There were 29 entries for the Busy Beaver Contest. 6 were disqualified for breaking the rules. Of the remaining entries, the top 5 beavers were: Manpreet Saini 11,829,488 Wing Hay Lau 3,687,891 Milandeep Shergill & Jatin Behl 1,016,724 Mahtab Mostafavi Kashani 51,261 Aaron Woodrow 3,152 3 other beavers achieved more than 1000 steps. 7 achieved between 100 and 1000 steps. 8 achieved between 10 and 100 steps. I awarded bonus points as follows: > 1 million steps: 4 points 1000-999999 steps: 3 points 100-999 steps: 2 points < 100 steps: 1 point Technical Disqualifications: 5 people handed in beavers that were illegal because they used 5 tape symbols instead of 4. One person handed in a beaver that was illegal because it overwrites the > symbol at the left end of the tape with other characters. The disqualified beavers still earned bonus points, but I cut the points in half because the illegal beavers had an unfair advantage.