Software Tools
Winter 2010
York University

Tentative Lecture Schedule
(May be adjusted according to the lecture speed)

January 5Introduction to the Course
January 7Overview of C (1)
January 12Overview of C (2)
January 14Overview of C (3)
January 19Types, Operators, and Expressions (1)
January 21Types, Operators, and Expressions (2)
January 26Types, Operators, and Expressions (3)
January 28Control Flow
February 2Functions and Scope (1)
February 4Functions and Scope (2)
February 9Basic Testing
February 11C Preprocessor
February 23Midterm Exam (Location: CSE C)
February 25Pointers and Arrays (Part 1)
March 2Pointers and Arrays (Part 2)
March 4qsort() and Memory Allocation
March 9Structures and Unions (1)
March 11Structures and Unions (2)
March 16(File) Input and Output
March 18Unix Introduction and Unix Shells
March 23Unix Utilities (1)
March 25Unix Utilities (2)
March 30Bourne Shell Programming (1)
April 1Bourne Shell Programming (2)