--------------------------------------- fcfs ----------------------------- Average waiting time : 23.20 units Average turnaround time : 40492.60 units Time all processes finished : 68571 Average CPU utilization : 78.9% Number of context switches : 0 PID(s) of last process(es) to finish : 28 ---------------------------------------- rr q=2 -------------------------- Average waiting time : 20.43 units Average turnaround time : 40489.83 units Time all processes finished : 68554 Average CPU utilization : 78.9% Number of context switches : 22674 PID(s) of last process(es) to finish : 28 ---------------------------------------- rr q=12 ------------------------- Average waiting time : 22.70 units Average turnaround time : 40492.10 units Time all processes finished : 68563 Average CPU utilization : 78.9% Number of context switches : 2408 PID(s) of last process(es) to finish : 28 ---------------------------------------- rr q=50 ------------------------- Average waiting time : 23.93 units Average turnaround time : 40493.33 units Time all processes finished : 68560 Average CPU utilization : 78.9% Number of context switches : 285 PID(s) of last process(es) to finish : 28 -------------------------------------- fbq q1=10 q=30 -------------------- Average waiting time : 15.63 units Average turnaround time : 40485.03 units Time all processes finished : 68539 Average CPU utilization : 78.9% Number of context switches : 1402 PID(s) of last process(es) to finish : 28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------