CSE 1020 - Programming test 2

Sample Run

Here is a sample run of the sought app:
Enter an integer of arbitrary size:
Enter the exponent:
Out of range!
Enter the exponent:
Out of range!
Enter the exponent:
The integer raised to the exponent yields the power:
This power is bigger than ten.

Phase 1

The app starts by prompting for an integer and then reading it on the next line. You can assume, as a precondition, that the entry does indeed represent an integer, i.e. a sequence of one or more digits optionally preceded by a minus sign. Note, however, that since the number of digits in the entry can be very large, you should read it via nextLine and store it as a string. Such an entry should not be treated as an int or any other primitive type.

The app then prompts for an exponent and reads it on the next line. You can assume, as a precondition, that this entry is an int, and hence, you can read it via nextInt and store it in an int variable.

The app then validates the exponent to ensure it is between 2 and 100, inclusive. If not, the app issues an out-of-range message and then re-prompts. This prompt-input-validation cycle is repeated indefinitely until a valid exponent is entered.

It is recommended that you complete the development and testing of this phase and then submit your app before proceeding to the next phase.

Phase 2

Next the app computes the power ne, where n is the arbitrary-sized integer stored in the string and e is the exponent stored in an int. This computation cannot be done via the pow method of the Math class because of the involved size. Instead, the app must use the services of the BigInteger class of the standard Java library. Examine the API of that class and look for a constructor that takes a string; a method that raises a big integer object to an int exponent; and a toString method suitable for output.

It is recommended that you complete the development and testing of this phase and then submit your app before proceeding to the next phase.

Phase 3

Finally, the app outputs a line indicating whether the computed power is bigger than, less than, or equal to 10. To achieve this, you may want to benefit from the fact that the BigInteger class has a field that represents 10 as a big integer.

Make sure you submit your app after completing the development and testing of this phase.