CSE 1030

This week you will complete a few methods of a singly linked list class.

Here are the files you will be using for this exercise:

The SinglyLinkedList class contains a inner class called SLLNode. Normally we would make this private, but it is public here so that the class X can use it in its method toString(SinglyLinkedList list).

Your Task

Complete and test the following SinglyLinkedList methods: Complete the toString() method last. The class X has a static toString(SinglyLinkedList list) method that you can use to test the add and removeLast methods before writing the instance method toString(). X.toString returns a string version of the list in the same form we have been using for string versions of arrays, for example, [a, b, c] for a 3 element list. Once you have written toString(), you can change calls to X.toString() in the tester to appropriate calls to the instance method - or just continue the tester to create some lists and print them out with the new toString() method. But do this last.


A tester, Tester.java, is included. Use/change it as you like. (You should, by now, be able to create simple testers like this. Hint: it's best to write them before writing the code you want to test.)


You can submit this program using the following commend:

    % submit 1030 Exercise8 SinglyLinkedList.java