Input and Output

Eiffel provides a standard class, from the base library, called STD_FILES which provides basic input and output facilities. You can find precise details about this class in the library itself, on Ariel (see /cs/local/packages/Eiffel4.5/library/base).

You can think of STD_FILES as defining ``stream'' objects which enable streams of characters to flow between a program and the standard input and output devices, such as keyboards and screens. In this model, the output features (they all begin with put) automatically convert their argument to a string which is then passed on to the output device. Input features enable a programmer to obtain a value from the input device in a two-stage process. For example, when you invoke the local command read_line, a string of characters is read from the input device and stored in the attribute last_string. You access last_string to access the input string.

In all Eiffel programs, the object io, an instance of class STD_FILES, is automatically available to all user-defined classes. It performs the standard input and output activities, and does not need declaration or creation.

Here is an example of using io for output.

print_pay_notice is
      pay: REAL
      io.put_string("Name: ")
      io.put_string("Salary: ")
      pay := e.gross_pay(150)

A typical sequence of instructions that would read in a string value from the keyboard is

s := io.last_string

Two other useful classes, FORMAT_INTEGER and FORMAT_DOUBLE (found in the support part of the base library) provide facilities for formatting integer and real values for output.

Files on disk

In Eiffel, there is no standard set of classes for supporting files. ISE Eiffel supports the two following approaches to creating and manipulating files.

Example using file io

The program reads the characters from the file aFile, displays a copy to the screen and stores them in an array of characters internal (maximum file size is 1000 characters). Then it writes the internal copy to the output file "aFile.copy". Doing a diff on aFile and aFile.copy shows no difference.
  copy is
      input : PLAIN_TEXT_FILE
      output : PLAIN_TEXT_FILE
      internal : ARRAY[CHARACTER]
      i, j : INTEGER
      io.putstring ("Welcome to file-io land!%N")
      create input.make_open_read("aFile")
      create output.make_open_write("aFile.copy")
      create internal.make(1,1000)

      from input.start ; input.read_character ; i := 0
        i := i + 1


      io.putstring("%N%NCopy from array%N%N")
      from j := 0
      until j = i
        j := j + 1
        output.putchar(internal @ j)


Plain text class

The class interface for PLAIN_TEXT_FILE presents some of the following features. You can browse the class in estudio to learn about its features.

	make, make_open_read, make_open_write, make_open_append,
	make_open_read_write, make_create_read_write,

feature -- Status report

	is_plain_text: BOOLEAN
			-- Is file reserved for text character sequences? (Yes)

feature -- Creating file objects

			-- create file object with fn as filename
			-- create file object with fn as filename
			-- open in write only mode
			-- create file if it does not exist


feature -- Output

	put_integer, putint (i: INTEGER)
			-- Write ASCII value of `i' at current position.

	put_boolean, putbool (b: BOOLEAN) 
			-- Write ASCII value of `b' at current position.

	put_real, putreal (r: REAL) 
			-- Write ASCII value of `r' at current position.

	put_double, putdouble (d: DOUBLE) 
			-- Write ASCII value `d' at current position.
	putchar(c: CHARACTER)
            -- Write the character c at the current position.

feature -- Input

	read_integer, readint 
			-- Read the ASCII representation of a new integer
			-- from file. Make result available in `last_integer'.

	read_real, readreal 
			-- Read the ASCII representation of a new real
			-- from file. Make result available in `last_real'.

	read_double, readdouble 
			-- Read the ASCII representation of a new double
			-- from file. Make result available in `last_double'.
		-- Read the character at the current position. Store it in
		-- the attribute last_character. Advance to the next position.

feature -- positioning -- deal with like a sequence

		-- move to the begining of the file.
	off : BOOLEAN
		-- True if off the end of the file.

end -- class PLAIN_TEXT_FILE