CSE-1020: Introduction to Computer Science I
York University
Exam Labtest: Points
  Welcome to the Labtest Environment

During the test, you will not be able to access your regular home directory, access, receive, or send e-mail, print, or access the Internet.


You have about 80 minutes to complete this test. Before the end of the 80 minutes, you must submit your program and log off the machine. Do not leave your machine without logging off, or the next person to use it will have access to your code and could overwrite it. The lab monitors will announce when the 80 minutes are nearly up. Anyone not logged off after 80 minutes will lose marks.

You are encouraged to submit often during the test. Newer submissions overwrite older ones.

Submitting Your Work

When you submit a file, you must include at the top of the file your name (surname, given name) and your Prism lab login. These should be placed in a comment so that the file will compile. Note that files which do not compile will receive a large penalty when marked, no matter how small the error that prevented compiling.

Submit the class Points.java before the time deadline. Here is the command to submit your work:

% submit 1020 ... Points.java

(Further details regarding the submit command can also be obtained by typing man submit.)

Once again, you are encouraged to submit regularly. Newer submissions simply overwrite older ones.

Unlike eCheck assignments, there is partial credit possible. If you are able to finish all aspects of the program (for example, say, input validation was requested but you did not do this), you should still check it in.

Useful APIs

Here are the common APIs that you may access:

  The Task

Write a Java application called Points.java. It should read in (unprompted) from standard input a series of string/integer pairs. These tokens will be separated by whitespace. The string part represents the name of a player who has played a game and the integer represents that player's score for one attempt at the game. A player may play multiple times. In that case, the player's name and score will appear multiple times. Player names are case-sensitive and no two players have the same name. You may assume that the input contains no partial records, i.e. no name without a corresponding score and no score without a corresponding name.

Your application should print out a list of players and for each player the total score achieved, as shown in the sample run below. The list of players should be sorted in reverse alphabetical order (see the example below). If there is no input or the input is just whitespace, then your program should produce no output.

A Map is a good way to store the data read by your program.

Note that, in each input player-score pair, the score is expected to be an integer. If it is not, for example, if the score entered contains a fractional part like 35.5 or is a string like xxxx, then that player-score pair should just be ignored, as if it had never been entered. (If your code does not accomplish this - ignoring bad player-score pairs - you could still receive up to 80% of the possible marks.)

Sample Run

Assume you have a file called "Players" with the following contents:

Dave   25
Mike   100
Dave 80
Dave 5
Gordon 99.99
Bill 10
Zbibniew 50
Mike 50
Dave		xxxx

Here is a run of a correctly written program with the input redirected to come from the "Players" file.

% java Points < Players

Note that there is no blank or other whitespace after the output score, except for a newline character.


You should use good programming practices as described in the textbook, and your code should conform to the style guide in the textbook. You code must be properly commented. You should use appropriate classes and methods and favour simplicity over convoluted approaches that "somehow" manage to come up with the right answer.