Last Updated: 2009 December 5

Case Studies

  1. Agents and tuples Examples of how functions and procedures are passed in Eiffel in a type safe manner.

  2. Banks A sequence of 5 versions of a bank system showing the use of global variables, adaptor pattern, singleton pattern. Shows the use of contracts and testing with eSpec.

  3. Dictionary A dictionary system mapping keys to values. Shows the use of contracts. Two test systems are demonstrated.

  4. ioTest Shows how Eiffel deals differently with files that have different line endings.

  5. Sparse Matrix Contains the specification (a pdf file) and solutionof a simple sparse matrix system that was an exercise in CSE 1030, 2011 and 3311 in earlier years. Shows the use of agents and tuples, contracts and minimal output tests.

  6. Testing with eSpec A minimal system that shows the fundamentals of testing using eSpec.

  7. Twin study Some examples using strings that show the notions of shallow copy, one-level copy (twinning or cloning), and deep copy (deep twinning or deep cloning).