CSE 3301 3.00A F
Programming Language Fundamentals
(fall, 2009)
textbook questions and answers

last updated: August 22, 2009

Please do not photocopy the textbook or purchase a photocopy of the textbook or sell a photocopy of the textbook. These actions are all unethical and inappropriate in a university. Please respect the copyright of the author.

Q: What is the textbook for this course?
A: Concepts of Programming Languages, Ninth Edition
Robert W. Sebesta
Addison Wesley
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-607347-5
Q: Where can I purchase a legal copy of the textbook?
A: The York University Bookstore has copies of the textbook available. Other stores may also have copies. It may also be possible to purchase copies over the internet.
Q: Is it possible to purchase second-hand copies of the textbook?
A: It is perfectly legal to purchase a second-hand copy. However, the ninth edition has been published recently so there are few second-hand copies in circulation.
Q: Is it safe to use an earlier edition of this book?
A: No. The ninth edition is different from earlier editions of the textbook. Please be sure to obtain the ninth edition so that we can all work from the same edition of the textbook.
Q: What should I do if the York University Bookstore runs out of copies?
A: You can avoid this problem by purchasing the textbook immediately. Students who delay purchasing the textbook may have difficulties finding copies. If you are unable to find a copy of the textbook then contact your professor immediately.
Q: What's wrong with making an illegal photocopy of the textbook?
A: If you make or buy or sell an illegal photocopy of the textbook then you are violating the copyright of the authors. This interferes with the financial rights of the authors and the publishers. It deters authors from writing and it deters publishers from publishing. It forces up the price of books, making them more expensive for everyone else. Like plagiarism and cheating on examinations, this type of behaviour has no place in a university, which must insist on high ethical standards.
Q: Is it possible to purchase legal photocopies of the textbook?
A: There are no legal photocopies of this textbook. Generally, it is not possible to make legal photocopies of books that are still in print. However, it is often possible to obtain 'copyright clearance' for books that are out of print. York University Bookstore sometimes seeks and obtains 'copyright clearance' to make and sell legal photocopies of textbooks that are out of print.
Q: Is all private photocopying illegal?
A: There is something called 'fair use' photocopying. This involves making a limited number of copies of a limited part of a book. For example, a professor may copy a few pages from a book and then hand them out to his or her students. This is generally considered 'fair use' because it does not deprive the author or the publisher of any revenue.