Math/CSE 1560 Lab 2

The objective of this exercise is to get you more familiar with Maple for problem-solving and Moodle for submission of your worksheets. At the end of the lab you should be familiar with entering and exiting Maple, getting help and running simple Maple commands.

This lab exercise is worth 3% of the course. It is meant to be completed in the lab, individually.

NOTE: Collaboration is NOT allowed for this exercise.

Exercise: Getting familiar with Maple -- part 2

  1. Log in to a Gauss lab (aka AML) computer. If you have trouble, ask a system support staff. The TA will not be able to help you wih account/login/password issues.
  2. For this week we will not log in to Moodle. Next week onwards, you will log in to Moodle and open the assignment on it.
  3. Open Maple 12 by clicking on the icon marked as such. If Maple does not start, let the TA know immediately. If asked, choose to start a new worksheet.
  4. You should now see the standard 2-d or math view of Maple.
  5. On the first 2 lines, enter your name and student number as comments -- start the lines with character # to indicate to Maple that these are not to be interpreted as Mathematical statements. Then save the file as`` by clicking on `File` and then `save as`.
  6. Try out two new commands in Maple - ifactor for integer factorization and isprime to check if an integer is prime.
  7. Check if the number 871 is prime using the isprime command. Then use ifactor to get its factors.
  8. Find the sum of all the prime factors of the number 20 (include all repeated factors). Repeat for the numbers 873 and 9876543.
  9. Evaluate the number 2^(1024).
  10. Determine the constant term (i.e. term independent of x) in the expansion (2+x)^24, using the expand command.
  11. Determine the constant term (i.e. term independent of x) in the expansion (2+x)^24, using the eval command, by evaluating the function at x=0. Hint: See how eval works by typing eval(x+2,x=2).
  12. Use the expand command to compute the product of the polynomials (x+1) and (1-x+x^2).
  13. Use the factor command to factorize the polynomial 1+x^3.
  14. Run the expand and the simplify commands on the ratio (x^3+1)/(x+1).
  15. Plot the function 1-x+x^2 for -2<=x <=3.
  16. Convert 121 degrees to radians, to 5 decimal places.
  17. Compute Pi raised to the power sqrt(2), to 30 decimal places.
  18. Save your worksheet.
  19. You are done with this assignment! Remember to logout before you leave the lab.