CSE 1710.03A Programming for Digital Media

Lab 06

Due date: Oct 26, 2008 at 20:00

Making an image smaller

In the book, there is an example of a function that scales an image down, i.e. makes it smaller. A simplified version of this code is reproduced here.
def scaledownby2(filename):
  barb = makePicture(filename)
  canvas = makePicture("640x480.jpg")
  for targetX in range(0,222/2):
    for targetY in range(0,294/2):
      color = getColor(getPixel(barb,targetX * 2,targetY * 2))
  return canvas
You have to modify this as follows. Note that the first four steps are fairly simple, whereas the last step requires more work.
  1. Instead of using makePicture to open an existing empty picture as canvas, use makeEmptyPicture(), a pre-defined function that takes the width and height of the picture to be created as arguments.
  2. Moreover, modify the code so that it doesn't use magic constants (such as 222 and 294). Instead use the size of the original picture instead.
  3. If you execute show(scaledownby2("barbara.jpg")), it should result in this picture at this point.

  4. Now modify the function so that it can scale down by arbitrary integer factors, not just by two. Rename the function to "scaledown" and add an additional argument for the scale factor. In other words, you should be able to execute show(scaledown("barbara.jpg",2)).
    If the scale factor passed as argument is either zero, or negative you should print an error message stating that "Cannot scale by this factor". Use the print command for that purpose and don't forget to do a return immediately afterwards (e.g. to prevent a division by zero error).
    If the scale factor is too large, i.e. the result gets smaller than a single pixel, print an error message "Result too small" and return, similar to the previous diagnostic message.
  5. Finally, note that the scaled down version has some pixelation artefacts, due to the fact that lot's of the pixels are "thrown away". You can see this e.g. on the jagged appearance of the vertical wood pieces in the top right part of the version that is scaled down by 2. To fix this, you have to modify the program so that each pixel of the new, smaller image is set to the average of all pixels that are scaled down into that pixel. E.g. assuming a scale factor of two, the top left pixel of the new image is the average of the four top left pixels in the old image. More precisely a square area of two by two in the old image (where two is the scale factor). To achive this, do the following:

Lab Questions and What to Turn in

As mentioned above, you have to add comments with your own identification (name, student ID, date). Remember to save the file after you modify it!

How to submit the lab

Exactly like in lab02, you hand in this lab the submit command on the Linux systems that are behind the PRISM lab infrastructure. For details on how to submit, please refer to lab02. However, this time please submit to lab06, i.e. issue the command

submit 1710 lab06 lab06.py

Note: You must do all the above steps correctly for receiving full credit for this lab.

Common Problems

All of the following mistakes led to various deductions