#| Vida Movahedi Student number: xxxxxxxxx Assignment 4- code This a sample dribble file, showing the required commenting |# ;; Dribble of # started on NIL. # [6]> (load "c:\\lispcode\\Movahedi_Vida_code.lsp") ;; Loading file C:\lispcode\Movahedi_Vida_code.lsp ... ;; Loaded file C:\lispcode\Movahedi_Vida_code.lsp T [7]> (sayhi) Hi there "Sorry I don't know your name!" NIL [8]> (sayhi "Bob") Hi Bob NIL [9]> (sayhi "Bob" "Christina") Hi Bob and Christina NIL [10]> (setloc 'p1 :x 10 :y 20) 20 [11]> (symbol-plist 'p1) (YLOC 20 XLOC 10) [12]> (sumupto 5) 10 [13]> sum *** - SYSTEM::READ-EVAL-PRINT: variable SUM has no value The following restarts are available: USE-VALUE :R1 Input a value to be used instead of SUM. STORE-VALUE :R2 Input a new value for SUM. ABORT :R3 Abort main loop Break 1 [14]> [15]> (dribble) 2010-07-22 15:24:19 ;; Dribble of # finished on NIL.