexandria, 1st century Greek mathematician).

To compute the square root of S:

  1. Choose a starting value x0
  2. Let x1 be the average of x0 and S / x0
  3. Let x2 be the average of x1 and S / x1
  4. Let x3 be the average of x2 and S / x2, and so on

Mathematically, Heron's method is guaranteed to converge to the square root of S as the number of iterations approaches infinity.

How do you know when to stop?


This solution has two preconditions: the input number must be zero or positive, and the input tolerance must be greater than zero.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class SquareRoot
   public static void main(String[] args)
      PrintStream output = System.out;
      Scanner input = new Scanner(;
      final double S = input.nextDouble();
      final double EPSILON = input.nextDouble();
      double delta = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
      double x = S;
      while (Math.abs(delta) > EPSILON)
         double xi = (x + S / x) / 2.0;
         delta = xi - x;
         x = xi;

Testing our Solution

To test our solution, we need an oracle: an independent mechanism that can establish correctness in an authoritative way. The textbook describes four different kinds of oracles, three of which are of interest to us:

The fourth is called an approximation oracle which is an oracle that can return an approximate answer, or an answer that can only be trusted for a certain range of test cases.

Algorithm Oracle

Sometimes, we can find another component that solves the same problem as the one we are trying to solve.

In this case, a suitable algorithm oracle is Math.sqrt.

Test Harness

import type.lib.ToolBox;

public class SquareRootHarness
   public static void main(String[] args)
      PrintStream output = System.out;

      // launch SquareRoot with inputs 25.0 and 1E-5
      double s = 25.0;
      double epsilon = 1E-5;
      String in = s + "\n" + epsilon + "\n";
      String out = ToolBox.launch("SquareRoot", in);

      // get the result
      double root = Double.parseDouble(out);

      // compare to oracle
      double oracle = Math.sqrt(s);
      if (Math.abs(oracle - root) < epsilon)
         output.println("passed test");
         output.println("failed test");

Verification Oracle

Sometimes, the solution can be verified directly.

In this case, we have the mathematical property that



sqrt(S) * sqrt(S)

are the same.

Test Harness

import type.lib.ToolBox;

public class SquareRootHarness
   public static void main(String[] args)
      PrintStream output = System.out;

      // launch SquareRoot with inputs 25.0 and 1E-5
      double s = 25.0;
      double epsilon = 1E-5;
      String in = s + "\n" + epsilon + "\n";
      String out = ToolBox.launch("SquareRoot", in);

      // get the result
      double root = Double.parseDouble(out);

      // compare to oracle
      double oracle = root * root;
      double precision = 2.0 * epsilon + epsilon * epsilon;
      if (Math.abs(oracle - s) < precision)
         output.println("passed test");
         output.println("failed test");

The Test Vector

What values should we use as input? Any value that satisfies the preconditions can be used, but some kinds of values tend to reveal common errors.

Domain Coverage

Test values should cover the entire range of valid inputs. Most values should be in the likely range (if such a range exists).

Boundary values should always be tested.

Choosing values for domain coverage can be done just by looking at the requirements, not the code. This leads to the idea of black box testing, which is testing the code without seeing it.

Execution-Path Coverage

Test values should be chosen to ensure that every statement and every path in the code will execute.

You can only do this if you can see the code, which is called white box testing.

For example, if we were using execution-path coverage for the following piece of code, we would make sure to use test cases where x is less than zero and where x is greater than zero.

if (x < 0)
  // do something
  // do something else