Math/CSE 1560 Lab 1

The objective of this exercise is to get you started using the Gauss Lab for this course in general, Maple for problem-solving and Moodle for submission of your worksheets. At the end of the lab you should be familiar with entering and exiting Maple, getting help and running simple Maple commands.

This lab exercise is worth 2% of the course. It is meant to be completed in the lab, individually.

Please note that future lab assignments will involve more work and will carry more credit. You will also be given preparatory material for future lab sessions.

You are welcome to work with Maple any time you feel like. You can only submit assignments during your scheduled lab hours. Since we are testing a new system, it is possible that some things may not work smoothly. If you are unable to submit the lab because the submission system does not work as planned, please be assured that you will be given another opportunity to submit your work.

Exercise: Getting familiar with Maple

  1. Log in to a Gauss lab (aka AML) computer. If you have trouble, ask a system support staff. The TA will not be able to help you wih account/login/password issues.
  2. Log in to moodle at the address Use your username and password (typically the same as the AML username/password). If you have trouble, contact the system support staff. They may not be around until the end of the lab.
  3. Find the course link on Moodle - you MUST click on LAB 01 if you are enrolled in it.
  4. Click on the assignments link - you should see assignment 1 on your screen. You should also see links to upload your work. If you do not see this ask the TA for help. Keep this window open for when you have finished working with Maple and are ready to upload your worksheet.
  5. Open Maple 12 by clicking on the icon marked as such. If Maple does not start, let the TA know immediately. If asked, choose to start a new worksheet.
  6. You should now see the standard 2-d or math view of Maple.
  7. On the first 2 lines, enter your name and student number as comments -- start the lines with character # to indicate to Maple that these are not to be interpreted as Mathematical statements. Then save the file as`` by clicking on `File` and then `save as`.
  8. Assign a variable a the value 10. Assign a variable b the value 3.
  9. Assign a variable c the value (a/b) + 1. Notice that in the math input mode, you have to press your right arrow key to get out of the denominator, otherwise the + sign become part of the denominator. If you get an error use your mouse to correct it.
  10. Type the command evalf(c).
  11. Assign to a variable d the factorial of 100 (type 100!). Count the number of zeroes at the end of d.
  12. Assign a variable e the value of d divided by 10^(24). You may have to use the right arrow twice to type this expression correctly.
  13. Assign a variable called num_5 the number 100/5. You must type a backslash (\) before the underscore, otherwise the 5 becomes a subscript.
  14. Assign a variable called num_25 the number 100/25.
  15. Assign the sum of num_5 and num_25 to a variable num_end_zeroes.
  16. Assign a variable called my_eqn the equation 2x^2 - 2 = 0.
  17. Assign a variable called my_new_eqn the equation lhs(my_eqn)= 6.
  18. Use 'solve' to solve my_new_eqn.
  19. Try to assign the value 2 to a variable I. Maple will not let you do this. Type ?I to see why (you may remember from class why).
  20. Get Maple to evaluate the expression (I+1)^2.
  21. Assign to a variable y the expression (x+1)^3 - (x-1)^3.
  22. Use the simplify command to express y as a simple polynomial in x.
  23. Save your worksheet.
  24. Upload the worksheet in Moodle. Ask the TA for help if you have trouble. Once you submit, you can view, but not change the worksheet. Please be sure you have completed everything before submitting!
  25. You are done with this assignment! Remember to logout before you leave the lab.