Setting everything up

To use the various tools required for the assignment, add /cs/fac/bin/6431 to your PATH. For example, if you are using csh, you can add this line at the end of your .cshrc:

setenv PATH ${PATH}:/cs/fac/bin/6431

In order to use SWAGkit, you will need to declare a new environment variable called SWAGKIT_PATH and set it to /cs/fac/bin/6431/swagkit

You will also need to add /cs/fac/bin/6431/swagkit/bin to your PATH variable. For csh, you can add these two lines at the end of your .cshrc

setenv SWAGKIT_PATH /cs/fac/bin/6431/swagkit
setenv PATH ${PATH}:${SWAGKIT_PATH}/bin

You will have to adjust these, if you are using other shells.

You can test that all this has worked, by logging out, logging in again, and typing the following commands. All of them should give a usage or error message, rather than "Command not found".


Also, these should work:

grok shoult start grok. Press q to exit.
bunch should start Bunch. Select the File Menu to exit.
lsedit should start the landscape viewer with an empty landscape. Select the File Menu to exit.

How to run various tools


Give acdc depend.rsf output.rsf

where depend.rsf is a file containing all the dependencies between the objects to be clustered.


Bunch accepts input in a format that is exactly like RSF except that the first token is missing, i.e. Bunch does not differentiate between different types of dependencies. To transform an RSF file in this way, give

cut -f2,3 -d" " < depend.rsf > output.bunch

The above will only work if tokens are separated by spaces. Omit the -d option if TABs are used for token separation.

To transform the output of Bunch (SIL) to RSF and vice versa:

    SIL to RSF: Run bunch2rsf and follow the usage message.
    RSF to SIL: Run unitrans input.rsf output.sil
AA (hierarchical clustering algorithms)

Input to these algorithms is in market-basked data form. To transform an RSF file to an MBD one, use

unitrans input.rsf output.mbd

Give mojo decomposition1.rsf decomposition2.rsf


Transform an RSF file with contain facts to the KE format with

unitrans input.rsf output.kos

To run, give ke -cand decomposition1.kos -ref decomposition2.kos

More info on using Grok

You can access Grok's help by typing ? after you run Grok. You can then select from a number of different sections.

Documentation for TA can be found here. Notice especially the second-last section "Relations with special meanings" since it pertains to how Grok treats TA.

You can read a TA fact file into Grok with getta file.ta